Ja-new-ary(ou) in the making: Workout Check-in



  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    Did the DDP "Fat burner" yoga session while my wife was on skype with me. She made fun of it because the guy sounds like a drill sergeant and it's not relaxing or actually really yoga, if not for the fact you're actually holding the asanas no matter what name you put on them. lol. Either way, I feel a lot better that I did it.

    Also plugged in 5 hero manmakers. Gonna do another 5 when I get home. I'm gonna work on getting 10-30 in a day from now on. But they won't all be bunched together and it's not going to be 60, so that's a relief!
  • Ariadnula
    Ariadnula Posts: 435 Member
    Oops, just accidentally put this in the December thread. Putting it here to keep things straight, I thought I'd accidentally deleted it!

    Last day off! (Scotland gets an extra holiday after Hogmanay - hurray!)

    Squat: 5x5 @ 70kg
    Deadlift: 1x5 @ 60kg
    OHP: 5x5 @ 21kg
    I'm starting to get back to my previous max on these before a forced deload before Christmas, and feeling good so I hope to keep increasing.

    Dips: 2x10

    Then a bunch of core/ oblique stuff. I've been putting together some bodyweight workouts for my husband to do at home and he said he was bored with the last lot and wanted to focus more on core exercises. So I thought I'd better test them out on myself! I might be sore tomorrow....
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    edited January 2016
    krokador wrote: »
    Also plugged in 5 hero manmakers. Gonna do another 5 when I get home. I'm gonna work on getting 10-30 in a day from now on. But they won't all be bunched together and it's not going to be 60, so that's a relief!

    I looked up man makers on YouTube and they have them using weights. I also looked up hero man makers which were different they had you do the superman and it was done without weights. Which one do you do? Or do you do something completely different?

    Stronglifts workout

    Squats- 1 X5X 65/75/85/95/105/115, 5X5X 120
    Sumo squats-5X5X105
    BP-1X5X 65/70/75, 5X5X 80
    BR-5X5X 85

    I am now back up to my max on all lifts. I am working on form and am planning on increasing weight 1 pound at a time this month.
  • dcresider
    dcresider Posts: 1,272 Member
    edited January 2016
    Happy New Year everyone. I just weighed myself and it wasn't good, so it's time to really get back on track. The holidays were filled with rich foods which didn't agree with my weight loss program so now it's time to do something about it. As for SL, I had to deload big time.

    -Squats: 5x5 @ 115 lbs. Easy but felt it on my thighs. Shouldn't I be feeling these in my glutes?

    -OP: 4x8@ 45 lbs. One of our gym staff told me that I should start increasing reps but do 4 sets of 8 to start seeing more definition since I don't want to increase any more weight. I decided to do it today. Opinions?

    -Deadlifts: 1x8 @ 155 lbs.

    -Romanian deadlifts: 4 x 8 @ 50lbs.

    -1 minute plank

    -30 minute short run.
  • hufflepie
    hufflepie Posts: 26 Member
    Trekked through the ice to the gym today.

    SQ: 5x5x85lbs - Starting to feel heavier now. I'm curious to know where I'm going to get stuck. Still don't know if trying to hit 190 this year is reasonable.
    BP: 5x5x45lbs
    Row: 5x5x65lbs - I haven't gone up on this because I'm concerned my form isn't correct. I'll be watching Medhi's video before the next time.

    5 minutes to warm-up and cool down, running on the treadmill.

    I ended up slipping on the ice on the way to work. My lower back feels sore/bruised. I hope it doesn't impede my workout on Wednesday.
  • ninenines
    ninenines Posts: 197 Member
    Back to work yesterday so had to do my workout in the morning. It was nice that it was cooler though!

    SQ: 5x5x47.25kg - I was supposed to do 48kg, but realised at the end of the sets that I forgot to put one of the fractional plates on. Whoops.
    BP: 5x5x30kg - Stoked to have reached a weight high enough to warrant warm up sets!
    BR: 35kg 3,4,4,5,4 - Struggled today, my back has been a bit sore, I think from water skiing, and hopefully not from deadlifts the other day.
  • bluefish86
    bluefish86 Posts: 842 Member
    edited January 2016
    I started ICF last week after 14 weeks of SL. So far, I'm loving the new regime.

    Sunday was Day 3....

    Squats: 70kg - 5x5
    Bench: 27.5kg - 5x5
    Row: 47.5kg - 5x5
    Barbell Shrugs: 12.5kg - 3x8
    Skull Crushers: 12.5kg - 3x8
    Barbel Curls: 15kg - 8/8/5
    Hyperextensions: 5kg - 2x10
    Cable Crunches: 19.3kg - 3x10
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    The weather got better today and melted everything. I could have gone to my gym but decided to stay closer to home and just get a day pass at the one my coworker usually goes to for workouts. It was 5 dollars, so that wasn't too bad. If I have a day where roads are too bad to do the longer distance and it's during their staffed hours, I could do that again. They have decent equipment though no padding or any are for deadlifts. Also don't have much for calves. Less people though. Busy was 5 of us in the weight area and that was brief. Most of the time it was maybe 1 or two in cardio area and a couple people in the weights, which is busier than I'd seen it before. Had a guy compliment my squat, on my warm up set. Overall, a decent session though my knee hurt where I bruised it last night and deadlifts didn't help that factor but oh well.

