The Vicious Yellow Platoon



  • night_watcher
    night_watcher Posts: 825 Member
    For thursday we have 10 jumping jacks every 90 minutes while awake challenge :tongue: i love this one, cant wait to hear where you guys did your jumping jacks
  • L_Master
    L_Master Posts: 354 Member
    Last two days were good for me, just shy of 100m on the bike. Coach had me doing back to back hard workouts on the bike, both of 2+ hours w/intervals during the ride. Ouch.

    Right at my calorie target, and doing good keeping any sort of junk food to less than 5% of daily kcals as well as very minimal snacking (knowing I have to weight and log this is really helping). Basically just 1/4 of a Hershey's bar right before bed and then maybe one other small treat right in the morning to make taking in water pleasant.

    Real goal is to be singing this same tune in 4 weeks, or ideally 6 months. Also doing good on soda...none since Dec 31, goal (for now) is one month no soda period.

    Will comment more tomorrow when I have time to read all the cools stuff the rest of you have been up to.
  • HealthyGinny
    HealthyGinny Posts: 821 Member
    Hi Guys, 4th day :):):) This challenge is being good to me so far, I have lost 800g (almost 1kg) so I am glad. Yesterday, I did ok, apart from a sugary yoghurt, I had no refined sugar! I had nuts as an afternoon snack and dates in the evening, no sugar in my porridge in the morning. I walked 11400 steps, had 12 glasses of water, reached 94% of my protein goal and had 5 servings of fruits and vegs. I am trying to go via the stairs and not the lifts at my job (I am on the 7th floor) and walk more instead of taking a bus in the evening.

    Fair warning, I will be in a meeting at work almost all day so I will not be able to do the side challenge today so I will do it tomorrow and combine it with Friday's one, hope that's ok! :)

    Good luck for today, guys, have a lovely day xx
  • HealthyGinny
    HealthyGinny Posts: 821 Member
    @jbaker436: well done on the workouts and the steps! :)
    @1cand0it2: love the idea of Jazzercise!
    @L_Master: great job on the exercise and stopping drinking soda!
  • moremonica
    moremonica Posts: 32 Member
    This is a record for me - two days in a row without dessert or any refined sugar. Even when counting calories, I still add 100 calories at the end of the night for chocolate.

    The jumping jack challenge was difficult. I almost hung myself on my necklace jumping around in my office!

    @HealthyGinny - WOW! 1 kG/week is huge!
    @L_Master - giving up pop is difficult. But now if I am at the movies and I take a drink of my niece's pop it tastes disgusting! So sweet (and I am a sugar person)!! Your body will love you for it!
  • dujyandco
    dujyandco Posts: 90 Member
    Hey! I passed the sugar challenge!! (Says Dessert Girl.)
    I got in aaaalllll my protein yesterday (and then some!) by eating extra chicken, and (plain) greek yogurt.
    Last night after dinner I was okay with no dessert--just this once ;)-- then I thought I'd try something, since I was still low on calories; I tossed a cup of yogurt and a cup and a half of frozen strawberries, milk, stevia, and vanilla in the blender.... and out came a strawberry milkshake! (I even passed some reeses cups in the foil over to hubby... without even being tempted!) :)
    Also walked well over the 23k steps yesterday, and left around 900 calories in the bank, last night.
    Ready for jumping jacks today! And... scale has gone down three days in a row, and feeling a little hesitant this morning to get on the scale... will it continue???? Oof.
  • dujyandco
    dujyandco Posts: 90 Member
    @L_Master , congratulations on the soda! That's awesome. I think I feel the way about beer that lots of people feel about soda. :) (Haven't been having it lately, as it can get dang expensive -calories.)
    I love your goal of <5% junkfood... it's a great frame! Something like that would work for me, too, as I'm definitely not a 'denial' sort of girl, but have to work those favorite things into my day. 5% sounds very reasonable!
    I very much appreciate that idea and insight!
  • dujyandco
    dujyandco Posts: 90 Member
    Everyone has been entering their stats in the log, right? :)
    It's here, in case you haven't been....

