2016 MFP Grand Tour Challenge - Vuelta Now Up and Rolling...



  • Jakess1971
    Jakess1971 Posts: 1,208 Member
    Ok amendments have been made, it's logic goes a little like this:

    Spawn a Strava fetch thread, if it takes longer then 10 mins then kill kill kill and then spawn another.
    Wash, rinse and repeat.

    Test is running so lets see if it works for us.
  • Jakess1971
    Jakess1971 Posts: 1,208 Member
    edited July 2016
    On the training Le Tour Triple Tour front it's not gone super smooth but it's still been some excellent training and prep for LeJog, two tours down (1087.52 km & 12430m climbed) and one tour up to the Lakes to go.


    Next up on Friday, bit apprehensive about this one:



    Day 2 will change a little to a straight 100 miles, Adriennes joining me in the Lakes for the two night stay so the plan is to do the ride early and then chill with her for the rest of the Saturday and then head back on Sunday after the hotel breakfast, due to the late start on the Sunday I may not make it home before midnight so the plan is to stop and save on the Garmin just before midnight which will count as Le Tour kms. The final ride back from the Lakes will be my toughest test yet due to both the climbing and the fact it's on day three of the weekend tour, I'll likely be going on the tourer with it's new brake setup for comfort and so I can take various layers.

    Should be interesting.

    On a fitness front this is how it's standing for those interested in such stattos:


  • TheBigYin
    TheBigYin Posts: 5,686 Member
    I think that the pickup from CycLeagues to the spreadsheet had also hung - logged in this morning and Clive's ride from last night was still MIA. did a refresh on CycLeagues, data there, checked the .txt file, yep-data there also, looked in spreadsheet - nope. Manual refreshed and got it to work, pulled in everything ridden after Clive (may have been others previous, but I "KNEW" when he'd ridden/booked it on strava, and I knew it was booked in last night, not this morning - so it had to have been hung at Google's end for much more than a hour...

  • Jakess1971
    Jakess1971 Posts: 1,208 Member
    edited July 2016
    TheBigYin wrote: »
    I think that the pickup from CycLeagues to the spreadsheet had also hung - logged in this morning and Clive's ride from last night was still MIA. did a refresh on CycLeagues, data there, checked the .txt file, yep-data there also, looked in spreadsheet - nope. Manual refreshed and got it to work, pulled in everything ridden after Clive (may have been others previous, but I "KNEW" when he'd ridden/booked it on strava, and I knew it was booked in last night, not this morning - so it had to have been hung at Google's end for much more than a hour...


    My hope is for at least the fetch to run continuously now so at least it keeps on trucking while I'm away, it was just rather unfortunate for these new style connection issues to happen over the weekend, wasn't overly keen on spending a couple of hours programming on my day off work either but if it does the trick then for next week end it'll be worth the effort.
  • nerdieprofessor
    nerdieprofessor Posts: 512 Member
    Who is the bestest at riding the slowest? That's meeeee!

  • TheBigYin
    TheBigYin Posts: 5,686 Member
    that's because you're busy playing a computer game while riding, isn't it...

  • TheBigYin
    TheBigYin Posts: 5,686 Member
    Jakess1971 wrote: »

    On a fitness front this is how it's standing for those interested in such stattos:



    It's pretty cool to see how the whole fitness/freshness/form graph responds to these challenges, isn't it...

    I've been doing my own variant in GoldenCheetah

    2 weeks into the TdF and I've just exceeded the "peak" from the final day of the Giro... But it's clear that in the 3 weeks of the challenge the overall fitness (Well - Coggan Chronic Training Load to be more specific) increases purely from the regularity of riding.

    Here's a chart of my progress back to September 4th all the way to Yesterday.


    for clarity, heres just the CTL curve


    it's clear that the initial improvement was much quicker than the current gains are coming in - this is partly explained by the fact that I was following a highly structured regime on the indoor trainer until well into march - if you look at the "Stress" plot it's clear that there was quite a high load on at the time...


    Though, this DOES have to be tempered by the consideration that my FTP was maybe 40% lower than current back then, owing to the strict "ceiling" I had on my efforts re: heart rate. Lower FTP = more stress for a given average wattage. Taking the same data but giving my FTP as it's current level for the duration would most likely either straight line the "average curve" or, even make it an upwards curve instead of a tapering off one...

    either way you slice and dice it however, I'm a) getting fitter and stronger, and b) despite feeling worn out and tired all the time, I'm actually at the fittest I've been since October 2014... before the whole series of Illnesses came about. And, I'm doing all this on medication that's making me run at around 2/3 of full speed!

    Sometimes it takes hard data like this to actually make me sit up and realise just how well I'm actually doing - being the Type-A, over competitive *kitten* that I've always been when it came to any sports I played, getting to a point where I can cope with the fact that I'm old, fat, slow, and can't climb hills to save my life anymore is a tough ask... But being able to confirm in cold hard numbers that I'm actually fitter than I was before the heart episode is one hell of a shot in the arm...

  • nerdieprofessor
    nerdieprofessor Posts: 512 Member
    edited July 2016
    TheBigYin wrote: »
    that's because you're busy playing a computer game while riding, isn't it...

    That was only yesterday and the Garmin pauses when I stop to do that. :smiley: I'm just old and fat and slow, but persistent.

