


  • amalik3511
    amalik3511 Posts: 104 Member
    Kiismyaces wrote: »
    I haven't been eating right or excercising like I should. I have to get back to it and the people that are continously posting are my inspiration. I created to group to motivate others, but I've been slacking. Happy to be a part of this, thanks for doing a great job and sticking to it!

    Thanks for giving us all a forum...and dont are better than that....bad days happen but it is getting back on that boosts to fitness...cheers
  • amsdragonfly
    amsdragonfly Posts: 152 Member
    Kiismyaces wrote: »
    I haven't been eating right or excercising like I should. I have to get back to it and the people that are continously posting are my inspiration. I created to group to motivate others, but I've been slacking. Happy to be a part of this, thanks for doing a great job and sticking to it!

    This forum reminds me that there are others in the same boat, and that makes me feel like a part of a community. That's why I keep coming back- the support has really helped me get this far, just being able to talk to others about this is a positive environment.

    You can do this, because we all are behind you- thank you for starting this, you gotta keep it going!!
  • amalik3511
    amalik3511 Posts: 104 Member
    Even after 5 days of workouts and diet watching...i still hv a gain of 5 lbs...
    Am not quitting but its indeed discouraging..
  • CowboySar
    CowboySar Posts: 404 Member
    amalik3511 wrote: »
    Even after 5 days of workouts and diet watching...i still hv a gain of 5 lbs...
    Am not quitting but its indeed discouraging..

    Don't give up, one lesson I have learned about this is that it is not a diet, a diet has an end and doesn't last. This is a total lifestyle change, I am eating clean and healthy for the rest of my life. This does not mean I cannot have some of the foods I like or miss, rather it becomes a treat instead of the norm and also in moderation. My work out is also becoming part of my lifestyle, it will be routine. Once I am at my goal it won't have to be a 5 day a week program it could be 3 days a week. We all have it in us to be successful at making the changes that we need to make.
  • amalik3511
    amalik3511 Posts: 104 Member
    btcowboy wrote: »
    amalik3511 wrote: »
    Even after 5 days of workouts and diet watching...i still hv a gain of 5 lbs...
    Am not quitting but its indeed discouraging..

    Don't give up, one lesson I have learned about this is that it is not a diet, a diet has an end and doesn't last. This is a total lifestyle change, I am eating clean and healthy for the rest of my life. This does not mean I cannot have some of the foods I like or miss, rather it becomes a treat instead of the norm and also in moderation. My work out is also becoming part of my lifestyle, it will be routine. Once I am at my goal it won't have to be a 5 day a week program it could be 3 days a week. We all have it in us to be successful at making the changes that we need to make.

    Thanks BT. I understand wht you are saying here and agree as well. Its just that I am a numbers guy, I want fast results and may be am getting over ambitious.

    Last 70 days, I have lost a lot, gained better health, my scale and blood reports prove that my cholesterol and all is at best results in years, I feel more fit and stronger. I do eat green and clean, had some days where I indulged in the delicacies with control of not over doing.
  • amsdragonfly
    amsdragonfly Posts: 152 Member
    edited October 2015
    Oh boy. I'm sad to say last week was the worst for me in terms of exercise. I only ran once all last week (after having my routine of going out 4-5 times). I have been feeling really really tired for some reason, all day like I just wanted to sleep. This lack of energy made it easier for me tell myself when I tried to get up earlier in the morning that I could sleep and just run after work, but then I got home and did not. I am guilty of making excuses and I want to start this week fresh. I just wish I knew what to do to not feel so tired all the time- not sure if I just need to go to bed earlier, eat differently or maybe I'm getting sick- not sure. But I am proud to say I still logged in daily and stayed within my caloric daily goal despite my lack of exercise. I wouldn't feel as bad if I at least got out three times, but there is no excuse for once. Even though there is frost on the ground today, I need to finish this coffee and go out... even though I really don't want to. >:)
  • amalik3511
    amalik3511 Posts: 104 Member
    Oh boy. I'm sad to say last week was the worst for me in terms of exercise. I only ran once all last week (after having my routine of going out 4-5 times). I have been feeling really really tired for some reason, all day like I just wanted to sleep. This lack of energy made it easier for me tell myself when I tried to get up earlier in the morning that I could sleep and just run after work, but then I got home and did not. I am guilty of making excuses and I want to start this week fresh. I just wish I knew what to do to not feel so tired all the time- not sure if I just need to go to bed earlier, eat differently or maybe I'm getting sick- not sure. But I am proud to say I still logged in daily and stayed within my caloric daily goal despite my lack of exercise. I wouldn't feel as bad if I at least got out three times, but there is no excuse for once. Even though there is frost on the ground today, I need to finish this coffee and go out... even though I really don't want to. >:)

