Leslie Sansone October 2015 Walk Challenge



  • AnnofB
    AnnofB Posts: 3,588 Member
    coopscoopc wrote: »
    Hey Everyone!!!!

    I have had a crazy 2 weeks... family in town, visitors here and there, work is a nightmare... and Binge ho. *sigh* Binge Ho is a nightmare when I'm stressed out. I am starting back to it today! I can still get my 4 workouts in and hope to maintain this week. I have not hit my calories in days! My back is acting up from transferring my mother. I know I'm not supposed to do it, but she wanted in her bed and there was no CNA to be found. Now the rain. I am doing my stretches and taking ibuprofen. It helps, but I just wish my back would heal faster. Today I get on a bike. I'm afraid to walk, because of the blown disk, so I am going to take it easy, but definitely getting my buns to the gym!

    Not giving up! I am going to make a positive out of the remaining days of the week. I am going to be fierce about getting to 159 November. And I do mean Fierce. This is ridiculous... I am to blame. I hold the fork.

    I am stepping up my visits with mother. she seems to be better as far as her memory goes when I'm there more and when I bring food. She doesn't eat crapola at the home...and I don't blame her. I have seen that nasty food coming out of the kitchen! Can't tell you how many times I have asked people that work there.. "Would you eat that?" They never answer. I wonder why. LOL

    Oh well. I'm saying screw everything else and let's get those 4 workouts in! Oh! I am going to give Zumba a try on Saturday. Wish me some serious luck!

    You might want to give that Zumba class a miss this week. With a blown disc, you might end up in the hospital. It's a lot of fun, but it is very intense with plenty of jumping and twisting. :s And Girl see if the facility your Mom is in has transfer boards. They should have some. Take care.
  • PinkyPan1
    PinkyPan1 Posts: 3,018 Member
    169/100 I did 8 miles at the park this morning.
  • AnnofB
    AnnofB Posts: 3,588 Member
  • lreutner
    lreutner Posts: 64 Member
    I have been out of commission for several days. Glad to see everyone is still walk, walk, walking!
    I agree with Zichab on the Just Walk Walk of the Pounds 3 miles. I was a little disappointed in the camera work. I didn't see the missed cues, but I mute and listen to other music while I walk.
    Pinky~ you will reach your goal!
  • AnnofB
    AnnofB Posts: 3,588 Member
    zichab wrote: »
    Goal-4 miles/day! I am determined!

    She seems to want to attract a younger group of walkers (notice how young the walkers are getting compared to Linda, Mary Jo, Mary Kay etc?). And let's face it, that jumping she does on some of those DVDs is not good for the knees of people who are obese or over 60! So, she could produce some really good walking videos geared to particular audiences. For example, I'd like some more, and longer, weight training DVDs. So a series of walking and "Progressive Weight" videos could be one. Younger people need more rigorous videos to get their heart rates up so she could so a series of "Walking under 50" videos and we would all know that meant jumping and jogging. She could do a series of "So you are serious about losing while walking" videos and that is where she could do all her talking with the "tips" she seems to want to pass along that I would have loved in the year I was shedding the weight and getting fit, but that are very distracting now. As Ann says, she gets lost and we are arm flapping for 10 minutes!!! :noway: She could do some 6-8 mile walks as well. What is so magical about her 5 mile limit???? I think if she focused more on marketing to her audiences, she would be invigorated and seem less bored, sell more DVDs, and probably up the production quality. She needs to hire me as her "marketing consultant." :laugh: Meh, I am a sociologist and I think in terms of groups-can't help it :blush:

    Walk Strong Everyone :bigsmile:

    Left this out of my previous post (senior moment I guess). Wonderful idea of workouts for obese and over 60. And where on earth are Linda, Mary Kay, Donna, Cat, Stephanie, Carol and Wendy? I've worked out with them for years and then they disappear.

