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  • SheilAnneSmith
    SheilAnneSmith Posts: 202 Member
    @Kirstie155 Glad to hear you're having a good, relaxing month TTC. Here's to AF staying away!
    Home remodels sucks, there is still a shower and closet door not finished in one bathroom and we've been living here almost a year now....

    I don't have much going on: I pretty much want to sleep right after I wake up and I want to eat right after I finish eating. That's pretty much my life right now...lol.

  • pezhed
    pezhed Posts: 812 Member
    @Kirstie155 that’s great that the basement is almost finished! You’ll have to get to a computer and post a photo when it’s completely done!

    @Alioth I’m right there with you on the wanting to eat. I’m blaming the weather. Nothing sounds better than cookies (or really any sweet) to me right now.

    I had typed up a big long post and of course hit the wrong “Done” button on my phone. Basically I am eating like a pig but finally weighed myself this morning and am starting to track again today, which will hopefully lead me to start eating at a deficit. I’m stopping OPKs for this cycle but going for acupuncture next week, mostly based on impulsive CD1 decision making. Keeping the appointment out of curiosity now. Still temping to keep track of this still-short luteal phase. Not feeling too optimistic overall.
  • Alioth
    Alioth Posts: 571 Member
    @Kirstie155 >__< I haven't posted because I feel guilty for not going to the gym and have been avoiding MFP. New flooring sounds awesome! You make me want to do something to the concrete in my basement. ...about to be late for work. I'll try to post tonight or tomorrow. Oh yeah, I PASSED MY EXAM! yaay!
  • pezhed
    pezhed Posts: 812 Member
    Oops I got mixed up on who posted about the eating. Sorry @SheilAnneSmith! For some reason I can't figure out how to edit the post. Maybe too much time has passed?

    @Alioth congrats on passing the exam!!

    Oh speaking of home projects, Kris has been building a shed in our back yard from scratch, almost entirely by himself. I'm really proud of him. When he's done I assume we're going to go on an organization spree to figure out what we want to store in the shed. Maybe this winter we'll actually be able to use our two-car garage for our cars instead of our bikes and random crap! He's got it all framed out and is hoping to get the roof on before it rains on Thursday. I've been a little less-than-grateful at times because he's spending every second of daylight that he's not at work building rather than doing any chores, but it will probably pay off. It's sometimes hard to see the big picture.

    This weekend we're going to Dallas for him to give a talk on the biochemistry of Halloween to students at UT Dallas. I'm, again, proud of him, and also excited to go on a partially paid-for trip out of town. And also to have a day off of work on Friday. Ahh but that reminds me that people are staying in our house while we're gone and we really need to get it cleaned up before we leave!
  • Alioth
    Alioth Posts: 571 Member
    edited October 2017
    @SheilAnneSmith Sleep sounds grand. You're always so busy though. I hope you get to rest up!

    @pezhed Maybe the acupuncture will be relaxing and nice. I'm leery of anyone sticking me with pins. But so many people seem to love it. Let us know how it goes. Ooo. That's great that you guys are making a shed. When we had a farm, we built a shelter and had to rehab barns and a coop. All of that is hard work, but once it's up, it's up and worth it. Wow, Dallas. Have a great time!

    :# Aag. So, I ordered stuff for this month, OPKs, mustard oil, and a soft cup to try out (for after BD), but none of it is going to come in the mail in time for my fertile window except perhaps the oil. Either I started my new chart a few days too late, or my body is revving up early. Not sure of the best way to chart spotting before AF. Anyway, mustard oil--when used as a lube, it showed better results than preseed for sperm motility in this study. I figured it's cheap and worth a try, anyway. If it turns out to be a dud, at least it's supposed to be great for your hair, skin, and salad dressing. Haha. Also, my husband pulled a fast one on me and bought coQ10 and zinc at the store today and started taking them. He is determined!

    I'm feeling hopeful this cycle because of a dream I had. I know it sounds crazy, but last month, I dreamed I was fishing, but my line was flimsy string that would break before I could reel in a fish. And sure enough, I had early spotting and a short luteal phase. This month, I dreamed I shot a little deer against all odds with a .22, even though it's too small a gun for deer. (never shot any animal in real life) This could be a sign. ...sorry for the long post
  • Kirstie155
    Kirstie155 Posts: 1,001 Member
    @pezhed Wow, let me know how you like acupuncture, a few people have mentioned it to me for my back problems, but Ive never taken it seriously. Your shed sounds awesome, great job Hubby! More storage space is a great thing. I hope you enjoy your trip out of town, your husband must be super smart :)
    Sheila, I hope you get your energy back soon :) Growing a baby is hard work! Congrats @Alioth on passing your exam! And I hope your mustard oil and stuff gets here in time, fingers crossed this is your month with your crazy dreams!
    Dont worry about not going to the gym, come talk to us anyway...we wont judge! I ate a carton of Ben and Jerrys last night...you guys arent going to believe this!! My master bathroom shower has now been ripped out because someone did a home fix to a major shower leak years ago and I just discovered it. After dealing with water and mold abatement people, and spending a grand to NOT have a shower anymore...I needed that ice cream! Also my neighbor told me yesterday when she came over to visit while the guy was ripping out my shower that shes 12 weeks with her second. Yay for her but ugghhhh. Is it my turn yet?!

