Daily check in Thread



  • mscote12
    mscote12 Posts: 220 Member
    Level 3, day 3...complete :)
    Still really enjoying this workout. Since I am doing it at the gym, I am jumping on the treadmill for a mini jog session to top it off.

    Feeling good!
  • rumswood
    rumswood Posts: 120 Member
    D4L3 here. Struggling some with the shadow boxing/ jumping jacks/ butt kicks with weights. My arms are definitely on fire during that. So much i have to break for a few. I do feel feel good though and love the burn.
  • rumswood
    rumswood Posts: 120 Member
    D5L3. I definitely am feeling better and just feel like my body is changing. My shoulders and inner thighs are still sore, but that's okay!
  • mscote12
    mscote12 Posts: 220 Member
    Level 3, day 4...in the books!
    I was a little tired this morning so a few moves I just wasn't feeling it, but still got the workout done. I am pretty sure, this day on level 2...I was bored and ready for a change. So far so good with level 3, I am still enjoying it :smile:
  • smal48
    smal48 Posts: 102 Member
    Day 17 done. Missed the last 2 days with sick oh and non-sleeping baby to look after. Got my dad round for an hour this morning so I could do day 7 of level 2. I do hate it but I can do more of it now and feel so good after.
    I haven't lost any weight, in fact I've prob put on a few pounds, but this wasn't about weight loss and I'm happy to stay at this weight while I'm breastfeeding. But I am a lot stronger and I'm really happy because I'm sure my very narrow, sloping shoulders are looking better.

    Only 3 more days and I'll be onto level 3, yay!
  • rumswood
    rumswood Posts: 120 Member
    L3D6 done & done.
    Had to still stop and catch my breath a couple of times and I was also trying not to pee myself since my husband was hogging the bathroom. I feel good though. My elbows are sore from the plank move. It's all good though.
  • sierobarbosa34
    sierobarbosa34 Posts: 27 Member
    edited April 2016
    Finish Day 10 Level 1. I literally cannot feel my knees and ankles. I struggle myself to keep doing it.. However. I have lost 6.2 lbs. Today when I took some pictures. It was amazing to see how different my body looks. I'm very happy and that motivates me to continue.

    I'm very exited to try Level 2 :smile:
  • mscote12
    mscote12 Posts: 220 Member
    Level 3 day 5 done... :smile:
    Tomorrow I workout with my trainer...she will replace JM....then back to day 6 on Saturday!
  • sierobarbosa34
    sierobarbosa34 Posts: 27 Member
    Today. I took a day off. The pain on my knees was horrible. Certainly, I believe that my body need to rest. I will continue tomorrow with the exercise. However, I'm stick to my food program.
  • sierobarbosa34
    sierobarbosa34 Posts: 27 Member
    edited April 2016
  • rumswood
    rumswood Posts: 120 Member
    Today. I took a day off. The pain on my knees was horrible. Certainly, I believe that my body need to rest. I will continue tomorrow with the exercise. However, I'm stick to my food program.
    Yes! Definitely rest if your body tells you to! I feel like 30DS is hard impact on the knees. Especially in level three. Congratulations on the progress you've made though!

    &D7L3 here. Still a butt kicker.
  • sierobarbosa34
    sierobarbosa34 Posts: 27 Member
    Ok. I did 1st day of level 2. It was hard but not impossible. I really feel my heart rate up during the strength circuit. However, I keep sliding on every pushup position due too much sweeting. How did you girls do it? I'm thinking on wearing gloves tomorro .
  • rumswood
    rumswood Posts: 120 Member
    Ok. I did 1st day of level 2. It was hard but not impossible. I really feel my heart rate up during the strength circuit. However, I keep sliding on every pushup position due too much sweeting. How did you girls do it? I'm thinking on wearing gloves tomorro .
    Sometimes I do wear gloves. My hands get sweaty and my weights get slippery. Glad to hear you are still going strong!

    D8L3, still a toughie!
    Rest day tomorrow.

  • mscote12
    mscote12 Posts: 220 Member
    Ok. I did 1st day of level 2. It was hard but not impossible. I really feel my heart rate up during the strength circuit. However, I keep sliding on every pushup position due too much sweeting. How did you girls do it? I'm thinking on wearing gloves tomorro .

    I used my yoga mat if I noticed myself slipping...good traction on that thing!
    My shoulders/arms are super sore from my workout with my trainer yesterday, I may take today as a rest day...I haven't decided yet.
  • rumswood
    rumswood Posts: 120 Member
    Oh yes, I second a mat too. I bought one that has interlocking pieces about a 1/2in thick. My elbows are still sore from the walking plank moves though.
  • sierobarbosa34
    sierobarbosa34 Posts: 27 Member
    rumswood wrote: »
    Oh yes, I second a mat too. I bought one that has interlocking pieces about a 1/2in thick. My elbows are still sore from the walking plank moves though.

    Thank you so much for the advises. Tomorrow I will try with a mat. :smiley:
  • mscote12
    mscote12 Posts: 220 Member
    Level 3 day 6 complete!
    My upper body is still pretty sore from my trainer session on Friday so the push-ups and plank moves today were fantastic lol....
  • rumswood
    rumswood Posts: 120 Member
    Day 9 Level 3.
    If I can find my notebook with my starting stats, I will post my results tomorrow.
    It seemed easier today but I was sweating profusely by the time I was done. My husband is still poking fun about my sissy workouts but he will not accept the challenge of trying a few with me. :wink:
  • sierobarbosa34
    sierobarbosa34 Posts: 27 Member
    For some reason, Day 2 - level 2 felt harder than the day before. The mat help me a lot. However, I found myself following Anita instead of Natalia, who I try to follow must of the time.

    Today I had to take a day off. I'm worried of a knee injury. Yesterday, while carrying my 9th month baby (23 lbs), each step felt like an imposible mission. On the afternoon, we went to the park, and I couldnt walk at all.

    At night I had to take pain medication, and this morning I took a day off because of the pain.

    Does any of you had a bad knee pain like that, or is just me with a knee injury?? How many days can I take for recovery?
  • smal48
    smal48 Posts: 102 Member
    For some reason, Day 2 - level 2 felt harder than the day before. The mat help me a lot. However, I found myself following Anita instead of Natalia, who I try to follow must of the time.

    Today I had to take a day off. I'm worried of a knee injury. Yesterday, while carrying my 9th month baby (23 lbs), each step felt like an imposible mission. On the afternoon, we went to the park, and I couldnt walk at all.

    At night I had to take pain medication, and this morning I took a day off because of the pain.

    Does any of you had a bad knee pain like that, or is just me with a knee injury?? How many days can I take for recovery?

    I've just finished level 2 and I still find it really hard. I'm much less sweaty by the end of it now tho so I must have improved.

    I've never had a problem with my knees before but I do feel them after these workouts. I would take a couple of days off if I was you, or modify the moves to avoid the knee exercises (difficult to do with all the lunges and jumping tho!). I've taken two days off every now and then and my knees have felt fine again.

    It sounds like your knee pain is bad though, so you might want to get some advice before carrying on.