Participant Updates



  • caradae
    caradae Posts: 743 Member
    @Turnaround- good luck! Let us know how things go.

    @KL- That's fantasic news! I had a similar experience last night, only I did get an ice cream (at least it was just a small one).

    @margie- Yay! :)
  • armywf07
    armywf07 Posts: 245 Member
    I've noticed to that when i go out to eat I look for the healthier options to keep my calories low so not to go over and staying under is working, my dr. noticed today and I even told his nurse that their scales were off by 10 lbs. there is no way I weigh 191. My scale reads in the 180's so they need to recheck their digital scales. They took my scale reading again! Woo hoo
  • moneil25
    moneil25 Posts: 311 Member
    I'm doing things that I would never have believed I would be doing because I don't want to be dropped from the challenge. A couple of nights ago after dinner I realized I was over by 67 calories. I use a fitbit to track my steps and it usually syncs with MFP to give me some extra exercise calories and the sync wasn't working so to be sure at 8pm I had my husband go walking with me (I use map my walk as well and can get a reading on calories burned). The next day when fitbit finally synced I checked back and I was actually under by a few hundred calories.
    I love this challenge I hope I can make it to the end
  • margieparkins
    margieparkins Posts: 591 Member
    Well done everyone, my 4.3 is going great, I think I have found what works for me, this group is fantastic, keeps you on your toes that is for sure
  • caradae
    caradae Posts: 743 Member
    @army, yay for healthier options! Do you usually weigh yourself first thing in the morning? Because if you do, and if you went to the doctor later in the day, that could be why you weighed more there. Whatever the case, you're doing great. 38 days on the challange! Go you!

    @moneil, "couple of nights ago after dinner I realized I was over by 67 to be sure at 8pm I had my husband go walking with me" Wow, that's committment. Way to go!

    @margie, "this group is fantastic." The group wouldn't be what it is without all of you cheering each other on and supporting one another. You guys make this group work.
  • GormanGhaste
    GormanGhaste Posts: 430 Member
    @margie: Haha, how did you not *smell*?

    My update: Reached one of my mini-goals yesterday. Ordered myself a yoga dvd as a reward. Other than walking, I haven't been able to motivate myself to do other exercises, so I'm hoping dvds will work for me. (@gg: I will also be doing what's supposed to be yoga!)

    When I was prompted to recalculate my mfp goals, I went ahead and upped my goal weight by 20 pounds. Originally, I set my GW at the upper end of bmi 'normal'. The new goal is firmly in the 'overweight' category, but I may well be pleased at that weight. We'll see how I feel when I get there.
  • armywf07
    armywf07 Posts: 245 Member
    @army, yay for healthier options! Do you usually weigh yourself first thing in the morning? Because if you do, and if you went to the doctor later in the day, that could be why you weighed more there. Whatever the case, you're doing great. 38 days on the challange! Go you!

    @moneil, "couple of nights ago after dinner I realized I was over by 67 to be sure at 8pm I had my husband go walking with me" Wow, that's committment. Way to go!

    @margie, "this group is fantastic." The group wouldn't be what it is without all of you cheering each other on and supporting one another. You guys make this group work.

    I weigh in the morning and this time my appointment was in the morning and it's always off at my dr. clinic. I just need to start remembering to eat breakfast.
  • xqueenbee24x
    xqueenbee24x Posts: 271 Member
    Sorry for being MIA... I have been tracking more from my phone and not computer so I don't have access to the group.

    My family and I eat out a lot and if it wasn't for this challenge I don't think I would have been able to stay under my goals. I have logged on and added the items I want before ordering to see calories and other info. This has helped me make better choices (or at least eat half portions of the foods I am craving rather than over doing it!) I am however trying to shy away from eating out with the rest of my family from now on, so we will see how that goes...

    Happy Hump Day Everyone =)
  • caradae
    caradae Posts: 743 Member
    @Gorman, I keep hearing that the BMI's idea of "overweight" is healthier than the BMI's "normal" designation, so "overweight" might be a good goal to have. Congratulations on the milestone! :)

    @queenbee, haha I had to look up "Hump Day" because I'm televisionally impaired. GEICO rocks.
    Maybe you could get your family to stop eating out. Have them put the money you would have spent at the restaurant into a jar, and then use it to go some place fun in a couple of months maybe.
  • caradae
    caradae Posts: 743 Member
    So, I recently got a new job. My previous job was only part-time, which was fine because I have two small kids who needed their mom at home. But my youngest is about to turn two, and I figure that's a good time to go back to work (plus, I was in danger of losing my place). This job came just in time.

    I was hoping the 40 hours a week away from the fridge would help me stay on track. So far it has. I bring my lunch to work (yesterday I had a couple of string cheeses and a pint of grape tomatoes--delicious) and I take walks during my breaks.
  • armywf07
    armywf07 Posts: 245 Member
    I just got hired today to be an in home care aide. I feel awesome. I need to work on getting my home health aide certification for the state, but it's a start towards my nursing goals!
  • margieparkins
    margieparkins Posts: 591 Member
    Well done caradae, I think everyone needs to find ways to keep their minds busy, I love to go outside and work hard in my garden, can do that everyday but it is winter here and I am struggling everyday with my mind, going to take up jigsaw puzzles! Nice to read how everyone is doing,
  • KLWelty
    KLWelty Posts: 103 Member
    Staying busy does help! Congrats on the new jobs!!!
  • GormanGhaste
    GormanGhaste Posts: 430 Member
    Margie, I love jigsaw puzzles, just hard to find space to work on them.

    Congrats on the jobs, you two!

    I've had a couple of days this week when I had to cut my walks shorter than an hour because of time constraints. Still just walked 30 minutes today, even though I very well could have made time for my full walk. Hopefully will get back up to speed tomorrow!
  • margieparkins
    margieparkins Posts: 591 Member
    Good walking any way, you still managed to do a walk. Keep up the great efforts you are all putting in, well done everyone!
  • armywf07
    armywf07 Posts: 245 Member
    I had a bad day today, spent most the day in the er and was told I might have pelvic congestion syndrome. I've been researching it and to be honest I hate having another syndrome and just wish the pain would go away.
  • dchief30
    dchief30 Posts: 129 Member
    I have lost 4.8 bls this week really watch what I have ate this week wanted to move the scale and also I have ran almost every day but 2 and I biked on them day hopefully I can keep going I always find when I get really down I cant cross the line so I give up and go back up thank you all
  • GormanGhaste
    GormanGhaste Posts: 430 Member
    Oh, sorry to hear that army. Are there any body positions that help at all? You'll be discussing treatment options with your doctor next week?

    Congrats, chief! I really like the structure of this group, and I like having our own message board because my news feed is so fleeting.

    I'm currently experimenting with using a balance ball instead of a chair at my home computer. Anyone else tried this? We'll have to see how I like it long-term, but so far it's good, bouncy fun. (I've been dancing in place to my music!) I'm hoping it will help improve my posture and core muscles, in addition to making me a little less inactive.
  • margieparkins
    margieparkins Posts: 591 Member
    :wink: :heart: Well done dchief, great loss, well done to everyone, no matter what never give up, we can do this,,, we will do this,,,:smile:
  • caradae
    caradae Posts: 743 Member
    I had a bad day today, spent most the day in the er and was told I might have pelvic congestion syndrome. I've been researching it and to be honest I hate having another syndrome and just wish the pain would go away.

    Oh, no. I'm so sorry to hear that.

    Keep us updated. :(