OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi Everyone-
    Well I'm two days behind schedule with Project Me- I had good day one and day two, I followed Patti's lead and my train not only wrecked but burst into flames- i ate 1/2 of a pint of frozen yogurt and then a choc chip cookie.
    But I hit my reset button and moving forward. I have been thinking more and more every day about why I am letting stress over take my food plan- some days I have great support and other days sabotage- when I'm at a vulnerable point. I cave, get mad at myself and then eat because I caved.
    In all transparency, Rick prefers me as a heavy woman- he has his insecurities and some days I can fight it and others the battle is just too much. Some days he's proud that I'm losing weight and other days well lets just say he has insecurities.
    I have discussed this as I am impairing my health and chances for a long healthy life. But it falls on deaf ears. I will persevere but I will need your support and remind me when I am getting off track that to stay the course that I AM WORTH GOOD HEALTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Anyway, I am going to get back on track with bike riding or walking even if I start with 10 minutes- I won't sacrifice my writing time either- he will have to get over it.
    So from this moment- I am working hard at PROJECT ME!
    I don't have a moment for personals but I will be back.
    I want to thank each one of you for being here for me- you are awesome.
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Cindy, big hugs -- living with a saboteur is really difficult. And it speaks to his insecurities, not yours. We're all here for you. Emotional eating is a bear -- my last couple of weeks with the family stuff was a real roller coaster here too. A pint of fro-yo and a (one?!!!?!!!! Is that even possible?) cookie isn't the end of the world. Better days lie ahead and you know that you're doing this for YOU. And that only YOU know what's right for your body. Rick is afraid of losing you, of change. You're not trying to threaten him, of course. And NONE of that is your fault!

    Did well yesterday and so far today (knock wood). Even if I stay relatively on track as an act of defiance, so be it.

    One rule for my "resume" that I forgot to type in is what I call The Patti Rule, because I learned it from her:

    Never put food in my mouth while I have food in my mouth!

    Have finally connected with a human at former foot/ankle surgeon's office -- it will cost me a lot to get my records & x-rays from them ($18/sheet for x-rays!) but I will make whatever investment I must to move forward in trying to get a better, more lasting fix that might make my legs the same length and de-collapse my ankle. (Please feel free to remind me of this if I have surgery and complain about pain or rehab!).

    After routine dentist visit & cleaning (not bad at all), I ran several errands but did not pick up a snack. Bought only a couple of food items - steel-cut oats and unsweetened applesauce. Tired, going to veg a bit now -- last few nights have been spotty. Hoping to minimize out-of-home time tomorrow.

    Cheers to all!
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good evening everyone, must be a busy day for all.

    Cindy, I concur with Janet. We will always be here to support you. You are so worth it, never forget that!

    Janet, thanks for reminding me of that rule. I hate that you have to pay so much for records that legally belong to you. But if it gets you to a place where you will have less pain, it will be worth it.

    Such a nice day with my GFs. Left at 9am to head to Cincinnati and the Taft Museum for the Dressing Downton exhibit. The exhibits were set up in the different rooms of the museum, so it was a twofer. The Tafts left their home and art collection "to the people of Cincinnati in such a manner that they be available to all". Then we had lunch followed by a stroll through IKEA.
    Yesterday was the polar opposite of Monday. All food tracked, water goal met, TRX, got up and moved every hour. Made good choices and felt like I gave it my all.

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    edited August 2016
    Patti, how long will the Downton exhibit be up? May need a day trip! Sounds much like the world-class Toledo Museum of Art, endowed by Edward Drummond Libbey (think Libbey Glass). Museums are important -- I keep active membership there to support an institution that means a lot to me.

    I knew you'd turn things around yesterday. Feeling great positive energy from all of us right now. If we seize the day, each day, the majority of days, progress will happen.

    Way tired -- tried nap but phone rang twice; it'll be very early to bed here for a change. Going to have something very simple for dinner because even cooking mushrooms is more than what I want. I have some Panera chicken noodle soup to warm up and will have veggies and black bean hummus, plus a low-carb, high-fiber tortilla and yogurt. Actual cooking can wait until I'm no longer a zombie!
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Hi ladies. Yes, we are one close, trusting and open group of wonderful friends. We have this common thread of desiring to be the best we can be both physically and mentally, realizing that we won't accomplish this overnight. We have developed this amazing bond across hundreds of miles, Internet wires and phones lines that facilitate our group to share and participate in intelligent and fun conversations, topics and now our Project Me. I feel so bleed to be a par if this group!

