OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    What has happened to all my sweet, grateful customers. Everyone lately seems to be needy, demanding, unkind and impatient. They are starting to rub off on me and I do 't like that at all. Working on being more patient no matter what! Looking forward to 2 days off and time at the gym. They asked me to come in tomorrow but I made a promise to myself and my body that I would not skip workouts for working. My health is more important than my pocketbook. They are still working on my car. The original planned fix only got it about half way right. Don't even want to know what this is going to cost at this point, it has to be done. Chicken thighs with spicy mustard and bacon sauce in the pressure cooker on the menu for tonight. Right now I could eat a horse so hope I rein it it, pardon the pun.

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    edited January 2017
    I put up a long post night but it seems to be gone. Boo!

    You attitude, congrats on your loss. The holidays are over and our convenient excuses no longer apply. With each other's support, we can all make solid progress.

    Hoping to go home today. Nerve block has completely worn off so it kinda hurts. A lot. But - means to an end.

    Karla, sounds like you had a wonderful birthday! So glad.

    My brain is mush - am reading all but personals for everyone is just a bit more than I can handle right now. but just wanted to say hello to everyone. Big hugs!
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi Girls-
    Em and I have boarding passes- but I feel a cold wanting to hit me hard. I've downed OJ and water already today and praying i can hold it at bay until Sunday. I really SO want to just relax and enjoy time this weekend.
    Janet- so thrilled to see you check in- thought of you often and I'm so happy this is behind you and you're on the first steps to recovery. It may be a long road but each step is one more towards a good stride.
    Need to run but Patti- don't let mean people get you down
    Karla- you'll be on track
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Janet, pleasant surprise to see your post. Don't worry about personals, we understand. Just stop by when you are able and say hi when you can. We are all here pulling for you. Praying for pain control first and foremost at this time. Have confidence that this is going to be the "fix" that gets you more mobile, with less pain in the long term.

    Cindy, doubt you will see this but I will give it a try. Get some Airborn in you. It really lessens or abates those nasty viruses. Will anxiously await your report when you get back.

    I skipped the gym this morning. Woke up at 3 am and couldn't get back to sleep until almost 7. I am sore from head to toe, lol. Decided my body is not quite ready for 2 classes in one day so I will go to TRX tonight and keep moving throughout the day to get rid of the soreness. My chicken thigh recipe was a big hit.
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Hello all. Thanks for the good thoughts for Carrie's healing. We brought her home last night, so about 48 hours post surgery. I am getting up every three hours through the night to give her the pain meds for the next couple of days, until she is in better shape for managing them herself.

    Janet, when her pain block wore off the pain was excruciating. My heart goes out to you. I hope you get out of the hospital today - they are terrible for getting any rest! Do you have help at home for at least a day or two?

    Patti, I've already broken my resolution to go to the gym 4-5 days a week. Hoping to get back to it next week. I'm still testing out the classes to see which ones I like. Nothing like TRX available though - closest I have seen is a body plus abs workout.

    Karla, so glad you had a good birthday! You deserve it.

    Cindy, hope your cold stays away at least today so you can enjoy your surprise.

    Bert, I saw your FB post about the choir performance at your church. What a delight!

    MaryLynn, sounds like you have a full schedule of activities! I need to develop a routine, in part to keep me AWAY from the kitchen.

    Myra, nice to see you again too.
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    I am restarting with tracking everything today. This past week in the hospital was just too hard. When we finally got home and got Carrie situated last night, we called for pizza at 8:00! Today was better so far - now I just need to keep from inappropriate snacks the rest of the day! Breakfast was banana, greek yogurt and a little granola for crunch, lunch was leftover jambalaya (310 calories per serving so not bad!) and dinner will be zoodle spaghetti with Italian Sausage in the sauce. I've got lots of fruit in the house and carrots for snacks, but somehow when I get the nibbles those aren't what call to me :).
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    edited January 2017
    Hi - won't be going home today (long story) but better safe than sorry. So not exactly thrilled this afternoon. Diane, that special nds yummy. Hope Carrie has s doing my well
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    HI Girls-
    Patti I saw you post- I ran to the grocery store at lunch and picked up some Zicam Pre Cold remedy- tastes terrible but hopefully it will work.
    All address' are documented- cake is ordered, pre checkin for air- confirmed with hotel. We are READY to roll.
    the afternoon is dragging and I wish we were there- but in 24 hours we'll be picking up cake and headed to mom's- so can't wait.
    Hugs to all
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Cindy l, we'r counting on Lucinda to d a rib cage he moment - we'll all be happy oth you in spirit. Hope Meg isn't ultra-stressed about the move. Has she ever lived that far from MA? Please feel free to give her my email and phone.

    Tired here but did snag a 46-minute hap. Yay! Waiting for chicken sandwich. Am able to eat m pretty well here.

    Will find stuff to do watch tonight and have two issues I'd consumer Reports as well.

    Hugs to all.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I hope everyone is doing well. I'm still getting my house back in order from hosting 6 college girls from Millikin University. It was fun having them for the night. The concert was absolute AMAZING!

    TT Jan. 18: I'd like to be in a size 12 in July. I really need to focus to do that! I do agree with Patti about getting sabotaged about a size. I need to stay positive.

