February - Leaping through those workouts!



  • BethAnnieT
    BethAnnieT Posts: 263 Member
    yesterday, SL5x5 plus C25K W3D3.

    Squats 5x5 @ 75 lb
    OH Press 5x5@45 lb
    Deadlift 1x5 @ 135 lb

    Hoping to do W4D1 today. I'm so sore this weekend, legs especially.
  • klelk2
    klelk2 Posts: 400 Member
    StrongLifts 5X5

    Squat: 5X5 70lbs
    OH Press: 5X5 55lbs
    Deadlift: 1X5 115 lbs

  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Left work so late last night as manager had some struggles with the final numbers and we had to wait until it got figured out. Normally scheduled until 10:30 pm as we're often done even a little before that. Got in my car at 11:20 pm instead. Still went to the gym but skipped a little bit and only did very short bits of cardio. Last day at the big gym. Tad sad as it's a good gym. Guy at the desk said I could come in some time and told me the nights he works. He was friendly at least and joked about me getting in before midnight on the maybe deadline cause I still have no idea if the 14th was when it ended or if should have gotten the whole month since I paid all of january before I cancelled so technically it should be a month based on that schedule and not when cancelled but eh, whatevs. Also, probably last regular power as I'm switching things up a little to work on this lifting at percentages and attempting to peak for the meet.

    74 - Upper Power

    bench press 3x4 @ 110 - still a struggle on the last reps
    decline bench 3x10 @ 65 - just for fun since new locations don't have a decline bench
    overhead press 3x3 @ 85 - still hard but a tiny bit better than last time
    overhead tri ext 3x10 @ 40 - dropped it down a little
    pull up attempts 3x1 - almost there. Can't get my chin over the bar yet but close.
    chin-up 1x1 - Turns out I can do one. Though my elbow isn't a fan of underhand grip.

    5 minutes on stairmaster because... stairs. 15 minutes on rower. 10+ minutes in dry sauna.

    I have video of a pull up attempt that I'll put up on instagram one of these days. I only had to use the short step and not the taller ones to reach the bar, lol. I am thinking of having pull ups as part of the upper body days. May actually be able to do one soon, which isn't bad since I haven't really done negatives or anything to train it except on the rare occasion.

    Happy Valentine's Day and Singles' Awareness Day to everyone. :sunglasses:
  • ninenines
    ninenines Posts: 197 Member
    Into new territory with the OHP, yay! Cracked 23kg this morning.

    SQ: 5x5 at 35kg. Checked form and looked pretty good, but I'm going to be cautious and repeat this weight again.
    OHP: 5x5 at 23kg. Yay, felt pretty good!
    DL: 1x5 at 60kg. I'm going to stay light on deadlifts for a while I think until I'm sure my back issues are completely resolved.

    Followed up with M&F KB Day 10.
    Goblet Squat: 5x5 at 12kg
    KB Swing: 16x10 at 12kg.
  • hanlonsk
    hanlonsk Posts: 762 Member
    Well I'm back, again, I think. Been lifting again for a few weeks, just finally getting back to mfp.
    Squat 5x5@75
    Ohp 5x5@ 70 - these were totally ugly, definitely will repeat this weight before killing myself at 75 lb. last three sets, although completed, were really more push press than anything. Had to come up with extra oomph behind each rep
    Dl 1x5@ 85
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Long day. Had work which included wearing makeup cause Valentine's Day and such, so an excuse to wear fake eyelashes I had that had little red bows on them. Also have on fake nails, which is harder to use for typing and on my phone but didn't affect lifting at all. Decided to try and test again on squat before switching to this peak cycle. Filmed too, which made for a very long session in the gym with rest and all the stuff involved. Getting the numbers together to start training in attempt to peak for the meet.

    75 - Lower Power

    high bar squat - 1x3 @ 165, 1x1 @ 185, 1x1 @ 195, fail @ 205, 1x1 barely @ 200. The last attempt is still a new PR for me. It was also the slowest, grind of a rep that I've ever had in squats. Barely made it up.

    deadlift 3x3 @ 215 - heavy but managed

    leg press 3x8 @ 180 - just did 2 45's on each side. I tried pushing the base up with my hands to test the weight and the one at new gym is definitely heavier than 15.

    cable kick backs 3x8 @ 30 per leg - just for fun

    So far basing my numbers off a 3 rep range. Bench would be 110, then 190 for squats and 215 for deadlift. This gives me an esitmated 1 rep max to aim for of around 122 (probably go for 125), 211 (round down to 210 on that one) and 238 (240 maybe) as numbers I'd be working towards.

