The Bro-ctober workout thread; SUPAHSET!



  • kimiuzzell
    kimiuzzell Posts: 611 Member
    Did rather more than the programme says today as I was working out with hubby who is a gym goer himself but has the added benefit of being a trained PT. My form was being corrected when needed so hopefully that will help me when I am working on my own. We only get to the gym together once a week so I don't need to worry about constantly veering off the 5x5 plan, but I do enjoy the additional work I can do....even if I do ache like no one's business the next day!!
  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
    Was in a rush to do my workout yesterday so slammed thru it, no time for accessories!

    Squat 5x5x130lbs
    Bench 5x5x95lbs
    Row 5x5x115lbs
  • ar9179
    ar9179 Posts: 374 Member
    Sometimes I read others' WOD, and feel like a total slacker. Then, I realize that I'm very happy to have found a couple of activities that I love enough to endure when I'm feeling like last week. I don't WANT to make excuses to miss them, and I know I would when I read how much others' are motivated to do. Kinda wish it was me, but happy to be doing SOMETHING. Anyway, kudos to you all who make me want to do more.

    Today with DH. We had fun and I passed a formerly difficult weight. I also realized that poor form doesn't trump an easy feeling lift.

    Squat 140 5x5. I admit that the first couple of times I lifted it off the rack I felt like it was trying to embed me into the floor. Didn't have a problem reaching parallel or finishing the sets, but man, it felt heavy.

    Bench 100 5x5. My personal best group of sets on this lift, so far! We did this first, since the rack was taken by someone doing dead lifts with the bar. I admit, I said a mental "whuuuuut?" Stupid judgey attitude. I think doing bench first was a benefit. My dad was impressed...6'1" and always been as strong as a bear. I'm like my mom and very short! The trainer guy that we chat with at the Y thought it was my squat weight when he asked where we're at with SL. Silly man. Caught another woman watching me. Yeah girl! You can lift this, too! Or maybe she though I was a nut. Yeah, you can be a nut, too!

    Rows 105 5x5. Time to admit that my form isn't on par at this weight and de-load. I lift it fine, with minimal rest, but I'm not feeling the engagement in my back during it, but do feel it afterwards. Mmm, still, I think a de-load will help lock it in for me. I actually did 110 for my first set, but knew that I wasn't hitting my back like I should.

    Loved lifting today and still riding my high from getting Bench!
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    ar9179 wrote: »
    Loved lifting today and still riding my high from getting Bench!

    congrats on this. 100 pounds!

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,148 Member
    ar9179 - congratulations!
  • andylllI
    andylllI Posts: 379 Member
    Front squats 85# 3x6
    SL deadlifts 3x8, 1x6 "airplanes"
    Walking lunges 3 sets gym length, 30# DBs
    Chin ups 1x8, 3x6 (!!)
    Dead bugs with Pilates ball

    50 minute walk with dog in forest. Now I'm going to do my LSD on the bike (HR zone 1-2 for 90 min). A few more weeks of developing my aerobic base and I'll start tempo runs and hill sprints (
  • ar9179
    ar9179 Posts: 374 Member
    ar9179 wrote: »
    Loved lifting today and still riding my high from getting Bench!

    congrats on this. 100 pounds!
    fanncy0626 wrote: »
    ar9179 - congratulations!

    So much thanks for your comments! I've been working toward this weight for a while and soooooo don't look like a strong gal. Too much pudge covering muscle, maybe, but I didn't think I would do it.

    This is a testament to compound lifting, really. I've renewed my deficit and am still gaining strength...after a few de-loads over the year.

    Keep going, de-load when necessary, keep lifting. Be strong.
  • awkwardsoul
    awkwardsoul Posts: 222 Member

    Bench 3x8 95lbs (warm up 45/65/80) - I was supposed to have a spot for these but he was running late and I was already warmed up so I did without. I managed to not fail any reps, so that was good and these felt easier than last week. Also last week I didn't have a spot. I'm going to need one badly for bench next week so hopefully it'll work.

