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  • Kirstie155
    Kirstie155 Posts: 1,001 Member
    @VeryKatie why not just take another cheapie test since you haven't heard back yet? Youre going to the doctor today?
    @puffbrat keep us posted! Sorry to hear about your sharp pains, I dont think O pain is usually so bad. Maybe your period is on its way!!

    I saw my niece for the first time this past weekend. She just turned 2. Now I really want to get pregnant, I want a baby so bad! I also just got our travel vouchers for the Bahamas in the mail...funny timing, that.
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,961 Member
    @Kirstie155 my cheapie tests have all been positive so I know I'm pregnant... but my doctor doesn't! LOL. I called today and they have the results back so she will be able to advise me on pregnancy stuff when I get there today.

    OMG 2 year olds are THE CUTEST! It's the best age, I swear.
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    @puffbrat you're welcome☺
  • puffbrat
    puffbrat Posts: 2,806 Member
    @VeryKatie any update from your doctor appointment??
  • Kirstie155
    Kirstie155 Posts: 1,001 Member
    I agree, update please Katie!!!
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,961 Member
    Hi hi! Sorry for the no response! We had a late Thanksgiving dinner this weekend and I always get too stressed with those things haha. And then our builder sent the painter for our 1 year appointment.

    The doctor confirmed I am pregnant :)

    I find it odd she didn't refer me to an ob/gyn or give me any instructions on what to eat/not to eat/how to take care of myself. She gave me a blood requisition to do in a week or two for my prenatal screening though (checking vitamins, blood type, anti-bodies, that kind of thing). She also said she isn't going to weigh me until week 10 which I thought was weird too.

    I'm considering calling to see if I can get a midwife. It's weird since I thought I'd only ever be comfortable with doctors but now I'm finding I want someone who will listen a little better. We have a severe shortage of midwives though, so it's probably too late. But I'll find out.
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    @VeryKatie That's so exciting that it's finally confirmed! Congratulations again!!
    I hope it isn't too late to find a midwife!
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,961 Member
    edited October 2016
    I wonder if construction sites are safe to be on when pregnant. Cement dust and diesel fumes and such... I don't know if I should talk to a safety officer or something before going on my next site visit (on Thursday). What would you guys do?
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    @VeryKatie I would say there are significant risk, some that you may not even be thinking about or know about given that each site is probably a little different and you may not know what all goes on there and I would definitely talk to a safety officer about it.
  • puffbrat
    puffbrat Posts: 2,806 Member
    Yay @VeryKatie! That's great your doctor confirmed you are pregnant!

    I know a couple women who went to OB/GYNs and worked with a doula. They wanted the doctor, but also got that feeling of being heard and supported by the doula. The doula can also be a great advocate for you throughout the process and especially during labor so your SO doesn't have to take that on.

    I would suggest talking with a safety officer considering all of the variable risks at construction sites.
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,961 Member
    I decided to talk to a safety officer after all. So I guess he's officially the first person I told in person other than my husband lol. I was blushing so badly.

    But he said there shouldn't be any problems, but to play it on a case by case basis. If I have any doubt, I don't enter the area and can call one of the onsite safety people.
  • teegan84
    teegan84 Posts: 39 Member
    VeryKatie wrote: »
    Hi hi! Sorry for the no response! We had a late Thanksgiving dinner this weekend and I always get too stressed with those things haha. And then our builder sent the painter for our 1 year appointment.

    The doctor confirmed I am pregnant :)

    I find it odd she didn't refer me to an ob/gyn or give me any instructions on what to eat/not to eat/how to take care of myself. She gave me a blood requisition to do in a week or two for my prenatal screening though (checking vitamins, blood type, anti-bodies, that kind of thing). She also said she isn't going to weigh me until week 10 which I thought was weird too.

    I'm considering calling to see if I can get a midwife. It's weird since I thought I'd only ever be comfortable with doctors but now I'm finding I want someone who will listen a little better. We have a severe shortage of midwives though, so it's probably too late. But I'll find out.