    Looking up APA rules and such. One interesting aspect is the uniform as there is a requirement to wear singlets (basically similar to what wrestlers wear). Something I've never worn before, so that will be different.
  • Ariadnula
    Ariadnula Posts: 435 Member
    So... you were lifting while wearing false eyelashes with bows on them?! I love that idea. Especially combined with the singlet :smile:
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    DawnEmbers wrote: »
    So far basing my numbers off a 3 rep range. Bench would be 110, then 190 for squats and 215 for deadlift. This gives me an esitmated 1 rep max to aim for of around 122 (probably go for 125), 211 (round down to 210 on that one) and 238 (240 maybe) as numbers I'd be working towards.

    Looking up APA rules and such. One interesting aspect is the uniform as there is a requirement to wear singlets (basically similar to what wrestlers wear). Something I've never worn before, so that will be different.

    I tend to actually have a higher max than what my 3RM seems to predict. So you might actually have more in the tank than you think. I assume you'll still be rather conservative with the openers though, right?

    Man, I really kinda want to do a PL meet at some point. There were a few ones about 45 mins from here I think I might be able to make, but I ain't even trying to really powerlift atm lol. Also the thoguht of wearing a singlet? Ugh! lol
  • MommysLittleMeatball
    MommysLittleMeatball Posts: 2,064 Member
    Sunday 2/14
    SL5X5 - A

    Squat: 5x5 @ 65lb
    Bench: 5x5 @ 55lb
    Row: 5x5 @ 75lb

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,116 Member
    Stronglifts Workout

    Squat-1X5X 95/105/115, 5X5X 125
    Sumo squats-5X5X 110
    OHP-1 X5X 45/50/55/60, 5X5X 50
    BP-1X5X 65/70/75, 5X5X 80
    BR-5X5X 85
    DL-1X5X 150
  • ninenines
    ninenines Posts: 197 Member
    M&F KB Day 11
    Alternating Press 2x5,4,3,2 at 6kg
    Band Assisted Pull up (3 bands) 2x5,4,3,2
  • christch
    christch Posts: 238 Member
    Last night's session
    Db bench 1x12 9 kg,5x5 14kg
    Bench 3x5 35,2x5 37.5, 1x2 38.5, 1x2 40kg alot harder as already had done db bench first while waiting for rack
    Seated row 1x5 40,1x5 47, 5x5 40+kg 47 just a tad heavy
    Lat pull down 5x5 40kg
    Preacher 3x5 20kg
    Pullup negative 4

    Messy session too many bodies not enough gear and way to hot.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    @Ariadnula - Had a t-shirt on last night for lifting with the eyelashes and fake nails, but did have batman socks on too. hehe

    @krokador - Yeah, not doing it for the fashion, that is for sure. Have to wear singlet and a t-shirt under so material covers back for squats and bench. They also have rules on bras even as they can't have wiring or "support"... And yes to the openers since you want to be certain you can do the first lift no matter (from the tips I've seen online and advice posted in my bodybuilding.com journal forum post). Treating it kind of like the very last warm up, so like with bench thinking of something like 95 since that's usually my last warm up weight and can definitely even pause and everything with it. Not sure on squat and deadlift. As for 3 rep to 1, it seems to not be that far off at least if I'm working my way up when testing. I can do 190 on squat for 3 as my working set last weekend but couldn't get 205 for 1 last night. Looking at training squat and deadlift on separate days, so that should be interesting, though on the week near the meet when focus on just the openers I'd probably do all three together since they are all done in the same very long day at the meet. Need to practice lifting to the cues too since not used to that either.
  • christch
    christch Posts: 238 Member
    Tonight's session
    DL 1x10 50, 1x5 60,65,70,72.5,1x2 75kg much better with change in stance
    Front squat 1x5 35,2x5 37.5,40,45kg
    Leg extensions 5x5 20kg
    Hammy curl 5x5 17.5 kg

    Another really hot night just about to hot to lift.
  • MommysLittleMeatball
    MommysLittleMeatball Posts: 2,064 Member
    SL5X5 - B

    Squat: 5x5 @ 70lb
    OHP: 5x5 @ 45lb
    DL: 1x5 @ 115lb

    I slept weird on my wrist. I woke up and my hand was bent back under my head (I sleep on my arms). So, my wrist was bugging me a bit. I attempted upping OHP to 50lb. I got 2 reps in and that's all she wrote. lol
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,116 Member
    Stronglifts Rest Day

