July check in and chat: barbell-lovin' BAMFs in training



  • inkysmurf
    inkysmurf Posts: 168
    Great advice on the squats - my lower back hurt today, and I kept thinking I was doing something wrong - going to do the crazy core workout later on and add this in on my lifting days!

    week 5 workout A
    squats 5x5 @ 42.5kg (93lbs) - but lower back a bit niggly
    Bench press 5x5@ 22.5 (49lbs)
    Pendlay row 5x 5 @ 25 (55lbs)
    reverse crunch 3 x 13
    chin ups 6
    airsquats (waiting for coffee) 42
    inverted rows 2x5 body weight and at quite a low angle (hard to explain but using my door suspension kit)

    Also in a moment of eeek - just noticed deadlifts (which I didn't do today) are set of 1 x 5 - NOT as i've been doing 5 x 5 - ok i'm not near a heavy weight yet - but thank goodness I found this out today!!!

    Because of slight back niggle going to add in more core work.

    Happy lifting ladies x
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    Any of you girls use an android phone? which app do you use? I'm using lifting buddy, which is fine as long as you are following the programme (5x5 or 3x5 or even 1x5!) to the letter, but you can only put in 0,1,2,3,4,or 5 for the reps, so when I'm doing 6 on my squats I can't show it, can't show additional progression on deadlifts, and there is no notes field (which would counter this).

    I really don't want to enter the testosterone den of Mehdi to get his version as I could do without the bro newsletters/inner circle gumf in my life, but would be nice to have a slightly more flexible solution..

    ideas? :)

  • grandmoo
    grandmoo Posts: 34 Member
    Any of you girls use an android phone? which app do you use? I'm using lifting buddy, which is fine as long as you are following the programme (5x5 or 3x5 or even 1x5!) to the letter, but you can only put in 0,1,2,3,4,or 5 for the reps, so when I'm doing 6 on my squats I can't show it, can't show additional progression on deadlifts, and there is no notes field (which would counter this).

    I really don't want to enter the testosterone den of Mehdi to get his version as I could do without the bro newsletters/inner circle gumf in my life, but would be nice to have a slightly more flexible solution..

    ideas? :)


    I use Strong Log by Driftwood Apps:


    Good grief, I need to learn how to insert a link! Copy and paste all of what is in between the parentheses... It has the basic lifts, It has the date, a drop down list of lifts, a blank to input the amount of weight, "check box" of whether or not the exercise was complete (a yes or no option), then an optional section for notes. The section for notes is where I list "5 x 5", '1 x 5", "it sucked", "great workout", etc. Whatever you want to type there is up to you. It's not so structured as anything else, it's super easy to set up and follow. And you can add exercises/lifts to the drop down list. Here's a link to a screenshot of the main page (it's a link to my dropbox):


    I wasn't aware that Mehdi the Great (haha) had finally released an Android version anyhow.
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    oh good, I don't have to go and find out lol..

    does it automatically calculate the weight you should hit if you do your full 5x5 or 3x5/deload automatically if you miss 3x?
  • Coquette6
    Coquette6 Posts: 158 Member
    I use the LiftBig app. It's pretty good, keeps track of A workout, B workout, and includes a timer, but there's no way to track your progression. If you ask it to chart your history, it gives you what you should have done if you had followed the progression to a tee, rather than what you actually did. You can pull up your old records though, there's just no graph for it. So I just ignore the graph and keep my own spreadsheet to track everything. There's no place for reps, just weight per set, but there's a notes section where I write in the reps if it's not 5.
  • grandmoo
    grandmoo Posts: 34 Member
    oh good, I don't have to go and find out lol..

    does it automatically calculate the weight you should hit if you do your full 5x5 or 3x5/deload automatically if you miss 3x?

    No, it's pretty basic, but that's okay with me since I'm never going to be able to consistently do the +5 every time. I use the calculator on my phone for that if need be. :-)
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    Today is a very sleepy day since my new feline pal didn't get the concept of bedtime last night. Every time we moved he thought it was time for some lovin. So hopefully as he continues to get used to having a full time family he settles into the whole bedtime sleeping protocol and doesn't feel so attention deprived.

    My cats have never learned this, so I put them in my teenager's room at night. She sleeps like a vampire. They could dance on her head and she wouldn't move a muscle.

    :yawn: Hope you get some sleep tonight. :smile:

    He was much better last night! He's getting used to things pretty well. Next big change is getting him introduced to the dog!
  • cleotherio
    cleotherio Posts: 712 Member
    Happy 4th of July to all the US ladies!

    Rest day for me, although I might try to go kayaking for a bit later if the weather holds up. I finally downloaded and read the 5/3/1 book (took about 10 minutes, lol). I guess I'm OK with giving Jim Wendler a few cents for coming up with the plan, but I had actually found all the info in the book for free in the internet. I'm going to do my last official SL workout tomorrow and then switch over to 5/3/1 (start with Boring but big, and maybe switch to the one with more assistance variety).
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    Taking the holiday as a rest day. Hubby is already gone for the weekend again. He's been into US Civil War Reenacting since he was in his teens so this being the 150th Anniversary of the battle of Gettysburg is a big reenactment weekend for him.

    My biceps are still a little sore from Tuesday so the rest will do me well. No major plans for today. I finally got the kindle version of Starting Strength....yes, I know, I'm a bit behind the curve on reading it. So as I have a relaxing day ahead of me, I think catching up on that book is in my plans.
  • alliebeth88
    alliebeth88 Posts: 59 Member
    Went really hard at the gym yesterday....maybe too hard lol. Was so tired I went to bed at 8 pm and woke up at 9 am <.<
  • kitkat4141
    kitkat4141 Posts: 379 Member
    Can't wait to lift tomorrow. That's all.
  • cats847
    cats847 Posts: 131
    Hi everyone!

