as well as a strong woman, who are you?



  • vendygirl
    vendygirl Posts: 718 Member

    I am Meghan (or Meghs). (Vendy is my husbands handle which I adopted when we met each other).
    I'm 35 and have been married to my hubby for 2 years this past October (we went to Italy for our 2 year anniversary because we knew we would be too tired to make it our honeymoon). No kids and really probably won't have any. We have 2 kitties that are crazy but our little furry brats we love.

    I am the third child out of 4 but youngest daughter. I grew up in Cincinnati OH but my family traveled via a car as a child so I am always keen to visiting places. My goal is to visit at 50 states before I die. I lost track of how many states I have been too but I know it is 30+. Crap now I have to go figure this out. Anyways. I tend to ramble and LOVE LOVE to share my life stories and experiences with folks. My family is spread all over (New Zealand, New Orleans, Boston and well my folks are here but they visit my siblings all the time).

    I went to a small college in NC and got a BA in Theatre Arts and then spent the next 8+ years working in theatre as a Stage Manager. I lived in a few different states in that period of time (NC, SC, KY, PA and MA). I official left the Stage Manager role when I went back to get a certificate in paralegal in 2008, right around the same time I met my hubby. I still support the arts though. I LOVE Shakespeare and secretly wish I could open an all girl shakespeare company one day.

    I was active as a kid until I hit 13 then I went in to UBER angst teenage mode which hit for me at the grunge period.

    I am sarcastic and like to read. My taste are all over the place and I tend to do what I want but can "follow the rules" to a point. I have always had a bit of rebel streak but at the same time yearn to be surrounded by friends.

    I will do ANYTHING for my friends but have learned when to pull the plug on the folks that have taken advantage of that fact.

    I have been active for the last 4 years going from yoga, light circuit training, walking, kettlebells and now lifting. I was in sports as a child (soccer, volleyball, irish dancing) and love the feeling of being sore because it means I have work out! I do have to becareful because I have a bum back. Herniated 3 discs in my lower back when I was 21 and have had re-injury issues since, which is also why I work so hard to try and keep my core so strong so I can avoid relapses.

    I prefer table top games over computer games. I like the interaction in person, makes the trash talking so much more fun.
    Oh I could go on for ages.

    Love how diverse this group is!!
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    I grew up in Stratford and spent many uni hols as an usherette at the rsc. As I did English lit, I didn't need to plough through the Shakespeare texts as I had seen them!
  • marvybells
    marvybells Posts: 1,984 Member
    aha! i finally found the introduce yourself thread!.....Hello there, i am Meghan...just plain Meghan, not be be confused with Meghs :)

    I am 37, single, and a college student once again after deciding it was time for a career change. I'm working on getting my life back together after separating from my long-term boyfriend, suffering an injury & getting laid off of work in 2011. What a crappy year that was lol..... things are much better lately & i am thankful to my family & friends for rallying to help get me through such a difficult time in my life.

    As for workouts, in the past i did mostly running, HIIT & plyo type cardio, & using dumbbells to do higher rep type of lifting. I don't belong to a gym, i much prefer to work out at home. So i was limited to what i have in my mini-gym in the basement and made the best of it....but i really wanted to lift. (I used to belong to a gym and would lift many years ago)....

    So I recently took the plunge & invested in a bar, weights & squat rack and started strong lifts 5x5. I've been adding 5 lbs each week (10 for deadlifts) and so far so good

    but I may switch to 2.5 lbs, at least for upper body. The reason being that i couldn't finish all reps on the shoulder press yesterday. i feel as though my form was suffering & i'd rather progress a little at a time than hurt myself (I have a previous injury to my shoulder/back/neck that still sometimes gives me a bit of trouble. I was in a collar for many months & just walking was a chore. I did eventually rehabilitate & have been doing very well for the past year. i want to keep it that way so i think that avoiding over-stressing this area might be wise)

    I'm excited to have discovered this group. I can't wait to pick through the threads to soak up some wisdom & advice from those that have been doing this for a while :)
  • linka411
    linka411 Posts: 101 Member
    Hi Everyone! I'm 24, 5'3'', and 130. My initial goal was to get down to 120 lbs and then start lifting to drop from 30% BF down to 20, but as weight loss so far has been frustrating and I'm apparently at a healthy weight now, I've decided to switch gears and begin prepping for Stronglifts. This is my first time weightlifting, so I'm pretty excited :)

    I live in NYC, I'm married for two years, and I like to cook, play video games and crochet. It's nice to meet you all!
  • scubaemma
    scubaemma Posts: 30 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    I've been a lurker on here for a while, so thought maybe I'd brave up and say hi ????

