Want to be a fat burner? Exercise!



  • sault_girl
    sault_girl Posts: 219 Member
    wabmester wrote: »
    sault_girl wrote: »
    wabmester wrote: »
    The major point is that "fat-adapted" is almost meaningless for the sedentary, but it's hugely meaningful during exercise. If you're going to be LCHF, you might as well exploit it. :)

    It's my understanding that LCHF is a huge advantage for endurance-type exercise, less so for intense (i.e. heavy weight) exercise.

    Sort of. Endurance athletes like it because it delays "bonking" -- glycogen depletion.

    But you've heard of the "fat burning zone," right? Everybody's muscles primarily burn fat during low levels of exertion, like walking.

    LCHF extends that zone, so that higher levels of exertion also burn fat, where it would burn glycogen in sugar burners.

    So even weight lifters will burn more fat. The more you exercise, and the higher intensity, the more fat you'll burn. That's the main difference between fat burners and sugar burners. Well, that, and the brain's metabolism.

    That, I hadn't heard before. Cool.
  • auntstephie321
    auntstephie321 Posts: 3,586 Member
    sault_girl wrote: »
    sault_girl wrote: »
    I just cannot find any joy in any exercise. I don't wanna do not fun stuff! Ugh!

    I'm with you as far as "I don't wanna do anything I don't wanna do" but is there nothing that appeals to you as "play", that is also exercise?

    I barely get in any exercise that isn't "by accident".... but I definitely like to go out and play!

    ;) "play"

    What?? I have fun! With the snow I go out and get to see where the bunnies have been playing, I see where the wolf has gone, where the squirrels are... We see the winter birds (grouse are great for popping up outta nowhere and scaring the crap out of me) and marvel at how life goes on out there, even when it's been -30C and colder. I just love to be out in nature, no people or pavement or noise.

    Every time of year there is a different story; babies being born, a different type of flower blooming... from the first crocus to the first ripe berry to the leaves changing colour...

    gosh I hate sitting behind a desk for 8 hours a day!

    lol I know, I was thinking of a different kind of "play"
  • sault_girl
    sault_girl Posts: 219 Member
    sault_girl wrote: »
    sault_girl wrote: »
    I just cannot find any joy in any exercise. I don't wanna do not fun stuff! Ugh!

    I'm with you as far as "I don't wanna do anything I don't wanna do" but is there nothing that appeals to you as "play", that is also exercise?

    I barely get in any exercise that isn't "by accident".... but I definitely like to go out and play!

    ;) "play"

    What?? I have fun! With the snow I go out and get to see where the bunnies have been playing, I see where the wolf has gone, where the squirrels are... We see the winter birds (grouse are great for popping up outta nowhere and scaring the crap out of me) and marvel at how life goes on out there, even when it's been -30C and colder. I just love to be out in nature, no people or pavement or noise.

    Every time of year there is a different story; babies being born, a different type of flower blooming... from the first crocus to the first ripe berry to the leaves changing colour...

    gosh I hate sitting behind a desk for 8 hours a day!

    lol I know, I was thinking of a different kind of "play"

    Well that's not a very outdoorsy type of exercise!
  • auntstephie321
    auntstephie321 Posts: 3,586 Member
    sault_girl wrote: »
    sault_girl wrote: »
    sault_girl wrote: »
    I just cannot find any joy in any exercise. I don't wanna do not fun stuff! Ugh!

    I'm with you as far as "I don't wanna do anything I don't wanna do" but is there nothing that appeals to you as "play", that is also exercise?

    I barely get in any exercise that isn't "by accident".... but I definitely like to go out and play!

    ;) "play"

    What?? I have fun! With the snow I go out and get to see where the bunnies have been playing, I see where the wolf has gone, where the squirrels are... We see the winter birds (grouse are great for popping up outta nowhere and scaring the crap out of me) and marvel at how life goes on out there, even when it's been -30C and colder. I just love to be out in nature, no people or pavement or noise.