    My week has been sketchy too. I have been tracking, drinking water and keeping to my approved snacks, but, only hit the treadmill one time. I will remedy that in the morning. I will be home tomorrow morning.

    I have decided to resign from the Clinical trials company. I just don't care for the owner. She spoke to me in a tone I don't tolerate last week and she is not compliant with her billing method and that I cannot abide. Not only that, Glenn has to have more surgery soon, and so does Angelique, and I will be busy caring for them. Plus Izzy will be under my care while Angelique is down. I am leaving Friday morning to see my doctor in Birminghsm to schedule my eye surgery and there is always a possibility it will trigger a recurrence of shingles in my eye. So I really have a lot going on.

    Cindy- My first husband was exactly like that. He preferred me overweight also. He got suspicious when I dieted. Isn't life strange? You know we have your back. I can't believe that Shane hired Don!! Loving your book!!

    Patti- I am glad you have turned your week around. You are such a social butterfly and eat out so much and with other people, such challenges!! Do you remember the tips from the Beck Book for these?

    Janet- I truly hope you medicated yourself and were able to obtain some deep sleep to replenish your body which is probably weak from the calorie drop this week. Your food sounded good to me though.

    Glenn did see his surgeon today and he put in the drain ring which will ensure no closing for possible infection. He welcomed us to get a second opinion with the other two specialist in town or the one we mentioned in Jacksonville. I had already made the appointment for the one at our USA Medical Center.

    I feel so bad for my dear husband.

    We do need to start setting that date and place for our OMG retreat. I like to make my reservations way ahead with my Wyndham. Where are we talking? Whom would like to stay in my Condo?

    Until tomorrow,

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    edited August 2016
    Good morning and welcome to Thursday. Can I say I am feeling thinner this morning? Yes, yes I am!! Of course I haven't gotten on the scale, I promised myself I would only weight the once a week, on Monday's. I have really improved my water intake this last three days, and for that I am extremely proud!! That first thing in the morning punch really get the body flowing!! It is releasing a lot of water buildup in my body I believe.

    Today's Quotes:

    Good friends help you find important things when you have lost them. Your smile, youR hope, and your courage.

    Pearls don’t lie on the seashore. If you want one, you must dive for it

    and lastly

    As we advance in life, it becomes more and more difficult…but in fighting the difficulties, the inmost strength of the heart is developed.
    — Vincent van Gogh

    I best get going here. I wanted to start the weekend with some quotes for us to ponder. Friendship, motivation and something deep from Vincent. I am feeling deep this morning, as I was last night after witnessing Glenn's suffering from his physician visit. I am sent him a basket of goodies to his work this morning to brighten his mood. He was aggravated with that ring work this morning. That is why Vincent's quote resonating with me this morning, "as we advance in life it becomes more difficult...geez, an understatement for us...


  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good morning,
    Karla, thanks for the quotes. Sending Glenn some healing and coping prayers. That is such a tough area to heal. I would be up for meeting with everyone but am somewhat financially restricted. Hoping we choose a place I can drive to. I never was a big fan of the Beck Book, she just seemed too pushy and "all or nothing" in her attitude. I didn't really find her motivating. My strategies for eating out is to be involved in the restaurant choice whenever possible and to go online for NI. I only look at the menu to make sure that what I chose is on there, lol. Yesterday I had no idea where we were going so was unprepared. The only healthy options were salads. I had only had a smoothie for breakfast and lunch was late so I knew a salad was not going to cut it. So my choice was not the best, but not the worst. Turns out I probably made the best choice for how the day ended.

    Janet, hope you got some restorative rest. I hear you on being too exhausted to cook. The display is there until Sept 25th. I really enjoyed learning the story of the Tafts who were of the same generation as the Dowager Countess and lived in the house during the same period of time as the fictitious Crowley family inhabited Downton. Hope you get a chance to visit the museum.