    You can enter the proper date, and enter your stuff, even if you were 'off' in a category!
  • dujyandco
    dujyandco Posts: 90 Member
    Lol @moremonica ! I'm glad you lived to tell the tale! I'm in a time of extra water (and tender in the chest department), so I'll be doing a low-impact variety! :)
  • jbaker436
    jbaker436 Posts: 55 Member
    Jumping jacks in the parking garage this morning... ;)
  • kdcomstock89
    kdcomstock89 Posts: 54 Member
    Anyone else awkwardly doing jumping jacks in the bathroom so your coworkers don't think you're crazy?
  • dujyandco
    dujyandco Posts: 90 Member
    :D I was hoping others would have funny stories.... I'm at home, so meh. Boring!!
    Love yours, @kdcomstock89 .
  • sue_01
    sue_01 Posts: 2,792 Member
    dujyandco wrote: »
    Breakfast (same as usual, morning smoothie!):


    ....and then it's much prettier later. :)


    Today's combination is spinach, carrots, banana, blueberries, orange juice, plain, no-fat greek yogurt (my next container was in the freezer, so had to take it out and use the tillamook this morning), mango, and kiwi (most all organic, if that matters to anyone besides me).
    I eat/drink all of it, unless my daughter wants some. Usually over a few hours, depending on how much it makes. :)

    Very nice, I am a big fan of smoothies (especially green) but I tend to have them only when it's warmer! Yours look really nice!

    For breakfast (no picture sorry), I had something called "Budwig cream", which is a kind of raw breakfast: organic yoghurt, flax oil & seeds, fruit bits (apple and banana this morning), cashew nuts, lemon juice, buckwheat seeds, and sunflower seeds). It's very complete and all raw, so yoour digestive system works longer to proccess it and you're not hungry until late :)

  • sue_01
    sue_01 Posts: 2,792 Member
    I was up early this morning to check how much snow we have to shovel? So I shovelled a lot of snow. I did my Focus Shaun T workout, 11,000 steps, and jumping jacks at home. Resting tonight maybe tomorrow freezing rain.
  • sue_01
    sue_01 Posts: 2,792 Member
    Any suggestions for Protein power for smoothies --low sugar?
  • L_Master
    L_Master Posts: 354 Member
    Nope so far on the challenges, today was just an easy 75 min recovery spin on the bike after several very hard days in a row. Close to no processed sugar, but had 1/4 of a Hershey Bar and a small 10g/40kcal cookie at work. Good day eating wise aside from that.

    Was a day of survival though, I was a walking, tired, wasted, lifeless zombie energy wise.

    Question now is...what to batch cook as my meal for next week?!

  • night_watcher
    night_watcher Posts: 825 Member
    dujyandco wrote: »
    @kmcquiggan wrote: "Goal for the week: Add in a walk each day at lunch. Lose 1 lb.
    Goal for the challenge (35 days): Consistently lose weight each week, drink more water, move more minutes in the day"

    I want to lose some weight too (passionately), but I"m coming off a two or three-week bounce between the same six pounds, and while I've reevaluated and researched, I still don't dare say the words "Weight Loss" as a goal! :/
    On Sunday I got my new scale, and having one that consistently gives you the same weight for three times in 45 seconds is promising! lol I am encouraged. :)

    I look forward to your success!

    maximum time to know that youve actually hit the plateau and that its time to change things a little, if 4-6 weeks. I hope you're taking your multivitamins and focusing on protein. Vitamin c and D can hinder a lot in your weight loss process.

    The sooner i learned about this, i started taking multivitamins and i lose weight more often that i gain.
  • night_watcher
    night_watcher Posts: 825 Member
    Anyone else awkwardly doing jumping jacks in the bathroom so your coworkers don't think you're crazy?

    lol Hi there :P
  • night_watcher
    night_watcher Posts: 825 Member
    L_Master wrote: »
    Nope so far on the challenges, today was just an easy 75 min recovery spin on the bike after several very hard days in a row. Close to no processed sugar, but had 1/4 of a Hershey Bar and a small 10g/40kcal cookie at work. Good day eating wise aside from that.

    Was a day of survival though, I was a walking, tired, wasted, lifeless zombie energy wise.

    Question now is...what to batch cook as my meal for next week?!

    i usually get my portions of chicken breast and fish marinated and frozen in ziplocks. I also get my veggie servings cut and portioned for 5 workdays and freeze them. So daily i pick a pack of protein and a pack of veggie and prepare lunch and dinner for me :)
  • L_Master
    L_Master Posts: 354 Member
    @jbaker436 - Nice on the weight loss, that near 2lbs a week is really solid!
    @sue_01 - 15,000 steps is pretty active, and the snow definitely ups the intensity from just a casual stroll around the block. Just wish old man winter would leave town right about now...need to move to Sacramento or Phoenix or Tuscon!
    @moremonica - Nice start on the chain of no dessert/processed stuff! Now try and go for one week!
    @dujyandco - Some awesome bits of food you got going there, might have to steal a few of those ideas...especially the fruit based ones! :) Looks like you're pretty dialed in on calories, and just about dialed on macros. Nice walk btw!
    @HealthyGinny - First off, awesome loss so far! Looks like you're getting in some good movement with the step counts and are hitting both calories and macros nicely, keep on going!
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