Easter Misfit Losers' chatting station



  • SeeAhtter787
    SeeAhtter787 Posts: 1,217 Member
    Snow? Yikes!!!! Global warming my foot. I woke up to rain again. Yesterday was almost 60 and I was in shorts. I'm in shorts again but because of my hives. I need to send my dry suit in for repairs but haven't had time to get it in the mail yet. Iris is having swimming lessons at school and I go along to help in the locker rooms. I have been swimming in a regular swim suit for 2 days and now my hover are so bad it hurts to wear clothes that will rub. I'm going to have to hit the weight room and the cardio room until my suit gets back. I will send it in after school lessons are done. I inflated the suit so I could float and I let the kids take turns getting rides on my back while I swam in the shallow water. They had a blast with that.

  • eyegirl777va
    eyegirl777va Posts: 1,464 Member
    Good evening everyone,
    Hope all of you have had a good day and a fun weekend ahead.

    Had two visits to my Dentist this week to discuss the procedure that I will have sometime in the future. Seems to get more complicated each time I see him. Do any of you have Amalgam Fillings??? Has anyone had them removed???

    Marie, I am a hot momma alright when I get behind that lawn mower. I really kinda enjoy doing it and it helps Ben as he gets fatigued easily from his disease.

    Connie, Congrats again for you loss. You are an inspiration to this group!!! You will reach your goal this year.


    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited April 2016

    Nancy I been watching this and quite interesting About starch solution.
    I was quite impress about the polyps since I chose not to have that done.

  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    Good morning, losers! Happy Saturday!

    Nancy...those are the silver fillings, right? I used to have them, but they have been replaced.

    Gonna walk the dog and then daughter comes to give me a leg massage before son and DIL arrive.
    Down 1.2 today...I guess it just did not want to show yesterday. Will definitely get to 199 by summer as this puts me at 202.8.

    Make it a great day, losers!
  • eyegirl777va
    eyegirl777va Posts: 1,464 Member
    edited April 2016
    Good morning,

    Connie, Yes, that is the silver filling that were used back in the day. I have five of them and am interested in getting them out which
    will cost $1500 each if a crown is needed. My dentist asked me to come back yesterday to discuss what might need to be done
    on getting my upper teeth to match up with the all on 4 implants that I will get on the lower arch.

    ----Your weight loss is amazing, you will be in onederland very soon. We will have to have some kind of celebration!!!---

    Marie, Thanks for the video. Very interesting!!! Wish it had worked for me like it did for that speaker. She was a little fire ball!!!

    Not planning on doing much today. It's a beautiful day so we might decide to do something!!!

    Have a good day.

  • SeeAhtter787
    SeeAhtter787 Posts: 1,217 Member
    Hi guys. Today was awesome. First sunburn of the year. One of Iris's friends moms called today about letting the kids get together. Since it was sunny I suggested we walk the kids and dogs down the hill to the school playground. She agreed. So my kids dogs and I walked over the 6 blocks to their house and then down the 6 blocks to the school. We were there for almost 3 hours. The kids all wanted to come to my house so I have extras here for the night. In deciding what to have for dinner I decided to fire up the bbq and we had hot dogs and chocolate chip cookies. I invited the kids parents over and Shaundra's best friend came up too. Now she is spending the night too. So I have 3 extra kids in the house. I must be crazy. But they are all having a blast.

  • JLoRuthie
    JLoRuthie Posts: 375 Member
    Good Morning and happy Sunday!

    I am glad to see another day. My head was acting up yesterday and it felt like a something serious but I think it might be congestion. I've not felt well and been unusually tired since our day at the zoo thurs. the drive to and fro was nerve racking and long plus we spent 6 hours walking around the zoo.

    Connie- your experience at the doc is why I shy away from going. I'd love to find one I can really connect with and see as the years add up. What advice did your DIL have for you? Do you expect your cholesterol to continue to slowly rise as long as you eat that diet or will it flatten at some point?

    My scale is down 1.2 this morning. Makes me happy. One thing that has helped is I had a frozen WW meal left in the fridge and had it for lunch a few days ago. I was shocked by the portion size!! I have been really watching portion size since then and it has helped. Do any of you weigh your food? I'm wondering if I should be doing that?

