Daily Check In



  • MarissaBlevins220
    MarissaBlevins220 Posts: 123 Member
    Uuuuugh, I'm the opposite, I'm not excited that tomorrow is Cardio day....I absolutely despise Cardio 3.... I'd much rather do workout 12....

    4 more workouts. :#:#:#
  • 1TheQueenB
    1TheQueenB Posts: 377 Member
    Workout complete! But today hasn't been the best food day for me. Does your period interfere with your decision making? I'm due in 4 days and I feel weakest at this time and hungrier than usual...tomorrow is a new day.
  • MarissaBlevins220
    MarissaBlevins220 Posts: 123 Member
    @1TheQueenB yes, my hormones always throw me for a loop!

    Sorry, I've been busy and not checking in the past couple days, but I'm still on schedule and today is my LAST workout. Week 12, day 6!!! I can hardly believe it!!!! I will post my final measurements and weight tomorrow in the results section. Super curious to see my progress! :#:#:#

    I these past few months I truly have come so far, it is really amazing. My endurance is probably the best it's ever been in my life. I went running yesterday evening, well probably more like jogging, but the craziest thing happened, I committed to one lap, without stopping, but once I came back around, I said one more, and again....I ended up doing 5 laps without stopping! That's over a mile, and the craziest part was I actually enjoyed it! And didn't die! Lol

    My next adventure is tomorrow I am climbing Stone Mountain, it's going to be awesome! I hope that I can figure out how to post some pictures!

    Come Monday I will be starting the program again for a second go around, and I hope @misstiffanyrenee will be joining me!

    Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!
  • 1TheQueenB
    1TheQueenB Posts: 377 Member
    Congratulations @MarissaBlevins220 !!!! I can't wait to see your results! What a way to end your JM workout program by climbing Stone Mountain! Way to go!

    I'm still on track with my workouts, I missed Friday cause I was so busy and worked late and then had plans for the evening but I made it up today. I also started10k training today, MAN, was it hot out!

    Unfortunately my food selection is slipping in the wrong direction. I'm trying to keep the workouts going, to try and get me back on track. I hate these stupid hormones...I was doing so well. I still am. It's only been a few days...

    Monday begins week 4 for me. Time is flying!
  • MarissaBlevins220
    MarissaBlevins220 Posts: 123 Member
    edited July 2016
    (I forgot to take my measurements this morning, but I will tomorrow. )

    Today was awesome. I made it to the top of Stone Mountain, and it really just made me so proud of how far I have come. I'm 47 pounds down, and it feels great.

    Despite the nearly 100 degree heat, it was a beautiful day for an adventure!

    I hope I posted these pictures right!
    Edit: major fail..... one more try.....
  • MarissaBlevins220
    MarissaBlevins220 Posts: 123 Member
    edited July 2016


  • 1TheQueenB
    1TheQueenB Posts: 377 Member
    Love the pictures!! Congratulations!
  • MarissaBlevins220
    MarissaBlevins220 Posts: 123 Member
    I just posted my final measurements in the Results thread, so hop on over there if you wanna check it out! I'm really surprised at how much I have lost! Even with me sucking at pushups and there are still a lot of moves I could never master! It's so true to just do what you can, modify if you need, and if I still couldn't do it I would just march in place.

    Just don't give up!

    I'm back at it today.
    Week 1, Day 1

  • 1TheQueenB
    1TheQueenB Posts: 377 Member
    Great job, I saw your results !!! @MarissaBlevins220
    Today starts week 4 day 1 for me..wish I could wake up early and get it out of the way! So far I did my day 2 of 10k training..ran a total of 40 minutes. I still have to do my JM DVD but I'm waiting till after I put kids to bed so I don't take time away from my kiddies...will post once I'm done.
  • MarissaBlevins220
    MarissaBlevins220 Posts: 123 Member
    So, I did my workout earlier today and I also just finished Week 1, Day 1 of c25k. I signed up for my first 5k in a few weeks and really need to get it together lol.... I think I might skip the first few ones though, it just wasn't very challenging, which I am shocked I am even able to say that... @rumswood weren't you using c25k awhile ago? Also, did you start a new program, I'm excited to hear which on you picked and how it's going!

    Hope everyone had a great Monday!
  • 1TheQueenB
    1TheQueenB Posts: 377 Member
    Workout complete! Running and JM...worked for me in the past.....need to work on my food choices...not totally terrible, but could be better...good night.
  • Cheriels82
    Cheriels82 Posts: 363 Member
    Marissa -> up your weights if you can or modify the moves that you know come later (i.e. Chair squats can become jumping chair squats etc you can up the moves yourself ) crabs become dancing crabs etc that's what I do when I don't feel pushed enough you will feel even more badass !
  • MarissaBlevins220
    MarissaBlevins220 Posts: 123 Member
    @Cheriels82 exactly! I've been adding weights to just about everything and modifying to make it as hard as I can. So is Body Shred pretty much the same thing, because I was gonna order it but if it's similar I think I want to try something completely different after this. I'm also running in the evenings now too so, hopefully I can continue to lose. Thanks for the input!
    @1TheQueenB you're doing awesome! You inspire me! It's always hard to make it work with such a busy home life, I just have one 6 month old so it's a lot easier for me to workout during his naps or load him up in the stroller, so you rock for staying consistent! Keep up the good work!!! ✔
  • Cheriels82
    Cheriels82 Posts: 363 Member
    Similar but harder. Say like starting on week 8!

