July check in and chat: barbell-lovin' BAMFs in training



  • bound4beauty
    bound4beauty Posts: 274 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm new to the group and fairly new to SL. Today was session 5. Thought I'd share my puny numbers that I hope won't be so puny soon!


    Squat - 60 pounds 5x5
    Bench Press - 55 pounds 5x5
    Barbell Row - 60 pounds 5x5
    Barbell Bicep Curls - 30 pounds 4x8 (threw this one in just because I like them)

    Weights for Monday were:

    Squat - 55 pounds 5x5
    Overhead Press - 40 pounds 5x5
    Deadlift - 105 pounds 1x5
  • grandmoo
    grandmoo Posts: 34 Member
    Mwuahaha - there must be *something* to that whole "eat more carbs" thing... I had my "night before" smoothie with sweet potato and banana and used whole milk rather than almond milk last night. This morning about an hour before I would be hitting the iron I had a banana. Then after the workout I had my protein shake made with whole milk rather than almond milk. Physically I felt a bit tired to start with, but was aMAZed at how much better my lifting was.

    Squats - stayed at 96.5 lbs, did 5 X 5 with good form and with what seemed like much less effort than on Monday. I almost went for another set at 100 lbs but didn't want to blow my euphoria. :-)
    OHP - 45.5 lbs, did at least 5 x 5, but lost track so I did another set, so maybe 6 x 5? And I felt powerful, first time EVAR on the OHP (also finally over 45, even if it was just by 1/2 a lb :-) ).
    DL - 135 lbs, tough, but definitely do-able. And YAY!, I finally got to graduate to the 45 lb plates!

    I think I'm going to start shooting for ~100 carbs/day, every day, and just time them differently according to my lifting plans. That's still fairly low carb, and if I start having cravings I'll adjust again.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Any dumbbell lifters here use weight lifting hand straps? I only found out these existed today. Read a few articles about them, and - using them properly (when you absolutely need to/when fighting gravity) - they seem to be useful. I don't have a power rack or anything like that at my gym, so for my squats and bench presses, I use dumb bells. The weights are getting pretty heavy now, and soon my grip isn't going to be able to sustain them. Anyone else use these straps? Thoughts?

    I don't use them but I have a pair of straps in my bag for when I might need them.

    I wouldn't use them for the bench press though - what do you feel like the issue is there?

    I can see where you might want them for squats, its just plain exhausting to have to grip something for that long, and since you're doing rows or deadlifts later you probably don't want to be too tired out before you get to em. Its also totally ok to put them down for a second or two in between reps though - if you need to reset your grip or rest for a second.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Mwuahaha - there must be *something* to that whole "eat more carbs" thing... I had my "night before" smoothie with sweet potato and banana and used whole milk rather than almond milk last night. This morning about an hour before I would be hitting the iron I had a banana. Then after the workout I had my protein shake made with whole milk rather than almond milk. Physically I felt a bit tired to start with, but was aMAZed at how much better my lifting was.

    Squats - stayed at 96.5 lbs, did 5 X 5 with good form and with what seemed like much less effort than on Monday. I almost went for another set at 100 lbs but didn't want to blow my euphoria. :-)
    OHP - 45.5 lbs, did at least 5 x 5, but lost track so I did another set, so maybe 6 x 5? And I felt powerful, first time EVAR on the OHP (also finally over 45, even if it was just by 1/2 a lb :-) ).
    DL - 135 lbs, tough, but definitely do-able. And YAY!, I finally got to graduate to the 45 lb plates!

    I think I'm going to start shooting for ~100 carbs/day, every day, and just time them differently according to my lifting plans. That's still fairly low carb, and if I start having cravings I'll adjust again.

    Awesome plan - and I'm glad you noticed that worked well. Carbs are fuel for exercise - no one NEEDS carbs to live but you do need them to be active.
  • BikerGirlElaine
    BikerGirlElaine Posts: 1,631 Member
    Mwuahaha - there must be *something* to that whole "eat more carbs" thing... I had my "night before" smoothie with sweet potato and banana and used whole milk rather than almond milk last night. This morning about an hour before I would be hitting the iron I had a banana. Then after the workout I had my protein shake made with whole milk rather than almond milk. Physically I felt a bit tired to start with, but was aMAZed at how much better my lifting was.

    Squats - stayed at 96.5 lbs, did 5 X 5 with good form and with what seemed like much less effort than on Monday. I almost went for another set at 100 lbs but didn't want to blow my euphoria. :-)
    OHP - 45.5 lbs, did at least 5 x 5, but lost track so I did another set, so maybe 6 x 5? And I felt powerful, first time EVAR on the OHP (also finally over 45, even if it was just by 1/2 a lb :-) ).
    DL - 135 lbs, tough, but definitely do-able. And YAY!, I finally got to graduate to the 45 lb plates!

