Easter Misfit Losers' chatting station



  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Back to normal after the weekend with Isaac. He is such a ham, making faces all the time so you will laugh. I miss him already.

    Connie - No...we have not had the fish yet, its in the freezer, but soon.

    Stephanie - Glad to hear you had a good trip in the big apple. That is one of the places I would like to go too, never been.

    Marie - Keep us posted after your doctor apt. I went today and all is good. My foot x ray was a bone spur, same as last time when
    I had surgery to remove it. We decided to let it be unless it gets larger and I can't put my shoe on, but so far its the same and does
    not hurt. It's right on the top of my foot.

    Today was a walk around the arena and laundry after the weekend. We had some rain last night and today was cloudy and gray.
    Dave went to a board meeting tonight at our sailing club so I am relaxing now.


    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
  • janiceclark08
    janiceclark08 Posts: 1,341 Member
    Hi everyone, today it is suppose to get near 80 and sunny. That is the hottest so far, but then it is suppose to turn cold, I plan on getting out and enjoying the weather. My oldest sister went to the nursing home yesterday and she said Linda was doing good and she was doing her physical therapy when she got there. I am so glad I was able to convince them to give her another go at it. I weighed yesterday and was up alittle. I will check on it again later this week to see if it goes down. Have a good day. Janice
  • Sunnyfarm
    Sunnyfarm Posts: 111 Member
    edited March 2016
    Hi ladies
    @Shirley61 Issac is so cute.
    @slw19 NY sounds fun. A trip there is on my bucket list.
    @CALIECAT I keep forgetting to sign my name. It is Sonya and my birthday is Dec 28.

    No weight loss yet but I started exercising again so I am in expectation. :) Have an awesome day!


    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I am sorry I do not know how to add these names Could some one help me/ we need Nancy July 25 ````````````` Ruthie,,,,,March25`````````````` and Sunnyfarm Sonya..... Dec..28 Could some help me to add them on. Too confusion for this old gal Help
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I think this is it

    Our Birthday list 3/15/20

    Ruthie .....March 25

    Janice....March 28

    Shirley....April 4

    Nancy,,,,, July 25

    Steph.....Sept. 19

    Esther ....September 20

    Marie....November 7

    Connie.....November 11

    Sunnyfarm.....Dec 28

    if I left you out and you want on our list let me know.
  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    Good morning, misfits! Happy Wednesday!

    Marie..you did a great job on the b-day list!

    Hope all of you are doing well this week. It will be a very warm day here again...it's been in the 80s. I am going to the gym this morning for training then we will be working in the other house. I am down .02 this morning, and I am gonna take it as it gets me closer to my summer goal of 199.

    Have a good one, losers. If not now, when?

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Thanks Connie/ You would think that would have been an easy job but I kept forgetting to hit post and lost the list every time I got it compose. It would just o back to the original post.

    All is well here. we are going to make a run to our new Dollar tree store if they have it open now. Want to check on there frozen fruits and veggies.

    I am still holding my weight at 183.3 for 4 days in a row now. Its bound to drop soon I just like .3 of reaching my 20 lbs by Easter Got almost 2 weeks to do that. Can I make that?????????????????????

    I;[[ be back on the game broad thru out the day.

    B) Marie
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member

    Marie - you are down lower than me. I got on the scale and was 184.6 and still at it! Good job on
    the birthday list.

    I just got back from the Dollar Store and bought Isaac some stacking cups and a pail and shovel
    for his upcoming trip to Mexico with his mom and dad. We ordered a long sleeve swim top and
    shorts for him too. I will give him all this on his birthday on April 3rd.
    When I was at the Dollar Store I was feeling shaky and sweaty and realized my blood sugar was
    getting low. I have been eating good all day so I don't know what caused it but I grab some mini
    chocolate eggs and ate them in the car. I still felt a shaky when I got home but now I have stabilized.

    I have been trying to eat my 3 meals with no snacks and yesterday I did great and felt great.

    Janice & Connie - I can't believe you are in the 80's already. We are getting in the mid 30's again and 40's and some snow flurries by the weekend.

    Sunny- Since you are back excising I am sure you will have a lower scale this week. :)

    Have a good evening.


  • janiceclark08
    janiceclark08 Posts: 1,341 Member
    Shirley-Today it was colder, it was 68 , and getting cooler everyday, the 80's was a fluke. I laid out and got some sun. Yesterday I weighed and I was 182.6, a few pounds up. Anyway it looks like the 3 of us are close to the same weight.I am sure Isaac will be happy with his birthday presents.
    Marie-Thats great you have almost lost 20 pounds recently, before you know it you will be in the 170's, I keep dipping back in them back and forth, I plan to get back there for good again.
    Connie-I know you will get to 199 soon, you have been doing great, how is living in your new house?
    Sonya-Glad your back, I am sure you will see a loss soon.

