Will the foot cramps EVER stop?



  • LauraCoth
    LauraCoth Posts: 303 Member
    Foot cramps can be caused by medications. Do you take any medications on a regular basis? Even over the counter stuff?

    Prior to this diet, I suffered foot cramps for 20 years while taking Synthroid for my thyroid. My doctor at the time gave me Quinine Sulphate, which sort of helped but is apparently quite dangerous stuff.

    The cramps stopped about two days after I got off the Synthroid and switched to Erfa Thyroid. My doctor told me this was nonsense, but sure enough, when I looked on the official Synthroid website, foot cramps are listed as an uncommon side effect -- and one that you are supposed to report to your doctor right away!

    I'mm going to try to stick with the electrolytes and the ACV, but in a couple of weeks if I still have the cramps I may have to switch my attention to my new thyroid medication, the compounded T3, which, I suspect, is a synthetic, though I asked for a natural form of it. It may be the cause of the cramps.
  • Aquawave
    Aquawave Posts: 260 Member
    My leg cramps stopped when I lowered my caffeine intake and stopped urinating out all of my electrolytes. Now I just have "high test" coffee in the morning.
  • kpk54
    kpk54 Posts: 4,474 Member
    Aquawave wrote: »
    My leg cramps stopped when I lowered my caffeine intake and stopped urinating out all of my electrolytes. Now I just have "high test" coffee in the morning.

    Interesting. I had a little bit of problems with leg/foot cramps initially but have done well with only 100mg of mag. glycinate and less sodium than most indicate is needed. Perhaps that is because I drink only decaf and have for years.
  • supergal3
    supergal3 Posts: 523 Member
    @LauraCoth You are correct!!! I only take one medication (Evista, for pre-osteoporosis) which does list leg cramps as a side effect. I mentioned it to OB GYN and she felt that since they are intermittent, it would be good if I could tolerate it for the benefits of the drug. I actually agreed with her but sometimes wish I hadn't. Right now I have been cramp free for two full weeks, and am hoping I am in a remission of sorts.

    @Aquawave: I do drink 1.5 mugs of coffee each morning and will try to cut back a bit.

    Thanks for all of the suggestions above.
  • Aquawave
    Aquawave Posts: 260 Member
    I forgot to add to my post:

    My 2.5 month trial of Jardiance bring on a leg cramp in the wee hours of the morn two weeks ago. First leg cramp I have had in years, going to the bathroom, 5 times a night with this drug. Without consulting my Endo, I took myself off of it 12 days ago. Thank heavens, I was so dehydrated from it and my blood pressure on this drug dropped to 92/68. I still drink coffee in the AM, but am starting to rethink about getting off this addictive caffeine wagon. Oh, and my sugars (just on Metformin) are still averaging 92 for the last week. (both pre and post meals) and my BP is back to 110/76.

    Anything that causes bladder frequency, for me, has resulted in leg cramps. YMMV
  • RalfLott
    RalfLott Posts: 5,036 Member
    Good move, @Aquawave. I'd want to wait a while to see how those pee-away-your-diabetes drugs work in the long haul. (Obviously, they're bad for some of us even in the short haul!)

    With numbers like yours on metformin only, hard to see why you would have been directed to try Jardiance in the first place, but I assume your profile was not quite as pretty a few months ago. ??
  • RalfLott
    RalfLott Posts: 5,036 Member
    @Aquawave -

    Wow! That's fantastic.

    Have you been T2D the entire time since 2001?
    Are you doing all right with metformin?

    Congrats not only on your research but also for being your own best doc.
  • BaconSan2
    BaconSan2 Posts: 260 Member
    In the 80's both husband & I were having cramps in what seemed like the bones of our shins (probably were dietary deficient in some thing) & a doctor friend told us to take chromium. It worked for us. When ever we feel it starting up again (it goes years between) we take a chromium supplement & it disappears. I don't know if this is the same thing as what you have just putting it out there as another alternative to research.
  • RalfLott
    RalfLott Posts: 5,036 Member
    @Aquawave - You might somehow have been able to figure it all out as a lay person in the pre-Google days of 2001 and earlier, but most of us had absolutely no clue that LF was a ticket to metabolic syndrome, diabetes, insulin, and years of frustrating visits with docs brainwashed by the ADA, AHA, US Guidelines, etc.

