July check in and chat: barbell-lovin' BAMFs in training



  • kirabob
    kirabob Posts: 481 Member
    Well, it sounds like if I don't spend my recovery drinking Jim Beam and chasing tail, I should be fine. :smile: LOL
  • Coquette6
    Coquette6 Posts: 158 Member
    Workout A

    Squat - 1x95lbs and that felt pretty good, so decided to go to 100lbs for the next four sets. Woo new PR!
    Bench - 5x70lbs - Another woo, another PR.
    Row - 5x70lbs.
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member

    Anderson Squat: 95 1x5 <
    For heaven's sake, that was hard after the other squats and before the 135 back squat.

    I had to google this, and I found this page - http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/meet-the-squats-7-squat-variations-you-should-be-doing.html. I might add in a few of these on squat day to shake things up. Great core work, too! I'm still sore from doing hanging leg raises the other day!

    That is such a great article regarding squats.....and of course written by one of my most favorite trainers! I follow him on my FB and I'll tell you, that guy is seriously awesome! He will answer random questions on his page and he gives really solid advice! He is the reason I was able to incorporate the Glute Ham Raise into my workout :bigsmile: I read an article he wrote on it and then asked him for a recommendation on a mod so that I could do them without the machine. He totally came through and they are now part of my deadlift day!
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    workout B, last one for at least a week :(

    squats - my app deloaded me, must have recorded missing 3 times in a row (although I've hit all my lifts, I'm not recording them as completed if form isn't great).

    so dropped it to 50kg, nice round number, 3x5 but this still felt heavy. maybe a week off is needed!
    OHP was supposed to be 30.7 with fractionals but 30kg felt hard enough so stuck there, did 554. Wondering about going back to the bar and looking at form again. Someone kick me if I forget this!

    deadlift - supposed to be 80kg, did 60kg 4 reps, 70kg 3 reps, and stopped at 3 reps on 80kg my form just isn't there. Again I think I need to go down and work on form and strength.. and maybe get another PT session on this, it's the one that worries me most if my form breaks down.

    so after last time's PRs today was a pain, and TOO HOT. Nearly fainted doing my HIIT, put in another feedback form that will be ignored..
  • zanyzana
    zanyzana Posts: 248 Member
    Nearly fainted doing my HIIT, put in another feedback form that will be ignored..

    Sounds like the gym needs to be reminded of it OHS requirements! Or isn't it such a big deal over there? I don't really know if gyms are hit hard about OHS issues over here, my gym doesn't even get people to sign in. If there was a fire, they'd have no idea who was in the building... Is that normal?
  • inkysmurf
    inkysmurf Posts: 168
    lwoodroff - great nos!!! jealous about your OHP - !!! - be careful in that hot, hot gym - total nightmare - can you raise something about health & safety??

    Brilliant article on T Nation - as I am thinking what next - as I know I won't keep progressing.... (already - yup! - cocky lifting lady here!!)

    Workout A this morning and I felt gooood

    Squat 52.5kg 5x5 (115lbs)
    Bench 25kg 5x5 (55lbs) - this felt good, watched a few vids which seem to have stuck
    Pendlay Row 30kg 5x5 (66lbs) - got wobbly towards the end - think I will stick with this for the next A session, and focus on form.
    The a few add ons: 3 sets x14 reverse crunches, 1 min plank, 7 chin ups (yay!) 52 air squats, 3x 5 body weight inverted rows, 20 full sit ups.

    Happy lifting ladies x
  • kirabob
    kirabob Posts: 481 Member
    Lwoodroff, that's nuts. Seriously - they need to fix the AC!

    Coquette and Daisy - you are making great progress!

    I'm busy planning out my first Texas method day, starting tomorrow. We'll see how it goes!

    I wanted to share this little story with you all:
    I was busy calculating my numbers for the new workout, and hubby was playing with Baby Girl in her room. Out of nowhere, she starts wailing. I wait a bit, then hubby calls for me. When I got there, he was holding out a dress that I had meant to put in to the donation bag because it's fitted sleeves were way too small for our little athlete. She had found it, and was woefully upset because her arms wouldn't fit in. (It's a size 3, her age, but she wears 4s and 5s because of her athletic build). Hubby had been telling her that she was strong and that was great, and that as little kids become big kids they outgrow old clothes, but it wasn't helping.

    I picked her up and she told me, sobbing "I don't want strong muscles, I want to wear the dress!" My heart just broke, because it is the first time she has expressed displeasure with her body. I took a deep breath, and thanked all that is good in the universe that I had started lifting. After another little talk about how our bodies grow when we are little, and how her body was going to keep on growing (wherein hubby provided comic relief by going to get one of his childhood tshirts and putting it on, LOL), I said "Why don't we see just what all your strong muscles can do? Come do handstands with me!" So then we went in to the hallway and walked our feet up the walls into (leaning) handstands. Giggling hysterically, she looked at me between her arms and said "I'm so strong! Look at me on my hands!" And my broken heart was mended. :smile:

    Reason #58974345087 I love lifting. Because 5 months ago I wouldn't have known what to say or do to make that better.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Lwoodroff, that's nuts. Seriously - they need to fix the AC!

