Binge Eating Support Group Conversation Thread - 2016



  • Clemsonlkg
    Clemsonlkg Posts: 66 Member
    Hello! I am back on MFP again after regaining most of the weight I lost. I lost 86 pounds on MFP a few years ago and I have gained 78 of them back. Yuck. I am an emotional eater who turns to ice cream when I feel lonely, or tired, or bored, or happy. I want to lose this weight and change my behavior. I don't need to get all the way back to my lowest weight, but I would like to be in healthy BMI range (so 60 pounds.)

    I am powerless over food and my life has become unmanageable!

    I am 44 years old and live in South Carolina. I am married with 2 kids and have a full time job. I am healthy except for the obesity. :)

    I have struggled with depression most of my life and I am being successfully treated for it. I am a happy person, and I can be a good motivator for others. I can't seem to help myself, though.

    I am looking forward to taking my life back. For good!
  • SnowWhite767
    SnowWhite767 Posts: 7 Member
    Hello, I won't give my real name since my students have a habit of googling me (I'm a teacher). But it is nice to meet you all!

    I am a recovered bulimic although I slip up occasionally. I was bulimic for 8-9 years growing up. Depression was/is a big part of it. I am now at my highest weight of all time and very miserable about it.

    Other facts about me, not necessarily relevant: I'm a gay lady living with my sister and best friend in FL. I am a feminist. And.....a huge nerd (Star Trek, mostly). I love reading books and hiking.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    Hello, I won't give my real name since my students have a habit of googling me (I'm a teacher). But it is nice to meet you all!

    I am a recovered bulimic although I slip up occasionally. I was bulimic for 8-9 years growing up. Depression was/is a big part of it. I am now at my highest weight of all time and very miserable about it.

    Other facts about me, not necessarily relevant: I'm a gay lady living with my sister and best friend in FL. I am a feminist. And.....a huge nerd (Star Trek, mostly). I love reading books and hiking.

    @SnowWhite767 Live long and prosper, my fellow Trek nerd! :) (hugs) for your continued journey to better health.
  • Nevadaden
    Nevadaden Posts: 971 Member
    Nice to "meet" you, SnowWhite!
  • ShannonChampagne116
    ShannonChampagne116 Posts: 3 Member
    edited June 2016
    Hi, my name is Shannon. I'm a stay at home mom and I live in Michigan. I've got about 80lbs to lose. It seems like I have no self control anymore. I binge everyday. It is usually on a somewhat small scale (300/400 calories), but enough so that I've not been able to drop any weight. I can go along, doing fine most of the day, then all of a sudden, I can't stop eating. I hide what I do from my husband and daughter, I lie about where food went. I don't understand why I'm doing this. Like I said, it's not big, but it's constant. I want to stop this. I really hate feeling so beaten by something as simple as food. I've been a MFP user for years, now I'm committed to being honest on my food log and beating the binge. Wish me luck.
  • lilmyksmom1
    lilmyksmom1 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! My name is Leslie. I'm a childcare provider. I am 6 days binge free. :) I lost 75 pounds in 2014, but have gained 30 back bingeing. I struggle to keep it in check, but am doing better. Thanks for having me.
  • tsquaredmama
    tsquaredmama Posts: 168 Member
    Hi there. Been on/off again MFP member for years. Lost the chunk of my weight back in 2012. But have been consistently putting weight back on since 2013. I am still active with workouts and moderately consistent there. But, because I binge, and when I binge I binge over days- I cannot lose weight. I am here to gain some accountability and insight. Thanks all!
  • ShanniFox
    ShanniFox Posts: 2 Member
    Hi I'm Shanni. I have been abstinent from binge eating off and on with the longest period being 3 years 2009 - 2011, sin e then it has been better or worse at time but even when I was not binging I was irritable and wanting to go hide and eat. I am trying again and using MFP to plan and record my food and exercise. Right now I have finished my meals for the day and have eaten enough food. BUT I STILL WANT TO EAT AND IT IS DRIVING ME CRAZY. But just for this moment I am not going to binge. Thanks for letting me say that.
  • LostintheAmazon
    LostintheAmazon Posts: 13 Member
    ^^^Shanni, Great job for working through it, I'm having the same type of thing right now. Just finished a good sized, HEALTHY lunch but still wanting to eat wayy more than I know is good at one time. I am telling myself I'm going to sit down and not get up until I drink a couple cups of tea and let it pass, and by then I won't have time to eat more until dinner because I have to go back to work. My schedule right now is actually really helpful to prevent overeating.
  • tiffyree23
    tiffyree23 Posts: 52 Member
    New to the group, day 2 of no binging. . I don't really know if I am scared of failing or scared I'll never have the pleasure of eating a ton of food. I want to be healthy, I want to feel good but there's that secret inner part of me that just doesn't care and wants to eat whatever I want, whenever I want. I've been back and forth, over the past 6 months, on whether or not to seek help for my eating disorders. I will definitely read some of the materials listed on this group. I took the binge scale test and got a 36, so i need a lot of work and friends. :)
  • Hey everyone - just joined the group! I have never had a healthy relationship with food. In my teens I struggled with an eating disorder. Recovered now, but the binge-eating habits stayed with me. I am trying to remedy this. I find it very hard to not binge, especially at night (I am sure my insomnia has something to do with this? Maybe?) and when I am very stressed (if I feel out of control, I have to binge...which does nothing but make me feel more out of control of myself). Anyways, I don't really have anyone I can talk to about this stuff, so thanks for making this group and thanks to all those who joined :smile:
  • sap6681
    sap6681 Posts: 1 Member
    New to the group, but not new to binging. I really don't remember when binging wasn't part of my life. I'm now 55 years old and afraid I will never change. I'm going at this with a one day at a time approach.

