Team 4



    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    Good morning, Team! I think there has been some confusion over the Accountability Thread this week. Melodie has started a thread at the top called "Accountable to me challenge". In this thread you are to post three things that you have been held accountable to during this challenge and two more that you would like to achieve. Read some of them to get the idea. I kind of made mine "three things I have learned" and "two things I would like to achieve", although that's not exactly what she had in mind. It is worth ten points.

    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    The silence is deafening!! Okay. So Tuesday I knew I couldn't exercise because I was getting my hair done and then a pedicure with my mother-in-law. I didn't want to get my hair all sweaty and everyone knows you can't put running shoes on and work out with freshly painted toes! Instead I did the kettle bell video before I left for the salon. Wednesday and Thursday I had full intentions of getting to the gym, but just couldn't seem to get my butt moving!! No excuses. So today I went and had a great run on the treadmill! My first time running 30 minutes straight! Last night we had salmon for dinner. Just the frozen kind you throw in the oven for 16 minutes....only 80 calories a serving! Tonight I am making a cabbage roll casserole, but I just as easily could have taken that bag of coleslaw mix and added some salad dressing and called it a day! Easy peasy! The reason the other teams are kicking our butts is partly because they have more members (some teams, not all) but mostly because they each do all, or almost all, of the challenges laid out each week. That being said, I will not get the marathon in this week. I've been doing just over three miles on the treadmill each time, so even if I could have gone all seven days this week, it still wouldn't have added up to 26 miles! I feel bad about that, too.

    I hope everyone still left in this challenge is pumped about combining some of the smaller teams together for next week. Whichever team we get put with, let's not be the weakest link. Let's push them to work harder to keep up with us!!

  • summ72
    summ72 Posts: 246 Member
    Hey Lisa.......I have been struggling with a stomach virus for days.....yes I said days. I don't think I have enough energy today to do any exercise. I haven't eaten much either so I am expecting a weight loss Tuesday. Hopefully I will be able to get back exercising tomorrow. Today is the worst day....because I managed to work out every day but today. I will check back in tomorrow.
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    Options sorry to hear that you are ill! This time of year is bad for that. You just take care of yourself and don't worry about anything else! I know you are committed to this. If we don't hear from you for a couple of days while you recover, we won't worry that you've left us!
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    Well, yesterday I spent all day with my husband's extended family, while he was working. His aunt from Alberta came home for a visit and we were celebrating his other aunt's retirement (she's 70, and finally retired from her Ontario government job!) So, I had no time to exercise and I ate two meals out. But other than some mashed potatoes with gravy and a piece of apple pie, all the other food choices I would have made. No damage done!
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    Good morning all! Just got a message from Melodie. We are going to be combining our team with Team #10, Melodie's team. She has asked me to be team leader; she is busy enough with organizing the challenges. So let's welcome our new team mates. As far as I can tell, they are Dex_, LemonSocks, Melodieccurn, plainanjelik, shockvalue07, TangledThread, zerlinna87.
  • summ72
    summ72 Posts: 246 Member
    Morning Team.....I am feeling MUCH better today and plan to exercise :)

    I did the accountability challenge and wanted to share with all of you what I said and how thankful I am to be part of a team to help all of us reach our goals:

    3 things I have learned:
    1. BEING PART OF A TEAM to reach an end goal. Participating on a team helps me and the team and I love to help others and in this case the team and myself are benefiting.
    2. Journalling food everyday even if I am over my calories intake.
    3. That I can lose weight. I have struggled for a really long time and for the first time in years I have successfully lost weight 5 weeks in a row and it has been over 1 lb a week.

    Things to accomplish.....
    1. Increase water intake
    2. Ensure that I am in another challenge when this one ends because I NEED the support and have more weight to lose. :)
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    Glad to hear you are feeling better today, Melanie. You are definitely benefiting from being on this team and we, in turn, are benefiting from your enthusiasm and support! Losing weight 5 weeks in a row is fantastic, and a great motivator to keep moving forward!
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    I'd like to offer a warm welcome to our new team members coming over from Team 10! Together we can crush this thing!! This week we are going to India! The two roadblocks are each worth 25 points. They are a relaxation yoga video and a sleep meditation video. The nutrition challenge is worth 10 points if you use a new spice this week and tell us how you used it. The accountability challenge is a before and after and is worth 10 points. Redo the pre assessment test and see how you've improved or retake your measurements or pictures and look for improvements there. Good luck everyone!
  • summ72
    summ72 Posts: 246 Member
    Good Evening.....

    I did the Kettle Ball Roadblock today and I really realized that I am not that coordinated :( but I did it. I was short on the marathon miles due to my illness yesterday. :( But I did get over 60 mins of exercise in today so that was pretty good and added 4 miles to the marathon.