    As a sociologist, you are really in a unique position of seeing the gaps as well as the well filled spaces, my friend. :)

  • christchick7
    christchick7 Posts: 533 Member
    "Where on Earth are Linda, Mary Kay, Donna, Cat, Stephanie, Carol and Wendy?(and, might I add Joanne?) I've worked out with them for years and then they disappear." True. Same guitar different riff...when it comes to
    her new walkers, we know little or nothing about them which makes it hard to care. I've been doing the Blue
    Mile from U5DWP for literally weeks now. As I type this I challenged myself to name Leslie's walkers in that
    DVD...Heather, Nikki, Kamillah, can't remember the other one. OK, which one's which? My head hurts...don't
    know, don't care. I LOVED Cat back in the day because I knew little things about her, like she loved kicking
    and was the youngest walker in the 4MSC cast. I loved her enthusiasm and looked forward to walking with
    Cat everyday, like she was REALLY my walking buddy. The only person I've connected with in these newer
    walks is Nick...because he has that same enthusiasm I saw in Cat. And Leslie must've seen it too, because
    she let him lead the bonus mile in Miracle Miles-saw the clip. Don't get me wrong-these are entertaining,
    effective workouts, I LOVE Leslie and her bubbly energy. Nowadays, I'm there for Leslie herself and for the
    workout; nothing more. It feels like some of the heart has been lost, and that's too bad. I wish Leslie would
  • Neonbeige
    Neonbeige Posts: 271 Member
    hey girls, sorry for having been so absent. I am sick and was alone with the kids, everything went under and I also have to work nonetheless and full time, because my colleagues are both in vacation (luckily I work from home). So my last week was super busy and I am just tired and sick-ish.
  • PinkyPan1
    PinkyPan1 Posts: 3,018 Member
    Neonbeige wrote: »
    hey girls, sorry for having been so absent. I am sick and was alone with the kids, everything went under and I also have to work nonetheless and full time, because my colleagues are both in vacation (luckily I work from home). So my last week was super busy and I am just tired and sick-ish.

    Awww.... I hope you feel better real soon. Hugs.
  • PinkyPan1
    PinkyPan1 Posts: 3,018 Member
    "Where on Earth are Linda, Mary Kay, Donna, Cat, Stephanie, Carol and Wendy?(and, might I add Joanne?) I've worked out with them for years and then they disappear." True. Same guitar different riff...when it comes to
    her new walkers, we know little or nothing about them which makes it hard to care. I've been doing the Blue
    Mile from U5DWP for literally weeks now. As I type this I challenged myself to name Leslie's walkers in that
    DVD...Heather, Nikki, Kamillah, can't remember the other one. OK, which one's which? My head hurts...don't
    know, don't care. I LOVED Cat back in the day because I knew little things about her, like she loved kicking
    and was the youngest walker in the 4MSC cast. I loved her enthusiasm and looked forward to walking with
    Cat everyday, like she was REALLY my walking buddy. The only person I've connected with in these newer
    walks is Nick...because he has that same enthusiasm I saw in Cat. And Leslie must've seen it too, because
    she let him lead the bonus mile in Miracle Miles-saw the clip. Don't get me wrong-these are entertaining,
    effective workouts, I LOVE Leslie and her bubbly energy. Nowadays, I'm there for Leslie herself and for the
    workout; nothing more. It feels like some of the heart has been lost, and that's too bad. I wish Leslie would

    I feel the same way. I fear that with aiming for a younger demographic she has lost some of the luster and enthusiasm. I too miss the "senior walkers" for lack of a better term. I prefer the older and lower impact walks. I am glad I am not alone with my feelings. Walk strong.
  • PinkyPan1
    PinkyPan1 Posts: 3,018 Member
    175/100 The 3 Mile Heart Assoc Walk twice this morning.
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    October goal - 120 miles - 15 over 10,000 steps.
    Week 1 - 27 miles (2 over 10,000)
    Week 2 - 30 miles (total 4 over 10,000)
    Week 3 - 24.7 miles (total 7 over 10,000) Total 81.7 miles

    Oct 22 - 3 miles
    Oct 23 - 2.9 miles - off to the scrapbooking retreat
    Oct 24 - 1.9 miles
    Oct 25 - 3.3 miles
    Oct 26 - 4.1 miles
    Oct 27 - 2.7 miles - Darn work!!
    Oct 28 - 2.8 miles
    Oct 29 - 2.0 miles ..... 101.4 miles

    19 miles to goal ... hummmm!!!! thank goodness it is the weekend. :) I need to see the outdoors and absorb some good endorphins.

