July check in and chat: barbell-lovin' BAMFs in training



  • Sugar_Junkie
    Sugar_Junkie Posts: 366 Member
    {sigh} After seeing everybody else's awesome numbers I feel like a weakling-lol. Sort of, anyhow.

    Here's my lifting today:

    Squats - 95 lbs 5, 5 then added 1.5 lbs and did 3 more sets of 5
    Bench - 80 lbs, 5, 5, 5, 3 (roll of shame - at least now I know I can do it-lol), 5, 5
    Pendlay - 77 lbs, 5 x 5 but my form is starting to suck so I'm going to deload (not sure to what just yet) and work on form for a bit

    Your numbers are better than mine!

    I think those are great #s!!!!!! Keep at it though and you will improve!
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Went back to the chiropractor today with brand new elbow pain. :frown: Holy cats, that was a painful adjustment.
    After we finish, she says, "Can you do just cardio for now? I know how you hate that, but I'm thinking you need to take a break from weights."

    So, you know, that's less than awesome.
    I see her again in two weeks. Two weeks of no lifting.
    I may go mad.

    Of course her reasoning was to give my elbow a rest, so I'm thinking light back squats are fine (I've already deloaded to 135 anyway, so that won't be a problem). I can do most ab/core work, though no planks, of course. No OHP, bench, row, DL.
    I need to come up with a workout that doesn't engage my elbow much.
    Even typing this post makes my elbow ache. :(

    Suggestions, please? :flowerforyou:

    Squats shouldn't mess up your elbow at all. I'm thinking DL should also be fine, as your elbows are just locked then, but since I don't actually know what the issue is with your elbow maybe not? Elbows are integral to arm work though.

    Is this an old injury? Is it recent? Is it overuse?

    Either way - you might get a lot out of reading Eric Cressey's articles on elbows.


  • cpiton
    cpiton Posts: 380 Member
    Suggestions, please? :flowerforyou:

    Pretty sure Rippetoe would prescribe squats ... which is pretty much his answer to everything from hangnails to broken bones. :smile:

    So ... squat moar. :laugh:

    I don't know what a day is like without sore shoulders and/or elbows (I type for a living and there's nothing I can do about it; however, I will say that strength training along with regular stretching has helped) so I dunno, do some dumbbell work to rehab your elbows, and make sure you stretch? I also now do things like farmers' carry to strengthen my wrists and forearms/grip strength, because our wrists, forearms and elbows are obviously connected, and weakness in one can lead to injury in another due to overcompensation and whatnot. I have to be careful with my barbell complexes because they really tax my grip strength (but hey, that's the point of training it, right?).

    If it's an overuse injury (and it usually is) make sure you get plenty of rest, try an anti-inflammatory (if you're not wanting to pop a bunch of NSAIDs, bromelain works really well and doesn't cause stomach upset) and ice/heat.


    Thanks for the help. Yes, it's overuse. Boo. Hiss.
    I honestly believe it has more to do with the computer than the weight room.

    I shall squat moar! I will do ALL of the squats! Luckily, I love those darn things. :smile:
  • cpiton
    cpiton Posts: 380 Member
    Suggestions, please? :flowerforyou:

    Squats shouldn't mess up your elbow at all. I'm thinking DL should also be fine, as your elbows are just locked then, but since I don't actually know what the issue is with your elbow maybe not? Elbows are integral to arm work though.

    Is this an old injury? Is it recent? Is it overuse?

    Either way - you might get a lot out of reading Eric Cressey's articles on elbows.



    That's funny, I was lying in bed last night rethinking deadlifts. After I got over the initial panic and could think clearly, that is...

    It's recent, and I do think it's overuse, but I believe it has to do with my tablet/laptop usage rather than anything I did in the gym.

    Thanks for the links. I'm going to read them after I post this. :flowerforyou:
  • grandmoo
    grandmoo Posts: 34 Member
    Thanks, Sugar_Junkie!
  • chubby_checkers
    chubby_checkers Posts: 2,354 Member
    It's been a week since I was last in the gym (lazy *kitten*), so I didn't increase any weights today.