  • Nevadaden
    Nevadaden Posts: 971 Member
    Sheri, welcome.
  • Fitgirllife72
    Fitgirllife72 Posts: 500 Member
    Hello. I'm new to the group. I've struggled with binge eating my entire life. I thought i had the binge somewhat under control until last night. I stopped counting calories around 3000. That was my first binge since July. Woke up today feeling so gross and embarrassed with myself. I hate the complete lack of control a binge has. The binge lasted hours last night
  • Nevadaden
    Nevadaden Posts: 971 Member
    As the landing page for this group says -- know that you are not alone. And, you have much to be proud of, Gettingfit -- no binges since July should not be discounted. I hope today is better for you.
  • Fitgirllife72
    Fitgirllife72 Posts: 500 Member
    Thank you @Nevadaden. Ever since the Saturday binge I have been fighting the urge to binge every day. Once I give into the binge it is so much easier for me to fall back into the binge pattern. Just taking it one day at a time. I woke up from a nap today that I was binging on a bag of pretzels. Was so relieved to wake up and see that it didn't really happen.
  • readyandwilling2
    readyandwilling2 Posts: 14 Member
    I am new to MFP and new to the group. My bingeing has definitely gotten worse over the years...I think for a short period of time in my teens I had it under control. But it crept back shortly after and now at 35 it's probably worse than ever. This is something I really need to work more excuses. Looking forward to 'chatting' with the members in this group.
  • Nevadaden
    Nevadaden Posts: 971 Member
    Nice to meet you, readyandwillingto. You'll find many supportive voices here.
  • RegainFiks
    RegainFiks Posts: 180 Member
    Hello Everyone,

    I started losing weight in the beginning of July 2015 managed to lose 13kg by December 2015, when the holidays started I didn’t stick to eating my recommended calories and I gained 6.5kg since then. Since December I have tried to get back but haven’t been successful I tried so many times, because of binge eating.

    I actually don’t have a problem during the week as I am working full-time, but on weekends I am bored, alone and I tend to binge for those two days eating above 3000 calories a day. I really want to stop this permanently but I don’t know how to do this.
  • RunawayCurves
    RunawayCurves Posts: 688 Member
    My name is Laura, 35 from England UK. I joined MFP years ago. I think this must be my 3rd MFP account as deleted old ones and started fresh more than once I think. I have been binge eating since early childhood. Always been my go to thing to numb emotional pain. I have tried everything I could think of to stop over the years but nothing stuck. I had the most success in 12 step recovery. Food addicts in recovery anonymouse. I was able to stick with that strict program, obey my sponsor and I did not binge at all for 9 months. The problem was I developed total dependency on my sponsor and I was an emotional wreck without my fix. I was still obsessed with food counting down the hours to next meal. I was technically in recovery. I was even made to sponsor others but I was not recovered, I was just hanging on by my fingertips for most of the 9 months. My body got slim but my mind was a mess. So that did not last and the binges and all the weight plus some came back.Two years ago I made it 3 months binge free on strict Ketogenic food plan but I became bored out of my mind with the food after 3 months and life stuff happened so that fell through. Tried Keto again this year but it did not stick.
    When I am good I am very good and when I am bad I am very bad.
    My hope as always is to take what I have learned and keep the best bits in hopes of finding something truly sustainable. For health reasons I do best on low sugar, low carb but for realism reasons I do not see myself going as far as strict keto food plan again.
    My secret weapon this time is abandoning bathroom scales so the numbers on it can no longer be used to torment me and warp my mind. I am concentrating on consistent healthy eating because that element is what did work for me in the addiction group. Also the eating real food worked for me so keeping that.