    Later everyone!!
  • AnnofB
    AnnofB Posts: 3,588 Member
    "Where on Earth are Linda, Mary Kay, Donna, Cat, Stephanie, Carol and Wendy?(and, might I add Joanne?) I've worked out with them for years and then they disappear." True. Same guitar different riff...when it comes to
    her new walkers, we know little or nothing about them which makes it hard to care. I've been doing the Blue
    Mile from U5DWP for literally weeks now. As I type this I challenged myself to name Leslie's walkers in that
    DVD...Heather, Nikki, Kamillah, can't remember the other one. OK, which one's which? My head hurts...don't
    know, don't care. I LOVED Cat back in the day because I knew little things about her, like she loved kicking
    and was the youngest walker in the 4MSC cast. I loved her enthusiasm and looked forward to walking with
    Cat everyday, like she was REALLY my walking buddy. The only person I've connected with in these newer
    walks is Nick...because he has that same enthusiasm I saw in Cat. And Leslie must've seen it too, because
    she let him lead the bonus mile in Miracle Miles-saw the clip. Don't get me wrong-these are entertaining,
    effective workouts, I LOVE Leslie and her bubbly energy. Nowadays, I'm there for Leslie herself and for the
    workout; nothing more. It feels like some of the heart has been lost, and that's too bad. I wish Leslie would

    I forgot Joanne! She was one of my bud's too. ^ Agreed ^ Well said Sue.
  • zichab
    zichab Posts: 1,457 Member
    Goal-4 miles/day! I am determined!

