Will the foot cramps EVER stop?



  • LauraCoth
    LauraCoth Posts: 303 Member
    I think I may finally have a handle on this.

    I bought some serious magnesium bisglycinate. I took a dose of 1,000 mg last night and had one small cramp.
  • Majcolorado
    Majcolorado Posts: 138 Member
    LauraCoth wrote: »
    I think I may finally have a handle on this.

    I bought some serious magnesium bisglycinate. I took a dose of 1,000 mg last night and had one small cramp.

    Great news!!!
  • auntstephie321
    auntstephie321 Posts: 3,586 Member
    LauraCoth wrote: »
    I think I may finally have a handle on this.

    I bought some serious magnesium bisglycinate. I took a dose of 1,000 mg last night and had one small cramp.

    Woohoo keep taking it, I swear by that stuff. I hope it continues to help till you have to cramps
  • LauraCoth
    LauraCoth Posts: 303 Member
    It's pretty expensive, though. The one I bought was on sale for $30.00, for what would be around a 45-day supply. Oh well. If it works I can keep going on the low carb.
  • auntstephie321
    auntstephie321 Posts: 3,586 Member
    the one I linked earlier in this thread is I think about 18 dollars on amazon for 180 pills at 400 mg for two, I think. that's the one I take, I take two a night and it does the trick.
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    I buy magnesium carbonate powder from Bulk Supplements on Amazon. It's the cheapest way I've found to get a well absorbed form.
  • LauraCoth
    LauraCoth Posts: 303 Member
    I'll check those out next time I need some. It really depends on whether I can can get them on Amazon.ca as opposed to Amazon.com. But anyway, It was a relief - especially as I didn't have nearly as much sodium as I've been ingesting lately.
  • LauraCoth
    LauraCoth Posts: 303 Member
    Hah. Thought I was going nuts (nutser?)

    After all that, with little relief, I decided to stop taking my new thyroid meds, the added time-release T3. And the cramps stopped within 48 hours.

    I guess I just cannot tolerate any of the synthetic thyroid medications. Synthroid did the same thing to me, which is why I decided to stop the T3.

  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    @LauraCoth - Wow, that makes me so sad!!! But I guess at least you know, right? I can't remember, did we ever talk about stomach acid and iodine for you? Apparently both those things, along with other co-factors, are critical to being able to convert T4 to T3, which I hadn't known until recently? Maybe a shift on that front could allow you better conversion rates? Or an increase to your current NDT meds??
  • LauraCoth
    LauraCoth Posts: 303 Member
    Yeah, I think I'll have to focus on better conversion instead. The seleno-methionone should help, and L-Tyrosine also helps. ACV, too.

    I spent rather a lot of time Googling to find out if there is a desiccated thyroid version of T3, but I couldn't find anything. Maybe it's impossible to separate? Bummer, anyway.

    I discovered something rather encouraging last night, though, which may help with my overall numbers anyway. I normally take my thyroid medication thusly: 60 mg upon waking, 30 mg at 2:00 p.m. Both my GP and my ND told me I should never try to take the doses 12 hours apart because taking it later in the day would make my already world-class insomnia worse. The problem is that every now and then I forget to take the afternoon dose until much later in the day, and so I skip it; this doesn't happen often, but possibly once every two weeks. Last night, just before bed, I remembered that I'd forgotten it yet again, thought about it for a second in terms of possible weight loss consequences, and took my pill -- and slept as well as I ever do. I'm going to keep trying this, because if I can take my doses 12 hours apart, I could get a really good stream of T3 all day without needing the time-release formula.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    @LauraCoth - I've noticed that my T3 doesn't really seem to impact my sleep either. Maybe as I get healthier all around it will, but for now, if you find something that works, jump on that train!!!
  • BaconSan2
    BaconSan2 Posts: 260 Member
    OK just putting this out there - I watched Dr. Eric Berg's the benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar & in it he says contrary to most ppls belief they are too alkaline (Not acid like is commonly thought) as you age you make less acid. He says if you are on a high protein diet the protein leaves whatever (he has a name for it) in your muscles & it calcifies giving pain. But if your body is too alkaline the thing (again I forget the name H something) is switched off and then this residue from the protein remains. If your right your acidity it will switch on and again your body will begin to get rid of this whatever it is. Gee, I hope I haven't used too much medical terminology in this post.
  • LisaAnn642015
    LisaAnn642015 Posts: 91 Member
    I went thru the same thing you are going thru and the pickle juice did the trick for me surprisingly bc I was doing the same thing you are and still am supplementing magnesium potassium calcium and keto aide ( mio with 1/4 tsp lite salt, 1/4 tsp salt, and shake all in btl water) along with drinking broth several times a day and once a drank the pickle juice it all stopped. Hopefully that helps you :)
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    BaconSan2 wrote: »
    OK just putting this out there - I watched Dr. Eric Berg's the benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar & in it he says contrary to most ppls belief they are too alkaline (Not acid like is commonly thought) as you age you make less acid. He says if you are on a high protein diet the protein leaves whatever (he has a name for it) in your muscles & it calcifies giving pain. But if your body is too alkaline the thing (again I forget the name H something) is switched off and then this residue from the protein remains. If your right your acidity it will switch on and again your body will begin to get rid of this whatever it is. Gee, I hope I haven't used too much medical terminology in this post.

