July check in and chat: barbell-lovin' BAMFs in training



  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    Also, here's everything you ever wanted to know about just about every squat variety out there:

    Awesome link!!! Thanks Dani! :flowerforyou:
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    Checking in. Cardio/Shoulders/Core day for me. So probably a 2 mile run on the treadmill (maybe do some interval stuff) and then play around with some kettlebells and the cables.

    Your avatar reminds me that I saw Man of Steel last night, and dear god, that man. My husband and I were like "GO AWAY AMY ADAMS NO ONE WANTS TO LOOK AT YOU RIGHT NOW."

    Yes, the very handsome Henry Cavill. He makes me giggle like a school girl and I have never even seen him in person. His slow grin gets me every time. My hubby just has to deal with it.

  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Checking in. Cardio/Shoulders/Core day for me. So probably a 2 mile run on the treadmill (maybe do some interval stuff) and then play around with some kettlebells and the cables.

    Your avatar reminds me that I saw Man of Steel last night, and dear god, that man. My husband and I were like "GO AWAY AMY ADAMS NO ONE WANTS TO LOOK AT YOU RIGHT NOW."

    Yes, the very handsome Henry Cavill. He makes me giggle like a school girl and I have never even seen him in person. His slow grin gets me every time. My hubby just has to deal with it.


    I want to lick him everywhere.
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    I want to lick him everywhere.

    Yep, he is Uber yummy. He was pretty ripped for Immortals as well. I don't think he wears a shirt in that movie except for the last bit when he is in the armor.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    Henry Cavill in man of steel is a very interesting phenomenon. He went from being a 10/10 pick your eyeballs off the floor drop dead gorgeous probably the most attractive man I've seen on a cinema screen, to not sexually attractive at all, just by shaving his beard and chest hair off.

    My husband found that hilarious.

    There is not enough appreciation in the media for beards and hairy chests, in my opinion. :sad: it's really rare to see muscular, bearded, hairy chested men in films. I was very disappointed later in the film.
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    Henry Cavill in man of steel is a very interesting phenomenon. He went from being a 10/10 pick your eyeballs off the floor drop dead gorgeous probably the most attractive man I've seen on a cinema screen, to not sexually attractive at all, just by shaving his beard and chest hair off.

    My husband found that hilarious.

    There is not enough appreciation in the media for beards and hairy chests, in my opinion. :sad: it's really rare to see muscular, bearded, hairy chested men in films. I was very disappointed later in the film.

    I think they left the chest hair, but yeah, the scruffy Henry Cavill is nice as well. My own man goes between scruffy and shaved so I like it either way.

    I think this is what you were talking about....

    And I am not ashamed to admit that I am derailing this thread for a few posts. :laugh:
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Henry Cavill in man of steel is a very interesting phenomenon. He went from being a 10/10 pick your eyeballs off the floor drop dead gorgeous probably the most attractive man I've seen on a cinema screen, to not sexually attractive at all, just by shaving his beard and chest hair off.

    My husband found that hilarious.

    There is not enough appreciation in the media for beards and hairy chests, in my opinion. :sad: it's really rare to see muscular, bearded, hairy chested men in films. I was very disappointed later in the film.

    I don't really care for chest hair and beards go either way for me (although, he looks good in either a beard or clean shaven, in my opinion) so I'm just as happy to see those go. But I know many women do like chest hair.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    Henry Cavill in man of steel is a very interesting phenomenon. He went from being a 10/10 pick your eyeballs off the floor drop dead gorgeous probably the most attractive man I've seen on a cinema screen, to not sexually attractive at all, just by shaving his beard and chest hair off.

    My husband found that hilarious.

    There is not enough appreciation in the media for beards and hairy chests, in my opinion. :sad: it's really rare to see muscular, bearded, hairy chested men in films. I was very disappointed later in the film.

    I think they left the chest hair, but yeah, the scruffy Henry Cavill is nice as well. My own man goes between scruffy and shaved so I like it either way.

    I think this is what you were talking about....

    And I am not ashamed to admit that I am derailing this thread for a few posts. :laugh:

    yep that's what I mean... and there's one of him in torn trousers all wet from swimming in the sea :love: Maybe it was his superman costume that covered up his hairy chest for the rest of the film.... but anyway my vote is for film makers to have more male characters in films that are muscular, hairy and beareded :love:

    oops sorry for the thread derailment.... but this is a chat thread and he does have big muscles. On the stronglifts facebook page there was something about him doing deadlifts to get into shape for the film (there, back on topic now :flowerforyou: )
  • BikerGirlElaine
    BikerGirlElaine Posts: 1,631 Member
    There is not enough appreciation in the media for beards and hairy chests, in my opinion. :sad: it's really rare to see muscular, bearded, hairy chested men in films.

    QFT!!! Long hair, too.
  • leahartmann
    leahartmann Posts: 415
    I have no idea about who he is- had to Google him...! Good news, girls, I´m not in the competition for him, you can have him all by yourselves, Lol.