    10/1 Vivofit Tracked-4.0 miles=total miles 4.0
    10/2 Just Walk-Tone every Zone Walk-Upper & Lower Body Circuits-1.5 miles (my pace)=5.5 total miles
    10/2 Vivofit tracked 1.5 miles :-1: I cannot seem to get my the work done for my online classes and get past 3 miles! =7.0 total miles
    10/3 Vivofit tracked 1.7 miles-too much work to do :cry: =8.7 total miles
    10/4 WAH Walk Slim 4 Fast Miles! Insurance today! =12.7 total miles
    10/4 Vivofit tracked .5 miles=13.2 total miles
    10/5 Just Walk-Tone Every Zone Walk-2.7 miles=15.9 total miles
    10/5 Vivofit tracked-1.8 miles =17.7 total miles
    10/6 Vivofit tracked 4.1 miles=21.8 total miles
    10/7 Vivofit tracked 2.3 miles =24.1 total miles (all day meetings should not be allowed!!!!!)
    10/8 Vivofit tracked 3.0 miles =27.1 total miles
    10/9 Vivofit tracked 2.0 miles=29.1 total miles
    10/10 Just Walk-Tone Every Zone Walk-2.7 miles=31.8 total miles Oh no, I am 8 miles behind!
    10/10 Vivofit tracked 1.3=33.1 total miles
    10/11 WAH 5 mile Fat Burning Walk=38.1 total miles
    10/11 Vivofit tracked .7 miles=38.8 total miles
    10/12 Just Walk-Tone Every Zone Walk-2.7 miles=41.5 total miles
    10/13 Vivofit Tracked 4.3 miles =45.8 total miles
    10/14 Just Walk-Belly Blasting Walk + Firm 30=2 miles=47.8 miles
    10/14 Vivofit Tracked 2.0 miles=49.8 total miles
    10/15 Vivofit tracked 3.3 miles=53.1 total miles
    10/16 WAP-2 Mile Brisk Walk + Firm 30=55.1 total miles
    10/16 Vivofit tracked 3.2 miles=58.1 total miles- Only 6 miles behind the pace now! I am catching up! :blush:
    10/17 Just Walk-40 Minute Super Burn=2.5 miles (my pace)=60.6 total miles
    10/17 Vivofit tracked 1.3 miles=61.9 total miles
    10/18 Just Walk-5 Mega Miles! (I keep forgetting how much energy this one takes! WHEW!) =66.9 total miles
    10/18 Vivofit tracked 1.5 miles=68.4 total miles
    10/19 Just Walk-Tone every Zone Walk-2.7 miles=71.1 total miles
    10/19 Vivofit tracked 2.1 miles=73.2 total miles
    10/20 Vivofit tracked 4.5 miles=77.7 total miles
    10/21 Just Walk-Tone Every Zone Walk-2.7 miles=80.3 total miles-Only 4 miles behind the pace now!!! :blush:
    10/21 Vivofit tracked 2.4 miles =82.7 total miles
    10/22 Beautiful Fall Walk in my Neighborhood-2.5 miles=85.2 total miles
    10/22 Vivofit tracked 3.6 miles=88.8 total miles
    10/23 Just Walk Tone Every Zone Walk-2.7 =91.5 total miles
    10/23 Vivofit tracked 1.9 miles-93.4 total miles
    10/24 Just Walk- Walking off the Pounds-3 miles=96.4 miles
    10/24 Vivofit tracked 1.8 miles=98.2 total miles
    10/25 WAH- 5 Mile Fat Burning Walk-5 miles=103.2 total miles! Yeah I have finally caught up to my goal! Now, if I can keep it for 6 more days it will be a miracle!
    10/25 Vivofit tracked 1.1 miles=104.3
    10/26 Just Walk-Walk Off Fat Fast-20 minutes + Firm 30=1.5 miles=105.8 total miles.
    10/26 Vivofit tracked 1.8 miles=107.6 total miles
    10/27 Vivofit tracked 4.7 miles=112.3 total miles
    10/28 Vivofit tracked 1.4 miles (bad day) =113.7 total miles
    10/29 Vivofit tracked 4.1 miles=117.8 total miles

    coopscoopc Family makes it much harder to stay on track, so do not feel bad about "indulging." With everything that you are coping with, it is amazing that you are still even thinking about staying on track. However, some of the work you are doing moving your mom is strength training though so log it There is an exercise called strength training you can use and it will off-set some of your "indulgences." If you are logging, weighing and posting, you are still in the game! Hang in there! :drinker:

    Neonbeige Why is that everything happens all at once? Gggrrr! Everyone thinks working at home is so great because you can work whenever you want to, but what most people do not realize is that it also means that you do not get sick days! :grumble: I work from home 3 days a week teaching my online classes and students do not stop asking questions, expect their work to be graded, want their assignments posted on time etc whether I am sick or not! When I am teaching my face to face classes on campus, people say "GO HOME!" when they see that I am sick. No one ever says that when I am already working at home. :smirk: Adding a few children and no husband? Good heavens, I have no idea how you are managing it, much less fitting in workouts. I have a hard time on Mondays and Wednesdays getting my workouts in because of my online classes when I am healthy! Somedays, it just is not worth getting out of bed. Hang in there as this too shall pass!

    Pinky You are definitely not alone. I actually gave away that Party Remix DVD because it was clearly not designed for walkers, but bouncers. Let's face, at my age, I am not doing any bouncing because things are already drooping down far enough on their own! I mean seriously, bouncing?????? punching????? fist pumps????? It has been a long time since most of us who use Leslie's DVDs were 13! :However, considering how many miles you and I can walk now, a 6-8 mile DVD of her indoor walking moves would be great. I'd love a 7 -12 minute miles DVD for the winter.
    As a sociologist, you are really in a unique position of seeing the gaps as well as the well filled spaces, my friend. :)

    :laugh: Unique is one way to see it Ann, although my husband uses the word "annoying!" I spend much of my professional life looking at demographic data so I tend to see those kinds of changes very quickly. I drive my husband nuts. :blush:

    Walk Strong Everyone :bigsmile:
  • AnnofB
    AnnofB Posts: 3,588 Member
  • zichab
    zichab Posts: 1,457 Member
    Goal-4 miles/day! I am determined!