    I think I'm going to start shooting for ~100 carbs/day, every day, and just time them differently according to my lifting plans. That's still fairly low carb, and if I start having cravings I'll adjust again.

    Yeah, that's been my experience too. I used to lift, bodybuilding-style, and do low carb. It was truly hard going. Now that I eat carbs, lifting is so much better.

    For carbs I stick with veggies, complex carbs, and some fruits but only the lower-sugar ones:

    all veggies (that I like LOL)
    corn, brown rice, beans in all forms, sweet potato, white potato if the skin is still on, oats, quinoa, buckwheat (I'm gluten free now but used to eat things like Ezekiel bread and Triscuit crackers and stuff as well) I try to not eat white grains or potatoes without the skins.
    berries, cantaloupe, honeydew melon, 1/2 a banana, a bit of apple butter that I made with granny smith apples
  • grandmoo
    grandmoo Posts: 34 Member
    Awesome plan - and I'm glad you noticed that worked well. Carbs are fuel for exercise - no one NEEDS carbs to live but you do need them to be active.

    Yeah, that's been my experience too. I used to lift, bodybuilding-style, and do low carb. It was truly hard going. Now that I eat carbs, lifting is so much better.

    For carbs I stick with veggies, complex carbs, and some fruits but only the lower-sugar ones:

    all veggies (that I like LOL)
    corn, brown rice, beans in all forms, sweet potato, white potato if the skin is still on, oats, quinoa, buckwheat (I'm gluten free now but used to eat things like Ezekiel bread and Triscuit crackers and stuff as well) I try to not eat white grains or potatoes without the skins.
    berries, cantaloupe, honeydew melon, 1/2 a banana, a bit of apple butter that I made with granny smith apples

    I'll probably stick with sweet potatoes, bananas, oatmeal (the kind you have to cook, not the instant), and berries for the most part. I already eat all of the green veggies, never met a green vegetable I didn't like!

    By my figuring, using various TDEE calculators, I should be eating 1900 calories daily - I might actually have a little trouble getting them all in, but I'm not going to worry about that *too* much. The way I've done for the past year or so is track my weekly meals (roughly) and just stay low carb on the weekends without regard to calories. It's worked for me so far, I averaged 7 lbs lost per month for 7 months straight, but I've leveled out now. I'm not at "goal", but I don't really have an official goal anymore, just to get stronger and at least maintain my size/activity level/etc. I guess what I was getting around to saying is that if I'm a little on the low side during the week, I'll probably make up for it on the weekend and it'll come out a wash.
  • inkysmurf
    inkysmurf Posts: 168
    Work out this morning, felt a little better as I had had a good sleep, drank lots of water yesterday and ate a bit more (I work out first thing after walking for an hour - so I just jump right in) - Think my eating is a bit mad right now... need to try and square myself up.

    Squats 5x 5 @ 52.55kg (115lbs - high five!) these still feeling ok... excited to be heading towards squatting me!!

    OHP 1 x4 @ 25kg(55lbs) 1x2@25kg (55lbs) 1x4@22.5kg (49.6lbs) 1x4@20(44lbs) 1x4@20(44lbs)
    I am all over the place with these - should have started at 22.5, started at 25 - and basically hit 4 and I literally couldn't move the bar!! - then manged 2 squiggly/wiggly ones/ deloaded and form was still away to pot - so took it down again - 20kg feels ok
    soo aaagggggghhhhhhh

    Deadlift 1x 5@55kg (121lbs) - used a mixed grip - which felt good.

    Then 1min plank, 45sec plank, 30sec plank, 10 jacknifes, 12 full sit ups, 7 chin ups, 51 airsquats (waiting for coffee) 6 x full push ups (really need to working on my pushing) 3x5 body weight inverted rows.

    I ate low carb for a long long time - I am wheat & gluten intolerant so my carb intake is a bit lower , just down to what makes me feel ok (never want to go back to how I was!!) but realised I have also got a bit of a crazy "fruit" is bad mentality - I would have been better having 2 bananas yesterday , than 2 magnums....

    Happy lifting ladies.

    And please anyone saying they are lifting "little numbers" - you are lifting which makes you automatically awesome!, don't compare yourself or your progress to others - look at them as a inspiration . At the start I was all oooeee look how rubbish I am lifting 2lbs, the amazing chick is lifting 200lbs. But at the end of the day I started a journey and I'm still going... so HIGH FIVE LADIES!
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    Yes. This. You are only in competition with yourself. Also you hit your 50 air squats. Well done!
  • roxylola
    roxylola Posts: 540 Member
    You are only in competition with yourself.