    Cindy, I feel so bad Rick's insecurities are wrecking havoc with your healthy efforts. You are stronger than you think so I know you will find the balance you need to make yourself a priority every day. Hopefully as you lose weight and he sees how much you love yourself and him, he will feel more secure.

    As wonderful as yesterday was it ended with me having a migraine. Something I rarely have, it has been over 15 years since my last one. So I took a hot shower (my treatment for anything that ails me) and was in bed by 7:30. Did not get up until 8 am and feel totally refreshed and headache free. So, needless to say, I was waaaay under on calories yesterday. I tried eating but the act of chewing made my head hurt more. Just glad it is behind me. Today will be a whirlwind. Gym, grocery, laundry, gym and dinner. No problem, I will get it all done. Need to plan out meals for the weekend.

    I want to take this moment to thank you all for always being here. Never would have guessed that an on line friendship would be playing such a big part of my life and my journey. Without you wonderful women I know I would have given up a long time ago. I will admit that recently I had about given up on myself, just so tired of the struggle, but I knew that if I quit it meant I had to give up this community and that was just not an acceptable option. Just knowing that you don 't judge and always have my back gave me the courage and desire to get back to making my health a priority.

    Need to get the his bus rolling, the gym is calling. One of the ladies turned 70 yesterday. She is the strongest, healthiest woman I have ever known. She works our every day and always has, wish I would have developed that discipline earlier in my life. I am determined to keep exercise a part of my life.


  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    edited August 2016
    Good morning! Took a muscle relaxer last night and got better sleep than I've had in weeks. Feeling much more human and as ready as my hungry self can be to tackle day four of my resumption.

    Karla, I suspect the sleep issues were due more to the feelings I've been having about my family than the calorie drop. Made it successfully through the third day of Project Me. Hoping Glenn's pain is already much less. You have so much going on -- please let other family and friends lend a hand too! Hoping Jason can be there for Izzy as much as Nana. Tough circumstances, but you will build great memories. Hoping your eye can get done soon & without complications. You MUST make time for YOU too! "Firing" the clinical trials company is shedding aggravation you do not need.

    Patti, migraines are horrible. I have one every few months (when younger I had hormone-induced ones at the beginning & end of every period and was on Rx for it). Hope the world is kinder to you today. Restaurant meals are a bear -- having lunch with a former coworker tomorrow at O'Charley's and will research my choices today. And am with you on the Beck book -- is a holy grail for some but not for others. I never even made it through chapter 2 because of the tone of condescension I read into it. We each have our own wrinkles in what works and sharing ideas, tips and above all support here is my biggie! I could drive us to a gathering - road trip!

    Didn't even warm up the soup last night. Still fasting this morning but abut to have yogurt & raspberries. Hoping for a quiet day here. Still trying to wrangle getting medical records & x-rays and just hit another brick wall -- a week after sending the faxed request (from UPS Store, with confirmation). So I will go about my day and keep rolling,
  • smack59
    smack59 Posts: 316 Member
    Hi gang! Sorry for my absence yesterday. I'm still dealing with stomach issues and it turned into a pretty busy day. I confess that I just vegged in between commitments. Eating has been bland and easy to digest and is all tracked. I've not met my exercise goals but am not far off. All in all, I feel pretty good about how Project Me is going - especially given that I've not felt well.

    Cindy - it must make things so tough for you to not have Rick's support. Hopefully, as you get more healthy and are able to demonstrate that your love for him doesn't change due to your weight loss, he will come around.

    Patti - girl, there's no doubt we've ALWAYS got your back - regardless of where you are in your journey. I truly hope we can all continue to be a POSITIVE influence to one another. I do worry that I may at times contribute to a "co-conspiracy" attitude when I'm off the rails. Meaning conspiring to NOT follow my plan and wind up "recruiting" others to join me on the journey off the rails.

    Karla - poor Glenn! Thankfully he's in your capable hands. So glad to hear you're feeling thinner. You must be doing the right things.

