
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    edited April 2016
    I mean I would rather not use a name of an ex or of one of his exes but my mom has the same name as his ex so at this point, it's just whatever. haha. They're just names. Not that names aren't important but it's just one of those things where there are so many people in the world that it's highly unlikely that someone isn't going to have a name you choose.

    I knew a Kirstie in high school. I'm not sure if she was the only one with that name in our high school but she was the only one I knew. The high school was rather big so anything is possible. I had 8 Kayla's in my graduating class. One of which I have known since kindergarten who I'm still friends with today. I also had a Kayla in my college program and one at my first job. It's a pretty popular name.

    My boyfriend likes unique names but we have some relatively common names on our list as well. Some off the top of my head for a girl are: Amber, Gabriella, Olivia, and Lydia. The boys names are evading me at the moment. haha This is probably the problem with ongoing verbal list. :P

    You can always start your own name list to run past your husband at a later point.
  • MrsR130
    MrsR130 Posts: 66 Member
    edited April 2016
    @puffbrat That is a tough situation! But I agree that you should have a say in the final decision and if you aren't 100% on board, something needs to be done. I would say to just keep talking about it and see where it ends up. I am also not a fan of II, III, IV, etc. and neither is my husband. We do like the idea of certain "family" names that are especially meaningful tho. But not a Jr for the sake of having a Jr.

    As for baby names, we've talked through a bunch already and actually have two frontrunners. This is what we recently have been talking about on our 3 mile dog walks every day, haha. For a girl, we like Giuliana Grace; for a boy Thomas Christoph. Thomas is both my father and DH's grandfather's (who raised him) first name, both who have passed away. So that means a lot to us. And we both love GG and always have. Neither is set in stone though, and could definitely change by the time we have a little.

    BTW, I am Isabella, which I absolutely love and there were ZERO repeats growing up... until stupid Twilight ruined it and so that's out.

  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,959 Member
    edited April 2016
    Kirstie155 wrote: »
    I dont want my kid to be one of 4 Isabellas or Madisons in her class.

    Anyone want to share your baby name list for fun?
    You bet I do! And note, this is my list, not all of them are approved by my husband. We wrote them down and will revisit when we get the BFP.

    For a girl:
    Vanessa (I love this name and need to really sell it hahah)
    I really wanted some kind of version of "Ann" which is my middle name, my mom's is Anita, , Grandma's is Anne, Great Grandma's was Anastasia... but my sister did "Anthea" and my husband has an ex who he dated for a long time named Anastasia and HOLY COW SHE IS TERRIBLE. Like essentially tried to kill him terrible. I also have jealousy/possessive qualities apparently...

    For a Boy (holy cow I have trouble finding ones that are even just "ok"):
    Wade (Is kind of a family name. My husband's and FIL's middle names are Wade).
    Kenneth (but sadly it sounds so bad with my last name)

    I'm not huge into unique names or abnormal spelling of names (not that I want my children to be 1 of 4 in a class lol)... mostly because it can be so confusing! My first name is "Lekatie" and people are always spelling it "LeKatie" or "Le Katie" (it's not a last name, people.. it's not like "McLeod" or "Van Heussen") and it drives me nuts. I never know when to just use Katie and when to use Lekatie (unless it's government forms) especially when I prefer to be called Katie. Though my parents told me the other name they considered was "Tamsin". Which sounds cool but I'm not sure it's better lol.

    I also don't want to choose gender neutral names. My husband loves the name Leslie for a girl. The only Leslie I have ever known was Les, my brother's best man. So it's a guys name to me and I don't want a girl to have it (and it's traditionally a guy's name, just like Kelly).

    Feminine forms of male names are okay though. Like Alexandra or Victoria. Except ones like Kelli instead of Kelly. That's just messing with spelling again.
  • puffbrat
    puffbrat Posts: 2,806 Member
    I of course don't have any boys names picked out ;) but my absolute favorite for a girl is Kayla (hope you don't mind @WifiresGettingFit ). I also really like Katya. My name is Jessica which is painfully popular. I'm not terribly concerned with choosing a unique name but would hope to pick one that would be slightly less popular than mine as it gets confusing sometimes. Like @Kirstie155 my husband refuses to discuss names until we have a baby on the way.

    I love all of the names on here. You ladies (and your SOs) have great taste!
  • Kirstie155
    Kirstie155 Posts: 1,001 Member
    6 months until we start TTC!
    My name list is also all in my head, which is why I could only remember Allison, lol. There are plenty more that I love but can't think of any at a moment's notice.
    I really love Olivia and Vanessa, Charlotte and Grace.
    I don't even have any boys names. I want a girl, or 2 girls. I don't even know what I would do with a little boy. My FIL passed away before we started dating, so I wouldn't mind naming my son after him. It would mean a lot to my husband, and I dont mind the name (Timothy.)
    Also my sister already took my parents first names and used them as middle names for her 2 kids. What a kiss *kitten*. Lol (not that I would use them anyway- they are both living and well.)
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    @puffbrat I don't mind at all! and ironically, my boyfriend's daughters name is Katya. It's a beautiful name. I have two cousins named Jessica and I've always liked the name so if it wasn't already in the family it would probably be on my list. :smiley:
    I come from a big family (particularly on my dads side) so finding names that haven't been used can be difficult. I think that's why I'm so open to more unique names or why I would rather have a less popular name too.