    Hey!! Just came back for a quick look because I haven't been using MFP these last few months and Lo and behold you are pregnant @VeryKatie !! Congratulations!! Don't stress that they didn't do all the stuff you were expecting at the appt....I was the same and when I queried it they said that most docs like to wait till you have had your 12/13week scan and make sure everything is plodding along properly and Bub is growing and healthy heartbeat etc and then they proceed with booking in your midwife appts and send you to an ob/gyn and all the fun things! Hope you are feeling well and enjoying the glow of knowing you have a wee little baby growing inside
  • teegan84
    teegan84 Posts: 39 Member
    @VeryKatie Ohhh also the "baby centre" app was really useful as you can join groups that have ladies due at the same time so they are going through the same changes as you....I found it helpful when weird things started happening to my body and was a relief to read others having the same things happening! Good luck with your pregnancy xxxx
  • Megliveken
    Megliveken Posts: 21 Member
    @VeryKatie congratulations on the confirmation! I'd definitely prefer to work with a midwife when I get pregnant. Here in Australia it can be hard to get into the midwifery lead groups because of limited places in the public system but, if you want the option of a water birth, then it seems you need to go public (I haven't found any of the private venues that offer water birth unless you do a home birth - and my husband wouldn't be keen on that).

    Good luck with everything and I hope it's not too late to get a midwife.
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,961 Member
    edited October 2016
    @puffbrat our doctors and midwives are covered by our provincial health plan, but a doula is out of pocket here. And for me I don't think a doula would be the right choice since I also want someone who can advocate for me, and a doula is not allowed to do that here :(

    @teegan84 ah that's good to hear that they just wait it out! I was really wondering! I'm still a little surprised she didn't say anything about diet though. I might look into that baby centre app :) I did have a few weird things. But the weirdest is that I have very few symptoms. I don't think my doctor believed me when I said my appetite was normal and that I wasn't getting morning sickness. She prescribed morning sickness pills to me since they are safe to use for motion sickness too and I wonder if she thought I was lying about not feeling morning sickness?

    @Megliveken Thank you! Yeah a midwife seems like a good option. I'm pretty worried about some stuff I read about giving birth that are all caused by doctors not listening to their patients or getting informed consent. Scared me quite a bit so I was thinking midwife except in case of emergency. I think I want a midwife but to still give birth in the hospital, though I need to explore some options. I'm going to try calling them on my way home from work today. I forgot to call on Monday like I planned to (I do think I'm getting pregnancy brain). It's extremely hard to get a midwife here too. So hopefully you also have luck finding one when your time comes!
  • Megliveken
    Megliveken Posts: 21 Member
    Ahh, I think I might be pregnant!!! Took a test this morning and had a very faint line. Tomorrow morning I'll take one of those ones that say pregnant or not pregnant and see what that says. I've scheduled a doctors appointment for Monday so hopefully he'll be able to confirm.
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,961 Member
    @Megliveken I hope you're pregnant too!! Is your period already late? I ended up having to resort to a digital test as well. My other tests were super faint for the first week. Not so much anymore. Much stronger now (when I randomly feel like I need to pee on a stick lol). Good luck!!!
  • Megliveken
    Megliveken Posts: 21 Member
    @VeryKatie My period was due today based on an average cycle. Should be sleeping now but can't get to sleep! Will use a digital test in the morning.
  • puffbrat
    puffbrat Posts: 2,806 Member
    @Megliveken I hope you're pregnant! That's so exciting!

    @VeryKatie that makes sense about doulas versus midwives. I hope you can get a midwife.
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,961 Member
    @Megliveken make sure to stick with us no matter what you find out ;)
  • Megliveken
    Megliveken Posts: 21 Member
    The digital test was positive! I've made a doctors appointment for Monday to confirm.
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    @Megliveken Congratulations!!☺
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,961 Member
    edited October 2016
    @Megliveken I'm super happy to hear your news! Congratulations! It seemed so fast! Was it basically the first time you tried? Haha.

    I seem to be getting a lot more nausea lately. No actual morning sickness, but it seems like I feel icky about every second day. I hope it goes away once I eat breakfast (but it's too early right now). I suppose I'm 7 weeks right now. I was hoping I'd be one of the lucky ones and just get to bypass the nausea and stuff lol.

    And ugh, this work trip is exhausting me. I'm not even out on the field, I'm just sitting at a desk but still falling asleep super early at night. Or wishing I had if I didn't. My boss is sending his letter to his boss about my promotion on Wednesday though, so as soon as I hear about that I think I will tell him. He's the kind of person who will... uh... take opportunities away once he finds out in the nature of "protection" (which in this case happens to be what I want since this trip is making me feel so crummy).
  • Megliveken
    Megliveken Posts: 21 Member
    @VeryKatie it must have been first time or very close to it! I believe I'm only 4 weeks and 4 days along and I've been nauseous (but not throwing up) and starving all the time for a week or two already!
  • puffbrat
    puffbrat Posts: 2,806 Member
    Congratulations @Megliveken!