    Goblet squats-3X7X 30
    Russian kettle bell swing-17 X9X 30, 5X 10 X 30

    I am feeling pretty strong at this weight so I added an extra swing to five of the sets. I will continue to do this to the rest of the sets for the next week then move up to my 35 pound kettle bell.
  • Ariadnula
    Ariadnula Posts: 435 Member
    Squats: 9/5/5/5/5 @ 80kg - there's a silly story behind this
    Deadlift: 1x4 @ 72.5kg - I'm really pleased with that.
    OHP: 3/3/4/4/3 @ 23.5kg

    Oh boy. I had decided to deload on the squat, because I've occasionally felt some pain in my hip (when getting out of bed, not when squatting) and I thought, well, it'd be good to drop down for a wee while.

    So tonight I thought, OK, I'll drop to 70kg (from 78.5kg) and do 3x10*

    I do all my warm ups, I load up 70kg, and I start to squat. And man, it was really hard. "Good job I deloaded," I thought, and I bailed at 9 on the first set.

    Rest time.... Standing bored, looking at the clock, looking at the plates ... and I start to count. And I'm an idiot! Yep, what I thought was 70, was 80. The most I've done to date - so much for a deload! AND I normally creep up in 0.5kg increments, so I'm amazed I made it to 9 reps at all....

    Anyway, at that point I just went ahead and did four more sets of five :smile:

    * That wasn't based on any careful plan, and actually I think I should go for 60kg, 3x8 and focus on going really deep - maybe next time!
  • kimiuzzell
    kimiuzzell Posts: 611 Member
    Wow, @Ariadnula that's pretty darned good, especially by accident!!

    Back to the gym in the morning for me, so just did some kettlebells this pm.

    3x10 goblet squats @8kg
    10x10 kettlebell swings @8kgs

    Looking forward to getting back to it properly!!
  • awkwardsoul
    awkwardsoul Posts: 222 Member
    Squats 5x6 175lbs (warmup 45/95/135/155) - these went okay. Had some weak form on the later sets and overall not feeling it.
    Barbell Lunges 3x10 45lbs - I tried these again as lifting shoes make them easier, but my ankle still really hated these. I'm gonna skip them for a bit longer.

    Bench 5x6 95lbs (warmup 45/65/80) - I was nervous to do these as I had no spot, around 95lbs is when I want someone there. Turned out, these were really easy and I was banging the sets out with little rest.
    Rows 3x5 95lbs - I should of upped the weight or reps on these, it was too easy.

    So an iffy squat day and a really good chest/back day!
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Lifted weights earlier today. Makeshift first start of the Peak Cycle attempt as I need to get a notebook and figure out the exact lifts and days since I have just under 9 weeks. Tuesday is OHP and shoulder focused. Saturday is going to be bench press. Wednesday is squats (though will include sumo deadlift) while Sunday is deadlift with low bar squat warm up. I did ask at the gym about the bar in the rack and it is confirmed as 45, as is the leg press. Good to know.

    Upper 1 - Shoulders

    Band pulls for warm up, between 45 (bar) warm up in OHP for 2 sets and one set at 55, then just another warm up ohp at 55 but no band pulls
    OHP 3x8 @ 65 - more reps than I'm used to, need to figure out the numbers for this lift for the next few weeks ahead of time.
    Pull up attempts bodyweight 3x1 and by one I mean almost not a full one as I can't get my chin over the bar yet. chin ups 1x2 as I couldn't get in a third rep
    Tricep extension 3x12 @ 70 - between pull up attempts
    Seated row 3x10 @ 80

    30 minute run on treadmill while watching Food Network.

    Had a me day since I am single and worked Sunday. I got dressed nice and wore the heels I bought for stepsister's wedding. Went to French bakery place and got food. I ended up there at happy hour, which worked well. Got a kobe slider, parmesan fries, sipping chocolate with fruit, marshmallows made there and a little brie. I purchased 2 little chocolates, 2 macaroons, a pineapple brioche and a croissant to eat over the next week. mmm Then I went to the mall since I had a giftcard for Victoria's Secret to use. Also got some high waisted black pants for work from H&M. Tried on a couple of things at VS. One was a shirt that said "no flex zone" that I tried on just to take a picture of myself flexing in it, hehe. Also, tried on swim suit top and two bottoms. Bikini, which is still tough for me with my extra body weight being in my stomach and the excess skin but I'm trying to get the courage to one day get a suit. Hopefully for this summer but we'll see.

    Tomorrow is squat day and laundry time. Woot! ;-)