    The sun is shining but it is frigid outside. I don't have plans for the day and will see what my head does with some rest.


    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good morning Misfits
    I have been busy trying to adjust my plant base diet. I am eating potatoes at nearly every meal now My meals now consist of potatoes, veggies, no oil, no meat, no dairy,Just veggies and fruit I keep my fruit on the lo
    What I cooked yesterday and was sooooooooooooo good.
    I cut up a nappa cabbage boiled it and added some taco sauce salt and pepper some frozen fajita frozen veggies As I was scooping out my cabbage I notice how good the broth looks and decided to cook some chopped potatoes in it and add to my cabbage. Was really deli sh. I had some for my breakfast one never know what this dumping will make. I never cook nappa cabbage before. But will be a regular visitor in my house now I want to experiment with egg plant this week I needed to get out of my rut I was in.Beans and soup.

    Connie go girl. you are doing great Glad you found you you way on your eating. I was wondering if I could go in a theater and just order some Pop corn since we don't go to movies any more This is off the subject but been on my mind a lot here lately

    hello to all of my other buddies this morning
    Keep eating good healthy stuff
  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    @JLoRuthie...my DIL was appalled at his not even asking how my diet had changed to lose weight AND trigger the rise in cholesterol. My triglycerides are excellent as is the good cholesterol. If there had been a rise in triglycerides, that would have been alarming. She could not believe that he did not see the correlation between the two changed variables. Her recommendation is to drop the fat intake slightly and remain low carb. That is what is working for my body. At some point, probably in maintenance, it will level out. In the meantime, I'm looking for a new PCP.

    @CALIECAT...here you can go to in the theater to buy popcorn without seeing a movie. I have thought of doing that too, but end up just popping it in the microwave or hot air popper.

    Have a great Sunday, losers!
  • eyegirl777va
    eyegirl777va Posts: 1,464 Member
    Good afternoon friends,

    Hope everyone is doing okay.

    Ruthie, Hope you are back feeling good soon. I do weigh a lot of my food. I have a great little
    food scale from WW, it weighs in oz' or gm's.

    Marie, You are great at coming up with new recipes that sound good. I have eaten more potatoes in
    the last two months than in the previous 3 years.

    Connie, So happy that your DIL could give you guidance in your weight loss plan. Hopefully you will find a
    great PCP with good judgment. What if you had lost weight due to a medical problem???

    Day of rest.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hi there folks. Alice made it out and we went out to eat. We went to Jason's Deli. I order there bake potato and was it ever a whopper. I topped it with black beans and corn.had 1/.4 of it and brought the rest home. I top it with black beans and corn salad. and had a good salad with no dressing. so I might have had a little oil in the black bean salad but I could not see any.

    But I did make me some black bean and corn salad to go with my dinner tonight with no oil/
    I am going to do this no oil thing for a week. And see what Happens
    We stopped in at the Dollar tree and got me some frozen fruit.And some frozen Tahiti Mix
    veggies. Love using it for my seasonal in these veggies.Alice says she can see I have lost in my belly............I think the scales lies.

    Girls i do not weigh my foods I just stick with the things on my list. Starches veggies and frui

    Have a great day you'll

  • janiceclark08
    janiceclark08 Posts: 1,341 Member
    Hi Everyone,
    Ruthie-I always weigh my meat and measure my mashed potatoes in 1/2 cups. I also measure some other things, but not like I use to. I like knowing the exact amount on meat, it's easy to underestimate it. Try it, the first month I started weighing food, I lost 9 pounds.

    Esther-Sounds like a fun day, it's good you do alot with your kids and include their friends.

    Marie-I watched that video you posted and it was really interesting. I would really miss meat.

    Gotta run. Janice
  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    @JLoRuthie..I used to weigh and measure everything, but since I moved, I have become pretty lax at it. It has no effect on my losses, though, because l mostly eat the same thing in the same amount every day.

  • JLoRuthie
    JLoRuthie Posts: 375 Member
    Ladies, Thanks for the food scale info.