    I'm Emma. I'm a Brit but married to an Aussie and I've been living here in Brisbane, Australia for 5.5 years now. I am a Police Officer, actually a detective working in child abuse. Think Law and Order SVU, except less glamorous and we don't solve every crime within 60 minutes lol

    I love my job most of the time. But it certainly is challenging and some days I hate it. I do hate the lack of routine with shift work, I find it so much easier to eat healthy and do exercise when I have a routine. But I still do a pretty good job of it, it's just harder.

    I'm married to an awesome bloke who is so supportive and when I decided to start lifting he joined me. So he's gaining muscle while I continue to lose fat but get strong. And it's working :-) he's looking good and I love the changes happening in my body. But it's still a work in progress. I've gone from 84kg to 67kg and would like to get to 60-62kg. I'm 164cms.

    We don't have kids, by choice. But we do have a beautiful cat, a British Blue Shorthair just like the one earlier in this thread! Her name is Peloton (we call her Pelly) and she is totally beautiful (blue/grey with bright orange eyes, and so so soft!).

    I have always been active, but it took me a long time to work out that doesn't mean I can eat whatever I want. Shame!

    I cycle to work every day (apart from when I'm on night work) which is a 15km round trip, and I now do SL5x5 3 times a week as well. I also like to do other active things like walking, kayaking, swimming, but they are a bit more random.

    My husband and I love to travel and we holiday all around the world. It's a shame Australia is so far from everywhere! I miss having Europe on my doorstep, and travelling to South America is a loooong way. But Japan isn't too far and the skiing there is great, and SE Asia is pretty close.

    I love chocolate.

    Very nice to (virtually) meet you all! :-)
  • jennicole4
    jennicole4 Posts: 90 Member
    Hi everyone! I've enjoyed browsing the thread and am super jealous of all of you living in warm climates!

    I am Jen. I was born in Texas, but grew up and live in Delaware. I moved all over after I turned 18. I fact, when we buy our new house, it will be my 9th move in 12 years!
    I have been married to Anthony (Ant for short) just over 2 years, together for 8.
    I have three kids: Kylie is turning 10 on Sunday. Chloe just turned 6, and Jace is 7 months.
    We have a papillon named Jack. His name is all of our initials J.en, A.nt, C.hloe, and K.ylie (except Jace cause Jack joined us first)
    I am a marketing director for a senior care company and partner in a construction company, but am doing minimal work for both at the moment because I am home with Jace until he's a year old. I consider myself blessed to have such flexible work situations.
    I LOVE the beach and the summer. There aren't adequate words to describe my disdain for the cold winter! One day, I will live somewhere warm by the sea.
    I love to read. Dean Koontz is my favorite.
    I have OCD tendencies and like even numbers and an organized house,although with three kids, even numbers and organization are out of reach! :laugh:
    I am sometimes loud, but nothing compared to my hyper active hubster! We have fun no matter where we go.
    I am an obsessive researcher and spend WAY too much time on google!
    I tend to go overboard sometimes. I get caught up easily in new things and go all out. What can I say?
    I quit drinking excessively and going out a couple of years ago,so I don't see my friends as often as I used to,but that's ok. I'd love to make more friends but it seems harder as an adult.

    Loving SL so far and looking forward to getting to know everyone better!
  • rosetat74
    rosetat74 Posts: 32 Member
    Oh me too, me too!!

    Hi, I'm Nikki. I'm married, childless (by choice), and live in the frozen tundra that is the Dakotas. And I HATE winter. Really... hate it with a passion. But unfortunately DH won't leave yet (I'm working on him though).

    I too am a book lover. Paranormal, mystery, YA... love them all. My husband gets quite jealous of my tablet... thinks I pay more attention to my books than him. But he does appreciate it, you should have seen my house BEFORE I was able to store hundreds of books in one little machine :noway: books everywhere!

    I was always active when I was young. I spent 7 years on a jump rope demonstration team... really in shape. We would practice 2 hours a day 4 to 5 days per week. From there it went downhill... cheerleading and drill team, till I hit college and was not in anything. So I went from in shape to skinny fat.

    I decided to quit smoking when I turned 35 (something I picked up in Jr. High and had been doing for 20 years). Bad time to quit... I should have done it sooner... like when I still had a metabolism. Woosh... here comes 25 pounds :sad:

    So after leaving the first gym I joined (where I was shown that "a woman's best bet for getting in shape is using these here machines") and spending time with a real trainer during my intro at the new one, I found a form of exercise that I absolutely love.

    When not at work, I'm in quality assurance for a federal office, I'm either at the gym, in the boat fishing, or on the motorcycle with DH. Vacation every year is the Sturgis Rally and Races in the Black Hills (my favorite place in the whole wide world!).

    It's wonderful to meet all of you... you all sound like fascinating and awesome women!
  • rlw911
    rlw911 Posts: 475 Member
    Welcome, Ladies! :flowerforyou: :drinker: :flowerforyou: