Keto questions

monikker Posts: 322 Member
1) Net carbs or full carb count needs to be under 25? I find this one boggling, like how do you know that you're not throwing yourself out of keto if you count net carbs.

2) Fiber? I assume by counting net carbs you will get enough fiber, but if not counting net carbs I'm wondering if that would cause any issue. I'm not worried about not being able to poop (coffee makes me do that), just overall being healthy. I wonder if we have evolved to need fiber...?

3) Avoiding plant-based foods apart from sugary fruits seems counter-intuitive to me.


  • KittensMaster
    KittensMaster Posts: 748 Member
    Carbs under 100 seems to work for many

    add some cardio

    I'm sure others will share.

    I don't have to go so low on carbs, but I do get plant based fibrous carbs

    You can exercise off your carbs too. At the end of the day don't eat them or burn them off!
  • FIT_Goat
    FIT_Goat Posts: 4,224 Member
    Net carbs won't kick you out because fiber doesn't cause changes in blood glucose. Fiber won't cause any difference for your level of ketosis. That said, you don't need any fiber. I haven't had more than an incidental amount (way, way under 1 gram) in over a year. I eat no plant foods at all. You don't need them for health. If you like leafy green veggies, eat them. But, you don't need them.
  • chaoticdreams
    chaoticdreams Posts: 447 Member
    I count net carbs in veggies at least as fiber doesn't really get entirely digested. While today I am following @FIT_Goat's example and consuming pretty much meat, I usually have enough fiber in my veggies to keep my fiber up, although no where close to the level "they" say it should be. The first month I had bathroom issues, but now it's pretty smooth but that's from eating fat really. Fiber just firms things up.

    I haven't gone completely carnivore yet LOL. I love a plate of yellow squash, brussel sprouts, and broccoli drenched in butter or sauteed in bacon fat. YUM.

    I also use ketostix to check for ketosis. Most days net carbs for me are 30 or less, sometimes more, but I've never gotten out of ketosis. YMMV really on how many you can have.
  • monikker
    monikker Posts: 322 Member
    Gotcha. Goat: How do you get enough micronutrients if you don't eat grass-fed animal products or veggies? I know you don't supplement but I think I'm going to get a good solid multi. Plus other stuff I like as well like fish oil. Think I will have a bit of lettuce and spinach, a small handful of berries here and there and call it a day. Also planning to try a cheesy cauliflower recipe. Oh and avocados. But anyway.

    Also wondering about sweeteners, I know I've read that they can kick you out of keto despite having no carbs. Is this true for all sweeteners including the more supposedly natural ones like stevia and xylitol? Or is this only regarding ones like sucralose and aspartame? Is there any sweetener I can use that doesn't affect being in keto? I know I've read to subtract both fiber and sugar alcohols for net carbs. Thanks.
  • minties82
    minties82 Posts: 907 Member
    edited September 2015
    I don't need fibre to poo, fat seems to do this for me.

    I never really ate vegetables before keto, I'm not a fan of them. Blood work shows that I'm healthier than I have ever been, everything is looking perfect. My GP is very happy.

    You can supplement of course. I'm sure a multi-vit won't do you any harm.

    I adore avocados and mushrooms and happily eat 2 avo's a day when they are in season here. Those are the only plant based foods I really enjoy and probably really eat.

    I hate stevia, I don't have any issues at all with aspartame kicking me out of keto. I only have it in coke zero on the odd occasion but drink a lot when I do.
  • FIT_Goat
    FIT_Goat Posts: 4,224 Member
    monikker wrote: »
    Gotcha. Goat: How do you get enough micronutrients if you don't eat grass-fed animal products or veggies? I know you don't supplement but I think I'm going to get a good solid multi. Plus other stuff I like as well like fish oil. Think I will have a bit of lettuce and spinach, a small handful of berries here and there and call it a day. Also planning to try a cheesy cauliflower recipe. Oh and avocados. But anyway.

    Also wondering about sweeteners, I know I've read that they can kick you out of keto despite having no carbs. Is this true for all sweeteners including the more supposedly natural ones like stevia and xylitol? Or is this only regarding ones like sucralose and aspartame? Is there any sweetener I can use that doesn't affect being in keto? I know I've read to subtract both fiber and sugar alcohols for net carbs. Thanks.

    Warning: The following is completely off-the-rails insane for most people. If you want, you can consider me crazy.