    Workout A
    Squats: 155lbs
    Bench: 90lbs
    Row: 100lbs (5-4-3). I'm getting irritated with these. I've bounced between 95 and 100lbs for a while. I'm going to have to hunt down my gym's 1.25lb magnets and see if I can do 97.5lbs.
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    B lift day today.
    gym still ridiculously hot, then when they did restart the air con (it trips out every 20 minutes..) there was a ghastly smell of cigarette smoke, and precious little cold air. I gave up on my HIIT at the end as didn't want that in my lungs more than I had to, apparently the gym backs on to a builders yard (dust) and a mosque (it's the start of Ramadan, so the smell was the fire/cigarette smoke from their courtyard). Way to go, gym. at least get some big fans to more the air around. *sigh*

    Today wasn't a day of total win, but:

    squats - 57.5kg - second attempt - 5,5,1, squatted too low on the second rep and sat down, the guy next to me had to help me re-rack while laughing (it's ok, I was laughing too!), then did another 4. However form is really suffering with the extra weight.
    question: should I go back to 55kg and back up in fractionals, or back to 50kg (or some other lesser number) and really work on form on my way back? Help!

    OHP - 30.7kg (broke out the fractionals) managed 555 (just!) but I'm getting the impression my lower back isn't as supportive as it should be. I suspect what I really ought to do is go right back to the bar, revisit that video on the hip wiggle thingy, and try and improve my form and work my way back up.. *sigh*

    Deadlift - 60kg 3 70kg 3 80kg 5 but this is still feeling heavy (manageable) and again I suspect I should go right back down and work on form as I build back up.

    so it's a pig, and I want nice lateral progression, and grrrr AND I'm aware my core needs more work AND I'm still doing barely any cardio (and the huz who is a cyclist and runner keeps nagging me about that) and and and booo hooo *pity party for one*

    I even wonder as I can only do 3x/week whether it would make more sense logically (not emotionally!) to have 2 lifting sessions and one cardio/core/support exercises.

    I also go away to Barcelona next Wednesday for our 10th wedding anniversary so the reality of my gym days is going to be Friday and Sunday, then nothing until at least next Sunday. Maybe I should think of it as (yet another) deload/rest and come back and make some changes after that...

    All and any opinions, informed or otherwise, welcome! thank you! :)

    and I have read and I'm rubbish at commenting, but whoever has the dodgy elbow, that sounds horrid, hope that improves first, and well done on everyone else's lifts!
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    Cpiton - What was the reason for your deload again? Was it a knee or back issue? (Too lazy to go back and look :laugh: ) You can also add single straight leg deadlifts while holding a dumbbell or kettlebell with the good arm (just shift balance and angle of the arm drop for what ever leg is going up). Also think about bench step ups, walking single arm straight leg deadlifts, standing band adductor/abductor pulls (try doing this without holding onto anything for added core work), and single leg squats (raised leg going back like a skater).


    Video showing the walking deads (They call it a Death March and it starts at 2:24):

    And another working on glute activation:

    My PT introduced me to the wonderful hell that is resistance bands and I am glad she did. Any walking one with the bands is killer.

    CC - I got irritated with the rows as well so now I vary them between the Pendlay rows, inverted rows, and single arm rows. Adds variety and I'm not feeling frustrated with the stall deload cycle I was doing with just the Pendlay rows.

    Squat and Bench day for me.

    Squat 1x5 @ 115, 125, 135
    Bench 3x5 @ 135
    Then 2 sets of 15 inverted rows and 30 lb dumbbell pull overs.