    Dumbbell Rows 3x10 25lbs

  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    @ar9179 - Nice work on the bench. Plus, having the look and the strength aren't always the same (aesthetics don't always mean super strong and vice versa). I remember when I got 100 finally, it was fun. I'm only at 105 now but still it's nice to hit despite the struggle of increasing.

    @awkwardsoul - good luck with the spot. I'm thinking of testing bench at coworker's gym not cause she'll spot me but cause I will feel less awkward putting a bench in the squat rack so I can use the safeties. My gym is just too busy for that even at 11 pm.

    So, day 1 of 4 in my max testing before vacation. Today I did overhead press and pendlay rows, along with other stuff.

    incline bench press 3x8@ 65 and 1x8 @ 70 - used as a warm up then decided to try 70 since 65 felt easy. I failed on 70 a bit ago, but managed the one set so was pleased with that.

    ohp warm ups 65x3, 75x2 then 80 and 85 for 1 rep, 2 attempts at 90 but couldn't do it.

    lat pull down 3x8 @ 80 - heavy but fine.

    db shoulder press 3x8 @ 25 cause why not

    pendlay rows warm up 95x3 then 115x2 and 125 for 1. Tried 135 just to see and close but not quite there.

    bar bicep curl 3x8 @ 40 - eh

    tricep extension 3x8 @ 70 - tad heavy but didn't have the thing all the way to the top and kind of liked having it closer to my height in comparison to how it is usually set up.

    Not sure what I'll do on Thursday. Maybe squat though depends on what time I go and such. Have to get all of this done by Sunday as I leave Monday morning.
  • kimiuzzell
    kimiuzzell Posts: 611 Member
    I'm loving seeing those weights being lifted and thinking "that will be me one day!". It is very apparent, though, that it takes time to get to the heavy weights, although progress is fairly quick early seems that along with technique,.I therefore also need to learn the art of patience!! That could be my *real* challenge!!!

    This time next year!!!
  • bluefish86
    bluefish86 Posts: 842 Member

    Squat: 52.5kg - 5x5 (smashed it!)
    OHP: 22.5kg - 5/5/4/5/5
    Deadlift: 62.5kg - 1x5


    Bikram Yoga... first time back in a hot class since I dicked my neck, so we'll see how it goes.
  • Ariadnula
    Ariadnula Posts: 435 Member
    Today's workout: I'm sitting here at my desk squeezing a finger strengthening ball! My hands are really small and they're letting me down on the deadlifts, so I want to work on them. And yep, that's likely to be it for the day, other than a walk! Looking forward to the gym tomorrow though.
  • klrenn
    klrenn Posts: 245 Member
    Yesterday I squat 115 3x5, benched 80 5x5!!!! And rowed 115 5x5.

    And, there was no bench available to drag over to the pull-up bars, so I gave it a shot and tried to jump up - shocker to me, not only did I reach them and hang on, I pulled myself all the way up!! Not a strict pull-up from a dead hang because of a bit of momentum going up, but I was thrilled that I did it and didn't embarrass myself :) i'm getting closer!
  • kimiuzzell
    kimiuzzell Posts: 611 Member
    Superb effort on the pull ups....I am very much still on assisted pull ups and dips. I will get there, though and boy will I shout about it when I do. May even do a victory lap of the gym too....!!

    Ariadnula, just a walk for me today too. I can feel the effects of yesterday's workout so gave spinning this morning a miss. Will spin tomorrow instead, then weights again on Friday :)
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    Strength and Power Day! (GBB 8, take 3)

    First we work on cleans & jerks because nothing says power as much as oly lifts ;)
    Today I decided to go with a heavy complex of:
    Power Clean, Hang Squat Clean, Push Jerk
    EMOTM x6
    105, 95x4, 100

    I started too heavy (that hang clean was ugleh), so I regressed down and got through relatively well afterwards. :)

    Then it's on to bodyweight explosiveness: EMOTM x8
    Assisted pull-ups x3-5
    (got 4 on the first 6 rounds, 5 on last 2)
    Switch Push-ups x3-5
    (4 on all but the last set, which was a 5)

    Then 8 min AMRAP of the lower back killer:
    - Sumo Double KB deadlift (25lbs each, so 50lbs total) x5
    - 1 leg RDL @25lbs

    Got 9 rounds and 5 DL, finished the 10th round for my ego xP

    Last 8 min AMRAP, the final grind:
    - DB Manmaker x5 (15lbs Dbs)
    - Sit-outs x5/side

    3 rounds + 5 manmakers (finished the sitouts after time as well. No quitting today!)