    Janet - I hate it when the phone wakes me up from a nap! Especially when it just turns out to be a solicitor as we're on the do not call list. Loved this statement you made about positive energy: "Feeling great positive energy from all of us right now. If we seize the day, each day, the majority of days, progress will happen." Suzi Sunshine couldn't have said it better herself!
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Suzi, hope you're back to your usual bouncy self soon! It's so hard to resist bad-choice comfort foods when we feel crummy. Good for you! Get your rest.
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi All-
    feeling pretty good today, have made healthy choices but not much exercise.
    Thank you for the encouraging words and I'll touch base tomorrow.
    Just really busy the the last few days at work.

    Bert- all books are on Amazon, Lucinda Race. Reading order would be
    Lost and Found
    Between Here and Heaven
    The Journey Home
    The Last First Kiss
    Ready to Soar
    Enjoy and if you like them please post reviews for all! Thank you for your support.
    Hugs to all
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good afternoon dear friends - So nice to see us all chatting away and supporting each other. As stated, no matter where any of us are in our journey, no judgements. I'm glad the quotes were enjoyed. I haven't posted any in awhile and thought I would bestow some upon us.

    Patti- Yes, Dr. Beck had some strong all or nothing techniques for sure. I was thinking she was the one we got the look ahead of time, check the NI from, is all that I meant, take half home, etc. It is not that Glenn is not healing in his area, it is that he is having a recurrence of new fistula's. His physician told him he was taking excellent care of the area and there was absolutely no sign of any infection, just another fistula that has developed, not the same one. As far as the location of the retreat, I thought it was you that stated you were going to be up in the North area on a biking trip next July and that would be the ideal time for us all to meet?

    Janet- So pleased you obtained some restorative sleep. I worked this morning and then went and picked up the cutest little lunch date. <<<grin>>> Glenn and I are leaving early in the morning for Birmingham, so I will take her home this evening.

    Cindy - I am getting a few minutes a day on reading your books..

    Suzi - I am hanging in there and doing well this week, thank you.

    I wrote out the rough draft on my resignation letter. It is the fist one I have ever written!! I will let my sweet man review it. He was so pleased with his delivery today. He called me up and said "aren't you somethind??" and "I love you babe"..

    Mary Lynn - Where are you lady, and how are you doing?

    TT: As we approach the weekend, how will your Project Me go?

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    TT is apt -- was just looking at NI for O'Charley's, which my friend chose for lunch tomorrow. Even a bit of soup or a small salad will pretty much kill my allotment for the day. Good thing I have had four (assuming I can hold out today) low days. I'll do the best I can but if I end up over 800 for the day I'll have to live wth it.

    Never got doc office callback so will trudge in there tomorrow morning with my request & proof that I sent them a fax a week ago. Hoping against hope I can get what I need before I see the new doc -- in time for him to review. Am furious about this and it'll be difficult for me to hold it together at that office.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    A great day for me.snapped back from that headache with super energy. Got everything on my list done and am feeling proud of myself. All my food is tracked. I got 88 ounces of water so far. Am whipped from the classes but it is a good whippin' lol. Will leave for the cabin after gym tomorrow. Helping our friend up the road put up a pool. He is fixing dinner for us. We had fish packets for dinner. I made a peanut Thai sauce for mine and hoisin for Edd.

    Janet, I can't believe they wouldn't send that to the referral doc. I have never had to pay for my records and X-rays. I would ask for a discount on the copies because of all the extra time and effort you had to put into it. I wish you luck and am glad I am not the office worker, lol.

    Karla, I didn't realize the fistulas were new ones and not recurrences. Poor guy, I know he must be sick of the whole thing. I know you put a big ole smile on his face with your treat basket. I may have spoken too impetuously above meeting in New England while we are on our bike trip. I would probably have just part of a day to meet with Cindy. Since we will be traveling with my son and DIL, we will have limited time because they will probably only have 10 days for the whole trip. But if you all decide to meet then and there, I will give you whatever time I have. WW is where I learned about pre planning my meals out. I did take away a few good ideas from the book. I liked the affirmation cards we made and I may just give them a go if I falter. Right now I am back in the honeymoon phase, hope it lasts for a couple of weeks to give me a good start.

    TT: I have all meals planned for Saturday. Tomorrow I will be at the mercy of my friend. He is an excellent cook and already has the meal planned, so I will do my very best. Just nice to have a meal cooked that I know will be tasty.

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    We have all resumed our dedication and are onboard with Project Me! TGIF.