    51 - Lower Power
    10 minute elliptical warm up
    squat 3x3 @ 180 - heavy. The last rep on last set was no good, will definitely keep at this for next time.
    deadlift 2x4 @ 190 and 1x4 @ 215 with straps - Not bad though the plates are different at this one. Also, the calluses on my hands were achy, so I tried doing the higher weight set with the straps and it wasn't too bad once I figured how to get them tight enough on my small hands.
    leg press 3x8 @ 230 - barely. Tougher than normal but different machine and I think the equipment weighed a little more on this one, though nothing on it stated the weight so can't say for sure.
    seated calf raise 3x10 @ 35 - Those were awkward. Took me a long time to figure out how to do the thing.
    hip thrust 3x8 @ 115 - oof. Heavy and the bench shifted some. I put 45 plates to keep the bench from moving. At least, with the 35s I can get under the bar on the ground. Also, used the pad for the first time since I used a regular bar and not the pre-fixed ones. Still awkward but better.

    Going to be some tiring days as I usually rest on Mondays. Tomorrow should be upper hypertrophy and long run. We'll see how things go. Didn't go get shoes yet, but one day, that is the a goal this month, new shoes. Did deadlift and squats in just socks and their rack is a little different in the peg location, so I didn't gave as many issues with that. But brr is it cold without shoes right now. Looking forward to weather warming up in a couple of months.

  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    i did a workout but the numbers and reps were all over the place and i don't feel like i have anything definitive to report.
  • awkwardsoul
    awkwardsoul Posts: 222 Member
    I've been gone since November and back. Why was I gone? I sprained my ankle so bad that I was on crutches for 2 weeks. Finally started lifting as I'm now stable on my feet, walking normal and have been stretching that ankle to regain movement again.

    Anyways, today I went in to restart Untamed Strength's program starting with squats. I was able to squat on Saturday (I went through all the lifts to see how I did) but today it was just not happening. I felt really stiff and some pain, so I took squats off the menu today.

    Sumo Deadlift - 5x12 135lbs.
  • BethAnnieT
    BethAnnieT Posts: 263 Member
    Am I supposed to barbell myself in the boobs when I barbell row? Or am I supposed to aim for the underboob area? To be fair they take up a lot of space, but surely I can work around them here.
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    BethAnnieT wrote: »
    barbell myself in the boobs

    let me finish laughing before i try to answer. it's like a belly-laugh and a cringeflinch mixed together.

    i go for around the mid-point between bottom-of-boob and the edge-of-the-ribs. but mine have an extremely small, um . . . footprint? there's a lot of rib left over underneath them.

    i think trying to actually hit myself in the boobs would cause some shoulder impingement, quite aside from the other ow factors. it's definitely way too high for me to bench safely, and i think the same geometry applies turned upside down.
  • christch
    christch Posts: 238 Member
    Lower power tonight
    Front squat 1x5 35,4x5 40,3x3 42.5kg had to do them without a bench to catch me as guys all doing chest day
    DL 1x5 50,60,65,70 3x3 72.5kg
    Leg press single leg 3x5 20kg
    Double leg 1x5 40,45 4x5 45,3x5 60kg
    Leg curl 4x5 20kg
    Leg extensions 4x5 20kg
    Bent over row 1x5 15,3x5 25,1x5 30kg needed to have a go practicing these 30kg was doable but felt form wasn't quite right.

    Think I'm going to feel this tomorrow.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    BethAnnieT wrote: »
    Am I supposed to barbell myself in the boobs when I barbell row? Or am I supposed to aim for the underboob area? To be fair they take up a lot of space, but surely I can work around them here.

    I've seen a couple of suggestions. I tend to go towards under the bra line as much as I can, though the pull gets challenging when I'm at the heavy weights and about needing to deload. Mine are smaller now but victoria's secret worker who measured still put me as a D (I have doubts). However, I had a grit strength instructor recommend in the class for bent rows to pull more towards the stomach. The light weight with those bars and such, didn't work for me and my stomach sticks out too (not just my chest), so it was a slight hinderance. Plus, I just don't really feel them working even though the muscles are doing things. She recommended a little up for me but also to do underhand grip, which I don't do at heavy weights (the class bars didn't hold much). I haven't taken that class in months though. For pendlay, I also keep to the near the bottom of the bra line in general. But I'm no expert, for sure.
  • kimiuzzell
    kimiuzzell Posts: 611 Member
    @canadianlbs - you worked out. You didn't wimp out. Be proud.
    @awkwardsoul - welcome back. Take care of that ankle!
    @bluefish86 - I've printed off ICF and am looking to do that once I finish NR which I am currently running alongside SL. Let us know how you get on!
    @DawnEmbers - you are a little machine. I am inspired daily by your workouts, you know!

