July check in and chat: barbell-lovin' BAMFs in training



  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    maybe it's time to stop sharing with your mother? they are programmed to worry..

    it's like my husband, I used to get home and crow, and say 'check out my guns' until the day he said 'I'm sure it's very exciting for you, but could you please stop going on about it every.single.day..' he also thinks I should be doing much more cardio (he's a runner and cyclist). So now I keep schtum, just tell him if it was a good workout or not, and any funny stories from the gym, and come and brag on here instead! I know you girls love me :)
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    Yes, I leave most of my workout talk for the gym and MFP. I sometimes post on Facebook, but only when it is a good PR and the fitness talk with the hubby is limited. It may become more when he starts lifting, but for now I keep it limited since it isn't really his thing. The other day I did show him my trapezoids. Those are getting so bulky!!!!! :wink: I feel like the wolf in Little Red Riding Hood...."Grandma, what big traps you have!" "The better to lift you my dear!" :laugh:
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    *giggle* love it. I keep fitness -completely- off facebook lol!
  • chubby_checkers
    chubby_checkers Posts: 2,354 Member
    I keep all fitness related convo to MFP. It's a little sad since sometimes I want to call someone and say "OMG I LIFTED ALL THE WEIGHTS!!" but only you ladies understand it. :laugh:

    I did workout B last night. I like the emptyness of the gym at 10pm, but usually I'm done in and it's hard to make myself do anything. However:

    Squats: 155lbs
    OHP: 70lbs (4,4,4)--I got the last rep of the first set up, but it wasn't pretty. 4 was all I could do on the other 2 sets.
    Deadlift: 185lbs--- Excited about this since this is my ending weight for Round 1. It was a PR at the time, but that's going to change soon!
  • grandmoo
    grandmoo Posts: 34 Member
    Some deloading to work on form, some addition of 5 lbs...

    Squats - deloaded to 95 lbs for form, 5 x 5 (will do this for a few times until I'm 100% comfortable with my form)
    Bench - 75 lbs - up from 70, 5 x 5
    Pendlays - 75 lbs - up from 70, 5 x 5

    I concentrated on my form during the bench and discovered that when you do it correctly, it's a wee-teensy bit less difficult! \o/
    Same thing with the Pendlay rows. Squats too, for that matter, but for some reason they've become my kryptonite. :-(
  • roxylola
    roxylola Posts: 540 Member
    I am starting to feel it in my *kitten* a little after sitting down all day that I did some stuff this morning. This pleases me as usually I have to work a lot longer for that nice rewarding dull burn.

    On the topic of family etc, everyone I know tends to tell me I am fit/slim enough at the moment. Well enough is not good enough I want a little bit more. And the OH was a competitive bodybuilder back in the day so anything I tell him about he would just pat me on the head for lol (in the nicest way but me working out with 10kg dumbells is not going to impress him)
  • Sugar_Junkie
    Sugar_Junkie Posts: 366 Member
    Hey, Sugar (lol just wanted to say that!), 75lb bench presses are NOT insignificant.. I'm working my way back up in that direction. You are doing great!

    Thank you Thank you!!! I am hoping to master that though and increase at least 10lbs this month. Fingers crossed. I have been experiencing some pain in my lower back with my squats though. :( Almost like the weight is too heavy, but it is only 105-110 lbs. So I don't know what the deal is. I dropped to 3x5 on my squats to increase the weight and decrease the time about 3 weeks ago. My squats were literally taking 30 min+ with breaks, so rather then decrease weight i dropped to 3x5. It seems though my lower back is kinda weak because I am having a rough time.
  • Shtallionchick14
    Shtallionchick14 Posts: 61 Member
    Had a total moment at the gym today -

    We were doing 80 lb squats so I figured that we needed 35 lbs. But I forgot to cut that in half for how much to put on each side so instead of squatting 80, I loaded the bar with 115. I did my first set and was like wow these are really hard today, but I ran 4 miles yesterday so I figured my legs were just fatigued. My coworker who I work out with did her set and she kept complaining and asking how much it was and I just kept telling her to get them done. After she finished her set, I realized the math error.

    And I'm an accountant ;)

    Last workout of week 3 today -

    Squat: 80lb
    Bench: 65 lb
    Row: 65 lb
  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    I have been experiencing some pain in my lower back with my squats though. :( Almost like the weight is too heavy, but it is only 105-110 lbs.

    It's probably a core issue, so focus on core work and stability, and deload as much as you need to, so your core muscles can get caught up. Last thing you want is a slipped disk on your hand in the name of "weight progression." Also, in what part of the universe does a triple-digit squat qualify as "only"???

    Your numbers are amazing, and you should be proud of yourself!

    I have to force myself to progress slowly and do regular resets, because I let my core slide for the last 45 years of my life, and it's taking some time to get things up to speed. But hey, enjoy the journey, and I'm just loving my butt lift courtesy of heavy squatting! My glutes have never been this solid and strong, ever in my life, evah!

