OCTOBER Challenge



  • DreamOn145
    DreamOn145 Posts: 468 Member
    Just a suggestion. I would break that 100 oz of water down to a number of glasses and keep one of those little notebooks with me so I could check each one off or post it if you are home all day. One thing about goals (and I sure have a lot I am still working on making!), they seem easier if you break them down to manageable steps. The best thing for me with the walking is the fitbit. Mine is having issues now and I am delighted to see they have one on the site now that is $60. A friend bought it for her daughter for her birthday and she is happy with it!
  • mxchana
    mxchana Posts: 666 Member
    Doing well with my October challenge - hitting all my points and, very close to having released once again all the weight I gained on vacation in August. It is amazing how quick it goes on and how long it takes to come off!! But some more yard work this weekend ought to do the trick. Already down 2.4 pounds this week and we'll see what number I get on Sunday's official weigh-in. ~ Kathy
  • verptwerp
    verptwerp Posts: 3,659 Member
    DreamOn145 wrote: »
    Just a suggestion. I would break that 100 oz of water down to a number of glasses and keep one of those little notebooks with me so I could check each one off or post it if you are home all day. One thing about goals (and I sure have a lot I am still working on making!), they seem easier if you break them down to manageable steps. The best thing for me with the walking is the fitbit. Mine is having issues now and I am delighted to see they have one on the site now that is $60. A friend bought it for her daughter for her birthday and she is happy with it!

    thanks for the suggestions ..... have an awesome day B)
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,757 Member
    verptwerp wrote: »
    verptwerp wrote: »
    My daily goal ....... drink 100 ounces of water & walk one mile (20 minutes) each day ..... rinse & repeat !

    These were my goals ...... haven't accomplished either of them ...... why am I so resistant ?

    If you are drinking teas: green, black, herbal without added sugars etc. that counts as water.
    If you are drinking soda pop, that isn't. Coffee is mostly water but caffeine acts as a diuretic, so I wouldn't count it either.

    Keep a reuseable bottle of water by the places you hang out during the day, by the computer, kitchen, even your bedroom. A great way to start the day is with water, we dehydrate a lot over night.

    Please don't buy bottled water, the plastic they generate is awful and US cities have approved water supplies. If the taste is funny to you, get the filters that go under your sink or even the type that attach to your water facet or pitchers with filters that should take care of the taste issue. Just drink water, your health depends on being hydrated.

    It has never been an issue for me, in fact, I had a dr. tell me to not drink as much water as I was drinking. I don't track it because I know I am consuming more than enough every day.

    It is a GREAT goal for you and I know you can make it. Just keep adding a bit more daily, it will become a habit for you.
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,757 Member
    For October, I am keeping it simple.

    Follow my workout plan developed for me by my trainer. I really want to gain some strength and Sept. set me back. I need to use the machines prepare myself to use the barbells, which is my ultimate fitness goal at the moment. I have to work up to that.

    May we all be very proud of ourselves at the end of this month :).

    Well, I continue to do my body flex classes but no machines. In fact, trainer suggested I not even worry about the machines and just work with the barbell routine I have.
  • verptwerp
    verptwerp Posts: 3,659 Member
    @ retirehappy

    Thanks for the suggestions ..... I never had trouble drinking water in the past ...... am having some sort of denial issues at the moment LOL
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,757 Member
    Forgot to mention the add lemon, strawberries, cucumbers, and/or mint to water to give it a flavor boost as well.

    All we really need is less than half that 100 oz. and vegetable and fruits with high water content in them. But it is your challenge, so go for it. You can do the 100, if you REALLY want it.
  • sharondtd
    sharondtd Posts: 549 Member
    RE: soda and coffee. They do not act as much as a diuretic as previously thought, so they may be counted toward the liquid total after all. Water still is best for most of us.
    The same report listed liquor, beer, and wine as "empty" calories. I still think there is good in moderate alcohol. But that's my opinion only until I find a peer-reviewed scientific report to confirm or torpedo my opinion.

    So far, met all goals on paper, but my 5 miles steps yesterday never included a 30 minute cardio walk. WAS surprised by the number of steps I added by dancing while I folded clothes and carried each item one at a time to put away. We have a tv in the bedroom here now, and I used the program and commercial music to keep the beat. STILL didn't make laundry fun, but it felt more productive. :-)
    I read one tip for water. Fill a pitcher and try to get it empty by end of day.
  • janmoulder2
    janmoulder2 Posts: 133 Member
    edited October 2015
    Another idea I've heard for keeping track of water is to put rubber bands on one end of a glass or water bottle. Each time you fill or empty it you move a rubber band to the other end. Say you have a 16 oz glass and want to drink 64oz a day, put 4 rubber bands on the glass and when they are all moved to the other end you've reached your goal.

    I'm challenged with coming up with a challenge this month. I've just not been feeling well lately. Low energy, headaches and irritable bowel issues. I seem to be sleeping okay (10 hours last night!) So I guess my challenge this month is just to stay on course eating my 3 squares a day and staying within my calorie allotment. Meditating, walking and stretching every day.