    Today I did workout B. I love it monday morning, when I have been resting all weekend. It´s so good to get started again. There were almost no people today. Did deadlift for the last time (physiotherapists orders.) I´m trying to work in some accessorie exercises, like leg machines (can´t squat for a while either) some bag and hips exercises and some arm work. I´m trying to learn to do chin ups, but my arms are still way to weak. I so look forward to the day when I can do just one! :smile:
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    yep that's what I mean... and there's one of him in torn trousers all wet from swimming in the sea :love: Maybe it was his superman costume that covered up his hairy chest for the rest of the film.... but anyway my vote is for film makers to have more male characters in films that are muscular, hairy and beareded :love:

    oops sorry for the thread derailment.... but this is a chat thread and he does have big muscles. On the stronglifts facebook page there was something about him doing deadlifts to get into shape for the film (there, back on topic now :flowerforyou: )

    Yes, his training plan for the film was quite amazing. He went through the normal bulk and cut phases. I think at the beginning he did a 6 week pre-conditioning cycle to get him ready to do the heavy work. In interviews he says that at one time he was eating 5k calories a day and it sounds like he was on a very restrictive list of foods he could eat. Besides being very good looking, he has incredible ability to change his body for specific roles. He was lean and muscular for Immortals (no beard or chest hair), less cut and muscular for The Cold Light of Day, and then really bulked and I would say moderately lean for Man of Steel.


    All done for the sake of showing just how much you can do with respect to body composition...I promise!
  • kirabob
    kirabob Posts: 481 Member
    My my, what a lovely treat! I'll be in my bunk. :smile:

    Dani - Thank you so much for picking up on my lame goblet squat help. Those links are fabulous.
  • cpiton
    cpiton Posts: 380 Member
    @Jam -- goblets aren't "better" than regular parallel squats, just different. They help open your hip flexors so that squat depth won't be a problem for you. I do them with dumbbells/kettlebells on my complexes. It's always good to mix things up a little to prevent boredom, and have more lifts and a greater variety in your arsenal.

    The nice thing about goblet squats is that they mimick "toddler squats" which is the squat we all did when we were little, and have forgotten all about. Humans were built to squat. Goblet squats can help you rediscover that. Look at them as an "accessory lift".

    More on goblet squats and its benefits:

    I do mine with a much wider stance and basically sumo style because I have long legs and that's most comfortable for me. Try some stance widths and see which one you like best. :smile:

    Also, here's everything you ever wanted to know about just about every squat variety out there:

    Jam: I've had no end of issues with my adductors since Dec. I get these painful spasms. My chiro figured out it was a hip flexor issue. I've been doing dumbbell goblet squats as part of my warm up for back squats. (I may have to add some into my finishers, too) I use a sumo stance, too--I'm a shorty. 5'3 on tiptoes. ;) It has helped some with flexibility. Worth a shot. :flowerforyou:
  • emjaycazz
    emjaycazz Posts: 330 Member
    How lucky it is to have the chance to check into this thread!Shirtless Henry Cavill not just once but multiple times and with various varieties of chest hair. :flowerforyou:

    It was Squats + OHP + Deadlift for me today (all 5x5):
    Squats: 75 ( I deloaded from 80 last week to re-set/adjust my form)
    OHP 40*
    Deadlift: 80

    So my company's gym does not have a power rack:mad:. They have a Max Rack, which is like a Smith machine but the vertical bar moves back and forward--that is what I use for my squats and my deadlifts. I tried to use it for OHPs, but I found it difficult. However, when I did OHPs using a fixed barbell I was fine. I had to clean before I started my reps, and was fine. Not sure what I will do going forward...

    Also--I forgot. Henry Cavill played the son in the Count of Monte Cristo (a family favorite movie).
  • TwinkieDong
    TwinkieDong Posts: 1,564 Member
    ok group. What is the best way just to go for the 5x5? I downloaded the book....really do not want to read it at this time. Any cliff notes, executive summaries?
  • cpiton
    cpiton Posts: 380 Member
    So my company's gym does not have a power rack:mad:. They have a Max Rack, which is like a Smith machine but the vertical bar moves back and forward--that is what I use for my squats and my deadlifts. I tried to use it for OHPs, but I found it difficult. However, when I did OHPs using a fixed barbell I was fine. I had to clean before I started my reps, and was fine. Not sure what I will do going forward...

    I've heard so many times how people confuse a power rack with a smith machine. That must have been disappointing. :(. Great job making the best of a bad situation, though. :smile:
  • emjaycazz
    emjaycazz Posts: 330 Member

    I've heard so many times how people confuse a power rack with a smith machine. That must have been disappointing. :(. Great job making the best of a bad situation, though. :smile:

    Thank you--I did sort of feel like a BAMF when I went to the front desk to ask if there was any chance of getting a power rack (just ONE!). Trying to do what I can with what I have. :)
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    ok group. What is the best way just to go for the 5x5? I downloaded the book....really do not want to read it at this time. Any cliff notes, executive summaries?


    Go here and check out the stickies.


    Maybe this month will be the month I even add to the FAQ
  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    ok group. What is the best way just to go for the 5x5? I downloaded the book....really do not want to read it at this time. Any cliff notes, executive summaries?

    Read Tameko's stickies, because the e-book is full of superfluous drivel about how Mehdi found the supersecret most-powerfullest fountain of "you even lift, bro?" manliness that he's sharing with you for FREE (!!!!!!) as if 5x5 wasn't around until Mehdi came up with Stronglifts. The stickies will do you just fine, plus make sure you get the form down, then pick a day, make sure you have access to the equipment you'll need, and get started.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    ETA: NM. Soon though.