    For those of you who would like to know: a manmaker is a burpee with DB in your hands, renegade rows on each side after the push-up, and a squat clean thruster instead of a jump. Lovely.

    And sit-outs (or sit throughs, or bucket drop) are... hard to describe. You're twisting your hips around and shooting your leg out (touching the butt to the ground) from one side to the other while in the push-up position. Yes, it's okay if you had to read this twice ;)

    Oh, and while I brought the DBs back to the rack I did a set of 16 alternating curls and 16 overhead triceps extensions with them haha. I did have to skip my planned shoulder rehab-specific work because I spoke to my wife instead >_>

    My chest is pretty sore from yesterday (not too sure why, the EZ bar OHP was the only thing i hadn't done the last 2 weeks lol) and so are my glutes. One day off then 2 more of these and I'm headed into a deload, which might take the shape of a bro-split. I did enjoy my stint with the machines while my shoulder was non-functional.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,148 Member
    krokador wrote: »
    Strength and Power Day!

    I would love to see you do those exercises! Great job!
  • ar9179
    ar9179 Posts: 374 Member
    DawnEmbers wrote: »
    @ar9179 - Nice work on the bench. Plus, having the look and the strength aren't always the same (aesthetics don't always mean super strong and vice versa). I remember when I got 100 finally, it was fun. I'm only at 105 now but still it's nice to hit despite the struggle of increasing.

    Yeah, I just wish I was more dedicated to keeping calories in check so that I could see my muscles! I don't want to look like an overweight lady, anymore, LOL!

    I'll be watching your progress, and hopefully trailing along ;)
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    ar9179 wrote: »
    Yeah, I just wish I was more dedicated to keeping calories in check so that I could see my muscles! I don't want to look like an overweight lady, anymore, LOL!

    I'll be watching your progress, and hopefully trailing along ;)

    It can be a challenge. After a year of deficit, I'm struggling a little but going to have a break in a week and think that will really help. Plus, it's about time I actually started using a food scale. Have one but didn't use it much yet the battery doesn't work already so need a new battery once I'm back from vacation so I can be a bit more accurate.

    Just give it time and plus have fun focusing on all the NSV material, like bench 100 and later, 115 :wink: And I look forward to seeing your awesome lifts (progress overall) too.
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    squats 85lb. i tried 90 and did my first bail on the second rep of the first set. okay with me . . . i think i got one set or part of one set, after that. but i didn't like my form or stability so i backed up and i'm perfectly happy to repeat 85. i kept up the "one set front, one set back" format all the way up to 75lbs, during warmups, ie. at 45, 55, 65 and 75. so i was happy enough with 85 by the time i was done with all that.

    ohp was hard work. i was repeating 55, and it was a bit chaotic. i got 1x4, 1x3, 1x4 . . . took a loooong break, did some lat pulldowns, went back, started all over again from set 1. got 4x5 and then 1x4 and i figured that would do it.

    deadlifts 120. tried 130, didn't like it, backed off. 120 went great and then i decided i might as well do 5x5 glute bridges or hip thrusters or whatever they're called with the same weight, because i'm on a Bum Strength mission.

    so by the time i got up from that and went back to the deadlifts again . . . not so great. when i added bridges at 70, that barely affected my glutes the next day, but i really expect that this time i'll be feeling it. i'll be walking funny tomorrow for sure.

    did some negative pulls/chins, but not in an organized way. i'm trying to diversify away from the underhand grip so i was doing one that way and then one on the much-wider-apart 45-degree grips, which was seriously not-very-good.

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,148 Member
    Didn't sleep at all last night so workout was difficult!

    Squats- 1x5x85, 1x5x90, 1x5x95, 5x5x100
    Sumo Squats- 5x5x85
    BP- 2x5x65, 1x5x70, 5x5x75
    BR - 5x5x80

    I'm still on a deload from vacation and working my way back up.