    Coquette and Daisy - you are making great progress!

    I'm busy planning out my first Texas method day, starting tomorrow. We'll see how it goes!

    I wanted to share this little story with you all:
    I was busy calculating my numbers for the new workout, and hubby was playing with Baby Girl in her room. Out of nowhere, she starts wailing. I wait a bit, then hubby calls for me. When I got there, he was holding out a dress that I had meant to put in to the donation bag because it's fitted sleeves were way too small for our little athlete. She had found it, and was woefully upset because her arms wouldn't fit in. (It's a size 3, her age, but she wears 4s and 5s because of her athletic build). Hubby had been telling her that she was strong and that was great, and that as little kids become big kids they outgrow old clothes, but it wasn't helping.

    I picked her up and she told me, sobbing "I don't want strong muscles, I want to wear the dress!" My heart just broke, because it is the first time she has expressed displeasure with her body. I took a deep breath, and thanked all that is good in the universe that I had started lifting. After another little talk about how our bodies grow when we are little, and how her body was going to keep on growing (wherein hubby provided comic relief by going to get one of his childhood tshirts and putting it on, LOL), I said "Why don't we see just what all your strong muscles can do? Come do handstands with me!" So then we went in to the hallway and walked our feet up the walls into (leaning) handstands. Giggling hysterically, she looked at me between her arms and said "I'm so strong! Look at me on my hands!" And my broken heart was mended. :smile:

    Reason #58974345087 I love lifting. Because 5 months ago I wouldn't have known what to say or do to make that better.

    That story, it is the best story. It wins best story award, maybe even for the year.
  • Coquette6
    Coquette6 Posts: 158 Member
    Giggling hysterically, she looked at me between her arms and said "I'm so strong! Look at me on my hands!" And my broken heart was mended. :smile:

    Reason #58974345087 I love lifting. Because 5 months ago I wouldn't have known what to say or do to make that better.

    Your daughter is so lucky to have you. This is how we get girls more confident in themselves and more comfortable in their own skin. BRAVO!
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    Lwoodroff, that's nuts. Seriously - they need to fix the AC!

    Coquette and Daisy - you are making great progress!

    I'm busy planning out my first Texas method day, starting tomorrow. We'll see how it goes!

    I wanted to share this little story with you all:
    I was busy calculating my numbers for the new workout, and hubby was playing with Baby Girl in her room. Out of nowhere, she starts wailing. I wait a bit, then hubby calls for me. When I got there, he was holding out a dress that I had meant to put in to the donation bag because it's fitted sleeves were way too small for our little athlete. She had found it, and was woefully upset because her arms wouldn't fit in. (It's a size 3, her age, but she wears 4s and 5s because of her athletic build). Hubby had been telling her that she was strong and that was great, and that as little kids become big kids they outgrow old clothes, but it wasn't helping.

    I picked her up and she told me, sobbing "I don't want strong muscles, I want to wear the dress!" My heart just broke, because it is the first time she has expressed displeasure with her body. I took a deep breath, and thanked all that is good in the universe that I had started lifting. After another little talk about how our bodies grow when we are little, and how her body was going to keep on growing (wherein hubby provided comic relief by going to get one of his childhood tshirts and putting it on, LOL), I said "Why don't we see just what all your strong muscles can do? Come do handstands with me!" So then we went in to the hallway and walked our feet up the walls into (leaning) handstands. Giggling hysterically, she looked at me between her arms and said "I'm so strong! Look at me on my hands!" And my broken heart was mended. :smile:

    Reason #58974345087 I love lifting. Because 5 months ago I wouldn't have known what to say or do to make that better.

    That story, it is the best story. It wins best story award, maybe even for the year.

  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    Looks like it was a busy weekend. I'll have some catching up to do in the morning.

    I had a great time this weekend hanging out on the river with the in-laws. Even managed to catch a small mouth bass and, for the first time in over a decade, I felt brave enough to rock a bikini in public. The hubby kept calling me a MILF all weekend. Well, he should think that about me no matter what.
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    here's to MILFs and rocking mummies! :)
  • inkysmurf
    inkysmurf Posts: 168
    Kirabob - you've just made my morning! - croquette my thoughts exacty!

    jstout - hurrahhh for the fish catching - and my god I bet you rocked the a** out of that bikini - you look amazing!!!!!

    lwwodroff - and dog moms :-) he he he (so so I can be in that gang!)

