Easter Misfit Losers' chatting station



  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    Thanks, guys! Let's not crack open the champagne yet, though.

    When I get below pre-break weight, then I will do the happy dance. I am still not fully convinced this has worked. I just don't want to get my hopes up yet.

    Thanks for your support!

  • Eninad
    Eninad Posts: 204 Member
    @SeeAhtter787 Sorry about your faithful retriever, I wouldn't want to dig the hole either. iris looks so confident! You're really raising them well.

    @tenpets It is so hard to do the reorganizing process, but yes, it takes a full three months to re-stabilize before you can lose again. You've got one of them down! Try and get your black and brown pants from a thrift store, they won't be permanent pants. :)

    @lovesretirement I see your body is happy with it's food again, it eats and goes, wow, we've got tons of nutrients right here, tons of fuel, time to let some of this old luggage go! I am sure your trend will continue.

    Today my baby started her first day of Senior Year. She is so excited for the social aspects of being the top class on campus, very excited to get a freshman to show around. I asked her to remember how it felt to be a freshman so she could be extra sensitive to her assigned buddy. When she was a freshman her senior flaked out and wasn't too helpful, so she is really excited to be "better".

    My weight is dropping a bit, I've been peeking over the week, I see the ounces; hopefully I'll have a nice official number tomorrow. I still haven't embraced my harder work outs, but it's like food, I didn't switch that all over the first few times either, it's a process. I'm trying to tempt myself with I can eat more food if I do more work.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    hello Nancy, I am doing much better. I have a heart doctor appointment the 31st of august.

    Got me a pot of black beans going for dinner tonight,yum my first time to cook dried black beans

    Esther so sorry to hear of Ginger. so Sad
    Iris is so cute .both of your daughters Take after there Mommies.

    connie I am jumping for joy for you on your weight lost Fantastic You rock girl..Its working So proud of you sticking with it.

    Stephanie you are so right weight has a strange twist to it.. never knows what the morning weight will be.Barbiecat was one of the lucky ones she lost 3 pound each week and I have another friend who lost 3 pounds a week.When I was younger I could lose 2 pounds every week. on an average. 10 pound a month. But no more.

    Becky hang in there It will come off.

    Hi Ruthie. Getting those kids ready for school. I know they are excited maybe Momma too

    JaniceI tried the 2 meals yesterday but did not make it. My body still thinks about breakfast, lunch and dinner I am going to let nature takes it course.

    Hugs to all of you sweet ladies

    Thank you all for sticking with this group. A place for us
    to vent without any pressure

  • eyegirl777va
    eyegirl777va Posts: 1,464 Member
    Becky, I feel your pain!!! So frustrating trying to figure out what our body needs to function properly.
    I have been the route of fitness, nutrition clinic for about a year and they kept telling me I had to eat
    more and when I did the scales went up!!! I got so disgusted that I finally quit going and that is when I ended
    up on this site. I do completely understand!!! But we have to continue to press on!!!
    Nancy :)
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Hello Ladies,

    Yesterday my daughter, SIL and Isaac came down to the boat to visit us. Isacc has on his anchor pants and diapers.
    He was so cute and we had to take him around and show him off to the other members.

    Today was Yoga class and meditation and I enjoyed it. I will manage 3 times a week this week before we go to the
    cottage for a week taking my MIL again. I plan on taking at least two classes of Yoga while there.

    I will not have WI FI again but I will survive. My daughter Kathy will be coming up with Fraser and the baby for the
    first part of the week and our friend Tom is coming for a few days at the end of the week. It will be busy.
    We are leaving on Sunday.

    Today I also had lunch with a friend at the Olive Garden and I ordered the Mediterrean flatbread and salad.
    I tried to eat a lighter fare.

    Connie - Congrats on the weight loss, I know what you mean about getting too excited about it. My road to weight loss
    will start in the Fall after Labor Day weekend and I will readjust my weight with MFP and start again. I am still
    doing the challenge until Thanksgiving although I haven't seen any results with that yet.

    Esther- So sorry about your pet, its so hard losing a family member. At least he is at peace now. <3

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :'( Esther, I am so sorry for the loss of your dog
  • SeeAhtter787
    SeeAhtter787 Posts: 1,217 Member
    Thank you everyone. She will be laid to rest in the morning next to her father and best friend in my back yard. I was unable to dig the hole this weekend because if my girls activities. She has been in the vets freezer until we were able to get the yard ready.