    Every time of year there is a different story; babies being born, a different type of flower blooming... from the first crocus to the first ripe berry to the leaves changing colour...

    gosh I hate sitting behind a desk for 8 hours a day!

    lol I know, I was thinking of a different kind of "play"

    Well that's not a very outdoorsy type of exercise!

    yeah I guess it would depend on how adventurous one is
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,958 Member
    sault_girl wrote: »
    sault_girl wrote: »
    sault_girl wrote: »
    I just cannot find any joy in any exercise. I don't wanna do not fun stuff! Ugh!

    I'm with you as far as "I don't wanna do anything I don't wanna do" but is there nothing that appeals to you as "play", that is also exercise?

    I barely get in any exercise that isn't "by accident".... but I definitely like to go out and play!

    ;) "play"

    What?? I have fun! With the snow I go out and get to see where the bunnies have been playing, I see where the wolf has gone, where the squirrels are... We see the winter birds (grouse are great for popping up outta nowhere and scaring the crap out of me) and marvel at how life goes on out there, even when it's been -30C and colder. I just love to be out in nature, no people or pavement or noise.

    Every time of year there is a different story; babies being born, a different type of flower blooming... from the first crocus to the first ripe berry to the leaves changing colour...

    gosh I hate sitting behind a desk for 8 hours a day!

    lol I know, I was thinking of a different kind of "play"

    Well that's not a very outdoorsy type of exercise!

    yeah I guess it would depend on how adventurous one is

    All I gotta say is, watch out for poison ivy and mosquitoes. :confounded: True story.
  • auntstephie321
    auntstephie321 Posts: 3,586 Member
    baconslave wrote: »
    sault_girl wrote: »
    sault_girl wrote: »
    sault_girl wrote: »
    I just cannot find any joy in any exercise. I don't wanna do not fun stuff! Ugh!

    I'm with you as far as "I don't wanna do anything I don't wanna do" but is there nothing that appeals to you as "play", that is also exercise?

    I barely get in any exercise that isn't "by accident".... but I definitely like to go out and play!

    ;) "play"

    What?? I have fun! With the snow I go out and get to see where the bunnies have been playing, I see where the wolf has gone, where the squirrels are... We see the winter birds (grouse are great for popping up outta nowhere and scaring the crap out of me) and marvel at how life goes on out there, even when it's been -30C and colder. I just love to be out in nature, no people or pavement or noise.

    Every time of year there is a different story; babies being born, a different type of flower blooming... from the first crocus to the first ripe berry to the leaves changing colour...

    gosh I hate sitting behind a desk for 8 hours a day!

    lol I know, I was thinking of a different kind of "play"

    Well that's not a very outdoorsy type of exercise!

    yeah I guess it would depend on how adventurous one is

    All I gotta say is, watch out for poison ivy and mosquitoes. :confounded: True story.

    OH NO lol that's awful
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    wabmester wrote: »
    @auntstephie321, your body is designed to provide you with all the fat you need. Every gram of fat you eat is a gram less of body fat that you'll burn

    @wabmester Am I reading this right?? It comes across as eat less fat to burn more fat.

  • wabmester
    wabmester Posts: 2,748 Member
    wabmester wrote: »
    @auntstephie321, your body is designed to provide you with all the fat you need. Every gram of fat you eat is a gram less of body fat that you'll burn

    @wabmester Am I reading this right?? It comes across as eat less fat to burn more fat.

    Yeah, not exactly in sync with the HF aspect of LCHF, eh? :)

    Yes, it's true in the short term. In the longer term, satiety matters, and if fat intake makes you less hungry, that's important.

    Volek has done other studies, and he believes (as I do) that the primary weight loss mechanism of low-carb is via reduced appetite. He and Phinney recommend increasing fat intake if you want to stay ketogenic during maintenance, not so much for weight loss.
  • sault_girl
    sault_girl Posts: 219 Member
    wabmester wrote: »
    @auntstephie321, your body is designed to provide you with all the fat you need. Every gram of fat you eat is a gram less of body fat that you'll burn

    @wabmester Am I reading this right?? It comes across as eat less fat to burn more fat.