    Lost a little focus grabbing at some 5lb plates and dropped two of them onto my leg. Lucky for me, just a scratch on my shin. Very happy it wasn't a bigger plate.
  • cpiton
    cpiton Posts: 380 Member
    Cpiton - What was the reason for your deload again? Was it a knee or back issue? (Too lazy to go back and look :laugh: ) You can also add single straight leg deadlifts while holding a dumbbell or kettlebell with the good arm (just shift balance and angle of the arm drop for what ever leg is going up). Also think about bench step ups, walking single arm straight leg deadlifts, standing band adductor/abductor pulls (try doing this without holding onto anything for added core work), and single leg squats (raised leg going back like a skater).

    Squat and Bench day for me.

    Squat 1x5 @ 115, 125, 135
    Bench 3x5 @ 135
    Then 2 sets of 15 inverted rows and 30 lb dumbbell pull overs.

    Lost a little focus grabbing at some 5lb plates and dropped two of them onto my leg. Lucky for me, just a scratch on my shin. Very happy it wasn't a bigger plate.

    OUCH! :sad: Glad it wasn't too serious, though. Awesome workout! That bench. Just WOW.

    My workout today:
    Squat BW 4x5, 45 (oly bar) 3x5, 80 2x5, 95 2x5, 135 5x5
    (no OHP) 3 exercise superset: bicycle crunch/glute bridge 25# plate/crunches 3x20
    DL 135 1x5, 185 1x3 (weak in rt arm)
    Stuck ab/core stuff in everywhere. 10 minute warm up, stretches at the end. Took forever, but felt good. :smile:

    It's my right elbow. Before that, my hip flexors--still an issue. I'm fallin' apart over here! lol
    Thanks for the help. I always appreciate a fresh perspective.
    I love the band idea! I just bought my mom a set of bodylastics bands and they're great. Going to order some.
    I will definitely check out those links.

    Tameko: I read those links you posted. They were great. I love that this guy trains pro ball players. My son played baseball his whole childhood--pitched for his college team. We sent him to a pro trainer for help when he was first learning to pitch so he could avoid mistakes that lead to Tommy John surgery. I might have to give my boy a call and ask for advice. lol He would LOVE that, I'm sure. :bigsmile:
  • cpiton
    cpiton Posts: 380 Member
    B lift day today.
    gym still ridiculously hot, then when they did restart the air con (it trips out every 20 minutes..) there was a ghastly smell of cigarette smoke, and precious little cold air. I gave up on my HIIT at the end as didn't want that in my lungs more than I had to, apparently the gym backs on to a builders yard (dust) and a mosque (it's the start of Ramadan, so the smell was the fire/cigarette smoke from their courtyard). Way to go, gym. at least get some big fans to more the air around. *sigh*

    This would drive me stark raving bonkers. And then to the ER with a massive asthma attack. Yikes. I'm impressed that you finished the workout at all.
    Great workout, by the way :flowerforyou:

    I've got the dodgy elbow. It's always something lately. I figure once my body is healed, I'll be an expert in lifting workarounds. :laugh:
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    Cpiton - What was the reason for your deload again? Was it a knee or back issue? (Too lazy to go back and look :laugh: ) You can also add single straight leg deadlifts while holding a dumbbell or kettlebell with the good arm (just shift balance and angle of the arm drop for what ever leg is going up). Also think about bench step ups, walking single arm straight leg deadlifts, standing band adductor/abductor pulls (try doing this without holding onto anything for added core work), and single leg squats (raised leg going back like a skater).

    Squat and Bench day for me.

    Squat 1x5 @ 115, 125, 135
    Bench 3x5 @ 135
    Then 2 sets of 15 inverted rows and 30 lb dumbbell pull overs.

    Lost a little focus grabbing at some 5lb plates and dropped two of them onto my leg. Lucky for me, just a scratch on my shin. Very happy it wasn't a bigger plate.

    OUCH! :sad: Glad it wasn't too serious, though. Awesome workout! That bench. Just WOW.