    10/1 Vivofit Tracked-4.0 miles=total miles 4.0
    10/2 Just Walk-Tone every Zone Walk-Upper & Lower Body Circuits-1.5 miles (my pace)=5.5 total miles
    10/2 Vivofit tracked 1.5 miles :-1: I cannot seem to get my the work done for my online classes and get past 3 miles! =7.0 total miles
    10/3 Vivofit tracked 1.7 miles-too much work to do :cry: =8.7 total miles
    10/4 WAH Walk Slim 4 Fast Miles! Insurance today! =12.7 total miles
    10/4 Vivofit tracked .5 miles=13.2 total miles
    10/5 Just Walk-Tone Every Zone Walk-2.7 miles=15.9 total miles
    10/5 Vivofit tracked-1.8 miles =17.7 total miles
    10/6 Vivofit tracked 4.1 miles=21.8 total miles
    10/7 Vivofit tracked 2.3 miles =24.1 total miles (all day meetings should not be allowed!!!!!)
    10/8 Vivofit tracked 3.0 miles =27.1 total miles
    10/9 Vivofit tracked 2.0 miles=29.1 total miles
    10/10 Just Walk-Tone Every Zone Walk-2.7 miles=31.8 total miles Oh no, I am 8 miles behind!
    10/10 Vivofit tracked 1.3=33.1 total miles
    10/11 WAH 5 mile Fat Burning Walk=38.1 total miles
    10/11 Vivofit tracked .7 miles=38.8 total miles
    10/12 Just Walk-Tone Every Zone Walk-2.7 miles=41.5 total miles
    10/13 Vivofit Tracked 4.3 miles =45.8 total miles
    10/14 Just Walk-Belly Blasting Walk + Firm 30=2 miles=47.8 miles
    10/14 Vivofit Tracked 2.0 miles=49.8 total miles
    10/15 Vivofit tracked 3.3 miles=53.1 total miles
    10/16 WAP-2 Mile Brisk Walk + Firm 30=55.1 total miles
    10/16 Vivofit tracked 3.2 miles=58.1 total miles- Only 6 miles behind the pace now! I am catching up! :blush:
    10/17 Just Walk-40 Minute Super Burn=2.5 miles (my pace)=60.6 total miles
    10/17 Vivofit tracked 1.3 miles=61.9 total miles
    10/18 Just Walk-5 Mega Miles! (I keep forgetting how much energy this one takes! WHEW!) =66.9 total miles
    10/18 Vivofit tracked 1.5 miles=68.4 total miles
    10/19 Just Walk-Tone every Zone Walk-2.7 miles=71.1 total miles
    10/19 Vivofit tracked 2.1 miles=73.2 total miles
    10/20 Vivofit tracked 4.5 miles=77.7 total miles
    10/21 Just Walk-Tone Every Zone Walk-2.7 miles=80.3 total miles-Only 4 miles behind the pace now!!! :blush:
    10/21 Vivofit tracked 2.4 miles =82.7 total miles
    10/22 Beautiful Fall Walk in my Neighborhood-2.5 miles=85.2 total miles
    10/22 Vivofit tracked 3.6 miles=88.8 total miles
    10/23 Just Walk Tone Every Zone Walk-2.7 =91.5 total miles
    10/23 Vivofit tracked 1.9 miles-93.4 total miles
    10/24 Just Walk- Walking off the Pounds-3 miles=96.4 miles
    10/24 Vivofit tracked 1.8 miles=98.2 total miles
    10/25 WAH- 5 Mile Fat Burning Walk-5 miles=103.2 total miles! Yeah I have finally caught up to my goal! Now, if I can keep it for 6 more days it will be a miracle!
    10/25 Vivofit tracked 1.1 miles=104.3
    10/26 Just Walk-Walk Off Fat Fast-20 minutes + Firm 30=1.5 miles=105.8 total miles.
    10/26 Vivofit tracked 1.8 miles=107.6 total miles
    10/27 Vivofit tracked 4.7 miles=112.3 total miles
    10/28 Vivofit tracked 1.4 miles (bad day) =113.7 total miles
    10/29 Vivofit tracked 4.1 miles=117.8 total miles
    10/30 Vivofit tracked 2.3 miles=120.1 total miles