    Well your body has to pull it from somewhere if you are in a deficit. If you are eating at a deficit, your body will pull it from its resources. That ties in with the comment that it still ultimately comes down to CICO
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    Thanks guys. My brain is spinning right now lol

  • Lillith32
    Lillith32 Posts: 483 Member
    I guess I'm the only one sitting back with eyes glazed over repeating to myself 'bonk-proof marathon, bonk-proof marathon, bonk-proof marathon' like some sort of a magical mantra. I will run my half marathon fasted, with no icky gels, at a steady rate, while burning FAT. Squee! Now here is a question... they only ran the athletes for 3 hours. I wonder if over longer distances the LCHF athletes wouldn't have an advantage of keeping a steadier pace due to a steadier supply of energy, unlike LFHC guys who would have to re-fuel and whose energy levels would spike and crest?
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    wabmester wrote: »
    @auntstephie321, your body is designed to provide you with all the fat you need. Every gram of fat you eat is a gram less of body fat that you'll burn

    @wabmester Am I reading this right?? It comes across as eat less fat to burn more fat.

    This is why people say to eat until satisfied, but not til full.
    And that you don't HAVE TO meet the fat goal. But, it's still important to get enough... You shouldn't be hungry on low carb. If you are, you're probably not eating enough fat or enough in general. Could be one or the other... Or even both.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    wabmester wrote: »
    @auntstephie321, your body is designed to provide you with all the fat you need. Every gram of fat you eat is a gram less of body fat that you'll burn

    @wabmester Am I reading this right?? It comes across as eat less fat to burn more fat.

    This is why people say to eat until satisfied, but not til full.
    And that you don't HAVE TO meet the fat goal. But, it's still important to get enough... You shouldn't be hungry on low carb. If you are, you're probably not eating enough fat or enough in general. Could be one or the other... Or even both.

    Yeah true. I've often seen people grumbling that they can't hit their fat goal without shoveling in more food even though they're not hungry...
  • auntstephie321
    auntstephie321 Posts: 3,586 Member
    who can run for that long. there must be something wrong with me, I can't run for more than like a minute.
  • Lillith32
    Lillith32 Posts: 483 Member
    @wabmester, no I haven't, but now I got something to listen to for the two hours I'll be stuck in traffic on my way home.
  • wabmester
    wabmester Posts: 2,748 Member
    edited February 2016
    Stephie, you can only run for a minute, but it sounds like you have good endurance for indoor exercise. :)

    I think in the interview he says his "forever pace" is something like 7:30 per mile. That's my sprint pace. :(
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    I'm working on it! I feel like exercising more, since I feel better. I've actually been wondering if I would benefit from some HITT (is that right?). Might be good for me to do these shorter exercises, and adjust it to fit my ability until I can do it all. Pain is a huge downer to the exercise motivation! :frowning:
  • wabmester
    wabmester Posts: 2,748 Member
    A couple of benefits of HIIT: less time (more efficient), and less post-exercise hunger.

    Just be careful of injury. I wouldn't start with HIIT, but work up to it. I like low-impact HIIT, like a stationary bike with the resistance cranked up high.
  • auntstephie321
    auntstephie321 Posts: 3,586 Member
    Karlottap wrote: »
    I'm working on it! I feel like exercising more, since I feel better. I've actually been wondering if I would benefit from some HITT (is that right?). Might be good for me to do these shorter exercises, and adjust it to fit my ability until I can do it all. Pain is a huge downer to the exercise motivation! :frowning:

    HIIT but I know nothing about it.

    I'm loving how much stronger I feel especially in my back and I'm starting to get over the fear of pain because I haven't had any other than the usual muscle soreness from working underused muscles