    And, of course, because of weird and persistent health issues, I'm now afraid to get too far from home, so I'm doing lots of repetitive small loops close to home.
  • Jakess1971
    Jakess1971 Posts: 1,208 Member
    Now that is some stats.
  • banshee1013
    banshee1013 Posts: 125 Member
    So here in San Diego, NerdProm (otherwise known as San Diego Comic-Con) is upon us, which means no rides for me until maybe Sunday night depending on how exhausted I am from the weekend's events. I will for sure be putting in some serious KMs for the finale on Monday though :)
  • Jakess1971
    Jakess1971 Posts: 1,208 Member
    edited July 2016
    Hate to tell you this but it finishes on Sunday, there's always the Summer challenge though.
  • ruthbardell
    ruthbardell Posts: 76 Member
    As I have a rowing race this weekend I suspect I have just logged my last ride of Le Tour. It was nice to finish with some sunshine
  • hawkeyegal1995
    hawkeyegal1995 Posts: 2,009 Member
    I am heading for my week long ride tomorrow. I am going to attempt to run Strava for the ride but who knows what cell service will be like when over 10000 people converge on the southern part of Iowa where there is pretty much nothing. If I am unable to make that work, I will not be able to post my garmin data until I am finished as I am not dragging my computer along. Just wanted to give you a heads up. Thanks for another great challenge.
  • 35dollars
    35dollars Posts: 832 Member
    That's me done for the event - would have liked to have got a few more rides in, but real life intervened.

    Thanks Mark for organising the event & the spreadsheet, and Jason for your most excellent CycLeagues tool - this is the first time I've ever done something like this, and both have given me some real motivation to push up my mileage and speed.
  • 35dollars
    35dollars Posts: 832 Member

    Mark - I think the spreadsheet update has stuck. It's got my ride from this morning in there, but the afternoon ride that finished around 1800 is in CycLeagues but hasn't come through to the spreadsheet.
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,241 Member
    @TheBigYin - That should do it for me. I doubt I'll get a ride in this weekend as I'm on a 72 hour shift. The work you and Jakess1971 put into this is amazing. Much appreciated and very motivating. :smile:

    @Jakess1971 - With a few hiccups, the cycleages worked great! Thanks for setting that up. I know that was a lot of work but it is appreciated. :smile:
  • TheBigYin
    TheBigYin Posts: 5,686 Member
    edited July 2016
    35dollars wrote: »

    Mark - I think the spreadsheet update has stuck. It's got my ride from this morning in there, but the afternoon ride that finished around 1800 is in CycLeagues but hasn't come through to the spreadsheet.

    http://www.strava.com/activities/649368232, http://www.strava.com/activities/649740061are both in the sheet now...

    ...as is the most recent ride of anyone showing in the TDF Strava Club, (Kupe's ride this morning, 40.3km - https://www.strava.com/activities/650117036 ) so I'm going to say it managed to get itself un-stuck...

  • lbchilds2001
    lbchilds2001 Posts: 66 Member
    edited July 2016
    Can't believe another TDF Challenge has come and gone. Jason/Mark, thank you for another amazing friendly competition. I know for a fact if it wasn't for this challenge I would not have even come close to logging the miles I did. An enormous thank you for all the work that was done behind the scenes to make the whole automated process work as seamlessly as possible was fantastic and much appreciated. I'm sure there's more coding/programming then I'll ever understand in my lifetime. Lastly, Great job to all the riders for taking the time to get out, cycle and enjoy the world around you!
  • Jakess1971
    Jakess1971 Posts: 1,208 Member
    edited July 2016
    Can't believe another TDF Challenge has come and gone. Jason/Mark, thank you for another amazing friendly competition. I know for a fact if it wasn't for this challenge I would not have even come close to logging the miles I did. An enormous thank you for all the work that was done behind the scenes to make the whole automated process work as seamlessly as possible was fantastic and much appreciated. I'm sure there's more coding/programming then I'll ever understand in my lifetime. Lastly, Great job to all the riders for taking the time to get out, cycle and enjoy the world around you!

    Very impressive performance, don't know how you got such a high average speed with all that climbing, I can just about keep it above 20kph when sticking in big hills and distances.

    I'm looking forward to getting in a few days healing time and doing some standard 50s for a few weeks now until Septembers big un.

    I appreciate everyones patience during the second weekend while I was away and the process died a death, we do however after some tinkering have a better process for it, it kept on pulling rides from Strava over the last weekend even after network issues and Strava death grips, a much happier fitter hamster and he denies he's on EPO.

    This will be my last MFP tour this year, my pre weeks LeJog rest and rides clashes with Vuelta and It would spoil the team thing I think but I'll make sure CycLeagues is setup for it and I'll be taking a very active interest to see people go for the prize, judging by Le Tour I can see at least a couple of real contenders.

    Thanks to Mark as per for organising another great event and covering for me when things went t I t s up
  • cloggsy71
    cloggsy71 Posts: 2,208 Member
    Mark & Jase, all I can say is 'superb'!

    These challenges are great; helped me get back in the saddle after my 'off' and gave me a purpose. My fitness has improved as a result, so thank you...

    Ironically, my average speed was sapped by a club ride into the hills before I was ready for it; so the Green Jersey has escaped me this year :(

    I'm really looking forward to the epic write up Mark usually composes; it's a superb 'finishing touch' to the whole thing...

    CycLeagues has been a roaring success; not having to manually enter data has been a god-send. Even with initial teething troubles, it has been worth it's weight in Gold!

    Onwards and upwards! See you all for the Vuelta B)