    Congratulations Ann on meeting your goal!!!! :drinker:

    I'm with you Lilymay Darn Work!!! :grumble:

    Walk Strong Everyone! It't the last day of October!!! Enjoy your ghosts and goblins!!! :bigsmile:
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    October goal - 120 miles - 15 over 10,000 steps.
    Week 1 - 27 miles (2 over 10,000)
    Week 2 - 30 miles (total 4 over 10,000)
    Week 3 - 24.7 miles (total 7 over 10,000) Total 81.7 miles

    Oct 22 - 3 miles
    Oct 23 - 2.9 miles - off to the scrapbooking retreat
    Oct 24 - 1.9 miles
    Oct 25 - 3.3 miles
    Oct 26 - 4.1 miles
    Oct 27 - 2.7 miles - Darn work!!
    Oct 28 - 2.8 miles
    Oct 29 - 2.0 miles ..... 101.4 miles
    Oct 30 - 2.7 miles

    Happy Halloween everyone....I am going to finish my "Treat" bags - I only have 4 kids that come to my house so won't take long! Then looking for hunting clothes - NO I am not going hunting - but have to wear it when I walk because of all the hunters out there.... I live in the country and posting our property with No hunting signs doesn't mean anything too some people!!

  • AnnofB
    AnnofB Posts: 3,588 Member
    Lilymay2 wrote: »
    October goal - 120 miles - 15 over 10,000 steps.
    Week 1 - 27 miles (2 over 10,000)
    Week 2 - 30 miles (total 4 over 10,000)
    Week 3 - 24.7 miles (total 7 over 10,000) Total 81.7 miles

    Oct 22 - 3 miles
    Oct 23 - 2.9 miles - off to the scrapbooking retreat
    Oct 24 - 1.9 miles
    Oct 25 - 3.3 miles
    Oct 26 - 4.1 miles
    Oct 27 - 2.7 miles - Darn work!!
    Oct 28 - 2.8 miles
    Oct 29 - 2.0 miles ..... 101.4 miles
    Oct 30 - 2.7 miles

    Happy Halloween everyone....I am going to finish my "Treat" bags - I only have 4 kids that come to my house so won't take long! Then looking for hunting clothes - NO I am not going hunting - but have to wear it when I walk because of all the hunters out there.... I live in the country and posting our property with No hunting signs doesn't mean anything too some people!!


    Awesome walking Lilymay!

    Yes, got to wear those neon bright colors in the country at this time of the year. Have a Happy Halloween!
  • AnnofB
    AnnofB Posts: 3,588 Member
    zichab - great walking! That was some monthly challenge. Good on ya!
  • zichab
    zichab Posts: 1,457 Member
    Goal-4 miles/day! I am determined!

