Daily Check In



  • MarissaBlevins220
    MarissaBlevins220 Posts: 123 Member
    edited July 2016
    Pool day!

    I put off cardio til tomorrow since I've been gone all day, swimming and having some much needed catch up time with some friends that I haven't seen in forever.

    I went over my calories, but beer was totally worth it! :#
    Back at it tomorrow!

    Hope everyone had a great day!
  • 1TheQueenB
    1TheQueenB Posts: 377 Member
    I'm ready for week 5 tomorrow...besides getting my workouts done (preferably in the morning), my goal this phase/month is to work on my intake, less excuses, more acceptance, better choices, more consistent, better portion control...focus focus focus!
  • 1TheQueenB
    1TheQueenB Posts: 377 Member
    edited August 2016
    Week 5 day 1....some things hard..others doable, all done! Also got my 4 mile run out of the way, yay! I'm so much more motivated in the mornings.
    Btw: Boy were my shoulders crying!
  • MarissaBlevins220
    MarissaBlevins220 Posts: 123 Member
    Week 2, day 1✔ checkity check
    I also ran my 5k this evening....

    I totally slacked off this weekend, I missed my cardio workout and could have eaten better so I'm a little disappointed in myself. But..... what can you do, I'm back at it. Ready to take on the rest of the week. Just had to remind myself of my mottos.... lol

  • trisbrudt
    trisbrudt Posts: 9 Member
    It's official August 1rst day one. Last week was prep. Tiana
  • 1TheQueenB
    1TheQueenB Posts: 377 Member
    Week 5 Day 2 done! Up at 5:20a! Yay! I forced myself to go to bed a more reasonable time. And now my workout is done. Now later all I need to do is run.

    I liked the workout too...nice to have a workout to look forward to.
  • MarissaBlevins220
    MarissaBlevins220 Posts: 123 Member
    edited August 2016
    Great job Tiana! @trisbrudt Glad you could join us! ;)

    How are you hanging in there @tfire77 ??

    @1TheQueenB you rock! You're motivation is seriously inspiring! You couldn't pay me to get up that early, let alone get sweaty! :D:D:D
    I sneak my workout in during my son's early afternoon nap.

    I'm not sure if any of ya'll were around when I lost all of my progress pictures, it was like halfway through my first round of JMBR and I was super bummed, anyway I've been putting it off but, I *FINALLY* took a couple new ones, but it still annoys me that all I have to compare it to are pictures during my pregnancy. I'm hoping to continue to take them wearing the same bikini to show progress, since I figured out how to add them on MFP...

    My other little mini goal is today I am putting to rest my pregnancy clothes (R.I.P) lol
    this week is 6 months postpartum, and I've been relying way too much on wearing them. I'm finally getting back around my heaviest weight pre-baby.

    Anyway, Week 2, Day 2 ✔
  • trisbrudt
    trisbrudt Posts: 9 Member

    Followed by mile speed run.

    Hey so I guess I have 2 accounts going. So I am also tfire77
  • 1TheQueenB
    1TheQueenB Posts: 377 Member
    @MarissaBlevins220 I feel you on those pregnancy clothes! I had a hard time giving those up too!

    @trisbrudt @tfire77, you're awesome! I don't know how you get those pictures taken but thanks for posting!!

    I was up at 5:20 this morning to get cardio done...then I realized that through all my hubby's cleaning I didn't know where my dvds were! I had to wake him up to get him to help me find them. (Sorry hun! But I had to get my workout done. ) He was good about it. So week 5 day 3 done.
    Getting sleepy already...almost time for bed.

  • 1TheQueenB
    1TheQueenB Posts: 377 Member
    Workout done this morning and ran after work. :wink:
  • MarissaBlevins220
    MarissaBlevins220 Posts: 123 Member
    Great job everyone!

    I had a super positive day. It started with hitting -50lbs down! I feel accomplished, but am extra motivated to keep going. I am getting closer to getting within a healthy BMI, and a few pounds away from weighing as much as my husband for the first time ever! Lol

    Got my workout in, and shaved some time off my evening run! My 5k is in 2 weeks and I'm getting nervous, I'm still snail speed but Im confident I'll be able to keep it under 45 minutes. The course has a lot of hills, so I'm hoping I can just set a decent pace.

    Also, posting a progress picture was a big step for me, I guess I haven't felt like I look that much different, but I sure feel so much better.

    You all have been so inspiring. Just want to say thank you for all of your positivity, I wouldn't have been able to stay motivated without a little help from my MFP friends. You all rock! We got this!
  • 1TheQueenB
    1TheQueenB Posts: 377 Member
    YAY! Congrats on your 50lbs gone!!!!
    We sure got this!! :smiley:
  • MarissaBlevins220
    MarissaBlevins220 Posts: 123 Member
    Alright guys.... so I have some news......!

    I just took up an offer to try out BeachBody's new fitness program Country Heat, soo.... I hope it's still cool that I check in here as we continue on with our adventures in fitness. :#
    I should be receiving it within the next week or so and will keep you guys updated with how I like it in comparison to my experience with JMBR.

    I'm super excited to start something new!

    Hope everyone had a great Friday!
  • harmonikki
    harmonikki Posts: 20 Member
    Awesome...I really wanna hear an unbiased opinion on it myself! I have several other Beach Body programs, but that one seems really fun, and I really like Autumn!
  • MarissaBlevins220
    MarissaBlevins220 Posts: 123 Member
    I think I'm addicted to workout DVDs....
    I want them all!!! :#:#:#

    Today I actually missed my workout though if you can believe it, its been a long time since I've missed one.... but I spent the day out and about with a friend. I got a few miles in speed walking with the baby in the stroller this evening though. Running has been kind of hard on my knees and Im kinda glad I took today as my rest day. No worries though, I will resume tomorrow and continue JMBR until I get the new program.

    @rumswood I know you've been super busy being super mom, but I'd love to hear which program you decided to go with and how it's going!
  • trisbrudt
    trisbrudt Posts: 9 Member

    Got it done yesterday forgot to post.
  • 1TheQueenB
    1TheQueenB Posts: 377 Member
    I've been keeping up with my scheduled workouts. Ready for rest day tomorrow....although I do plan on running a few miles early in the morning ...and then I'll rest :wink:
  • 1TheQueenB
    1TheQueenB Posts: 377 Member
    Run complete and now time for rest :wink:
  • MarissaBlevins220
    MarissaBlevins220 Posts: 123 Member
    This morning I ran a couple miles, and I tried a T25 workout On Demand, "full body circuit" with Shaun T. It had some similar moves to JMBR but it was much faster paced and a little more choreographed. It was tough! Had me sweating in no time and my legs were on fire! I really enjoyed the cool down stretches, it was different from anything I've ever done but could really feel the different muscle groups being activated.

    Pretty good day, I feel asleep on the couch after dinner so I think this past week has done a number on me. Ready to start Monday all refreshed!

  • MarissaBlevins220
    MarissaBlevins220 Posts: 123 Member
    You may have seen my post already, but I started Country Heat today. If you're like me, I felt kinda dumb and uncoordinated at first because I'm definitely not the choreography type, but once you get past that and loosen up and get into it, it is so much FUN!! It wasn't until my quads and glutes were burning that I realized how sweaty I was! I was definitely not expecting that....

    The music is good if you're into all of the current pop country hits, very upbeat, I really enjoyed it. I take my measurements and weight every Sunday so I have starting point, and I'm curious to see whatever progress I'll have by the end of the program, in 4 weeks. I'll keep ya posted!

    Hope everyone had a great day!!!