    Good luck this week everyone.
  • SamandaIndia
    SamandaIndia Posts: 1,577 Member
    Hi there, I am in team 10 and missing in action last week thanks to trip to KL. Did give a head's up on that but may have been missed, so just saying Hi whilst I have a chance. Still 120lbs. Girls weekend just finished and 8/10 all conscious of their arms- apparently mine and Kara's are too skinny, so thus rest got self conscious of their own. I feel healthier than I have in years and I look better, I am a healthy BMI etc, but people expect me to be 20% bigger so are uncomfortable with that change. I have not seen them in 6 to 18 months. Hope everyone doing well. Cheers. Samanda
  • ruffalicious
    ruffalicious Posts: 799 Member
    Heyyy everyone!!! So sorry I haven't post as much anymore, I am not allowed to use our office computer for other websites so I can only go to the website when I am at home, but because of being a 3rd shift worker, when I get home I'd be asleep lol. Anyway, hope you guys are still kicking it. Miss hearing from everyone.

    Welcome to our new members!! Xoxo
  • LemonSocks
    LemonSocks Posts: 238 Member
    Hi everyone,

    I'm from Team 10 too! I'm kind of pleased we've moved over here to join as it gives me a kick to be more accountable again. I'm usually quite good at getting the exercise in, but I completely destroy all my hard work over the weekend with a rubbish diet (I eat waaay over calories and my weekend always starts on Fridays...)

    Looking forward to finding the motivation to get some results in the last few weeks!
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    Good morning, Team 4. We made it to Kiev!! Just in the nick of time! I will add up the scores tonight, to give people a chance to add any last minute numbers. I would like to give a special shout out to Ruffa and Shelby, who managed their time wisely and exercised all seven days last week! They also were the only two who did the marathon! Congratulations, ladies!! Then we have Mauli, Melanie and Tori who posted impressive exercise minutes while taking rest days (in Melanie's case it was a sick day!). It's because of you five that we made it to Kiev! Thank you for all your hard work! It benefits you first, but also the team, so thank you! Melanie and I broke out our kettle bells, or in my case a hand weight, and did the first roadblock for an easy 25 points each! Melanie's just happy the points are based on completion and not style!

    This week we all have new team members and, I am assuming, a new found enthusiasm! We are going to kick some major butt this week....I can feel it!!


    P.S. Thank you to Melanie for making our spreadsheet look pretty and easier to read!
  • TangledThread
    TangledThread Posts: 312 Member
    edited April 2016
    Hi, I'm from team 10 and happy to be joining.

    An abbreviated bio: I started C25K in late January and Finn (my dog) loves running and he makes sure we are out pounding the pavement every day. I'm this close (holds thumb and finger touching) to my goal weight and might make it during this challenge.

    I enjoy cooking and food and love the nutrition challenges. When I go grocery shopping on Friday I'll look for a new spice (if there is one I don't already own) and until then I'll use what I have. I've already picked out my Indian recipes for the week. I'll be putting curried lentils in the crock pot shortly and also be making Aloo Phujia or maybe Aloo Gobi. I can't decide. I'm sure I'll have made both before the week is over.
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    Hello, Samanda, LemonSocks and TangledThread from Team 10! Thank you for stopping by to say "hello"! LemonSocks, we look forward to your many minutes of exercise on the spreadsheet and in return, on Friday, I'll remind you not to completely undo all your hard work over the weekend. Deal? TangledThread, I am also doing a C25K sort of program on the treadmill and am about 5 pounds from my goal weight. I look forward to matching our progress and reaching our goals together! As far as the Indian food, you are more keen than I am. I will look to see if there is a spice I don't have already and go from there!
  • TangledThread
    TangledThread Posts: 312 Member
    edited April 2016
    @HASWLRS, thank you for the welcome. Cooking Indian cuisine is my favorite.

    I went GF ages ago for medical reasons, way before it was popular, and struggled until I found Indian, African, Mediterranean and Asian recipes. It's much easier to avoid wheat when making food from places it doesn't grow naturally. Of that area the Indian food takes the least effort to make, and as much as I enjoy cooking most days I want to be in and out of the kitchen in 20 minutes.

    Also, the spices are yummy.
  • CKS0806
    CKS0806 Posts: 460 Member
    HASWLRS wrote: »
    Good morning, Team 4. We made it to Kiev!! Just in the nick of time! I will add up the scores tonight, to give people a chance to add any last minute numbers. I would like to give a special shout out to Ruffa and Shelby, who managed their time wisely and exercised all seven days last week! They also were the only two who did the marathon! Congratulations, ladies!! Then we have Mauli, Melanie and Tori who posted impressive exercise minutes while taking rest days (in Melanie's case it was a sick day!). It's because of you five that we made it to Kiev! Thank you for all your hard work! It benefits you first, but also the team, so thank you! Melanie and I broke out our kettle bells, or in my case a hand weight, and did the first roadblock for an easy 25 points each! Melanie's just happy the points are based on completion and not style!

    This week we all have new team members and, I am assuming, a new found enthusiasm! We are going to kick some major butt this week....I can feel it!!


    P.S. Thank you to Melanie for making our spreadsheet look pretty and easier to read!

    Thank you Lisa, Sorry one day that I couldn't do workout was due to funeral I had to attend out of town.
  • CKS0806
    CKS0806 Posts: 460 Member
    edited April 2016
    For my roadblock I will take the sleep and since I am indian I will make the cabbage vegetable with different curry spices added to it.
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    Mauli, don't ever apologize! We all do the best that we can, when we can. I am sorry that you had to attend a funeral. So, not a rest day but a personal day. You sure made up for it the rest of the week! Your authentic Indian dish sounds delicious, by the way!