    We'll be moving into our new motorhome in 10 days. That will be hugely disruptive, so I think I will do well to keep things simple for right now.
  • mxchana
    mxchana Posts: 666 Member
    sharondtd wrote: »
    WAS surprised by the number of steps I added by dancing while I folded clothes and carried each item one at a time to put away. We have a tv in the bedroom here now, and I used the program and commercial music to keep the beat. STILL didn't make laundry fun, but it felt more productive. :-)

    Now THIS is a creative way to get more motion in the day! I love it, Sharon music-081.gif

    Jan, I hope you feel better soon! ~ Kathy
  • lew0017
    lew0017 Posts: 127 Member
    My goal for October is to break the barrier of 143, I have been stuck there for a month now. Also to be careful about sugar, I am slowly building momentum in that area, a little snack here and there and telling myself I deserve "a treat" you know the talk we tell ourselves, I am very good at that. The shorter days are always harder for me as well, so I will have to work on that. The 16:8 fasting is keeping me in check on my food and works very well for me, I think it is just becoming a way of life now.
  • mxchana
    mxchana Posts: 666 Member
    Weekly report of weight: down two pounds. I was hoping for more but, I am hovering between 2 - 2.5 pounds and today it's just 2. Anyway, I'll take it! And onward and downward... Going to mow the lawn today, that should help.
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,757 Member
    Kathy, great loss, congrats!

    Lew0017, glad IF works so well for you. Good that you realize your self talk should not be listened to, LOL.
  • janmoulder2
    janmoulder2 Posts: 133 Member
    Kathy, I'm with you on the weight loss. I was down 2.5 mid week, but on weighing day I was only down 2. The half pound caught up today. Congrats on moving downward!
  • verptwerp
    verptwerp Posts: 3,659 Member
    Got in plenty of water today, no problem ....... (added a tiny bit of Crystal Light ice tea and/or lemonade crystals to each 20 ounces of water) .... eventually I won't have to add anything .....
  • DreamOn145
    DreamOn145 Posts: 468 Member
    Jan, also hope you feel better. Will you be living in the motorhome? I have watched the show Tiny Tiny Houses (or something like that) because a friend of mine is obsessed with building one when she and her dh retire (also with two Boston Terriers). Those little homes are cute, personally I would rather have the motorhome, but I could not live in that amount of space. DH is a great guy but I need to be able to get away from him! lol

    Another idea about the water, we bought one of those Primo water purifiers at Sam's club and I LOVE it! Cold filtered water at all times plus, and now that I have switched to tea I love it, instant hot water.

  • janmoulder2
    janmoulder2 Posts: 133 Member
    Janet, Yes, we will be living in the motorhome. We've been doing this for 2 years now and we haven't killed each other yet! It's taken us these two years just to get the hang of this "living on the road" thing. We've found that we need to be volunteering or doing some kind of work. All play and no work makes for a couple of boring, irritable slugs. We love being able to move on when the view gets stale or the weather gets bad. B)
  • lew0017
    lew0017 Posts: 127 Member
    edited October 2015
    Great job on the weight loss guys!
    I always thought I might like living in a motorhome for a while, but my DH is a definite no on that one, so I'm aiming for the snowbird route. We are planning to go to Az in March to give it a try for a month and see what we think. I wanted to go in Feb. but that's a hard month to find a place, they usually want Jan and Feb. or Feb and March, but not Feb. by itself. So we picked March, I can only get away for one month this year, I hope to fully retire next year, maybe!
  • Rebamae
    Rebamae Posts: 741 Member
    Hi all!

    I am going to drop out for October as I am not doing a good job right now. I am going to try less pressure to see if that works.
    Thanks so very much for all of your support!
  • janmoulder2
    janmoulder2 Posts: 133 Member
    Reba, I know you've been struggling for a long time. I'm wondering what you're doing that's not working and what you've done in the past that has worked.

    I just read an article paleoleap.com/different-way-start-paleo/ that provides some alternatives to starting with food that may be helpful for you. In a nutshell what it says is to focus on getting good, sufficient sleep, some exercise and stress management. Maybe you are missing the mark with one of those essential issues. I know for me that stress management is huge! Meditation (or prayer) is the most important part of my day. That's how I start the day and end it. I can mess up with food or exercise and recover, but missing my quiet time ensures that I will get off track. And then it gets hard to see what my problem is. We need to be our own best friend by listening to ourselves (or God) in a quiet, focused manner.

    Another issue that may be sabotaging you is depression or anxiety. If you think this may be true for you, I urge you to see a doctor and find out about medication. I've been taking an antidepressant for years and I know this is an essential for me. I'm no good at anything when I'm depressed or anxious, which I've been for most of my life until I started taking the meds.

    Anyway, this is some food for thought. Take what works for you....especially my blessings on your journey.