    Today I went to the nursing home and my sister is about the same. They have put some stints on her feet to help her walk, they are made of a cushiony material, ger feet want to point out from laying. I made steak tacos for supper, I cook the meat in tbe crockpot with some marinade. I drained it because it was very salty. It turned out good. See ya later. Janice
  • SeeAhtter787
    SeeAhtter787 Posts: 1,217 Member
    Hi guys. Sorry I have been mia again. We hopped the ferry and rode around with the kids dad. He has been gone for over 3 weeks. He also was contacted by one of his coworkers that has the same breed of dog that we have. He has a male and a female. The female has been picking incessantly on the smaller male. So he decided to give the female away. So while we rode the ferry around we picked up the female. She is so sweet. She instantly bonded with Orca. So we now have s matching pair of pups again. They are both about 2 yrs old. On the ferry they had to be kept in kennels on the car deck. Ella is her name. She cried in her kennel so my hubby turned her kennel so she could see Orca. She was fine after that. And the weather was AWESOME!!!!!!!! Not a drop of rain or wave over 3 foot high in 58 hours!!!!!! Highly unusual for southeast Alaska in March!!!!! The only hiccup was the 400+ teenagers coming back home from Sitka. We had the southeast regional basketball tournament in Sitka this year. It rotates between Ketchikan Juneau and Sitka. We had all the basketball teams (boys and girls) for 4 towns. All the cheerleaders for 4 towns. Pep club and pep band for 4 towns. Plus the Ketchikan dance team. It was MADNESS AND MAYHEM!!!!! Luckily hubby was working on there and we had access to the crew quarters during meal times and we could eat in relative peace and quiet. Instead of being rushed through your food so they can clear tables and get 400+ people fed in 4 hours. But all in all it was a very relaxing trip. The kids enjoyed seeing dad and "helping" him do his job. I got to kick back and forget about being a parent because the kids can go where they want and do what they want. After all the ship is only so big. And all the crew members know the kids so they can't get away with misbehaving. So I got to relax as well. It was great.

    Here is a pic of the matching pair. 2dicv3aserv7.jpeg

  • Sunnyfarm
    Sunnyfarm Posts: 111 Member
    What cute puppies Ester.

    Today was grear. Went shopping and ended up get a whole outfit for free. Well tomorrow will be 80 here too. Looking forward to another great day. Good night ladies.
  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    Good morning, losers! Happy Thursday!

    Janice...we love the new house! It's bigger so I get in a lot more steps! Glad you were able to visit with your sis.

    Sunny...how did you get a free outfit?

    Shirley..this year has flown by! I remember the first pic you posted of Isaac.

    Marie..good work! You are an inspiration for all of us!

    Warm with lots of pollen and sun today. It supposed to cool down a little by the weekend with rain. I am scrambling for something to wear as everything spring/summer is too big. It's a good problem to have, I know.

    Make it a great day, losers!

  • JLoRuthie
    JLoRuthie Posts: 375 Member
    Good Morning Misfits!

    Planted a few flowers yesterday only to hear we might have frost this weekend. Ooops. What should I do for my flowers?

    I'm trying to decide if I should join the local gym. I feel like I should just exercise here at home but maybe I'd be more consistent if I went to the gym. Hmmm decisions.

    Marie thank you for the birthday list!
    Connie that pup of yours on the porch is precious!

    Good Morning everyone.

    If not now, when.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member

    happy St. Patrick day my lovely friends
    have a great day.

  • janiceclark08
    janiceclark08 Posts: 1,341 Member
    Happy St. Patricks Day,
    Esther-The pups are cute what breed are they? The ferry sounds neat, its great you can go visit him there and stay while your hubby is working.

    Sunny-The warm weather makes me feel so much better, too, and just getting out and about. This is my favorite time of the year to shop. How did you get your free outfit, Kohls cash?

    Connie- We are getting colder and rain this weekend, too. How much have you lost in total? It is a good problem clothes being too big. My closet has been mostly all changed out except for some sweats and T shirts, all my old pants / shorts are gone except some in a bin that are the nicer ones. I haven't gotten rid of everything but most everything. Glad you are loving your new house.

    Ruthie-I hope your flowers make it thru, I think you are suppose to cover them right before the frost and then take off immediately after the temps rise above freezing. If I were you I would invest in a good piece of equipment instead of joining a gym. They are costly and alot of times people dont really want to leave to exercise. Unless you want to leave the house to get some space from kids/ hubby. If you dont want to purchase any equipment walking/ running is free and the next 7 months the weather is the best time of year to do it. Good luck, with whatever you do.

    Marie-I hope you are doing good, did you make it to that new store you were talking about.Gotta go. Janice

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited March 2016
    Yes Janice we did go to The \dollar tree, Lets see what i bought. Frozen fruits, frozen veggies, A basket, note pads. Jerry pick up some frozen TV dinners. Some small plastic bowls for soup storage. Sharpie pens and etc.All for a dollar each.Wow. I think My total was 22,oo love that store.
  • SeeAhtter787
    SeeAhtter787 Posts: 1,217 Member
    Janice.... They are both Cavalier King Charles Spaniels.
  • SeeAhtter787
    SeeAhtter787 Posts: 1,217 Member
    The Cavaliers come in 4 colors. Blenheim is brown and white. Tri colored is white Black and Tan. Black and Tan is just that black with tan markings much like a Rottweiler. And then Ruby which is all brown. I'm not so big on the ruby colorings. I feel the color variations give them more personality. They have the personality of a golden retriever in a small dog body. Most Cavs are under 20 pounds. And they are lap dogs. They have long fur like the golden retriever but they don't have the insulating undercoat that sheds so badly. I have noticed that mine she'd just a little more than I do. However I tend to brush them most every night. When I am sitting watching tv after the kids are in bed I just grab the brush while they are laying in my lap. The more they are brushed the less they shed.