    Patti, I knew you were very close to getting in track and yesterday you did.

    They are not sending to new doc because I do not want them to know (suggestion from new doc). None of their business. But I will request in person and explain the urgency and hope I can get the stuff to new doc by Monday (I see him Thursday). I intend to ask for a discount for sure.

    Karla, how is Glenn's pain today?

    Gotta get going. Doc office, lunch, lesson at Apple Store - gone all day.

    Enjoy another good day!
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning ladies and TGIF!!! We have been on the road since 4:45am, having a great conversation, and listening to some fabulous tunes.

    TT from yesterday: Project Me will be challenging, but I am convicted to it and am keeping it foremost in my mind!!! For example, Glenn stopped for breakfast at Burger King and gets two sausage biscuits, hash browns and a large coffee and I get the oatmeal .. lol. We can do this!! We have the power to make the choice in what we put in our mouths ladies. Yes, yes we do. Be strong.

    Do any of you remember the Mantras? The sweet lady that combined peace of mind and well being, health and movement. What was her name Patti? She had mantras you could repeat to yourself.

    Patti- Good for you for having another good day. Keep the momentum going!!

    Janet- What is on your agenda for the weekend?

    Bert- What is the latest on your brother? Prayers continuing for him.

    Again I am thankful for this group.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Tomorrow is the day we start our vacation. We haven't been anywhere together (aside our kids' home towns) in 15 years. Although it's more of a fraternity reunion for Mike, I'm excited to get away. I have many errands to run today and will need to straighten up our house for Molly's feeders and dog walkers. I's so grateful they all are willing to help.

    My brother's outlook is much better. He is more focussed on getting home and being able to do things on his own. I'm planning a trip in mid September to help him with getting his "ducks in a row" on personal matters.

    Karla: You certainly have a lot on your plate; however, God doesn't give us anymore than we can handle. You are a strong woman. As far as a retreat, I'm in for staying in your condo! I'm sorry we can't meet this next week, but totally understand. I love your quote yesterday. I had lunch with my best friend yesterday. She always lifts me up, and I hope I do the same for her.

    Patti: I totally agree with your comments with this group of wonderful ladies. I feel like we've known each other for a long time. I look forward to talking with everyone even though we have never met. I love this group!

    Janet: I always look forward to your posts.

    Cindy: I'll order your books. Was so hoping to read some of them in Destin, but I don't have a Kindle. I'll have to get something else for this trip. I'm not much of a beach sitter, so if I read, that will give me something to do.

    TT: This weekend is traveling to FL. I'm hoping to make good choices for the next week and get lots of walking in.

    Have a great day, everyone! I need to get going. Breakfast is tracked.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    What a busy group of women we are. Nice to see such positive energy and loving support. Love that we are all embracing Project Me at the same time. We are a force!

    Karla, safe travels and hope you are able to set a date for your surgery, at last! I think you are referring to Erin Stutland or Strutland. I still get her emails.

    Janet, what a day you have planned. Enjoy your lunch and Apple class, I doubt the Dr office will be enjoyable, but I bet you prevail!

    Bert, that is such great news about your brother. You definitely need this vacation so enjoy. Do you have an iPad? There is a free kindle app for it. That is what I have been using for years. Have a blast on your trip.

    Breakfast in and tracked. Clothes packed and I am on the way to the gym. Just need to pack the coolers when I get home and we will be on our way to the cabin. This will be my first weekend since the Resume and I am nervous. In an effort to keep myself on track I weighed myself this morning and to my surprise I have lost 4 pounds since Tuesday. Now I am incentivized to stay on plan. The biggest challenge will be tonight. I spoke with my long-absent WOB yesterday and we agreed to go back to Zumba on Monday. Gotta start somewhere.
    I will check in on the weekend if I can
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Yeaaaa Patti on the four pounds!!! Don't let yourself gain it back this weekend!! Just repeat to yourself.. Four pounds.. Four pounds.. Four pounds!!! Yes Erin Was her name. Very proud of you. Hang tough tonight.

    Bert- most phones have free readers too. Search the App Store.

    I am in the doctors office now, the tech said my vision in my left eye is much worst, I'm dilated and waiting on the Doctor now.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    I've been cleared for surgery!!!