  • alliebeth88
    alliebeth88 Posts: 59 Member
    Squat up to 110 5x5 this morning :D Form felt good.
    Deadlift I did 5x3 at 155. I feel like my form was slipping a bit. Will repeat on Wednesday...
    OHP 2x10 at 40, 2x5 at 60lbs. Somebody else was monopolizing the 50 lbs curl bar (I use the short curl bars for OHPs because I don't have enough room to hoist the full bar over my head and not hit somebody/something...lol)

    Plus some accessory stuff...reverse crunches until my abs died, lat pulldown 5x5 @ 80 lbs, 5x5 body weight dips, 5x3 leg press @170 lbs and 10 minutes on the elliptical.
  • jogirlruns
    jogirlruns Posts: 45 Member
    Hi ladies,

    This thread moves fast!! You guys are all awesome and amazing!

    I bit the bullet and de-loaded my squats from 145 to 95 lbs and made sure I went ATG. Well, well - obviously that was the right thing to do because it was hella hard and the next couple of days I had some muscle soreness in my hams/glutes. Will build by 5 lb increments and see where that gets me. I will get back to those big plates with perfect form, oh yes.

    I was able to add 5 lbs to my OHP, finally - up to 50 lbs after being at 45 lbs FOREVER - whoo hoo!

    Didn't get to my deads because my son's swimming lesson was over and I had to get him from the pool. Warm up sets only.

    Missed my lifting workout on Saturday because I forgot my gym clothes (!!) - fortunately, I did have my swim suit so I swam lengths for half an hour. Nice to be back in the pool!

  • Sugar_Junkie
    Sugar_Junkie Posts: 366 Member
    WHOOP WHOOP!!!! I made it through my bench sets at 75 all by myself w/o a spotter saturday!!!! The bf has been spotting me because 75 was kicking my *kitten*, but he hasn't been for a couple weeks. I had dropped it down 10 lbs and have been increasing the past couple weeks to what I could handle on my own and I made it back up to 75 and did 4x75lbs 1x70lbs!!!!! I was impressed by my improvement.

    Also keep up the good work ladies. I don't have time to read through the past few pages but your all doing awesome!!!!
  • cleotherio
    cleotherio Posts: 712 Member
    Hey Vegas, please share how to do glute ham raises without a machine!

    This weekend we went camping upstate for a couple nights. We went on a 5-mile hike, rented a canoe and paddled around the lake, swam and just had a generally active weekend. I could have stayed for a couple more days. I would definitely go again in a couple weeks, but I don't think my husband is into it. Maybe I'll see if I can round up a girlfriend to go with. Eating wasn't all that great. It was mostly carb-y snacking and beers :). I don't think it helped my lifting this morning.

    This starts week 2 of 5/3/1. I think I will finish the month and see how I feel about it. I might try the Texas method instead. I'm not feeling the single lift per day thing. Even though I finish the workouts much faster than I was towards the end of SL.
  • kirabob
    kirabob Posts: 481 Member
    This starts week 2 of 5/3/1. I think I will finish the month and see how I feel about it. I might try the Texas method instead. I'm not feeling the single lift per day thing. Even though I finish the workouts much faster than I was towards the end of SL.

    That ^^ is why I am starting with Texas. I like squatting every workout, I just couldn't do it at my full poundage every day anymore. And your vacation sounds awesome. I love upstate NY. If only I lived closer, I'd go with you next time. . it's kind of a hike from NC, though. :smile:

    First day of Texas today:
    Squats 155 5x5
    Bench 95 5x5
    Deadlift 170 1x5

    These are all 90% of my 5 rep maximum. I also did some leg raises, a farmers walk and a waiters carry.
    Wednesday will be a light squat (60% of my 5rm), OHP at 90% and chins and back extensions and inverted rows.
    Then Friday I will work up to a 1x5 at 111% of my 5RM for squats, and then attempt a 1RM of 112.5 on bench and then tackle power cleans for the very first time (so if anyone wants to throw some tips my way, that'd be cool).
  • kirabob
    kirabob Posts: 481 Member
    ^^Holy crap. Writing out Friday's plan made me pee my pants a little. I better eat all the foods and sleep all the sleeps on Thursday!
  • Coquette6
    Coquette6 Posts: 158 Member
    I thought I had broken 60lbs on my OHP. I had (what I thought was) 55lbs, and was flying through 5 reps, and even 6 felt easy for the first two sets. So I bumped it up to what I thought was 60lbs. Turns out I just can't do math at 6 in the morning. My easy 55 was 50, and my 60 was 55, which was just as hard as ever. Damn you math! Damn you OHP!

    Squats - 100lbs x 5
    OHP - 50x2x6, 55x3x5
    Deadlifts - 120lbs x 5