    QFT! And this is why every single time I have to do just a little bit heavier, press just a little higher, squat just a little lower. I can kick my *kitten* any day of the week!!! :D
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    ok, idiot moment, what does QFT mean? :)

    eta: also, I think my HIIT on my bike (free app: Hitexercise on the android store) is a pretty good compromise for the link above: 2 min gentle warmup, 20 seconds HIIT, 1 min 50 (I think) recovery, 20 seconds HIIT, recovery, HIIT, FINISH! = around 8 mins. And kills my quads dead!
  • roxylola
    roxylola Posts: 540 Member
    Quoted for Truth - used to be a geek - ;)

    Love hiit I do it on the bikes at the gym
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    ha ha I came up with 'quite f*in true' so not far off lol!
  • cleotherio
    cleotherio Posts: 712 Member
    ha ha I came up with 'quite f*in true' so not far off lol!

    Close enough! In fact, I think that one's better and I'll always have it mind when I see QTF from now on :)

    First bench press day of 5/3/1. I finished this one faster than the other two I've done so far, mostly because the superset at the end was easier for me. Much easier than chin ups and hanging leg raises, anyway. 5x10 alternating BP @45 lb with 20lb dumbbell rows. I'm going to have to keep my eyes open for some heavier dumbbells on craigslist. The heavy ones are so damn expensive.

    And due to the shorter, less strenuous workout, I'll probably have the energy to do a bit of cardio in the afternoon.
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    good for you! great workout!

    the other one I always misread is 'FTW' ('for the win') which I have stuck in my head as '*kitten* the world' lol!
  • roxylola
    roxylola Posts: 540 Member
    If it works for you use it lol!
  • inkysmurf
    inkysmurf Posts: 168
    lwoodoff - cheers I was going like the clappers - "nespresso waits for no woman to do her air squats!"

    and being scottish the minute any abbreviation starts with a F - the sweary word auto enters my head!
  • Coquette6
    Coquette6 Posts: 158 Member
    I had a very hectic two days on Monday and Tuesday, resulting in not much sleep and a totally screwed up schedule. I took Wednesday off, no exercise except for daily life running around. Back into the weight room this morning and still don't feel quite 100%.

    Squat - 95lbs - Three sets of 6 and two sets of five.
    OHP - 55lbs - Sometimes my arms are like "RAWR, lift all the things!" and sometimes they're like "Yeah, we're just going to hang off your shoulders and be useless." I'm trying really hard to keep my core stable on these because I have a serious tendency to over-arch my back.
    Deadlift - 120lbs - Woo! New PR, redeemed myself from the OHP.
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    Awesome work everyone!!! And just because it bares repeating. Be inspired by others, but don't compare yourself to them. We are all at different points in our lifting. What matters is getting out there and doing it. We are ALL getting stronger than we were to start with.

    Taking a much needed rest day today. I'm going to drop off to 4 days a week at the gym for the next few weeks. I haven't been sleeping well and half of that is due to my muscles being so tired they get restless at night. Time to break the fatigue cycle. I'm also going to reevaluate my workout split and try to get a better workout/recovery schedule. I know it isn't a matter of calories since I'm not eating at a deficit so it's time to focus on the rest. Hopefully this will help me continue to push my numbers up.
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member

    I'm going to have to keep my eyes open for some heavier dumbbells on craigslist. The heavy ones are so damn expensive.

    Can you make some weighted bean/sand bags to put on the ends of the dumbbells? It would at least be a way you can continue to increase without the major cost.
  • chubby_checkers
    chubby_checkers Posts: 2,354 Member
    the other one I always misread is 'FTW' ('for the win') which I have stuck in my head as '*kitten* the world' lol!

    That's what I thought it meant for the longest time. I kept seeing it used where it wouldn't make sense, though, and got completely confused. I had a mini-conniption one day: "WHAT DOES THAT MEAN?!?!?!" I felt dumb after I found out. :laugh:

    Workout B today.
    Squats: 160lbs 3x5
    OHP: 70lbs (4-5-3) :grumble:
    Deadlift: 190lbs 1x5--:smokin: and a PR.

    They're repainting the walls at my gym, so it was all paint fumey in there today. There's also a guy that works out during the week at the same time I do and he smells bad. It permeates the whole gym. Some days, I have to decide if I want to breathe through my nose and smell it, or breathe through my mouth and taste it. :indifferent:

    There were two young guys lifting today. I didn't say anthing to them about their awful form, but I probably should have: 1/4 squats on the Smith machine that looked so awkward, and rounded back deadlifts. It was making me cringe. I did start to go say something to them, but they were done and doing something else by the time I really started paying attntion. If I see them again, I will say something.