    @Kirstie155 Six months seems so far away yet I know it will go fast! I'm so excited for you!
  • NatashaLP2014
    NatashaLP2014 Posts: 82 Member
    My husband actually brought up names the other night. I was a little shocked since we are not planning on starting to try until next spring. We already have a boy's name picked out, Thomas Elias, since our first was a girl. My husband wants another girl though and is convinced we will have one. We both like Elizabeth, though we know so many kids with the name it's off the table. I like Emily or Amelia, which he doesn't mind but Amelia he always laughs and follows up with Pond from Dr Who so I think Emily will win. Emily Ann, specifically. Our daughter's name is Rebecca Lee which I love. We both enjoy classic names but something that isn't super popular at the moment.

    Thomas is a family name, my husband's grandfather was named Tom and his oldest uncle Thomas but no one in the family has used it since. (Surprising since there are 12 kids and they all had 2-4 children.) So we are going to swipe that one if we have a boy. Lee is a family tradition on my side, my middle name, my mother's, etc and Ann is used often in my mother in law's side.

    We are planning on one more, though I really wouldn't mind two (not twins!) but we'll have to see after this one and if we are ready again before I'm 35. The one time I mentioned it, my husband was looking at me like I was nuts. Considering what happened with Rebecca and the increased risks we'll have to deal with, I often wonder if I am nuts for even thinking of having one more.

    Everyone's names are so nice! And though I don't mind a family tradition, having so many named the exact same would drive me batty @puffbrat and I completely get where you are coming from.
  • Kirstie155
    Kirstie155 Posts: 1,001 Member
    @NatashaLP2014 oooh, I love Emily and Amelia too :) those are 2 more names that are on my mental list! I think they are beautiful and not overly used, but unique in a way that isn't weird like no one knows how to pronounce them. I don't have any middle names picked out, but Lee runs in our families. Lee x2, Leigh, Le' and Leland are middle names of me and hubby and our parents.
    I also like Violet and Victoria, so regal sounding! I love this conversation :)
  • puffbrat
    puffbrat Posts: 2,806 Member
    I love Amelia also. A good friend just had a baby a couple months ago named Amelia Rae, which is gorgeous.

    @Kirstie155 my middle name was Lee until I got married. I think it makes a very nice middle name although I do also love Leigh or Lea as a first name.

    I accidentally deleted my written list a while ago, so now it is just in my head. I also really like Christine, Eliza, Katarina, and Lexi.
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,959 Member
    :O I love the name Rae now that you mentioned it! Even though I suppose it's a female name of Ray which I said I don't like before hahah. But... Sailor Mars...
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    edited April 2016
    @NatashaLP2014 @puffbrat Those are beautiful names! I like Lexi too. I also like Alexia and Alexa.

    Thomas seems to be a popular family name. Especially in our group!

    haha @VeryKatie you just never know! Names can grow on you :P But Rae goes well with most of the girl names you picked (in my opinion) so you could always use it for a middle name if not a first :)

  • puffbrat
    puffbrat Posts: 2,806 Member
    @VeryKatie it is the girl's version although I think Ray could be used for either gender. The mom's middle name is Rae and her boyfriend's middle name is Ray, so they thought it would be a nice family tradition.

    @WifiresGettingFit I also love Alexia and Alexa and almost listed them, but my brother-in-law's name is Alex. I think that would be a little too similar, especially with the boy's name issue ;)
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    My mom, sister and niece all have the middle name Marie so there's a little tradition going there.
    @puffbrat yeah, that may be a bit to similar. haha
  • Kirstie155
    Kirstie155 Posts: 1,001 Member
    Eeeek!! YOU GUYS!!!! One of our to do list items for "before baby" is pay off my car loan. Ive been working really haed to make that happen, and had planned to make the final payment with my next check in a week. Last night my hubs made me check my account balance on my car...he made an extra payment so I could pay it off a week early (I only have $40 til pay day now, but so worth it!)!! He's amazing and one more baby box has been checked. I *may have * gotten a little teary eyed. Now we are just saving and waiting until October. Oh yeah, and lose like 40 pounds. Haha. Eeeeeeek so excited at the progress we have made, the baby wait has not been easy, but checking a box makes it worth the wait :)

    I just had to share with you ladies. Have a kick *kitten* Friday!!
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    @Kirstie155 That's awesome! *happy dance*
  • NatashaLP2014
    NatashaLP2014 Posts: 82 Member
    That is so great! October will be here before you know it!
  • puffbrat
    puffbrat Posts: 2,806 Member
    That's fantastic! What an awesome feeling!
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,959 Member
    edited April 2016
    Wow yes, fantastic paying off the car! That must feel so good! I want to pay mine off... bought it in 2012 with no money down and a 7 year loan ahahahah. Stupid thing is still sticking around. But alas, the city called and they're assessing our property for tax so I'm going to need that money for that *cries* - back paying property tax from last year AND getting a new bill for this year just a month apart sucks.
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,959 Member
    So I'm kind of excited...
    Tomorrow marks the first day where I won't be using hormonal birth control in order to attempt to let my body kind of get back to "normal". We won't be trying until June/July but this still feels like a big change.
    At the same time I'm not looking forward to my symptoms worsening hahah.

    Is that TMI? Probably..
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    I don't really think that's TMI but I'm used to people sharing a lot. haha and that is exciting!