    I'm showing another 1lb loss this morning so portion size must be what's working.

    As far as using a food scale, do you weigh each ingredient before cooking? I need some tips. Also recs for a good food scale.

    Make it a great day.


  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    Morning, friends! Happy Monday!

    Ruthie...hope you are feeling better today.

    Marie..your cabbage sounds good. I really need to make some. Yes, the scale is evil.

    Hope you misfits have a great day! We will be working at the other house today again. I am down .08 today putting me at 202. The scale has not been evil lately, and I am hoping to get well under 200 before it starts lying to me. ;)

  • slw19
    slw19 Posts: 513 Member
    good morning ladies,

    hope everyone had a nice weekend!

    connie you are doing amazing!! tell that doc where he can go!!

    ruthie, i try to use a food scale particularly with protein but sometimes with veggies. spinach i don't really measure.

    i have cut back significantly on cardio for me which still means i am doing a decent amount but i feel so much better!! i am also working on develo[ping a sf, gf, protein cookie. it has been very challenging to figure out but still working:) i made some awesome muffins just can't seem to get the right texture for a cookie without butter:(

  • JLoRuthie
    JLoRuthie Posts: 375 Member
    Morning, friends! Happy Monday!

    Ruthie...hope you are feeling better today.

    Marie..your cabbage sounds good. I really need to make some. Yes, the scale is evil.

    Hope you misfits have a great day! We will be working at the other house today again. I am down .08 today putting me at 202. The scale has not been evil lately, and I am hoping to get well under 200 before it starts lying to me. ;)


    I am feeling better. Thank you for asking. I did a lot of resting yesterday. I think it was congestion in my sinuses probably from pollen/zoo allergies.
  • eyegirl777va
    eyegirl777va Posts: 1,464 Member
    Good morning ladies,

    Ruthie, I bought my scales from Weight Watchers back when I was doing that. I have had several and this is by far the
    best one I have had. It is accurate and consistent.

    Connie, I think you will see Onederland next!!! Way to go.

    Steph, Hope you get the cookie recipe figured out. That would be wonderful.

    Shirley, Esther, Marie, and Sunny hope you are doing good.

    Have a great day.

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    edited April 2016
    Afternoon Ladies,

    We had snow last night but it melted and now it is pouring rain and gray skies. I just want some sun
    shine and warmer temperatures. I did hear that it will be in the 60's by this weekend. Good thing
    we are having our first sailing event called Commodores Ball on Saturday and it is supposed to be nice.

    As far as weighing and measuring I do both. I mostly weigh my meat and fish, carbs like rice and
    potatoes and I do not measure vegetables because they are a given you can eat as much as you
    want. I also use measuring spoons when I measure my smoothies. I am a WW lifetime member and
    since then I really have't stopped weighing. I don't do it if I am away but I also do it when we are on
    the boat. I did lose 2 pounds this week, I changed my weigh in days to Monday instead of Friday
    to make my weekends more accountable and I am watching the added sugar.

    Connie - Congrats on the weight loss, you are really consistent and you will be in Onederland soon!

    Esther - Just wanted to mention, your posts are not showing at all on this sight or any other that
    you post to. All I see is your picture and nothing for posting. Does anyone else see this?

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    This is my meals for the next 10 days

    It seems to be the topic of my conversation these days. "The Battle of the Bulge"
    I am still on the plant diet but for 10 days I am going on a so called monotonous diet. It consist of potatoes , green or yellow veggies, a little fruit. 3 times a day
    So here is day #1 Breakfast... Cabbage and boiled potatoes , Half small slice apple
    Lunch....... baked potato and Yellow Squash and onions , small tangerine
    Dinner baked potatoes, french style green beans with the other half of the

    This will only be for 10 days then back to Mc Dougall regular Starch Solution plan
    This is a plan his wife came out with call Mary's mini diet I called it Monotonous Diet

    But i can and will live with it for 10 days and see what happen..................... ;)>:)

    PPs I have some pretty green leaves coming up from planting some potatoes that was sprouting. I over bought on potatoes a couple weeks ago.