    So, rest day from the gym for me today. My back hurt after deadlifts yesterday but is easier today, so I think it was firing me a warning shot. I could see in the mirror that when doing heavy DLs yesterday my hips were not aligned. I need to work on this with lighter weights because I do not like the pain that accompanied it.

    I did have a good walk to work today - it is 2.6kms each way, so a decent brisk walk....and today it took 34 seconds LESS time than it has done before. So that means my general fitness must be improving, because I certainly wasn't doing anything faster than walking, and I still had to wait to cross roads for traffic etc. Pleased with that, as so many people are quick to say that by lifting not doing cardio as a priority, you are ignoring "fitness".

    Yah boo sucks to them. That's what I say.
  • kimiuzzell
    kimiuzzell Posts: 611 Member
    Re the boob issue - I am not blessed in that area, so just aim for mid way between my belly button and my bra line generally. Normally I am fairly jealous of ladies with "assets" there, but I have to say it is a blessing in the gym that nothing really gets in my way (although I still wouldn't want to drop the barbell on them!!!!)
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    BethAnnieT wrote: »
    Am I supposed to barbell myself in the boobs when I barbell row? Or am I supposed to aim for the underboob area? To be fair they take up a lot of space, but surely I can work around them here.

    I typically try to aim around the same spot I do for bench press, which is basically just under the nipple line (although with gravity it's not quite the same spot). The more bent-over you are, the higher on your torso you'll want to reach for.

    Deadlift 5 day today! It was minus-freakin-30-ish (celcius) with the windchill this morning. I did NOT want to be out there but I went and I'm glad I did (but I'm so cold ugh!)

    147.5x5 (yes, I round to the fractionals even for deadlifts xD Was really tempted to just throw on 150 tbh! xD)
    197.5x10 - that AMRAP wasn't pretty. I had to reset at rep 6, started losing my grip, kind of got loose towards the end... Need to work on this a bit!

    Then moved on to GBB 18... with... drumroll... moar deadlifts!

    EMOTM x8
    (even though I seemed to think it was 5 at first lol. Thought I was done, another round, again, and again!)
    Double KB Deadlift (2x20kg) x6

    Wasn't so hard, but the next progression is single leg and I didn't feel ready for that this AM.

    6 min AMRAP
    - Bent-over KB row (35lbs) x4 / arm
    - half turkish get-up (no weight) x4 / side

    I think I got 6 rounds and then some, but since I'M not connected directly to my phone atm I went over time by like 40s, so this is what I figured I had in 6 mins

    6 min AMRAP
    - Double KB Clean (2x25lbs) x3, 6, 9, 12
    - Plank lateral walks (6 steps to the right, then back to the left = 1 "rep") x 1, 2, 3, 3

    Yikes, the plank walks were taxing on my shoulders more than my core. Not sure why... Ah well.

    Also, someone asked me which hero manmakers I was doing? It's the ones with bodyweight only and the superman thrown in. I did 5 at the start of my workout and 5 at the end and they do feel pretty good!
  • BethAnnieT
    BethAnnieT Posts: 263 Member
    edited January 2016
    Thanks for the help, all! Thanks for helping me avoid the dreaded "barbell boob" :) I'm kind of looking forward to my next barbell row workout so I can try aiming a little lower, or I guess from horizontal it's "closer" or something. Anyway, thanks for the help as always. :) Y'all are the best.

    Oh I forgot to report on my workout. Had to deload because have been out of the gym since Dec 24 due to gym closure and a cold.

    squats 5x5 @ 70 plus a few warmup sets @ 45/55
    bench 5x5 @ 45 (this felt awesome it was so light, I probably should have done 55)
    barbell boobs, I mean rows 5x5 @ 45, should have probably done 55

    Was taking it easy because I was post-sick, but probably could have pushed a little harder.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member

    Stronglifts rest day

    Goblet squats-3X5X 25
    Kettle bell swing-19 X7X 25
    Beginning of week four.
  • Ariadnula
    Ariadnula Posts: 435 Member
    So - back to work, back to my normal time at the gym. No sign of new-year-resolution folk, yet - it was quiet.

    Squats: 5x5 @ 71kg - getting close to my max before I deloaded. It's hard work!
    Bench: 5x5 @ 30 kg - still being a bit chicken on this, got to push the numbers up...
    Row: 5x5 @ 18 kg dumbbells

    Chin ups: 2x3 'bare', 3x10 with 12kg assist

    Two thoughts:

    I've been reading around, thinking about adding things, looking at Strong Curves, new rules, PHUL, and last night looking up ice cream fitness ... But today I gave myself a bit of a talking to about just sticking to what I'm doing for a while! I've only been doing this since Sept and I haven't given it a proper chance. Focus.

    And secondly, why are so many of the people who develop these things so obnoxious? I remember rolling my eyes as I read the Stronglifts site, and that ice cream guy ... jeez. On the Nia Shanks podcast last week her guest was bemoaning the fact that the fitness industry is in thrall to 'bullies' and I think she's right. I'll stick here with you nice people :smiley: