hey everyone! This is in response to a wonderful thread someone started that inspired me to start this group. I will (try) to post something new or different, challenges, mock tail recipes, leading questions or supportive quotes and facts. I will put out the opportunity for bragging rights each Friday so we can boast our…
Been doing well
So far I've been doing very well keeping it to weekends only. I hope everyone else is doing well too.
Anyone still here?
I want to get back to dry Sunday - Thursday... Just seeing if anyone is still at it in this group.
Trying again
I really slipped this summer but trying again to give it up... At least during the week.
Thought for the day
I have never woken up and regretted not drinking the night before. I cannot say the same for the opposite.
Monday morning detox on the rocks
Happy Monday. Hope u all had a good weekend! Was curious what other ppl did to be kind to their livers after a hard night...or weekend? And happy abstaining this evening :)
I'm back!
Hi everyone! Glad to see this group is still active. I frequented this group in 2015 before I got pregnant. My baby is now 7 months old and I'm trying to lose the last 15lbs of baby weight. I recently stopped breastfeeding and started to get into the bad habit of drinking a glass or two of wine every night so I'm getting…
Day two-sday
Good luck all! In an effort to stay motivated I'm going to count my oz of water today. Feel free to join n post!
Welcome! It's Thursday night
Be honest... Did u hold off for tomorrow or give in to thirsty Thursday? And if so, mind sharing why? Just thirsty? Cooking dinner and the wine just went along? Emo drinking over a bad day? Had some calories left in ur day and thought why the hell not? No judgement here, I caved and am typing cocktail in hand. So please…
No wine-ing Wednesday
Even tho I wanna whine about it. I am going to post discussions for one week and the we can just continue discussions under those every week. And everyone continue to feel free to post ur own discussions! Invite your friends! Chances are, they drink too!
Weekly Accountability!
So I haven't been doing to well with no drinking during the week so I thought I would create a thread where you can post how many drinks you had each day of the previous week. Someone else suggested this before the group was created. Please post your successful booze free weeks! It will motivate me. Oct. 26 - 31 Sunday - 1…