    Welcome Roxy, and yea it's 45 lbs, not 45 kg, no wonder you were having trouble! Start with the empty bar for everything, and if you have to, just use dumbbells. I had to start with dumbbells for the OHP because I couldn't even get the empty bar over my head. You start where you start though, eh? No shame in that!

    Today was day 2 of my new 3x5/complex shenanigans.
    The bench felt super light at 50, but I'm taking it up by 5 lbs each round so by the end of July (fingers crossed) that sucker will be at 80 which will be a new PR for me.
    Squatting @60 again, taking those up by 5 every other time to let my core catch up. Goal is set at 90 by the end of July.
    Power cleans were with the empty bar, but lemme tell ya, 5x3 is quite the workout and almost bordering on endurance when you do them back to back with just a small break in between.
    One-arm dumbbell rows at 25 lbs because mama is taking a break on Pendlays for a while, but I still want to get rows in, so there you have it.
    Added a barbell complex (Romanian deadlifts, bent over barbell rows, push presses and calf raises) with the bar, 2 rounds of 5 reps per set, and there you have it. Doing that after my Farmer's Walk was taxing my forearms, but at the end of all this, my grip strength should be rocking!

    Happy lifting, ladies! Y'all are doing wonderfully! :flowerforyou:
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member

    Today was day 2 of my new 3x5/complex shenanigans.
    The bench felt super light at 50, but I'm taking it up by 5 lbs each round so by the end of July (fingers crossed) that sucker will be at 80 which will be a new PR for me.
    Squatting @60 again, taking those up by 5 every other time to let my core catch up. Goal is set at 90 by the end of July.
    Power cleans were with the empty bar, but lemme tell ya, 5x3 is quite the workout and almost bordering on endurance when you do them back to back with just a small break in between.
    One-arm dumbbell rows at 25 lbs because mama is taking a break on Pendlays for a while, but I still want to get rows in, so there you have it.
    Added a barbell complex (Romanian deadlifts, bent over barbell rows, push presses and calf raises) with the bar, 2 rounds of 5 reps per set, and there you have it. Doing that after my Farmer's Walk was taxing my forearms, but at the end of all this, my grip strength should be rocking!

    Those were some shenanigans!!! Awesome workout!
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    No heavy lifting for me today. Did a 30 min HIIT plyo class. I love it when the sweat is dripping off as I am jumping around. My arms are sore today, well my biceps to be exact. I didn't do anything too out of the ordinary yesterday so I'm not sure why they are acting up today.

    Today is a very sleepy day since my new feline pal didn't get the concept of bedtime last night. Every time we moved he thought it was time for some lovin. So hopefully as he continues to get used to having a full time family he settles into the whole bedtime sleeping protocol and doesn't feel so attention deprived.
  • Sugar_Junkie
    Sugar_Junkie Posts: 366 Member
    I have been experiencing some pain in my lower back with my squats though. :( Almost like the weight is too heavy, but it is only 105-110 lbs.

    It's probably a core issue, so focus on core work and stability, and deload as much as you need to, so your core muscles can get caught up. Last thing you want is a slipped disk on your hand in the name of "weight progression." Also, in what part of the universe does a triple-digit squat qualify as "only"???

    Your numbers are amazing, and you should be proud of yourself!

    I have to force myself to progress slowly and do regular resets, because I let my core slide for the last 45 years of my life, and it's taking some time to get things up to speed. But hey, enjoy the journey, and I'm just loving my butt lift courtesy of heavy squatting! My glutes have never been this solid and strong, ever in my life, evah!

    Welcome Roxy, and yea it's 45 lbs, not 45 kg, no wonder you were having trouble! Start with the empty bar for everything, and if you have to, just use dumbbells. I had to start with dumbbells for the OHP because I couldn't even get the empty bar over my head. You start where you start though, eh? No shame in that!

    Today was day 2 of my new 3x5/complex shenanigans.
    The bench felt super light at 50, but I'm taking it up by 5 lbs each round so by the end of July (fingers crossed) that sucker will be at 80 which will be a new PR for me.
    Squatting @60 again, taking those up by 5 every other time to let my core catch up. Goal is set at 90 by the end of July.
    Power cleans were with the empty bar, but lemme tell ya, 5x3 is quite the workout and almost bordering on endurance when you do them back to back with just a small break in between.
    One-arm dumbbell rows at 25 lbs because mama is taking a break on Pendlays for a while, but I still want to get rows in, so there you have it.
    Added a barbell complex (Romanian deadlifts, bent over barbell rows, push presses and calf raises) with the bar, 2 rounds of 5 reps per set, and there you have it. Doing that after my Farmer's Walk was taxing my forearms, but at the end of all this, my grip strength should be rocking!

    Happy lifting, ladies! Y'all are doing wonderfully! :flowerforyou:

    I actually started working some core stuff in as accessory about a week ago. Any suggestions on some core work I can do that wont be too much on top of my 5 x 5? And I know I should be proud of the triple digits I just expected to be squatting more by this point. I have never really worked my core much which you could see just by looking at it lol. So I am going to take this advice and put it to use because it makes perfect sense. :) Thank you Dani.
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    Any suggestions on some core work I can do that wont be too much on top of my 5 x 5?