    I understand the feeling when one need to do something when you don't want to.
    But keep at it...after you do feels great. Cheers.
  • amsdragonfly
    amsdragonfly Posts: 152 Member
    amalik3511 wrote: »
    Oh boy. I'm sad to say last week was the worst for me in terms of exercise. I only ran once all last week (after having my routine of going out 4-5 times). I have been feeling really really tired for some reason, all day like I just wanted to sleep. This lack of energy made it easier for me tell myself when I tried to get up earlier in the morning that I could sleep and just run after work, but then I got home and did not. I am guilty of making excuses and I want to start this week fresh. I just wish I knew what to do to not feel so tired all the time- not sure if I just need to go to bed earlier, eat differently or maybe I'm getting sick- not sure. But I am proud to say I still logged in daily and stayed within my caloric daily goal despite my lack of exercise. I wouldn't feel as bad if I at least got out three times, but there is no excuse for once. Even though there is frost on the ground today, I need to finish this coffee and go out... even though I really don't want to. >:)

    I understand the feeling when one need to do something when you don't want to.
    But keep at it...after you do feels great. Cheers.

    Thanks... and you're right. I ran yesterday, and this afternoon as well. Tired legs makes me feel accomplished. :) Glad I went. Trying to stay focused this week.
  • CowboySar
    CowboySar Posts: 404 Member
    Damn Thanksgiving weekend LOL. No change this week, I tried to portion control and thought I did, must have been the beer and wine that did me in. I guess the silver lining is no gain. Also need to heed my own advice this is a lifestyle change, holidays and parties will happen and it is ok to partake once in a blue moon. Keep at the healthy clean eating and excersize and I will be were I need to be
  • amsdragonfly
    amsdragonfly Posts: 152 Member
    btcowboy wrote: »
    Damn Thanksgiving weekend LOL. No change this week, I tried to portion control and thought I did, must have been the beer and wine that did me in. I guess the silver lining is no gain. Also need to heed my own advice this is a lifestyle change, holidays and parties will happen and it is ok to partake once in a blue moon. Keep at the healthy clean eating and excersize and I will be were I need to be

    With the booze it's easy- especially beer. I find that since starting this I only occasionally have a beer maybe once every other week or if I exercise a lot and have extra calories to spend.
  • CowboySar
    CowboySar Posts: 404 Member
    Thanks Ams
  • amsdragonfly
    amsdragonfly Posts: 152 Member
    btcowboy wrote: »
    Thanks Ams

  • CowboySar
    CowboySar Posts: 404 Member
    Hmmmm........ I am kind of put off with my no loss this week. I know my weekend had a big part of that but, concerned it may be the dreaded plateau. As I used to body build I know food and workouts will do what I need it to do, but am finding all I do is cardio. 22 minutes on stationary bike and 10 minutes on treadmill before work, then a 30- 40 minute walk at lunch, both of these 4 days a week (Monday thru Thursday). Then weekends I may do a walk or hike but very consistent with that.

    Yesterday I started thinking of doing 3 a day workouts instead of 2 a day. Keeping my mornings and lunches the same and adding weight training after work, and weekends. This got me researching different workout routines. I found one I liked but it is all free weight barbell excersizes, and will get heavy fast. I don't have a training partner, my gym really isn't set up for lifting, the have more cable machines but this workout needs to be free weights.