    All the micronutrients a human needs for optimal health are abundant or superabundant in animal meat, even if you eat none of the organs. It's also in a form that is easy absorbed and utilized. If there's something you can't get from meat (e.g. vitamin C), it's not necessary for health. A lot of the RDAs are guesses and were generated under the assumption that people would be eating a mixed diet. A mixed diet has different micronutrient needs compared to a carnivore one. It's like iron, which is easily absorbed from animal meat but not from plants. In fact, plant foods may actually result in less iron being absorbed because they bind with it to make it unusable.

    If supplementing makes you feel better about things, I wouldn't tell you not to. I doubt it's harmful to most people.

    I don't know if sweeteners kick you out of ketosis, but they do negatively effect my personal weight loss. I had graphs posted where I did a before, during, and after show of what sweeteners does to my weight. More importantly, the more sweet things you eat, the more you keep the desire for sweets alive.

    Also: Never subtract all of maltitol. It's not really 0 carb. It is about 0.5-0.75 grams of effective carbs per gram of maltitol. So, 12 grams of it would be 6-9 grams of blood sugar effecting carbs.
  • FIT_Goat
    FIT_Goat Posts: 4,224 Member

    Here is the combined chart. May was mostly sweetener free. June was at least one "carb-free" sweetened food daily. July was no more sweetened foods at all. You'll see that I was losing just fine. Stopped and packed on weight for June. And went back to losing in July. Calories went up in June, no doubt. But, not enough to account for the numbers completely.
  • radiii
    radiii Posts: 422 Member
    Some people go by total carbs, I've always gone by net carbs and been totally happy (and always in ketosis) that way. Some like FIT_Goat have tons of success without veggies, some find that they fall in love with all kinds of green veggies with this WOE.

    I had lots of TMI pooping issues in the past, and Keto didn't fix them alone, I ended up in pelvic floor physical therapy for other issues (urinary primarily, but multiple things really) and eventually learned that my digestive problems were due to muscle tightness and bad habits, not my diet. Once I learned how to fix those things, I found that I don't need any fiber on keto to have things work perfectly. Fiber doesn't seem to hurt me either, as long as I don't wildly vary the amount of it that I'm getting. If I get 30g a day consistently, I'm fine and things work well, if I get 0g consistently, same thing (maybe a few days of adjustment when making a change, but otherwise, no problems). If I have 0g one day, 35 the next, 0 the next, 40 the next, etcetc, I do find taht I'm probably going to be a little uncomfortable.

    Sweeteners are also a big YMMV thing, outside of Malitol. Malitol effects a lot of folks. But the lower glycemic index sugar alcohols like Erythritol and Xylitol, and things like aspartame or whatever, in some people they seem to cause cravings and cause problems, in others they don't. You can choose to experiment with them however you see fit, but if you find yourself stalling or having sugar cravings in a way that doesn't feel right for a low carber, try cutting them out. Or, try being strict at the start and cut them out right away, and then once you are comfortable with how things are going, see if you want to try adding something back in and see how it goes. Its all viable :)
  • randiewilliams72
    randiewilliams72 Posts: 119 Member
    My advice is to tweek this woe to fit your lifestyle. Everyone's body is different and react differently to different foods. I love veggies so I eat them. I don't care about the carbs from them. I do stay away from fruit but I was never a big fruit eater. I also don't check my ketones. Honestly if I am losing weight, what does it matter. If I worried about all that I would decide this was too hard. So I just stay away from the bad carbs, I use Splenda, I drink a lot of water, I drink alcohol on occasion, and I don't get stressed out about it. Good luck.
  • minties82
    minties82 Posts: 907 Member
    Maltitol definitely kicks ME out of keto, I had forgotten about that stuff. It spikes my blood sugars much like cane sugar does, plus gives me the runs. Yay.

    Erythritol has been fine for me weightloss wise, but I love the taste and eat too much of it when it is around.
  • KittensMaster
    KittensMaster Posts: 748 Member
    FIT_Goat wrote: »
    Net carbs won't kick you out because fiber doesn't cause changes in blood glucose. Fiber won't cause any difference for your level of ketosis. That said, you don't need any fiber. I haven't had more than an incidental amount (way, way under 1 gram) in over a year. I eat no plant foods at all. You don't need them for health. If you like leafy green veggies, eat them. But, you don't need them.

    I do a day or two of carnivore and it does seem to do something magical

    My body does not like it long term

    I have had a crazy amount of exercise this past 3 days

    I can feel a good pound steak in my dinner plans

  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    monikker wrote: »
    1) Net carbs or full carb count needs to be under 25? I find this one boggling, like how do you know that you're not throwing yourself out of keto if you count net carbs.