    I listed a bunch of core exercises in a thread last night. Look for "The Crazy Core Lady's Crazy Core Exercises" or something like that. I list them by skill level. I would say start with the beginner. Remember that core isn't just abs. So do abs, lower back, and obliques. I would probably start with standard crunches, Russian twists, Frog kicks (or flutter kicks), and either supermans or back extensions. That gives you upper abs, obliques, lower abs/hip flexors, and lower back. Proper form is important with core work as well so if you are unsure of a movement, look it up online or ask here.
  • xidia
    xidia Posts: 606 Member
    I have been experiencing some pain in my lower back with my squats though. :( Almost like the weight is too heavy, but it is only 105-110 lbs.

    It's probably a core issue, so focus on core work and stability, and deload as much as you need to, so your core muscles can get caught up. Last thing you want is a slipped disk on your hand in the name of "weight progression." Also, in what part of the universe does a triple-digit squat qualify as "only"???

    I actually started working some core stuff in as accessory about a week ago. Any suggestions on some core work I can do that wont be too much on top of my 5 x 5? And I know I should be proud of the triple digits I just expected to be squatting more by this point. I have never really worked my core much which you could see just by looking at it lol. So I am going to take this advice and put it to use because it makes perfect sense. :) Thank you Dani.

    I'd be interested in the core work too, since I've hit this problem at 93lb squats. I've deloaded back to 83lb once but there's no discernible change now I'm back up to "problem weight" again.

    On the plus side, my butt looks awesome at this point :smokin:
  • xidia
    xidia Posts: 606 Member

    "What do you do for exercise?"
    "I lift weights"
    "What do you do for cardio?"
    "I lift weights faster"

    Saw this and thought of you awesome ladies.
  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member

    "What do you do for exercise?"
    "I lift weights"
    "What do you do for cardio?"
    "I lift weights faster"

    Saw this and thought of you awesome ladies.

    OMG !!! YESSSS!!!!!! :laugh:
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member

    "What do you do for exercise?"
    "I lift weights"
    "What do you do for cardio?"
    "I lift weights faster"

    Saw this and thought of you awesome ladies.

    Love it!
  • cpiton
    cpiton Posts: 380 Member
    I wanted to thank jstout "The Crazy Core Lady" again for posting the thread with ab/core exercises. :flowerforyou: If you haven't seen it, I wholeheartedly recommend it. I got some great ideas for some new stuff to throw into my workout.

    Today was Workout A. Sort of...

    SQUAT 135lbs (Yep, I deloaded even further from 185. I'm not too proud to deload to the dang bar if I have to, but the 135 feels light enough to work with. Back to 5x5 on squats for now)

    BENCH 95lbs!!!! 3x5 A PR for me. :bigsmile:

    I did not do Pendlay ROWS today, instead I did a superset of single arm dumbbell rows with a 55lb DB 3x10, glute bridges w/25lb plate, and crunches (both 3x15...or more, I can't recall, but I can say my heinie kinda hurts, so I think I did enough.). I won't stop the Pendlay Rows completely, but I just wasn't feeling it today. I was shocked at how much stronger I've gotten on the dumbbells. Yay for Stronglifts!

    I did frog kicks, flutter kicks, alternate heel touchers, cross body crunches, Janda crunches, plain vanilla crunches, and planks in between all that other stuff. In sets of 15. Plus a ton of stretches. I had a much better workout today. :smile:

    edit: typo
  • cpiton
    cpiton Posts: 380 Member
    Today is a very sleepy day since my new feline pal didn't get the concept of bedtime last night. Every time we moved he thought it was time for some lovin. So hopefully as he continues to get used to having a full time family he settles into the whole bedtime sleeping protocol and doesn't feel so attention deprived.

    My cats have never learned this, so I put them in my teenager's room at night. She sleeps like a vampire. They could dance on her head and she wouldn't move a muscle.

    :yawn: Hope you get some sleep tonight. :smile:
  • cpiton
    cpiton Posts: 380 Member
    Today was day 2 of my new 3x5/complex shenanigans.
    The bench felt super light at 50, but I'm taking it up by 5 lbs each round so by the end of July (fingers crossed) that sucker will be at 80 which will be a new PR for me.
    Squatting @60 again, taking those up by 5 every other time to let my core catch up. Goal is set at 90 by the end of July.
    Power cleans were with the empty bar, but lemme tell ya, 5x3 is quite the workout and almost bordering on endurance when you do them back to back with just a small break in between.
    One-arm dumbbell rows at 25 lbs because mama is taking a break on Pendlays for a while, but I still want to get rows in, so there you have it.
    Added a barbell complex (Romanian deadlifts, bent over barbell rows, push presses and calf raises) with the bar, 2 rounds of 5 reps per set, and there you have it. Doing that after my Farmer's Walk was taxing my forearms, but at the end of all this, my grip strength should be rocking!

    Happy lifting, ladies! Y'all are doing wonderfully! :flowerforyou:

    I like your kind of shenanigans. :bigsmile: That's a fantastic workout!