How do you reward yourself?



  • rdbasile
    rdbasile Posts: 82 Member
    Every 5 pounds I plan a kayaking trip for half a day or so. I like to go to an island nearby and read and write. For the final goal I am planning a trip down to Key West for some snorkeling and kayaking and a night out on the town.
    I will also rent a bike and pedal all over the place down there.
  • nicintime
    nicintime Posts: 381 Member
    Because I've yo yo'ed 50 lbs in the past I just don't feel like I can even think in terms of reward. Yet.

    Perhaps that's not a healthy perspective? I used FOOD as a reward so much in the past, that for me the reward is simply seeing the scale continue to move.

    Celebration?!? That's different. I want to give some thought as to milestone celebrations. 75 lbs down is now visible a few months ahead - a steak fry perhaps?!

    I see some of you that have hit 100 lbs down - triple digits, now that's worth a party!

    I hope you have some people in your life that would celebrate that with you. If not, then we need to have online "thread parties" when someone hits a major goal.

    Keep calm, and keto on!
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,070 Member
    I feel that this WOE and how great I feel are the rewards. It doesn't really occur to me to celebrate a milestone like 100 pounds lost etc. My reward is my staying power with this WOL, and the control I have for the first time in my life over what I eat....and the delicious food I eat is also reward ! I love everything about this. My life has changed in so many ways for the better.

    I do enjoy trying on smaller sized clothing and feel such joy when they fit ! Another reward right now at 103 pounds down in total, 63 pounds since last Fall, is that I don't cringe when I see myself in the mirror anymore. I am starting to like what I see ! I still have a ways to go, but I'm getting there. And I am already planning what sort of clothes I might want to wear when I reach my goal at 38 more pounds lost. My reward will be a two piece bathing suit that shows my new tummy....not the kind with a tank top that I can hide behind like I have now. My reward will be that the sun will see my new tummy and not just my arms and legs !

    I feel much more comfortable in my own skin emotionally. My reward right now is that my emotional acceptance of my new slimmer body is getting more realistic. I feel more whole if I can describe this accurately, i.e., my physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual selves are getting together with acceptance of myself. That feels so amazing !
  • MizTenaciousT
    MizTenaciousT Posts: 69 Member
    Books! But, that's an English major for ya ;-)
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    Logging my exercise is one of my rewards for exercising, although exercise is a reward for getting out of bed early.
  • Couchpotato39
    Couchpotato39 Posts: 691 Member
    I have varying rewards (from movies & foot massages to hiking boots and fall decorations) for certain milestones. Once I hit 75 down (I'm 10 away) I am buying the Tory Burch Fitbit bracelet.