    I tend to go with total carbs. Mostly out of laziness. ;) I usually keep my carbs under 30. Some days are 60, and some are 10.
    monikker wrote: »
    2) Fiber? I assume by counting net carbs you will get enough fiber, but if not counting net carbs I'm wondering if that would cause any issue. I'm not worried about not being able to poop (coffee makes me do that), just overall being healthy. I wonder if we have evolved to need fiber...?

    I find the oils (coconut oil is powerful LOL) and nuts keep me moving MUCH better than fibre ever did.
    monikker wrote: »

    3) Avoiding plant-based foods apart from sugary fruits seems counter-intuitive to me.

    You don't need to avoid them. You can even do vegetarian keto. I tend to keep mine down to the equivalent of a salad, but I find going carnivore on occasion feels surprisingly good. I tend to feel my best when I keep carbs low.

    For sweeteners, I use stevia in coffee (it's in a protein powder that I use) with no issues. I also have xylitol sweetened chocolate chips (about a tablespoon) a few times a week with some nuts. I do okay with it in terms of ketosis, but it can bump up my blood glucose a bit if I have more than a small amount.
  • monikker
    monikker Posts: 322 Member
    Ok so all carbs except fiber affect blood sugar/glucose, it's just that some carbs like those in cane sugar spike it way up more than others? Although I have no blood sugar problems, one of the appealing things about keto is getting all the insulin spiking junk out of my diet because I know that just makes me crave more and has a negative impact on the body.
  • monikker
    monikker Posts: 322 Member
    More questions...I remember reading about coffee affecting blood sugar. Do all of you doing keto still drink coffee? Has it affected your keto status?

    How long did it take you to stop missing or craving bread, grains, sweets?
  • chaoticdreams
    chaoticdreams Posts: 447 Member
    edited September 2015
    I drink coffee every work day and so far it hasn't affected anything. I sometimes use heavy cream, sometimes sugar free creamer, and always a few drops of liquid splenda. I've never had it throw me out of ketosis or negatively impact my blood sugar, but as mentioned artificial sweeteners are definitely a YMMV thing.

    I've never heard of black coffee affecting anyone. Some ketoers drink bulletproof coffee, but as much as I love butter, I can't get past the thought of putting it in my coffee LOL.

    Edit to add: It took me 4 weeks to kick the cravings completely. Occasionally now I'll get the random ones, but they are easily ignored. :)
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    If you are hypoglycemic, caffeine can burn any "sugars" through your system, causing drops. Well, I imagine this happens to everyone, but those who are hypoglycemic or more sensitive to blood sugar drops would notice this effect more. This is the only "blood sugar effect" I've heard of from coffee, without it having added stuffs.

    I still have waves of missing things periodically, but the initial cravings for most of that stuff stopped in the first 1-6 weeks, depending on the item...
  • CoffeeNBooze
    CoffeeNBooze Posts: 966 Member
    Still drink coffee, I use splenda and heavy whipping cream. I still want cake and sweet stuff like that etc. don't think it'll ever go away. But I don't crave them so badly that I'd binge on them; no issues turning them down, which is nice.
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    @moniker, it took me about a month of being keto to see the desire for carbs to stop. I spent that month reminding myself that I was worth it. Now, I laugh at carbs! Lol! Also, it was the coffee syrup that had splenda in it that made me gain 18 pounds without any change in my keto diet otherwise! It's taken me right at three months for the effects to correct themselves (5 pounds left to go to my lowest), but gosh, I feel so much better again!
  • monikker
    monikker Posts: 322 Member
    Karlotta was that because of the number of calories in the Splenda syrup? Not sure what else would have made you gain.

    Anyone get bad moods and/or depression after switching to a keto regimen? I was reading that people with pre-existing depression issues have a hard time with such low carb intake. But I assume after adapting, the body will quite like the MCTs and good fats I'll be constantly giving it - I anticipate both a positive affect from those healthy brain food fats but also the cravings and irritability from ditching the carbs. I've had a long-term struggle with depression so I was a little concerned when I read that.
  • ea101367
    ea101367 Posts: 175 Member
    I had a terrible time with moodiness when I started keto 6 weeks ago. The first week was almost euphoric as the scale drops then with week 2 came the moodiness After week three I seemed to balance out. Not sure if it was hormonal or the mental withdrawal from my favorite carby foods and snacks. I do suffer from depression and take medication but I find a low carb lifestyle really has helped lessen my depression.