Team 4



    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    Well, Team Wild Flowers, we are off to Rome this week with some interesting roadblocks and challenges. Last night I put 7 pounds in a back pack (2 x 3lb hand weights plus 1 1lb ankle weight) and walked for 52 minutes. Then I came home and folded and put away laundry wearing the back pack for another 75 minutes. My husband kind of smirked when he came home from work and saw me wearing a back pack in the house, but by now he's used to me saying, "oh, it's for a challenge."
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    Zerlinna, you were asking if gardening counted as exercise minutes. Well, I asked Melodie and she said it has to be strenuous gardening, like turning over soil, not pulling weeds or planting annuals. I think for this challenge she intended exercise to be for the sake of exercise. Hope this helps.
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    Melodie has started a thread for the nutrition challenge (tomatoes 3 times this week) and the accountability challenge (your choice) under "Discussions". Look for them.
  • summ72
    summ72 Posts: 246 Member
    summ72 wrote: »
    My goal for tomorrow since it is weigh day.....I plan to TRY and follow my normal routine which is to get on the treadmill and then weight in. Keep in mind this means I would have to get up at 430am :( but I am really going to try.

    Don't go crazy there. When working that many hours sleep is really important. We will hold down the fort with the challenge and you concentrate on making it through this in one piece. Do please keep checking in so we know you're ok.

    Take care.

    Thanks so much. I am really hoping for this to be over soon. This to shall pass I guess. :smile:
  • TangledThread
    TangledThread Posts: 312 Member
    edited April 2016
    Come to think of it, you are probably missing an entire cat off of you. :)

    lol. I can just see spending an hour with my cat strapped to me as I exercised and did chores. He would kill me dead.

    And I've lost him and more. He has a small frame and I've always measured out his food to keep him a trim and healthy 9lbs. My vet just gushes about his lush shiny fur (I suspect genetics) and perfect weight.

    Why it took MFP to realize I could measure out my food just as carefully? I don't know.<face palm> I guess it's because I don't have a bag of people kibble that says for a 130lb person eat 6 cups a day. MFP has done just that.

    You're own 30lbs is impressive. I buy the largest bags of dog food (38lbs) and I can heave it into the cart with difficulty and then it is almost impossible for me to shift it from the cart to the car. It's a lot of weight.
  • SamandaIndia
    SamandaIndia Posts: 1,577 Member
    I find it amazing to think about our weight loss in terms of luggage. My mum is carrying on a tow bag and handbag on her flight here today. Both 7kg. In the hold will be her 20kg case. That's 15lb per bag on board and 44lb in the hold. Any traveller knows that rolly bags make sense as even 10lbs feels heavy on the shoulders pretty quickly. Hard to imagine I lost the equivalent of both of mum's on board cabin luggage. Meeting her at lunch time. 50 years since she has been in Europe! I am excited!! Will be carrying her luggage for her and valuing not carrying that on me!
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    Enjoy your visit with your mother!
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    Okay, how's everyone doing on the roadblocks? I just did the yoga video. It's only 20 minutes, but it's got some difficult elements to it. The "reclining hero" pose is just wrong. There's no way that can be good for your knees! I stuck to "camel" pose, thank you very much!
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    Hey, if anyone is spreadsheet savvy, could you take a look and see if you can get it to automatically add the minutes and calculate the percentage of total. I would normally ask Melanie (she's the one who makes it all colourful), but she is working those crazy hours and I would rather not bother her with this. Thank you!
  • plainanjelik
    plainanjelik Posts: 232 Member
    Hi All. I've been sick the past few days with a nasty bug. Finally emerging from my eucalyptus smelling bed today and got back to work and exercise. I'm going to do my best to make up all the minutes I've missed. Got 130 minutes in today and hope to keep it up the rest of the week.

    On the plus side looks like I'll be taking on some kiddos on the weekends as a junior martial arts instructor. Leadership is part of our belt promotion requirements for red belt and up (plus the school gets some free labour (-_-)). Anyway they are bound to keep me very active!
  • plainanjelik
    plainanjelik Posts: 232 Member
    HASWLRS wrote: »
    Hey, if anyone is spreadsheet savvy, could you take a look and see if you can get it to automatically add the minutes and calculate the percentage of total. I would normally ask Melanie (she's the one who makes it all colourful), but she is working those crazy hours and I would rather not bother her with this. Thank you!

  • summ72
    summ72 Posts: 246 Member
    Hey everyone.

    Just checking in I have worked 11 days in a row and this past week I worked 90 hours. I am really tired. I am not eating right and not exercising. If I think about how good I was doing before this I get really down in the dumps. I can only hope this ends soon. you need help with the spreadsheet.....I will try and check it tonight.

    Miss being part of this fabulous challenge.
  • summ72
    summ72 Posts: 246 Member
    HASWLRS wrote: »
    Hey, if anyone is spreadsheet savvy, could you take a look and see if you can get it to automatically add the minutes and calculate the percentage of total. I would normally ask Melanie (she's the one who makes it all colourful), but she is working those crazy hours and I would rather not bother her with this. Thank you!


    Thanks.....I just noticed this.......
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    Well, it definitely appears that the mojo has left the building! We didn't make it to Rome. Myself, I hardly exercised at all last week. This time of year my focus needs to be on cooking and cleaning and laundry because no one else is home to do it, yet they all need it done! Let's just say I have three family members involved in this year's spring rush, with April and May being the busiest months! I am going to try to get the three of them and myself in some sort of routine this week; maybe I can salvage some of this spring for what I want to do. I did do both roadblocks and both challenges last week. Eating tomatoes is easy and for the accountability I drank nine glasses of water for 6 out of 7 days.
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    Get your numbers on the spreadsheet! I will add them up tonight. As it stands, it will be a pretty easy task!!
  • summ72
    summ72 Posts: 246 Member
    Oh my goodness. I have no extra exercise to add. But I can tell u this.....I don't even sleep right without exercise. Right now I think my first day off is going to be Saturday. That would be that I worked 20 days in a row. I do nothing but eat sleep and work.
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    We feel for you, Melanie; we really do!
  • TangledThread
    TangledThread Posts: 312 Member
    What a week. It was my birthday Monday and family was here all weekend. I served hot homemade cherry chocolate chunk cookies as breakfast because that's how I roll.

    My sewer line backed up from a collapse and I had the whole pipe from the house to the easement replaced. I couldn't shower for 4 days. Not being able to shower meant that the last thing I wanted was to get sweaty so I didn't exercise this week.

    Even so, I keep on tracking and kept on losing. I blew past my goal weight for this challenge and am only 0.8lbs from my final goal weight. That's what I weighed in College 22 years ago. This has been simple enough (but not easy) that I'm thinking about making a lower goal. 4 more pounds would but me exactly in the middle of the healthy BMI chart. It's an interesting idea to be smaller than I have ever been in my adult life.
  • ruffalicious
    ruffalicious Posts: 799 Member
    Hey team mates! sorry i was missing in action, super busy at work. im still working out the same though. miss yall. stay strong :wink:
  • SamandaIndia
    SamandaIndia Posts: 1,577 Member
    Mother visiting. Compliance and nice girl appeasing with food etc. Lack of space n boundaries. Not happy. Stressed. Off to do that yoga session now. Exercise has been mostly tourist walking. Established I have an intollerance to tomatoes (histammines). Looks like beautiful spring weather is yet to pull most of us out of our houses. First blue skies here after hail n snow last week. So much for Spring! Flowers lovely though. Good luck this next week.