    My master bath shower:xrxk4lsdzrus.png

    On to my good news!!
    Here is the flooring! As you can see, painting isnt done yet.
    5z6zplu9gp43.png Basement bathroom (thank god we have this one to use!)

  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    @SheilAnneSmith I have to agree with the above, sleep is good! haha

    @Alioth Congratulations on passing your exam! =) Fingers crossed that this is your month! Baby dust sent your way!

    @pezhed Extra storage room is always nice, hope you two have a safe trip! =)

    @Kirstie155 Love the flooring! that sucks about the master shower though. My parents just had to redo their bathroom not that long ago because their tub had a crack in it. Thankfully there wasn't any damage underneath but it was still a pretty costly thing to deal with and a giant pain. (They also have a second bathroom so yay for that!)
  • pezhed
    pezhed Posts: 812 Member
    OMG @Kirstie155 that sucks so much! Hey, maybe it's an opportunity for a dream bathroom now? At least your flooring is beautiful!
    @Alioth you made me nearly LOL with "skin, hair, and salad dressing"! That's so cute about your husband going out to get supplements. I hope yours dreams end up meaning something and this is your month!

    Regarding acupuncture I'm at least hoping it's relaxing, like a massage, even though a massage isn't the same as getting pricked by needles. My friend gets it for her ankylosing spondylitis and says it helps her back pain immensely. I'm not sure what it will have to do with fertility but I'm trying to keep an open mind. Honestly I feel like any modicum of control I can convince myself I have over this process helps me mentally.
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,959 Member
    edited October 2017
    Sorry for not posting! Keith hasn't been well since last week. He got his vaccines and one of them was oral and upset his tummy. And somehow I managed to time it perfectly with teething and the 4 month sleep regression...

    I will be reading though!
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    @VeryKatie Aww, sorry to hear the little one isn't feeling well! Hopefully things settle down soon and he starts feeling better!
  • Kirstie155
    Kirstie155 Posts: 1,001 Member
    Katie, sorry to hear Keith is having a rough time. Hope he feels better soon for both of your sakes!
  • Alioth
    Alioth Posts: 571 Member
    @Kirstie155 No judgment over Ben and Jerry's either. ;) Basement flooring looks awesome! You make me want to renovate more. Shower looks like a big project. Eek! Know how you feel about your neighbor. A former employee stopped by yesterday 2 weeks after having her baby. She looks great! I'm happy for her but kinda jelly.

    @WifiresGettingFit Thanks for the encouragement!

    @pezhed As I understand it, acupuncture for fertility has to do with ancient Chinese medicine and qi/life force. The goal is to unblock or redirect the flow of qi in your metaphysical body by stimulating qi spots (and indirectly the liver) to balance the male element (yang) with the female element (yin). The idea is that they have to be balanced and qi must flow properly in order for a pregnancy to happen. This was all decided before the whole sperm meets egg idea was introduced via western medicine, but many Chinese, Japanese, and Koreans still believe that lack of pregnancy (and most every kind of sickness) is caused by a yin-yang imbalance. Some studies show that stimulation through acupuncture is good for blood circulation, reduces inflammation, and relieves pain by distracting the nerves with different sensations.

    @VeryKatie Aww, poor Keith. And poor you! Hope you get some sleep soon!
  • Kirstie155
    Kirstie155 Posts: 1,001 Member
    Ugh scale read 190 this morning (it was 188.8 for 3 days!!) :( Ive been logging and weighing and staying low carb...I spend Friday night sweating as I cleaned the basement flooring and moved the furniture around (need to share pics) and Saturday raked my entire back yard and turned my compost heap..I was sore the next day. I dont get it and am just going to keep on doing what Im doing I guess...its way better than just eating whatever I wanted without thinking about it. Pants are fitting better, and I feel better.

    Wednesday morning I go for a work planning meeting off site and have to spend from 730am-breakfast to typically 8pm when dinner is done in the same space as 5 men. We eat all meals together (no skipping!) and get a few quick breaks. We spend the whole day sitting and eating, with no time for walks or time alone. Im done with them on Saturday around 1pm, and Chris is coming to the resort Friday night so we can have a day and a half away on the company tab.

    I went ahead and looked at all the menus, and decided what Im going to eat at every meal, so no surprises and no splurges :) The no opportunity move around sucks though.

