OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Patti- Great news on your Mom's vision. What kind of surgery is your sister having? Sounds like if she needs a seat lift chair must be some sort of ortho type problem? Hip or knees? So glad your BIL has other family help as to not interfer with your other obligations. When is your mom's specialist appointment in Cincinatti?

    Bert- You are a blessing to your church family. Your brother sounds on the upswing.

    I'm taking a mental health day and staying home today. lol . I need to balance the checkbook, pay some bills and make a new dish. I need a down day.
    A Karla day!!


  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Bert, your church family is so blessed to have you and so are we. I bet your brother is so happy to have you come and to see him improving.

    This will be my last check in until Sunday or Monday. Leaving for the cabin after the gym. Too bad the weather isn't looking like it will be a top down drive. Thoroughly enjoyed my Broncos last night.

    Wishing you all a glorious weekend. Enjoy your yourselves with whatever you choose to do or not do.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. We dodged the severe storms warnings last night. We had a storm, but there were not tornado touch downs as there were in IL prior to coming through western IN. Many football teams/fans had to take cover while the storms passed. I'm hoping no one was injured. Today is a stay at home day. I need to work on Power Point for church services, clean the pool, do laundry, etc. Just like you, Karla, I'm looking for a Bert day.

    Patti: Enjoy your weekend at the cabin.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    edited September 2016
    Hi, all -- My tummy troubles have finally ended, so the excuses for eating bland, high-calorie stuff are gone. Gotta get way back on the beam. Two days of heavy errands really zapped me in terms of foot/ankle and back pain, which I couldn't wipe out yesterday, so am trying to stay off my feet as much as possible, stretch and hope that will help. Percocet took the edge off but didn't kill it. At least I got it down to a 6-7. Am grateful that even though it hurts a lot, I can still get around -- just need to pace myself better. But when there is a lot to do, ...

    Went out this morning to closest little self-serve farmstand and got tomatoes and three kinds of squash (white acorn, spaghetti & butternut). Very glad I can stay in and do my best to calm it down.

    Hope everyone's having a happily memorable weekend.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good evening, what a wonderfully fun and relaxation get weekend. Great friends, lots of laughing, awesome food and dancing. A girl cannot ask for more. It was exactly what my mind, body and spirit needed. Watched a great football game, Bengals beat the Jets. We did get hit by a pretty severe storm right as we were ready to start serving at the pig roast. We just held everything down until it passed, which luckily didn't take very long. Going to be a busy week. I think my son wants me to paint a garage for one of his rentals. Will need to shop for Mom or at least take he shopping. Deliver the chair to my sis's house. On Wednesday i am going to Cheesecake Factory with my girlfriends. We are celebrating the end of my GF's radiation treatments. Last one will be Monday. This will be the best celebration of the year!

    Having fun and relaxing sure wears a person out. Talk to you tomorrow.
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi Girls-
    I'm back but not a moment to read all the posts- I'll get to that later.
    The Cape was great and the water was surprising warm. eating not so great- missed you all -
    Until later
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. The weather has been sensational this past couple of days. Yesterday was awesome: First was Worship in the Park. One family, whose girls have been singing special music since they were in elementary school and been in many of our musicals, attended and the girls sang like angels. Second was Jillian and Cole's soccer games. This was Cole's first soccer game ever. They both did a great job, and it was so fun to watch them both play. Dylan lost his first tooth over the weekend. Exciting times.

    Today, I have a dental appointment. Going to the dentist is not an enjoyable experience, but I'm just having a cleaning. I can handle that! Have a great day, everyone!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Welcome back Cindy, can't wait til you have a moment to tell us about your trip. We have missed you.

    Bert, what a wonderful weekend filled with family love and sharing.

    Off to paint. Mom's eyes are still bad but she is doing her best. I will need to do some chores for her and shopping tomorrow. Hoping the weather is nice so we can sit on her little patio.