    I've been mostly a lurker for the past couple of weeks, so I figured this is a good chance to introduce myself...

    I began working out toward the end of this May because I realized I've been completely and utterly sedentary probably since high school gym class...and that I needed to change that this summer!

    For about 4 weeks or so, I did kettlebell stuff a couple of times a week at home. Then I ventured over to the gym and began to study the barbell lift. This past Monday I completed my 4th workout with heavy lifts.

    I don't follow Mehdi's protocols per se...I looked at the website once and was way too annoyed because he makes it sound like an infomercial...but anyway, I do, as we like to say, "lift heavy" -- after doing some research I started out with a 3x5 program for my work sets excluding warm-up sets (and I do 1x5 for the deadlift).

    Currently, I'm 5 lbs away from deadlifting my bodyweight, and 20 lbs from squatting my bodyweight. I think I'm doing something right :)

    For July, my goals are to actually meet these important benchmarks by the end of the month. I'm also working on other fitness goals, like running a 6 minute mile, doing a full pull-up, and completing 40 full pushups. I think it's gonna be an exciting month.

    Looking forward to learning and progressing together! Best of luck to everyone with their own goals and happy 4th of July if you're celebrating it today! :)
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    session #21 (B) today.

    added 44# to the empty bar to warm up. did fine, but thought "Dang that was difficult!"

    totally didn't think about th bar bing 20#. so my squat warm ups were 64#!

    last seesion I hit my max weight of 65#!

    today's max was 69#. I am pleased. I went UP.

    my OHP max went up as well. I have it set to increase 2.5 # each session, and it went very well this time! (47.5#)

    my deadlifts I am not pushing. just aiming for between 130 - 140#. I did 135# today.

    today was an all-round success. this makes my 2nd time in a row to hit all the weights I planned to achieve!
  • xidia
    xidia Posts: 606 Member
    3FoldChord - awesome work!

    Bench day today...
    6 supersets of 3@25kg/55# benchpresses and 6 push-ups (on a Reebok step because if I get all the way the floor I can't get back up again yet)
    8/7/6 target for 25kg/55# assisted pull-ups - hit 7/5/4
    3x6 dumbbell shoulder press @ 7.5kg/16.5kg
    3x8 1@27.5kg, 2@25kg/55# Pendlay rows - should have been 3@27.5kg but my lower back still isn't up to it
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member

    I really don't want to enter the testosterone den of Mehdi to get his version as I could do without the bro newsletters/inner circle gumf in my life, but would be nice to have a slightly more flexible solution..

    :laugh: I'm remaining on his mailing list because it's entertaining to see what he comes up with next.

    and I'm going to buy rippetoe's books rather than pay to join his "inner circle" - I get the impression that he doesn't want women in there anyway. This group is like a free version, for women, without him lol. some of his advice is dodgy, like telling people to train when they're sick (and I mean below the neck sick like feverish) and berating those who pointed out that this was bad, possibly dangerous advice.
  • grandmoo
    grandmoo Posts: 34 Member
    Was 300% lazy yesterday. :-)

    Today (won't list warmups, but I did them, honest).

    Squats - holding steady at 95 lbs until I either blow through that and it becomes "easy", or until I'm satisfied with my form, or both. I did 5 x 5.

    OHP - 45 lbs, 5 x 5. Oddly enough, the last two sets were easier than the first three - go figure.

    Deadlift - TA DA - body weight!!! 130 lbs, 1 x 5. I *almost* only went up 5 lbs, but decided to give it a try. It.was.not.easy.

    I really will pull out the fractionals on Monday. At least for rows. Might still try and go up 5 lbs on bench. We'll see.

    Lift heavy, my friends.
  • cleotherio
    cleotherio Posts: 712 Member

    I really don't want to enter the testosterone den of Mehdi to get his version as I could do without the bro newsletters/inner circle gumf in my life, but would be nice to have a slightly more flexible solution..

    :laugh: I'm remaining on his mailing list because it's entertaining to see what he comes up with next.

    ^^yep. It's annoying that he completely ignores the fact that there are women lifting weights. I still get his emails but I haven't been reading them lately.

    This morning -
    Squats - 3x5@150
    Bench 3x5@95
    Rows 3x5@95

    I'm looking forward to starting the 5/3/1 program on Monday.
  • zanyzana
    zanyzana Posts: 248 Member
    I'm not lifting ATM because I'm on holidays and I can't be bothered finding a gym to go (I'm a bit gym-phobic, so the fact I'm going to one in my work area is cause for celebration!) but I'm walking and cycling lots. Even today, on our lazy day, we walked for about 3 hours (slow pace, but it was still moving!). I miss the lifting and hope it's not too hard to get back in the swing when I return home. The hardest part will be getting put of bed in the freezing cold dark and driving off towards work, but I did it before, and will do it again. Please chase me down if I disappear... I really want to cement this gym / lifting habit, which is why I started before going on holidays. If I'd put it off, I would never have started... Anyway, I just wanted to pop in because I'm still reading you regularly! Ciao :)
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member

    This morning -
    Squats - 3x5@150
    Bench 3x5@95
    Rows 3x5@95

    I'm looking forward to starting the 5/3/1 program on Monday.

    Very nice numbers!! Impressive !