    Programs are split between push/pull/cardio days.

    Three strength moves, repeated twice. 2min cardio (2 sets of 2 different moves for 30 sec. ) and 1 min of two diff an moves. 4 circuits.
    The super sets and mega sets are hard. Very hard and I was sore from workout one after just having finished body revolution. She's a lot quicker between moves so very little resting pauses (she gives us moments in BR) it's only 60 days in comparison too. I like to not have to plan every workout, and know what I am supposed to do for a bit, doing longer programs gives a sense of accomplishment to me too (heck you finished BR you must feel like Wonder Woman ! And in all honesty you ARE!) I am four workouts in to body shred and I feel less bloated, firmer and that my cardio fitness has gone up a notch. (All in my head probably but the scale seems to be moving ever so slowly down again-phew)

    Good luck in whatever challenge you set yourself next ! You got it
  • MarissaBlevins220
    MarissaBlevins220 Posts: 123 Member
    Awww, thank you!

    Thanks for the insight too, I was afraid it would be so similar to BR that it wouldn't be worth buying, but.... sounds pretty good! I've been trying to really focus on my keeping my core muscles engaged and doing the hardest modifications I can this go around and I am surprisingly a little sore.

    I'm just so happy I've stuck with it. It's such a routine now, I wouldn't feel right if I didn't get my workout in for the day... I never imagined I would be one of "those people". Lol. Working on getting my times down for the 5k has been really insightful also, I keep surprising myself with what I am capable of doing. JMBR has completely changed my life and my outlook on what I can accomplish.

    So today I completed Week 1, day 2, and I also skipped ahead and did a more challenging run with c25k. ✔ Boom!
  • Cheriels82
    Cheriels82 Posts: 363 Member
    Wow your on fire ! Good going. I get cranky now when I don't exercise in the morning, the rest of the day doesn't seem to go the right way. Never though that would be me either. Congrats on your new life
  • tfire77
    tfire77 Posts: 29 Member
    Was looking for a group to be accountable to for BR. I have made it to week 9 a year and a half ago then I got started running and ran my first half marathon. After this accomplishment I just stopped everything and lived life. Now I have gained weight, lost muscle and feel blah. So starting back with BR this week and felt stronger after the first workout. Also have signed up For the Disney Princess glass slipper challenge. (say a previous post about this) This time around I am gonna combine BR and running. So If you will have me I would love to join this group.

  • MarissaBlevins220
    MarissaBlevins220 Posts: 123 Member
    Welcome to the party Tiana!! :#@tfire77

    Sounds like we are on the same workout schedule since I just started on week 1 again for my second round of BR. I've also been running every evening to prepare for my first 5k later next month. I was using c25k but, I decided to quit.... but for a good reason.... I really felt like it was just holding me back, so now I just run at least 5k in the evenings and am trying to get my times down. You got any pointers for a newbie??? I'm doing ok-ish(I think?) my best 5k time is around 42min. I dont even know what an average time for 5k is....I never in a million years thought I would run, anywhere, let alone for 40 minutes a night. lol. It's been working out pretty nicely BR in the morning and jogging at night. No complaints, Just been trying to stretch out really good cause otherwise my leg muscles seem really tight....

    Anyway.... so I'm right on track, Week 1, Day 4 is in the books. Did the harder modifications and most cardio moves with weights. Hope everyone had a great day! Now time for a shower and bed!
  • tfire77
    tfire77 Posts: 29 Member
    @MarissaBlevins220 Glad to have a partner on this journey. I am very much a newbie to running also, and very slow. The biggest factor I found with running 90% of it is a head game. Today was a run day, have a sore hip that is holding me back a little. Stretching, chiropractor and massage.

    Have a great day.
  • 1TheQueenB
    1TheQueenB Posts: 377 Member
    Welcome to our group Tiana!
    I'm on week 4 of BR starting week 5 on Monday. A few years ago I coupled Shred with running and lost a bunch of weight/inches. Trying to repeat that combination again. This time I feel older and my body aches more in my joints but I'm gonna try to continue.. my biggest struggle is with my eating. I'm a continuous work in progress though..

    My first time doing running and JM I trained and signed up for my first 5k at Disney. This time I'm doing JM and training for my first Half marathon at Disney. I signed up for the princess half in February 2017.
    Right now I'm training to run 10k and then in November I'll start Half marathon training.

    Good night everyone!