Welcome! It's Thursday night



  • elizabethymartin
    elizabethymartin Posts: 198 Member
    @TriniDiva_PA lots of thumbs ups!!!
  • TriniDiva_PA
    TriniDiva_PA Posts: 53 Member
    @TriniDiva_PA lots of thumbs ups!!!

    Thanks! Much appreciated!

  • lizwooshy
    lizwooshy Posts: 110 Member
    Good job everyone! I abstained sun-wed but had 2 shocktops tonight. This week has been strange for many reasons so I ended up Eating close to maintenance for the majority of the week. While I do feel a little guilt about it, I'm not trying to let the shame monster get to me. Tomorrow is a new day :)
  • AJMB704
    AJMB704 Posts: 590 Member
    Hi all! Great to see some more folks checking in! Yesterday I went to a business event, sort of networking. Had 2 half glasses of wine there. Then a friend and I decided to go to dinner after that and I had 2 proper glasses of wine at dinner. Bah. I guess it technically fits my rules but I HAVE to stop at that second glass! The third glass always makes me feel like crap. Whyyyyy do I do it to myself? :s

    Going to dinner tonight with my husband, a proper date night at a restaurant that's been on our list for literally years. And tomorrow we are hosting my former boss and his wife at our home for dinner. They can drink us under the table. Oof. They've always been amazing, incredible hosts so we have to pull out ALL the stops on Saturday. I'm sure Sunday will be spent on the couch...

    Have a great weekend everyone!
  • elizabethymartin
    elizabethymartin Posts: 198 Member
    I am staying in and off the sauce tonight hockey game tom w/ whole in law fam. They r fun and drinkers and I'm not dd...so that's out the window
  • AJMB704
    AJMB704 Posts: 590 Member
    Tonight is water only! I have a bunch of cleaning to do tonight because we are having some of my husband's grad school cohort over for dinner tomorrow night. And I want to make sure all I have to do is cook on Friday evening! We are making butternut squash enchiladas. So good. There will be no chance to sit on the couch tonight after work...
  • AJMB704
    AJMB704 Posts: 590 Member
    AJMB704 wrote: »
    Tonight is water only! I have a bunch of cleaning to do tonight because we are having some of my husband's grad school cohort over for dinner tomorrow night. And I want to make sure all I have to do is cook on Friday evening! We are making butternut squash enchiladas. So good. There will be no chance to sit on the couch tonight after work...

    I lied. We ended up grabbing pizza and salad for dinner and a bottle of red wine sounded too good to pass up. I did minimal cleaning and ended up sitting on the couch with a glass of wine! I had one glass and poured a second but didn't end up finishing the second glass. So I guess that's a baby step win. Normally the second glass would have been gone as quickly as the first.
  • LisaTcan
    LisaTcan Posts: 410 Member
    @AJMB704 it happens! At least you stuck to 1.5 glasses. Have a fun dinner tonight!
  • elizabethymartin
    elizabethymartin Posts: 198 Member
    Since ur diarys public and I live vicariously thru ur social life (lol) I did check ur dinner party menu and was a little worried for u that ur plans caved ! Was wondering where those enchiladas were! My SO is a meat only guy but message me the recipe if u can! I'm curious!!
  • elizabethymartin
    elizabethymartin Posts: 198 Member
    Happy Thursday. It is a grey day in Boston and a busy one for me so I'm going to have a hard time finding time for a workout today so no drinking for me tonight!!!
  • AJMB704
    AJMB704 Posts: 590 Member
    Tonight I have a work happy hour. My goal is to stick to 1 drink, but 2 drinks is my MAX. I woke up dehydrated at 2 am this morning because of 2 glasses of wine. Really?! Ugh!
  • TriniDiva_PA
    TriniDiva_PA Posts: 53 Member
    Happy Thursday. It is a grey day in Boston and a busy one for me so I'm going to have a hard time finding time for a workout today so no drinking for me tonight!!!

    I'm not sure how much more of a workout you intended to get in today, but for what it's worth, high-5 on getting your Zumba on!
  • tmbg1
    tmbg1 Posts: 1,335 Member
    Ugh Thursday is hard
  • AJMB704
    AJMB704 Posts: 590 Member
    tmbg1 wrote: »
    Ugh Thursday is hard

    Agreed, @tmbg1! Our work happy hour got canceled as both of our bosses are sick and the guest of honor is quite old and was advised to avoid folks who are sick. She recently fractured her ribs in a fall and can't take the risk of getting a cold/cough because it will hurt her ribs again.

    Anyway, I'm at home eating leftovers and wishing I had a glass of wine to enjoy. But tomorrow is weigh in so I will instead keep my calories under and ignore the kitchen the rest of the night. Hope the scale rewards me tomorrow...
  • LisaTcan
    LisaTcan Posts: 410 Member
    I had a tiny glass of wine tonight!

    @AJMB704 Tomorrow is weight in day for me too, I've been under my calories most of the week so really hoping I will me down tomorrow!
  • elizabethymartin
    elizabethymartin Posts: 198 Member
    One cocktail wed. Two Thursday. Prob a bunch this w/e
  • cindytw
    cindytw Posts: 1,027 Member
    I work holidays so it is a school night for me...but I really am not caring too much! :blush:
  • AJMB704
    AJMB704 Posts: 590 Member
    Thanksgiving...I basically forgot to count my drinks. Let's see.

    Boozy coffee in the AM at the football game
    A break while cooking
    Champagne starting at 3 pm (2 small glasses)
    A half glass of New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc
    Some red sparkling wine (it's delish) with dinner
    A glass of Pinot noir after that

    So like 5-6 drinks. Actually not that bad for thanksgiving. Normally it's much worse.
  • cindytw
    cindytw Posts: 1,027 Member
    Not doing so well this week, but at least I haven't gone off the rails completely!
  • AJMB704
    AJMB704 Posts: 590 Member
    Last night was the big annual dinner. I had a glass of champagne, half a gin martini, and 2-3 glasses of red wine (my glass kept getting refilled, oops). Feeling pretty rough this morning...