    Getting frustrated as I know I need to weight train, the afterburn is a huge benefit to weight loss. I need to figure a routine that works, find the time to do it, and to spread it out over the week......,

    So ranting here maybe but......
  • amsdragonfly
    amsdragonfly Posts: 152 Member
    BT, I don't know much about plateaus- I was gonna ask about it here if it happened to me again (like in Sept.). I assume it's from doing the same or similar things over and over and your body gets used to it, right? I have a treadmill and was worried about plateauing over the winter from not being able to go outside and run or jog in different elevations. I do have small hand weights- but I don't know anything about lifting (I got them to run with but it's too much for me at the moment). Maybe if I walk with them on the treadmill?
  • amalik3511
    amalik3511 Posts: 104 Member
    btcowboy wrote: »
    Hmmmm........ I am kind of put off with my no loss this week. I know my weekend had a big part of that but, concerned it may be the dreaded plateau. As I used to body build I know food and workouts will do what I need it to do, but am finding all I do is cardio. 22 minutes on stationary bike and 10 minutes on treadmill before work, then a 30- 40 minute walk at lunch, both of these 4 days a week (Monday thru Thursday). Then weekends I may do a walk or hike but very consistent with that.

    Yesterday I started thinking of doing 3 a day workouts instead of 2 a day. Keeping my mornings and lunches the same and adding weight training after work, and weekends. This got me researching different workout routines. I found one I liked but it is all free weight barbell excersizes, and will get heavy fast. I don't have a training partner, my gym really isn't set up for lifting, the have more cable machines but this workout needs to be free weights.

    Getting frustrated as I know I need to weight train, the afterburn is a huge benefit to weight loss. I need to figure a routine that works, find the time to do it, and to spread it out over the week......,

    So ranting here maybe but......

    Even if it is a plateau, it will run its course quick if you keep at your calories limit and workout not worry, it is just another phase before the losing restarts..
  • amsdragonfly
    amsdragonfly Posts: 152 Member
    Ugh this past Halloween weekend was rough with calories for me. Also this past week only ran once. I'm having this pain in the top of my foot- looked it up and it sounds like the tendinitis runners get from laces being tight or laced wrong. I tried taking a break for 5 days, loosening my laces, and lacing them differently but still today when I ran the pain came back. (I ran the rest of my mile and a half barefoot on the treadmill- not sure if that is smart but my left foot was killing me).

    Has any one else had this issue? I don't want it to stop me from running again like it did last week. Also, I have no other way to get cardio during the cold months other than running with my treadmill, so I'm worried about losing exercise. Right now it almost feels like the bones on the top of my foot were punched or stomped on. :(
  • CowboySar
    CowboySar Posts: 404 Member
    Ugh this past Halloween weekend was rough with calories for me. Also this past week only ran once. I'm having this pain in the top of my foot- looked it up and it sounds like the tendinitis runners get from laces being tight or laced wrong. I tried taking a break for 5 days, loosening my laces, and lacing them differently but still today when I ran the pain came back. (I ran the rest of my mile and a half barefoot on the treadmill- not sure if that is smart but my left foot was killing me).

    Has any one else had this issue? I don't want it to stop me from running again like it did last week. Also, I have no other way to get cardio during the cold months other than running with my treadmill, so I'm worried about losing exercise. Right now it almost feels like the bones on the top of my foot were punched or stomped on. :(

    Is the treadmill the only cardio equipment you have?

    If it so use the other cardio equipment, such as a stationary bike. I ended up with major blisters in the ball of my foot and I switched to the bike. Bought a different type of shoe and am good now.

    If not the only suggestion I have is try lowering the intensity and walk as opposed to run. Try different shoes or sole inserts.

    I wish you the best, an injury or pain puts your plan in jeopardy. Hopefully you can get it better or work through it.
  • amsdragonfly
    amsdragonfly Posts: 152 Member
    Hey BT yeah the treadmill is my only cardio equipment. I don't have a gym anywhere close to me (out in the boonies) so that's it for the cold months. I want to bike more in the warmer ones, but can't once the snow flies.

    I've tried different laces- my husband says I should get new shoes, but I haven't worn the treads on these ones yet. Anyone know when to know if you need new running shoes? The bottoms of my feet don't hurt at all, just the top of my left. Weird.

    I'm not letting it stop me this week. I ran today and yesterday.
  • CowboySar
    CowboySar Posts: 404 Member
    It will be interesting this Wednesday Weigh in, I have had my grandkids here for 2 weeks. Their dietary intake is way different than I eat. I did my best, Wednesday will tell the tale.
  • amalik3511
    amalik3511 Posts: 104 Member
    At home with my grand parents, my parents and kids....generations together result in lot of cookies, milk, cake and some good dishes by my wifey and 2 weeks are already full of guilt but no worries..its all in family now..and on tracks after