    On a higher note here is another pic of my daughter. yckavz6g1tt8.jpg

  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    Good morning, misfit losers! Happy Tuesday!

    Esther..your daughter is beautiful and you guys look so happy!
    Shirley..we just have to get through one day at a time. Things will settle for you soon.
    Marie..glad you are feeling better and got that doc appointment.

    I just finished an aerobic DVD and am headed to a breakfast of egg white omelet and oatmeal with apple slices/cinnamon.

    I had a routine visit (6 months) with my cardiologist who was pleased that I had lost weight since he last saw me. We discussed reducing the dosage of my blood pressure med since I been getting so fatigued during the late afternoon. I take one pill twice a day, and I have been cutting the evening one in half. His suggestion was to take the half in the morning and the whole one at night. We may have to make more changes down the road. Other than that, I won't see him again until February. Next up will be my primary care guy in September.

    It's cloudy and somewhat cooler today. We're supposed to get rain. Hope you guys get cooler weather wherever you are, too.

    Stay strong!

  • slw19
    slw19 Posts: 513 Member
    hi all,

    my daughter got home yesterday and I am on about my 8th load of laundry!! so glad my kids are coming home 4 days apart. hoping to have everything from my daughter done and put away before by little one gets home.

    I can see how this is going to be challenging already as my kids are STARVING!! last night, I was going to make this really good chicken and all she wanted was pizza! we are having lunch with my mom today and dinner with my mother in law, lots of eating out. I do hope to lose the next couple of weeks but maybe my goal should be to just maintain until school starts!!

    have a great day all!! ester, your daughter is beautiful!! connie good luck at the doc!

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited August 2015
    god morning Misfits
    Gonna stay in the 90's today relief from the 100\s the last few days. 107 yesterday, Wow what a hot one.

    lovely picture of mother daughter, Esther

    Steph glad your daughter is home. More work for you. But happy times.

    Connie I would really miss you if you did not pop in every morning.

    I would miss you all, thanks for being so faithful to our group

    See you all later. got to go take my meds for I forgot after brea,kfast this morning.

  • Eninad
    Eninad Posts: 204 Member
    Good morning misfits,

    I had a good official read today on the scale 196.6, while I am still in the range of +/-5 from 200 I feel confident that my trip into ONEderland is permanent. I have lots of challenge time to go but the screen on the fitness pal said 188 in 5 weeks. I know that's a lie. It just makes me smile when it says nice things.

    Daughter had a great first day as a Senior, she is really happy with the teachers and classes she was assigned and is acting very confident, so I hope that bodes well for a great year. She's such a young 17 and really needs some confidence boosting.

    Family all got new glasses, even me. Daughter got some big black nerdy girl frames (back in my day they wouldn't be cool, but they are all the rage right now!) I actually bought glasses that I want for when I'm thinner, as I tend to keep the same frames for 2 years and I should be at goal by then. It was scary, I was nervous they'd look too awkward. They came in yesterday. So far, I'm adjusting and people are making compliments.

    Today I got a nice fresh peach from our fruit store. I had no idea that 100 grams is about 100 calories for Peaches and this one is 297 grams. WOW. To think I used to eat 2 or 3 a day in the summer in addition to regular meals without any thought to what the calories might be. I might have to cut it in half in order to balance my day....OR I might have to work out a little more. I know what the right answer is, ladies.

    Hope you all have a good week.
  • eyegirl777va
    eyegirl777va Posts: 1,464 Member
    edited August 2015
    Good Morning Misfits,

    Hopefully the 100+ tempatures are gone for a few days. No rain since July 4th!!!

    Esther, Your daughter is so beautiful and you're looking great too!!! You do an
    awesome job being involved with their activities and keeps you so busy.

    Have a great Tuesday.

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Hello Misfits,

    I am trying to check in more until next week when I will not have Wi Fi at the cottage. I signed up for two Yoga classes
    while away at the cottage.

    Today I did some ironing and took a 12 mile bike ride. Always feels like an accomplishment of exercise.