    10/1 Vivofit Tracked-4.0 miles=total miles 4.0
    10/2 Just Walk-Tone every Zone Walk-Upper & Lower Body Circuits-1.5 miles (my pace)=5.5 total miles
    10/2 Vivofit tracked 1.5 miles :-1: I cannot seem to get my the work done for my online classes and get past 3 miles! =7.0 total miles
    10/3 Vivofit tracked 1.7 miles-too much work to do :cry: =8.7 total miles
    10/4 WAH Walk Slim 4 Fast Miles! Insurance today! =12.7 total miles
    10/4 Vivofit tracked .5 miles=13.2 total miles
    10/5 Just Walk-Tone Every Zone Walk-2.7 miles=15.9 total miles
    10/5 Vivofit tracked-1.8 miles =17.7 total miles
    10/6 Vivofit tracked 4.1 miles=21.8 total miles
    10/7 Vivofit tracked 2.3 miles =24.1 total miles (all day meetings should not be allowed!!!!!)
    10/8 Vivofit tracked 3.0 miles =27.1 total miles
    10/9 Vivofit tracked 2.0 miles=29.1 total miles
    10/10 Just Walk-Tone Every Zone Walk-2.7 miles=31.8 total miles Oh no, I am 8 miles behind!
    10/10 Vivofit tracked 1.3=33.1 total miles
    10/11 WAH 5 mile Fat Burning Walk=38.1 total miles
    10/11 Vivofit tracked .7 miles=38.8 total miles
    10/12 Just Walk-Tone Every Zone Walk-2.7 miles=41.5 total miles
    10/13 Vivofit Tracked 4.3 miles =45.8 total miles
    10/14 Just Walk-Belly Blasting Walk + Firm 30=2 miles=47.8 miles
    10/14 Vivofit Tracked 2.0 miles=49.8 total miles
    10/15 Vivofit tracked 3.3 miles=53.1 total miles
    10/16 WAP-2 Mile Brisk Walk + Firm 30=55.1 total miles
    10/16 Vivofit tracked 3.2 miles=58.1 total miles- Only 6 miles behind the pace now! I am catching up! :blush:
    10/17 Just Walk-40 Minute Super Burn=2.5 miles (my pace)=60.6 total miles
    10/17 Vivofit tracked 1.3 miles=61.9 total miles
    10/18 Just Walk-5 Mega Miles! (I keep forgetting how much energy this one takes! WHEW!) =66.9 total miles
    10/18 Vivofit tracked 1.5 miles=68.4 total miles
    10/19 Just Walk-Tone every Zone Walk-2.7 miles=71.1 total miles
    10/19 Vivofit tracked 2.1 miles=73.2 total miles
    10/20 Vivofit tracked 4.5 miles=77.7 total miles
    10/21 Just Walk-Tone Every Zone Walk-2.7 miles=80.3 total miles-Only 4 miles behind the pace now!!! :blush:
    10/21 Vivofit tracked 2.4 miles =82.7 total miles
    10/22 Beautiful Fall Walk in my Neighborhood-2.5 miles=85.2 total miles
    10/22 Vivofit tracked 3.6 miles=88.8 total miles
    10/23 Just Walk Tone Every Zone Walk-2.7 =91.5 total miles
    10/23 Vivofit tracked 1.9 miles-93.4 total miles
    10/24 Just Walk- Walking off the Pounds-3 miles=96.4 miles
    10/24 Vivofit tracked 1.8 miles=98.2 total miles
    10/25 WAH- 5 Mile Fat Burning Walk-5 miles=103.2 total miles! Yeah I have finally caught up to my goal! Now, if I can keep it for 6 more days it will be a miracle!
    10/25 Vivofit tracked 1.1 miles=104.3
    10/26 Just Walk-Walk Off Fat Fast-20 minutes + Firm 30=1.5 miles=105.8 total miles.
    10/26 Vivofit tracked 1.8 miles=107.6 total miles
    10/27 Vivofit tracked 4.7 miles=112.3 total miles
    10/28 Vivofit tracked 1.4 miles (bad day) =113.7 total miles
    10/29 Vivofit tracked 4.1 miles=117.8 total miles
    10/30 Vivofit tracked 2.3 miles=120.1 total miles
    10/31 Just Walk-Burn to the Beat=3.19 (my pace)=123.3 total miles- I'm almost there! Need .7 more miles!

    Im reviewing this new one on the other thread if you are interested in it.

    Walk Strong Everyone! It't the last day of October!!! Enjoy your ghosts and goblins!!! :bigsmile:
  • PinkyPan1
    PinkyPan1 Posts: 3,018 Member
    183/100 A wonderful time golfing and walking today. Another 8 miles for the month.