  • xjsjaguar
    xjsjaguar Posts: 300 Member
    Happy Monday to you all!
    I am still here, just have not been online much lately. So good to read and catch up on your happenings over the weekend. We attended a church picnic after lunch and I actually had one of the hotdogs as well as some baked goodies, ah well!

    Need to refocus this week and enjoy the lovely sunny fall days we are having here. Also do need to move a couple of fruit trees soon and create a new area for next years tomatoes. Have picked all the plants clean from this year and they are sitting in the garage on papers to finish ripening... yummy with meals!

    Picked up some squash to prepare this week (spagetti, acorn and zuchinni) so that could be interesting. Have some boiled eggs sitting in the fridge to use with salads, etc and want to focus first on the veggies this week and second on staying active outside!

    Janet, hope that pain subsides to a more bearable level in the very near future. It is so hard to stay engaged when you are sidelined by discomfort. You are so wise to keep a low profile for a few days and rest the body a bit.

    Patti, glad to hear that your Mom's eyesight is being helped somewhat by the drops. Sounds like the plans for your week will continue to keep you busy and active. Enjoy your painting!

    Cindy, pleased that you had a nice break together with Rick and eager to hear how things are going for you in the week ahead.

    Bert, those little ones sure keep you smiling with their activities and life events.

    Karla, hope you and Glenn are doing well and had a restful weekend with one another.

    Myra, as the week of school starts, hoping you find some time to get out and enjoy some activities in the sunshine of fall as well.

    Suzi, wherever you are, enjoy your travels and photography pleasures!

    Enjoy your day ahead!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Painting done, it was hot but not too bad. My daughter lives a few blocks from where I was painting so she came over and we visited while I worked. That made an arduous task seem like nothing. We haven't seen each other in person for a couple of weeks so it was wonderful to see her face. Edd is working on my car now, putting the liner back in the trunk and the protective sling for the top. Haven't heard from my BIL about his up coming appointments but Mom says they have changed. On top of everything else going on, my cousin is in the hospital with some heart problems. He should be going home today if his ultrasound doesn't show any damage or changes from the last one. Just glad he called for my advice last night and actually went to the ER when I told him to.

    Mary Lynn, sounds like you have some yummy food waiting for you as it ripens. I love most squash but not spaghetti for some reason. Tried multiple preparations and came to the conclusion I just don't care for it.

    Missing all my girls, where is everyone today? Hope all is well with everyone.

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Patti, keep us posted on your cousin.

    Cindy, welcome back -- glad you had enjoyably warm water.

    Bert, your life is so full -- happy for you.

    MaryLynn, I bought zucchini, acorn, spaghetti & butternut. About time for me to get fully into fall soup mode.

    Karla, it's going to be 90 here again tomorrow -- is it still beastly down there?

    Myra, how's that smile?

    Suzi, loving your trip pics. Is Dinky with you?

    Had followup with plastic surgeon this morning and she says I'm doing excellently. There was a tiny stitch at the outer corner of one eye she was able to pull. I can wear a little eye makeup now (top only) as long as I am extra careful taking it off.

    Going to be a touchy week here with the aches but I will do my best. Am seriously thinking of asking new doc if I qualify for a handicapped parking placard -- on many days it would be a help. Have dinner out and a play with a friend tomorrow, and our first concert of the Pops series on Saturday. Just put the Pops dates in my phone -- also have the Coffee Concert series, which I go to on my own.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Janet, you definitely qualify for a handicap sticker. Edd got when before he had both his knees done. I am sure Dr would have no problem giving you a script for one. You deserve it. Please ask.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Patti - No offense dear, but please put a priority on getting that Life Alert system of some sort for your dear sight deprived Mother. With you gone so much and busy when you are in town, she really needs this if she falls and can't get to the phone. Or if she had any medical issue, the power is out, etc. being alone so much. Especially with your sister and BIL now being unable to visit her either.

