Carbs kinda creep me out



  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,420 Member
    @ki4eid just skimmed through your blog (minus the surgery pics) and what an amazing story. I am still upset about your insurance company! Your 1 year anniversary pic really shows how far you have come! Congratulations!!!
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    ki4eld wrote: »
    I wish my mother's insurance would've monitored get like that after. It's intrusive, but I feel she would've had better success if the follow up were more of a requirement.

    It's good and bad. In the end, it's good. Knowing that someone is watching... well, it's like being a little kid again and Mom is watching. Iwas better behaved back then. :wink:

    LOL I bet you were always trouble. ;)

    Your blog is very well done and motivating. Wow! What work you've done to come so far. You look amazing! And I love those boots on you. Lookin' darn good!
  • ki4eld
    ki4eld Posts: 1,215 Member
    Thanks all. It's been quite a journey, but I appreciate all of you and how much easier you've made this for me. The support here has been phenomenal and it makes the tough days a lot easier.
    nvmomketo wrote: »
    LOL I bet you were always trouble. ;)

    That's not the story I tell, but that's the truth!
  • Working2BLean
    Working2BLean Posts: 386 Member
    How do I find the blog?
  • ki4eld
    ki4eld Posts: 1,215 Member
    How do I find the blog?
  • SuesNewImage
    SuesNewImage Posts: 743 Member
    I've just read your blog @ki4eld. I'm a chicken for operations so when my Dr asked in June 15 if I would consider surgery I said no. But only thought about the original op & never thought about what you have gone through "forever" as you say. Yes, my road is also a forever road but a totally different type of challenges. Your way is truly not the easy way out like some say. I take my hat off to you. I know people who have not succeeded after surgery as they did not stick to the recommended must dos, (another reason I said no). What you have endured and done in the last 18 months is so amazing. Your discipline is inspirational. You have stuck to it and will definitely see more rewards and goals be met.
  • reblazed
    reblazed Posts: 255 Member
    @ki4eld What an amazing time you've had and surviving the whole experience with a positive attitude through out. What and inspiration you are to others. Thank you for putting it out there as it truly was and not how people imagine it should be.
  • ki4eld
    ki4eld Posts: 1,215 Member
    Thanks guys. I just hope we all remember that each road is different, but none of them are easy. We each have struggles and what we see from the outside isn't the whole story, but we'll get through it with support from our friends. Truth be told, most of my digital friends are more supportive and understanding than people IRL. Never forget how important you are in someone's success even if you've never met them in person.

    /mushy stuff
  • beccyleigh
    beccyleigh Posts: 847 Member
    amazing journey & I love your pre surgery pic & the comment alongside the photo "because she loves *kitten*" hahahahaha.

    You look amazing now.

    Just out of curiosity, did your husband go for the surgery too?
  • ki4eld
    ki4eld Posts: 1,215 Member
    beccyleigh wrote: »
    amazing journey & I love your pre surgery pic & the comment alongside the photo "because she loves *kitten*" hahahahaha.

    You look amazing now.

    Just out of curiosity, did your husband go for the surgery too?

    My husband has no sense of propriety. Also, I do love *kitten*, but that's because chickens are cute. I have a whole kitchen of them. ;) And a freezer full, because they're yummy!

    He didn't have surgery. He's using a LCHF diet for a year and eating just like me, only within the appropriate calorie levels, to see if he can lose to a reasonable goal. So far, he's done well. Since August, he's lost 35lbs and he's off 75% of his diabetic medication. His high BP and high cholesterol meds have been lowered too.

    I've said it before... I wish I'd found keto before I needed surgery, because I might not have needed it. I'm thankful he's found it and it's working for him. I hate my ex-husband with a passion and I'd set him on fire any day of the week, but I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy, including that rat *kitten*.