    On ttc front, Im really irritated with my husband at this point. He hasn't done his SA and was to sore from "helping rake leaves" to bd yesterday. He didn't even rake, he just piled them...it's because he is really overweight and doesn't hardly move at all. Then after raking he decided to get pizza for dinner, got a 2L soda, 2 pizzas, bread sticks and cinnamon sticks, which he ate
    Saturday, yesterday and today for leftovers. I don't care what diet you are on...that's not healthy. I stuck with a chicken salad and non breaded wings (low carb!) If light yard work puts you out of commission all the next day-he kept complain how sore he was and moaning and groaning-how are you going to be a capable father?! Ugh Im so mad at him for not caring about his health!! He doesn't watch what he eats or exercise at all ever. Idk what to do to get through to him either. Yesterday I *kitten* at him and am giving him the cold shoulder at the moment. Rant over!
  • pezhed
    pezhed Posts: 812 Member
    @Kirstie155 your body's just holding on to a little water or something. It will go away soon! Sorry you're so frustrated with Chris. Has he said why he hasn't gone for an SA? Are there any active things you both enjoy doing that you could add to your weeks together to get him to move more so that light yard work doesn't make him sore? Unfortunately his motivation to be healthy has to come from him, and it doesn't sound like there's much you can do to make him interested in being healthy. Has he ever mentioned to you that he needs to make changes?

    That meeting sounds brutal to me, but great job planning ahead for the meals, and yay for romantic time on the company dime at the end of the week!
  • Alioth
    Alioth Posts: 571 Member
    @Kirstie155 You are making me feel guilty about all the leaves in the back yard I have not raked. Haha. Maybe I'll get to it this weekend if it stops raining. How did your meeting day go? That's really smart of you to plan all your meals ahead. That's a real bummer that your husband is not on board with the diet and exercise plan. It's so much harder when you live with someone who doesn't do it with you! I've so been there! But you're working really hard on you, and that's what matters the most right now.

    I think @SheilAnneSmith and I have the same cold. :mask: I stopped exercising. I didn't stick to my plan to not use cold meds while TTC, but nothing seems to help. I can't sleep at night from the coughing and sore throat. I had a beer on two different nights because it felt good on my throat, and felt guilty. Hopefully, it'll clear up soon, as this is day 6 of it. In the meantime, I'm binge eating cheesy grits and wonton soup.
  • Kirstie155
    Kirstie155 Posts: 1,001 Member
    Hey guys, I don't have much free time to lost on mobile, but am reading along. Check my status for updates, I'm keeping myself accountable!
  • SheilAnneSmith
    SheilAnneSmith Posts: 202 Member
    @Alioth Sorry you've caught a bug too! Yuck. Day 3 here is much better than the first two, I feel like I may only go through 1/2 box of Kleenex not a full one today...but the coughing has started.

    I did have my 2nd appointment today, baby was front and center today and it only took them a few seconds to locate the heart rate with the doppler, so all seemed to be going well. HR was 164. According to them, I lost a pound since my last appointment, I'll take it! My weights and home tell me I am up 1.5 pounds, but either way, I've very happy to be so close to maintaining at 13 weeks.
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    edited November 2017
    @Alioth Hope you feel better soon!

    @Kirstie155 Glad you were able to check in and way to go on keeping yourself accountable, you've got this!

    @SheilAnneSmith Glad you had a good appointment! =) I can't believe you're 13 weeks already! I feel like you were just telling us you were pregnant. Probably doesn't feel that way to you though. =P haha

    So far that last week or so has been pretty rough diet wise, my appetite has just been through the roof and isn't always easy to ignore. I think I still have time to turn it around this month so hopefully I reel things in in time to do that.
  • Alioth
    Alioth Posts: 571 Member
    @Kirstie155 You are a stronger woman than me. Go you!
    @SheilAnneSmith Sweet! That must have been very exciting to hear the baby's heartbeat. I'm so excited for you! Also, good for you for maintaining.
    @WifiresGettingFit Yep, just like you said, there's still time this month to catch up on the diet. It's gonna be a good month.
  • Kirstie155
    Kirstie155 Posts: 1,001 Member
    I typed up a post on my phone twice last night to this thread that got eaten when I pressed 'done' instead of 'post reply' >.< Guess I was pretty tired, ha!

    So here goes again....Sheila, sorry youre still feeling sick, but hearing bebes heartbeat must have been wonderful! I also love the new profile pic! <3
    Kayla, dont be so hard on yourself...you can do this! What kind of foods are you eating, are you meal planning?
    Lizz, saw youre pregnant and again, I am just so happy for you! Hope you start feeling better soon <3<3

    This past week I nailed eating low carb while being offered breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner while sitting all day. I skipped breakfast everyday and twice went to the gym and did my SL 5x5 workout instead. If I was hungry I'd eat a hard boiled egg and drank lots of unsweet hot tea-but never went to the breakfast bar where Id be temped with a huge carby breakfast spread just 10 hours after I had eaten last! For lunch and dinner, I ate bunless burgers and salads, steak and veggies almost exclusively. I did have a few glasses of wine while I was there, but really that's part of being social with the group. I had one glass per night, and always refused the bread and desserts. I am happy to announce that I am down to 188.2 this morning, a new low! :smiley: Each day before lunch I would walk back to my room, do my stretches and walk to lunch, about .75 miles total...plus walking to the conference room each day and back each night. I was easily walking 1.5 miles per day. Going to the gym again and having my back and leg pain mostly gone has really motivated me to get back to lifting, and Im looking forward to getting our home gym put back together now that the basement is done!

    The conference itself was frustrating, I dont feel like my opinions are valued...but thats another story for another day. Im pumped to be back where I can choose when and what I eat, and sleep in my own bed again. And have my scale ;) Have an awesome week, dear friends!