Weekly Post 28.03. - 03.04.2016



  • mamainthekitchen
    mamainthekitchen Posts: 929 Member
    Whoops, ya okay, I feel terrible.... It is so strange how I feel now after having more than one glass of wine. I used to have plenty of wine! Cut it down a little at a time to reduce calories, then started to forget to have it, now I have maybe 1 1/2 glasses per week! But 3 glasses last night and I need a Tylenol and a gallon of water!!! Geez! Not sure if I'm annoyed or not??

    @megemrj that's great to hear you're using this new toy!! I have never heard about the atlas, so I'll google it (as soon as I can lift my head off the pillow!). I wish I was as savvy with the gadgets! Sometimes I have trouble figuring out my steps calculated between Apple Heath kit and MFP and map my walk!! Sometimes it registers one walk twice or doubles up? Not sure, it's prob me not reading the instructions properly! All I use is my iPhone. I don't log my weight workouts, figure it's just a hidden bonus and that's ok for now.

    Uhhhhh.... Time to be mobile! B)