Zero Carb July



  • authorwriter
    authorwriter Posts: 323 Member
    Are people happy with their weight loss doing ZC? Wondered if anybody would be willing to share.
  • Carnivorekat
    Carnivorekat Posts: 370 Member
    I am loving ZC not just for the weight loss although for me that is going really well - there are some who don't lose to begin with but its just their body healing - in July I have lost just under 14lbs although some of this is definitely water weight and I did have a little blip in the middle so have ended up putting some on and losing it again - the huge benefits for me have been how I have felt both physically and mentally
  • genmon00
    genmon00 Posts: 604 Member
    Are people happy with their weight loss doing ZC? Wondered if anybody would be willing to share.

    I'm happy with my weight loss mostly because it's positively impacting my blood sugars :) And I don't feel deprived at all. I do get cravings here and there but I'm learning to distinguish real hunger from just "mind"hunger. Lchf is a win/win for me :-)
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    I've been primarily ZC for right at 15 months now. My weight loss has been a steady (plateaus happen with every woe) downward trend. I'm 7 pounds from my initial goal weight! I feel wonderful!

    Congratulations @kathrout1973 !! You have ROCKED on ZC!! I'm so happy for your accomplishments!! I look forward to hearing about more of your success!!
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    Are people happy with their weight loss doing ZC? Wondered if anybody would be willing to share.

    When I did it last year, I wasn't happy with it.

    I was thrilled.

    For the first time in -- I kid you not -- years, I was actually losing weight! Between the end of April and the beginning of July, I lost something like 20-25lbs with no signs of stopping. For the first time pretty much ever, I actually averaged a nearly 1.5lb per week loss!

    Then, I made the mistake of getting back on Metformin after talking with my endo. A month of detrimental food aversions and weight gain later, I went off the Metformin. I've been recovering from that ever since and trying to get back to the zero carb zen I had going on last year.

    My ideal seems to be primarily bison (especially from a particular local farm) with some pork, though I can handle beef to a degree (still doesn't seem to taste quite right :( ).

    Not being able to get that bison has made things a fair bit more difficult (again, because the other meats and meats from other sources don't taste right on their own, so I have to doctor them to really be able to eat them like that), but I've recently found good old fashioned bulletproof coffee (like, the original recipe of coconut oil and butter, and nothing else) to be a godsend. I found coffee with which I can do it without anything else added, and I don't even start getting hungry until around 4pm and even then, it's more of a "hey, I should probably eat something" type of thing.
  • kpk54
    kpk54 Posts: 4,474 Member
    @kathrout1973 Thank you for sharing your ZC progress. I do best when I keep things (foods) simple and can see where focusing on ZC with an occasional carb thrown in might be beneficial for me on many levels. I'm glad it is working for you!
  • dmariet116
    dmariet116 Posts: 530 Member
    I have almost transitioned to ZC. I just find it hard to eat enough. I get so full from meat. I also drink BPC and I love it! I DREAM about it! Just crazy! I do notice more.. uh hum... bathroom issues not eating veggies. I am sure things will adjust after a bit.
    Congrats @kathrout1973! ZC seems to agree with you!
  • authorwriter
    authorwriter Posts: 323 Member
    thanks for your answers. i haven't tried zc yet. I'm kinda sorta drifting downward with lchf, but i'm thinking i'm only now getting fat adapted. i feel better though.