    Have a great day and Esther I commented on your picture at the Thanksgiving Challenge.

    Have a good evening, and now to start dinner, stir fry veges and shrimp and scallops and rice.

  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    Good morning, misfit losers! Happy Wednesday!

    Marie..good to see you and hope you are feeling well.

    Eninad..you are on it! Getting under 200 is my goal, and I can imagine how good that must feel for you!

    Steph...good idea to maintain until school starts..less stress.

    Nancy..hope you get some rain soon. We have been getting scattered storms nearly every day.

    Shirley..enjoy your time at your cottage.

    I am on my way to the gym for training and a walk. I'm meeting friends for lunch at Le Peep and have already planned to have a mini egg white/veggie omelet. So glad that we can get nutritional info online for most restaurants.

    Make it a great day, losers and stay strong!

  • eatless83
    eatless83 Posts: 158 Member
    Hey Guys

    I've been missing in action these past few days!! Work has been immense with auditors in and everything has gone out the window!!

    I had a loss at the weekend of 1lb but I think I put it on this past day as I have cooked a great home dinner that I have been craving....spagbol !! Totally worth it ;-)

    Auditors are off end of this week so back to normal with logging and dragon boating

    Keep up the good work misfits


    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    AUGUST 12TH thanksgiving IS SLOWLY APRROCHING. Oh me.

    These Kittens are really getting into trouble. The little calico one found the mouse on my computer chase it all over the screen. What a pair they are.

    Connie you will reach 200 by then. I am shooting for 170lb. May not reach it with my health issues but will certainly try. Hope the new heart doctor will have some answers. Alice is back on her plan and lost 5 lbs this week. She has had a long break. from dieting.

    Faye great hearing from you. hope everything back to normal. for you.

    My ankle and feet are not back to normal but really a big improvement from a month ago. No leakage yesterday at all./ My bruised leg is not sore anymore. I can get more comfortable in bed therefore sleeping better.I was really in bad shape after that first fall, I had.

    Hello to te rest of you who has not check in yet.

    Hugs marie

  • eyegirl777va
    eyegirl777va Posts: 1,464 Member
    Hi ladies,
    Connie, Still no rain and will be another week before any chance.
    Been working on a fence for an area around side of boat house where we store a water hose.
    Still hot but enjoyed the little project.
    Have a good day.
  • tenpets
    tenpets Posts: 423 Member
    Hi, friends. Just popping in to say a quick hello. Glad all are doing well this week and that Marie is getting good sleep and healing!

    At training on Monday, I mentioned to my trainer that I was disappointed in the no-weight-lost yet category and he replied, "Actually, weight loss is not our goal. Healing the metabolism and gaining muscle mass are. The weight will take care of itself in time." Hmmm Interesting to ponder and hopefully it will be true sooner rather than later. :-)

    Have a great rest of the week!

  • SeeAhtter787
    SeeAhtter787 Posts: 1,217 Member
    edited August 2015
    Hi everybody. Not to sound like a quitter but I quit. I am so done with the swimming crap. Yesterday the chlorine was so strong that I ended up taking 7 showers just to relieve most of the itching. Today I walked down 4 steps and was itching almost instantly. Just typing this post on my phone I have scratched 8 different times. I think I am going to abandon the pool and let it circulate and my skin heal. I will try again next Monday. I will just have to go upstairs to the cardio room and go for a bike ride instead while Iris is having her swim lessons.

    I have tried taking Benadryl and I am currently using Claritin twice a day and nothing helps. The chorine is also kicking up my asthma. So I quit. At least for the week. Let's see how next week goes. I just might have to quit swimming for a while.

  • Eninad
    Eninad Posts: 204 Member
    @tenpets When your body is working at optimal metabolism and muscle your weight will most definitely be better able to manage and in some cases will start self correcting. You're doing the right things, just hang in there.

    @SeeAhtter787 You need to heal up and that chlorine from the pool is making you sick. Changing up how you work your muscles is also in your favor. I don't see it as quitting, I see it as avoiding suffering you don't need to expose yourself to. It's being smart. Why add harm while you are trying to have a new life? Check on the pool later on, but for now, do other things.

    I'm shooting for something in between Connie and Caliecat for November, I'm gonna get 180-ish. We can do it ladies!