So bloody sick of...



  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    Ill be a brand new poster I guess, sharing concern.
    There simply are no other sources of high fat beyond what you're already familiar with and sick of at this point. Working the diet in the way that you have been is making you miserable. There are no other foods to introduce that anyone knows of to help make a vegetarian Keto diet at that level of carbs work. There just isn't. No amount by of imagination will make it work at that level of restriction.
    Now, if your actual goal is to get into ketosis and remain vegetarian, it CAN be done at higher carbs. If you're actively making a decision to eat in such a way that makes you miserable simply because you decided it so... Well, that sounds suspiciously unhealthy.
    You have a very simple option... Either allow more vegetables and higher carbs AND remain Keto at up to 50g a day or keep eating the way you are and be miserable. You'll be Keto either way. This is what everyone is saying to you.
    You just don't want to hear it for some reason. That's on you. Not them.
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member

    @fileshiny I eat less meat than ever on my low carb way of eating for pain management and I have changed from grain based oils for the reasons mentioned in this article.

    I can see how you may feel the way you do. There is science behind the concerns that have been raised. No one is against your way of eating but just want to drive home the point to get protein and fats from your limited options more than 20 grams of carbs may have to travel into your digestive system.

    20 grams vs 50 grams of carb does not give faster weight loss as far as I know. Nutritional Ketosis as I see it is to gain better health not just as a weight loss program.

    Best of success.
  • FIT_Goat
    FIT_Goat Posts: 4,224 Member
    Sorry, Not Sorry

    Your current plan is unsustainable and is equivalent to what people here call "Egg Fasting." Egg Fasting is something that is not encouraged, as a general rule, and is certainly discouraged for periods of more than 3-5 days. I know of no keto-experts who recommend a total carb allowance of 20 grams. Even more, almost every single keto expert that I have read suggests 50 grams of net carbs for those trying to do keto and remain vegetarian. Every single one of them stresses that it is infeasible to eat fewer carbs than that and hit the right balance of nutrients.

    You may not have purged for 10 years, but that doesn't mean you are cured. You wouldn't be the first person (nor the last) to come in here claiming that you've conquered one type of disordered eating and found the solution in another different form of disordered eating.

    I consider myself very well read on ketogenic diets. I've read nearly everything I can get my hands on about it. What I haven't read has almost certainly been read by others on here. I have never seen a vegetarian ketogenic diet that recommends fewer than 40 grams of net carbs and they all stress that it must be net to get a full variety of foods in. I've talked with many others here, and no one else has revealed to me that they've found an expert that says otherwise.

    You started higher and it didn't work? What does that even mean? You weren't losing weight as quickly as you wanted? That doesn't mean it's not working. Your weight wasn't changing? Depends on how long you've been doing it and the metabolic health and issues that might be healing.

    Look, it's hard to hear but you're on a path that's going to end badly. I refuse to feel bad for telling the truth and not patting you on the back and saying, "it's ok, you'll be fine," when that's just an empty lie.
  • fileshiny
    fileshiny Posts: 149 Member
    On these last posts, I am now leaving the forum.
  • Cheesy567
    Cheesy567 Posts: 1,186 Member
    edited March 2016
    @FIT_Goat you're a jerk.

    @baconslave, is his reply really the type of attitude the admins want here?

    @fileshiny if you're still here, I encourage you to report the replies you feel are offensive as abusive. Click on the three "..." and follow the prompts to do so. If the admins won't address the attitude and tone of inappropriate relies (especially when an admin himself is the poster!) MFP should be made aware. This group has been put on alert in the past for this type of behavior, it's not just you. I encourage you to stay, you deserve the support and encouragement of the group.

    Those who are running people out of the group, admins or not, should be the ones who are encouraged to leave.
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    @fileshiny we are all different and if your way works for your health that just do it. I will modify my WOE if is get data/lab work that is new info to evaluate. Best of Success.
  • DorkothyParker
    DorkothyParker Posts: 618 Member

    If you are still around, check it out. These people are legit ketoers and vegetarians. They are losing weight at a respectable pace and with realistic goals as to what that looks like.

    I am regular meat-eating keto, but I am definitely keto at <20 net carbs. I am also a recovered anorexic. This WOE has been helpful to me in not backtracking, but this may not be true for others with ED. I tend to view ED like alcoholism, some people can manage with moderation once "recovered" others must abstain for life.

    Take care.
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    edited March 2016
    @Cheesy567 I hear your point of view and think name calling is grounds for banning anyone so I ask that you also join in doing it if you are here to help the cause to finding better health. MFP has been a real asset to me and I except I may be abused on most any social media but so far it has not happen to me in this private group. Not sure what is going to today.
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,963 Member
    edited March 2016
    Cheesy567 wrote: »
    @FIT_Goat you're a jerk.

    @baconslave, is his reply really the type of attitude the admins want here?

    @fileshiny if you're still here, I encourage you to report the replies you feel are offensive as abusive. Click on the three "..." and follow the prompts to do so. If the admins won't address the attitude and tone of inappropriate relies (especially when an admin himself is the poster!) MFP should be made aware. This group has been put on alert in the past for this type of behavior, it's not just you. I encourage you to stay, you deserve the support and encouragement of the group.

    Those who are running people out of the group, admins or not, should be the ones who are encouraged to leave.

    Keto is what it is. And is not what it is not.
    I'm not sure it was the most tactful way to respond, though. :frowning:
    MFP has a very hard stance on NOT promoting disordered eating. There are links to resources for those needing help linked in MFP site-wide guidelines.
    It also states groups can also have additional guidelines. It looks like we'll have to add something about disordered eating in ours and about tone.
    This thread and the posts therein will be discussed among the other mods.

    The bolded is not true however.
    Please review our stickied group guideline thread as well as the site-wide community guidelines.
    Drama was caused by main forum posters coming into the group, reading and c&ping disgruntled posts from LCD members who felt abused by the attitude in the main forums, and then posting them onto the main forum to cause a ruckus and contribute to divisive attitudes.

    Talk of the main forums and/or drama of any kind is not allowed here any longer.

    In the future, I'd appreciate it if everyone would watch their tone a little more closely. Thanks.

    The thread will be closed for review.
This discussion has been closed.