    Patti: Perhaps it's the gloomy weather that puts people in "moods". January and February were always trying times in the classrom.

    Janet: I'm glad your surgery went well. Hang in there.

    My sinuses are giving me fits today. I know it's the weather causing it.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Hey Bert- good for you for size 12, that is my goal too!! You are such a great mentor to new teachers, and to your church family. I am proud to call you my friend!

    Janet - I hope you are progressing along and we're able to get some rest. I know you will be praying for me and my family today. Thank you for the cute card! I have it proudly displayed.

    Patti - I meant to mention how interesting on that designer from tv and your discussion with her. You will have to just think of those type customers and not the nasty ones.

    Cindy- I will be thinking of your glorious weekend with your Mom. Enjoy!

    I am just now stopping for my omelet. I made Glenn one also.

    Back to chores!


  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Hello ladies, great workout at TRX last night and again this morning with Zumba and Pilates. Soreness gone! Got asked to work tonight 5-10pm, so there goes my 2 days off in a row. Working Saturday and Sunday and then have 4 days off, if I don't get called in that is. Will work as much as my body allows until summer and then will either quit or go to 1 or 2 days a week if they let me.

    Janet, your posts make me smile. Hope you get to go home safely today. I know you don't get much rest in the hospital but you definitely need to be able to care for yourself once you get home.

    Thinking of Cindy on her way with her girls to surprise her mom.

    Bert, I bet your house was filled with lots of giggles and chatter with those girls there. How nice that you had the opportunity to open your home and your heart to them. The concert sounds like it filled your soul with joy.

    Diane,mcongrats on your loss and hope things are going as well as can be expected with Carrie at home.

    Karla, how did your WI go. Hope you saw some negative numbers despite your birthday celebrations. How is Glenn doing?

    Hi to Mary Lynn and Myra, hope you can both stop by soon.

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    edited January 2017
    Hi - in order to make sure I am safe getting hen I go home, will move to the rehab unit here later today. Hoping no to be home by very early next week.

    Because of where bone graft incisions are, knee walker is a bit problematic but we will work around it. Am fighting the good fight to be treated like a person. It's annoying to have to do this every time but the only chance they will learn is for me to speak up.

    More later - am eating very healthily here, I can get fresh fruits and vegetables and relatively decent salads. All very bland but at l say i/ not all canned/fried, which is nice. Hugs to all.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Karla, did you get my card?

    Janet, glad you are going to rehab for a short stint. You are so right about speaking up. The most important control you have is your voice and I know you will exercise it as well as your body. Thinking strong thoughts for you.

  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Hello all. In home PT is here for Carrie, so I am taking a break. This trying to be helpful and supportive but not hover is very difficult!

    I lost 2 lbs this week. (My scale only goes in 0.5 increments.) So I am very happy, since I haven't been working out and I've only been eating marginally well. I also took and entered my measurements today. I think I am going to use Fridays as my WI day. (I think I started last Saturday, but I think Fridays will work better for me.

    For my goal, I'd like to get back to the size 12s I was wearing a few years ago at my low. I was at such a plateau there for so long and got frustrated trying to go lower, so that may be a good sustainable weight for me. I don't think that is probably attainable by July, but I'd like to be smaller than I am now. (My clothes are all 16s or 12s - didn't buy any 14s on the way back up!)
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Janet, I was really really worried about you going directly home alone, so I am glad that you will be in rehab for a few days at least. Carrie's pain was bad enough that she really wasn't able to track med times and such on her own at first. I know rehab is no place to really rest, but hopefully you will at least get over the worst of the pain and be able to be somewhat mobile by the time you get home again. Carrie has a bone graft incision too, so knee walker not in the near future. Glad the food is at least healthy, if not the most tasty.

    Patti, I wish my gym had TRX. I was thinking when I joined that it was only for a month or two, but now looks like a longer stint. I need to figure out which classes will work for me. I went to a step aerobics last Saturday and was WAYYY out of my league. When I talked to the instructor after, she just said "Oh yes, I wish they would bill this as an advanced class, we've been doing this for about 8 years" and made no offer to teach me some of the more basic steps.

    Cindy I am thinking about you and your surprise for your mom. How exciting that will be, and what a wonderful surprise for her!

    Waving to everyone else.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Diane, do they have Pilates or a circuit class at your gym? How about a body flow or weights? I did step when I was younger but it is just too hard on my knees. That instructor didn't sound particularly helpful. Do they offer personal trainers? Just some thoughts.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Patti- No, I have not gotten your card yet. Probably with the mail holiday on Monday it is behind. I did not weigh this week, the family stress escalated today and I am beyond sad, heartbroken and tear soaked.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Karla, so sorry to hear there are problems causing you stress and tears.

    Another busy day at work, feet and knees screaming but am over 14k steps and on plan with food and water. Relaxing and will retire soon. Work again tomorrow and not much else.
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Hi, all. Rehab has been a challenge. I've had to fight to get my meds & I have to wait up to half an hour for help). Will make the best of if but as soon as I feel competent to do basic navigating around my home, I will leave.

    Sorry - but yesterday was just exhausting and demeaning. Understaffed and totally profit-driven.

    Am eating decently but that's about it. Grateful that I have the ability to do so. I won't be getting on a scale for quite some time but am doing what I can.

    Let's hope I can get home soon. Hugs to all.