    My workout today:
    Squat BW 4x5, 45 (oly bar) 3x5, 80 2x5, 95 2x5, 135 5x5
    (no OHP) 3 exercise superset: bicycle crunch/glute bridge 25# plate/crunches 3x20
    DL 135 1x5, 185 1x3 (weak in rt arm)
    Stuck ab/core stuff in everywhere. 10 minute warm up, stretches at the end. Took forever, but felt good. :smile:

    It's my right elbow. Before that, my hip flexors--still an issue. I'm fallin' apart over here! lol
    Thanks for the help. I always appreciate a fresh perspective.
    I love the band idea! I just bought my mom a set of bodylastics bands and they're great. Going to order some.
    I will definitely check out those links.

    Tameko: I read those links you posted. They were great. I love that this guy trains pro ball players. My son played baseball his whole childhood--pitched for his college team. We sent him to a pro trainer for help when he was first learning to pitch so he could avoid mistakes that lead to Tommy John surgery. I might have to give my boy a call and ask for advice. lol He would LOVE that, I'm sure. :bigsmile:

    OH CRAP!!! I DIDN'T BENCH 135!!! CRAP CRAP CRAP :noway: that was supposed to be 3x5 @ 110. Apparently I had a brain malfunction.

  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    I've got the dodgy elbow. It's always something lately. I figure once my body is healed, I'll be an expert in lifting workarounds. :laugh:

    It's always been something since I started lifting. I'm becoming quite the expert at rehabbing various boo-boos.

    I'm just going to lift until I can lift no more because going back to unconditioned weaksauce is no longer an option.
  • cpiton
    cpiton Posts: 380 Member
    OH CRAP!!! I DIDN'T BENCH 135!!! CRAP CRAP CRAP :noway: that was supposed to be 3x5 @ 110. Apparently I had a brain malfunction.


    Still darn impressive. I'm stuck at 95lb.

    It's always been something since I started lifting. I'm becoming quite the expert at rehabbing various boo-boos.

    I'm just going to lift until I can lift no more because going back to unconditioned weaksauce is no longer an option.

    I can't go back to being weak. I love being strong. My kids are even impressed with me. :glasses: Can't give that up. Lifting has become part of my identity; I never thought I would say something like that, but it's true.
  • roxylola
    roxylola Posts: 540 Member
    I know just what you mean. Up until a couple of years ago, thanks to a very physical job and the attitude that I am unbeatable I was incredibly strong and lean. That has fallen a bit although my core is still not bad - pike leg raises is still achievable in fact I did 20 today :p My fitness has dropped too and I want to be lean again (not thin, just lean)

    I squatted my bar plus 2x5kg plates today did my 5x5 So total of 30kg (I think) and considering I was totally freaked out just a week ago that a bar might be 45kg I don't think that is bad going :D

    Then my first day on OHP I started with 6kg dumbells, did 5, then tried the bar for 5. Then back to my bells for the other 3 reps as I would never have managed 5x5 on the bar. Next time I shall try the and build the bar in to 2 if not 3 of my sets and work up that way.

    Dead lifts - first time ever - I lifted the bar and 2 5kg plates for a set of 5 then went for 5x5 with a further 2 2.5 plates on there. So my deadlift was 1x5 at 35kg.

    If I had needed to do 1 more set with good form of any of these I would not have been able to do it, 1 more set for £100 and who cares about form then I might have managed it :laugh:

    Feeling quite happy with progress and looking forward to getting a bit more weight on next time - the gym has plates at 1.25 or 2.5 kg at the moment I am hoping to go up using the 2.5 as much as possible but we shall see...
  • xidia
    xidia Posts: 606 Member
    lwoodruff - I was making slow progress on 2x week 3x5 for a few months. I made better progress on 3x week, but life kept getting in the way! If you think your core is holding you back, then 2x week SL and 1x week core sounds like it would do you some real good. Or possibly a month of 2x week core to really build it interspersed with 1x week SL covering all the lifts just to keep your muscles as they are?