    That you both managed to get your BG down so quickly after so many years is amazing. I suspect you were careful in setting your macros and unusually diligent in adhering to your program. An inspiring counterexample for all T2Ds who get the "chronic and irreversible" hee-haw from their docs, dietitans, uncles, etc. Nice going!
  • LauraCoth
    LauraCoth Posts: 303 Member
    I just bought some magnesium gel to try. I think this might also be helpful for my partner, who finished with his surgery and chemo for colon cancer about 5 months ago. I think he'd benefit from electrolyte supplementation, based on his blood tests, especially magnesium, but because he has an ileostomy he can't take oral magnesium.
  • RalfLott
    RalfLott Posts: 5,036 Member
    edited August 2016
    Aquawave wrote: »
    Yes. Starting in the 4th grade, my hands would shake about 2 hours after eating sugarcoated cereal, never told anyone since I did not want be be "weird".I was called hypoglycemic when I was 18 years old. Tried Atkins, got prego in 1978 and was told no more Atkins, it was bad for my baby even though I had gestational diabetes. Was told I had high cholesterol in the 80's and was put on a high carb diet. After my Dad had a triple bypass. I told my doc and he put me on Statins. Lost my gallbladder as a result of the low fat diet. After eating out Chinese with my hubby for a lunch date in 2001, I had my yearly checkup. I knew what was up after I gave a urine sample and the tech came in with a glucometer to check my glucose levels. Every elder in my family has died from complications of diabetes and even though I was professionally, a Medical Technologist, I should have known better.

    I am just done with doctors, I took myself off Lipitor last month too after learning that it could be causing all these unsolvable joint problems. There will be no more donations to the American Diabetes Association from this household.

    I suppose it might have been possible for a lay person to find something other than the standard ADA recommendations in the pre-Google world of 2001 and the last millennium, but few of us even suspected that LF was a ticket to metabolic syndrome, atherosclerosis, diabetes, insulin, and a parade of visits to docs brainwashed by the standard guidelines of the ADA, AHA, USDA, etc.

    Your amazing reversal after so many years is a perfect counterexample for all T2Ds who are fed the demoralizing and bogus "chronic and irreversible" hee-haw from docs, dietitians, uncles, etc. Nice going!

    PS I would rather throw to my money at a hungry alligator than donate to the ADA.
  • supergal3
    supergal3 Posts: 523 Member
    @BaconSan2 Never heard of taking chromium for leg cramps, but will give it a try. Thanks for the suggestion.
  • LauraCoth
    LauraCoth Posts: 303 Member
    OK. That's it.

    I took over a tablespoon of pink salt yesterday. I had potassium pills. I took 800 mg of magnesium citrate AND rubbed magnesium oil all over myself before bed. And STILL I had foot cramps from 3:30 a.m. until now, when I finally gave up. That's the pattern. Even if I drink salty water just before bed, even if ALL of my magnesium is taken just before bed, I wake up at 3:30 and that's it for the night. Non-stop cramping.

    The cramps are getting more and more frequent, and more and more severe. I haven't slept a full night for weeks.

    Something is very, very wrong. I'll try eating carbs for a few days, maybe some fruit and oatmeal. If that works, then I guess I can't do low carb.

  • auntstephie321
    auntstephie321 Posts: 3,586 Member
    How low carb are you. I can't remember if you mentioned that. I would gradual increase until the cramping stops. If you do go back to a regular amount if carbs for the standard diet, you could try gradually reducing carbs. I know some struggle when they go very low carb very fast, for some a gradual reduction over weeks is more successful
  • LauraCoth
    LauraCoth Posts: 303 Member
    Basically, I get my carbs from yogurt and cheese, nuts, and vegetables, mostly salad vegetables. The odd night I might make something like a vegetable curry with coconut milk in it. I wuld say I'm hovering at around 30-40 carbs these days.

    But you know, I was on Atkins three years ago for about 6 months, and I had no trouble with cramps, even in the induction phase, which is 20 carbs. I just don't understand this, but the lack of sleep has to stop. If it weren't for the cramps, I would be sleeping well.

    So, oatmeal for breakfast, fruit for dessert. I'll see what happens.
  • auntstephie321
    auntstephie321 Posts: 3,586 Member
    Good luck. I know the first time I did keto I had little issue, every time since then I have so much issue with keeping my sodium up that I have to increase carbs. I don't know why it's different than the first time but I'm ok if I hover around 100 or so grams, I don't log anymore but most of my choices are lc then at night I eat more carbs, I can feel when I'm losing to much sodium so it's a delicate balance. Good luck I hope the increase helps.
  • supergal3
    supergal3 Posts: 523 Member
    @LauraCoth: I absolutely understand what you are going through. I am sorry it has taken so long to find relief. You might try adding the carbs in slowly so you can test just how many you need to get a good night's sleep. If you tried Atkins 3 years ago and no cramps, it may be something else entirely. Good Luck!
  • LauraCoth
    LauraCoth Posts: 303 Member
    The fruit in our neighbour's gardens is ripening, so I ate an apple yesterday to add a big chunk of carbs. I'll do that for a week and see how it goes. I'm hoping that will be enough, because I really enjoy eating low carb. It's so simple.

    I've decided against adding grains. My brain just doesn't register them as food any more.