    As I mentioned before, that John Walsh actor system was available instantly at Walmart, he was the head of that show America's Most Wanted. His son Adam was abducted and killed. He developed this system.

    Cindy- So glad to see you back. I so enjoyed your two books I read.

    Mary Lynn - We all have guilty pleasures.

    I moved my eye surgery up to September 26. So excited to be able to see again out of that eye!!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Karla, great news on your eye surgery date. That is the same day as Mom's appointment in Cincinnati. I am well aware of the need for the life alert and all the reasons why. There is a lot on my plate that is marked priority one and I am paddling as fast as I can. Tomorrow I will be with her and we will be working on a lot of things including some sort of life alert system. She wants a say in what she gets and I am honoring her requests.

    Time to chill with some football and my new Shape and Cook's Country magazines.

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Karla, earlier is better! Good news indeed.

    Patti, good luck with your mom tomorrow - bet you'll make lots of progress. It's good that your mom wants a say in her own care (though that may add to your stress sometimes). I had a temporary handicap placard when I had my 2012 foot/ankle surgery (not with knee replacement) but I will definitely ask when I see this new guy. I hate to cave to it, but the pain is real and severe. Ah well.

    Avoiding the first football game because it's two teams I dislike so am trashing out with American Ninja Warrior, a guilty pleasure. Not normally my kind of thing but there's something addictive about it.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. A busy day is in store today. First, I have a visit in IL which is about 50 min away, then off to the store to pick up groceries for our church's day care, then to my old stomping grounds to attend visitation for one of my student's mother who lost her battle with cancer, and then back to church for a committee meeting. I'm trying to get some "me" time, but am not sure how I will squeeze it in.

    Our daycare cook recently passed away and another teacher is in the hospital, so our director, who usually gets the supplies is under too much stress to go to the store. It's the least thing I can do for her. She is a God Send to our church.

    Breakfast is eaten and tracked! Have a great day, everyone!

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    A quick hello -- much to do before dinner & play. May have a bit of a splurge this evening but will make as smart a choice as I can. Have a great day, everyone.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    A day with mom is time well spent. We got a lot of little tasks done, still have a few more things to do but she got tired and put a halt to it, lol. Got caught up on the Food Truck Race. TRX here I come.

    Janet, I know you will enjoy your night out after your recent stomach woes and having to lay low.

    Bert, your heart grows bigger every day with all you do for your church family.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Patti- Was one of the thing the Alert buttons? Didn't know if it was classified as a little thing or not.

    Janet - Enjoy your show tonight and be careful and slow, your friend will understand. Enjoy a treat.

    Bert- A true blessing for sure!! But the drive of 50 miles each way does seem long.

    I am tired and have a full week. Next Tuesday is my Dad's birthday, I want to drive over and spend the day with him and he is hee-Ing and haw-Ing about it. I knew he would if I told him. Lol. I have a Hilter book I bought for Kerry I want to give him too, plus some coins for dad.

    I'm just peddling on PM, struggling to focus.

  • smack59
    smack59 Posts: 316 Member
    Hello from Deadwood, South Dakota burial place of Wild Bill Hickok and Calamity Jane. Today's travels have taken us from Devils Tower, Wyoming where we hiked yesterday then spent the night to Belle Fourche, Spearfish Canyon and now Deadwood, SD. Tomorrow it's on to Mt. Rushmore. I've been doing well with my paper tracking using a WW 3-Month journal and have gotten lots of steps sight seeing and hiking. Hope to get in more hiking now that I'm finally over a nasty chest cold. It wasn't much fun hiking in high altitude while coughing and wheezing, but there were a couple hikes that were absolutely worth it. My favorite was the south rim of the Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone. It had two absolutely stunning waterfalls. I'll see if I can upload a couple of my pix from that hike.

    Patti - HUGS! Holy crap have you got a plateful right now. Hang in there!

    Waving hello to everyone else.....