    I forget which book it was in - it might have been Mehdi but I'm not about to reread the testosterone dump to find out - that it takes a third as much effort to maintain strength as it does to build it, so 1x a week should be enough on that basis.
  • JamBlaze
    JamBlaze Posts: 90 Member
    Any dumbbell lifters here use weight lifting hand straps? I only found out these existed today. Read a few articles about them, and - using them properly (when you absolutely need to/when fighting gravity) - they seem to be useful. I don't have a power rack or anything like that at my gym, so for my squats and bench presses, I use dumb bells. The weights are getting pretty heavy now, and soon my grip isn't going to be able to sustain them. Anyone else use these straps? Thoughts?
  • alliebeth88
    alliebeth88 Posts: 59 Member
    Ugh...got my labs back from the doctor yesterday and my thyroid hormones are all screwed up again. Damn antibodies! Referral to endocrinologist coming up. Boo.

    I was too tired to get out of bed this morning, let alone hit the gym. Forcing myself to go tomorrow and friday (splitting the workout).

    I feel like such a lazy *kitten* when I don't go to the gym on my scheduled days, even though I have a legitimate reason (my thyroid is whacking out and my antibodies are making my joints feel like sandboxes, but I digress).
  • Shtallionchick14
    Shtallionchick14 Posts: 61 Member
    Finished week 4 today. I guess that means workout number 12.

    Squats 5x5 95 lbs (excited to hit 100 next time!)
    OHP 5x5 70 lbs (also excited to hit 75 next time, but it is likely I will fail there)
    Deadlift 1x5 140 lbs (so exciting to be able to use the real plates for once)

    Then did some accessory pull up and ab work.

    Good job everyone on your lifts!
  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    Any dumbbell lifters here use weight lifting hand straps? I only found out these existed today. Read a few articles about them, and - using them properly (when you absolutely need to/when fighting gravity) - they seem to be useful. I don't have a power rack or anything like that at my gym, so for my squats and bench presses, I use dumb bells. The weights are getting pretty heavy now, and soon my grip isn't going to be able to sustain them. Anyone else use these straps? Thoughts?

    I don't use straps now and don't ever plan to.

    I've starting doing farmers' walks with heavy dumbbells in order to train grip/forearm strength during my lifting sessions. You basically grab a heavy dumbbell with each hand and walk around. I do roughly 200 feet with 25-pound dumbbells currently (which are still plenty heavy for me). Which is doable, except on barbell complex days when I have to do sets of 5 back-to-back exercises with the 45-pound bar in my hands without a break. That's rough. But, it's getting less rough as time goes on, so there you go.

    I'm after functional strength, and so if my grip strength can't sustain what I'm lifting, then it ain't getting lifted until my grip strength catches up. I'm trying to treat my body as a whole, basically. We progress together, or we don't progress at all. That's the rule. :smile:

    I can imagine that strapping yourself to a dumbbell that you're trying to press up and that your body really can't sustain, is just asking for injury. I'd personally not do that to myself.

    You could check into other squat varieties such as split squats and whatnot before you consider straps. Maybe supplement your bench press with push-ups and so forth to continue to challenge yourself. I'd find other exercises rather than start using props that may or may not actually help and that may or may not be safe.

    If you're limited by equipment, there's always ways around that, and there's exercises out there that will give you what you're after (as far as goals go) with what you have to work with.
  • jogirlruns
    jogirlruns Posts: 45 Member
    I have been rotten and lazy (and busy socializing) and have not been on top of things at all! Last visit to the gym was nearly a week ago.
    Workout A:
    Squat 145 lbs 5x5
    Bench 70 lb 5/5/5/5/3
    Row 70 lb 5x5 - used the pre-loaded bar - which is shorter - my form is so much better with this than with the barbell.

    I am really not getting close enough to parallel on squats at my working weight. Warm up sets are fine. I've diagnosed this as weak glutes/hams. I think I have no choice but to deload and build up slooowly. Waahhh! I like putting the big plates on there!! I think I will go back to 95 and build up from there, 5 lbs at a time.