    @VeryKatie I'm glad to hear your promotion is getting moving! I would wait for it to be officially in place before telling your boss if that is his attitude. I hope you get to bypass severe morning sickness.
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,961 Member
    edited October 2016
    @puffbrat Thanks, yes that is my plan. Apparently our new HR adviser isn't a great one either so I don't want HR to know until it's all put through. Ideally I want to wait until Mid-December (14 weeks), so I'll see what happens. I could maybe handle one more trip but I did have a conversation with my boss to remind him we agreed a week of travel every 2 - 3 months, not 3-4 weeks within 2 months. So hopefully that will make him be a little bit more considerate. How are things going for you?
  • puffbrat
    puffbrat Posts: 2,806 Member
    @VeryKatie I'm glad you reminded your boss of you agreement. Hopefully that will successfully back off the work trips without you having to tell him you're pregnant.

    I'm doing ok. I'm on cycle day 68 with no period and negative pregnancy tests. It's really frustrating because my body does not seem to be handling the hormone changes from going off birth control very well. I have been nauseous and had a headache every morning for the last week. I kept thinking I was getting the flu because the nausea was bad enough I kept feeling feverish.

    My husband found something on the Mayo Clinic website about women experiencing amenorrhea after stopping hormonal birth control. It says the women's periods typically resume within 3 months of stopping BC. Since my doctor's appointments are so expensive after insurance, he requested that I wait to hit 90 days before going to the doctor, which I think is reasonable. I remember talking with my doctor at an appointment a couple weeks after starting TTC. She mentioned that it can typically take a couple months and up to a year for women to regain normal ovulation. I just somehow didn't make the connection between that statement and not getting a period.
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,961 Member
    edited October 2016
    @puffbrat I can see how that would be so frustrating! I used to have the opposite effect when I was on birth control in that it seemed like it was never strong enough to overtake my natural cycle and then I would end up having my period for 3 weeks out of every 4 (and it went on for about a year). It's not fun when you have no clue what's going on in your body :( Is there a walkin clinic that you could go to that would be cheap in the meantime? I hope everything corrects itself ASAP! Is there perhaps something you could do to help it along like eating a higher fat diet? I've heard that can help with hormone regulation. As can reducing gluten and dairy (I have no idea if that's really true). But maybe something to try or to look into?

    I remember when I talked to my new doctor about the problems I was having with all my birth controls, she recommended Depo Provera. After I looked that up though, I was scared off. That one, some women say they didn't ovulate again for up to 5 years!! Minimum time for regaining a normal cycle was 1 - 2 years after missing a shot. In fact, some women were never fertile again. I'm really shocked any doctor would recommend it. It seems that the pill/ring side effects when stopping don't last anywhere as long as that. So at least that's good. I hope that you get your period back soon, and that when it starts, so does ovulation.

    It's crazy when I think about this stuff. My mom used to only ovulated about 4 - 6 times a year and to correct it, the doctor put her ON birth control for a year. It was then another year before she was successful in getting pregnant. So it's weird that it regulates things for some women and screws it up for others :(
  • Kirstie155
    Kirstie155 Posts: 1,001 Member
    @Megliveken Congratulations! Please let us know how your doctors appointment goes today!

    @VeryKatie I second (third?) you not telling your boss just yet until after things settle. Congrats on the promotion! But I would certainly not tell him until all the paperwork is filed and you are official. Sorry to hear about your nausea. Maybe try ginger candies? I have heard those help!

    @puffbrat I am soooo sorry about your long cycle. *hugs* Im sure its really hard, I'd hate that! Try not to get to crazy worrying though, Im sure everything will work itself out soon.
  • Megliveken
    Megliveken Posts: 21 Member
    @Kirstie155 Doctors appointment went well. Mainly just a discussion about what to expect. No blood tests or anything as he said we'd done a lot in pre-pregnancy. Next lot of bloods will be around week 11 when I'll also have my first appointment with the hospital and hopefully get into the midwifery led program.
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