    @BaconSan2 - the Digestive Enzymes I take have the Ox Bile in them that's good for stomach acid. I do it with the ACV. I might experiment without the ACV for giggles at some point... But I do the pills that have 35% acetic acid. Concentrated. Wonder if that makes the difference? And I am generally not HIGH protein... So ... interesting. And yes, I can tell a huge difference in my body when I'm naturally acidic or not.
  • auntstephie321
    auntstephie321 Posts: 3,586 Member
    KnitOrMiss wrote: »
    BaconSan2 wrote: »
    OK just putting this out there - I watched Dr. Eric Berg's the benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar & in it he says contrary to most ppls belief they are too alkaline (Not acid like is commonly thought) as you age you make less acid. He says if you are on a high protein diet the protein leaves whatever (he has a name for it) in your muscles & it calcifies giving pain. But if your body is too alkaline the thing (again I forget the name H something) is switched off and then this residue from the protein remains. If your right your acidity it will switch on and again your body will begin to get rid of this whatever it is. Gee, I hope I haven't used too much medical terminology in this post.

    @BaconSan2 - the Digestive Enzymes I take have the Ox Bile in them that's good for stomach acid. I do it with the ACV. I might experiment without the ACV for giggles at some point... But I do the pills that have 35% acetic acid. Concentrated. Wonder if that makes the difference? And I am generally not HIGH protein... So ... interesting. And yes, I can tell a huge difference in my body when I'm naturally acidic or not.

    I haven't used acv since the first week of starting the enzymes and feel good
  • LauraCoth
    LauraCoth Posts: 303 Member
    Well. the camps are back, with a vengeance.

    I really thought it was the thyroid medication because the cramps stopped for a week after I stopped taking it. Now I'm back to less than 2 hours' sleep anight because of the cramps, just non-stop all night.

    I was drinking very salty water ALL NIGHT LONG but eh cramps never stopped.

    Yesterday in addition to my salt on my food I drank two cups of bullion, 900 mg salt each, and 5 postassium tablets.

    I also took 600 mg magnesium glycinate, PLUS a magnesium gel rub on my legs just before bed, PLUS calcium pills in the middle of the night. But still cramps all night.

    I think I have to give this up and go back to calorie counting and being hungry . This just isn't working for me. I can't sleep for more than an hour without being woken up by cramps.
  • Standsfast
    Standsfast Posts: 77 Member
    @LauraCoth , just hoping you figure this out...
  • LauraCoth
    LauraCoth Posts: 303 Member
    I've been struggling with it for two months.

    I should be adapted to the diet by now, but this just goes on and on.

    I'm sure I'm taking in at a minimun 2500 mg sodium daily, and sometimes a lot more than that. And all the salt water nauseates me.

    I'm up all night. I sleep for an hour and get a cramp, and then I'm awake for an hour or two. Just when I finally get back to sleep, it starts again.

    I take my bed time medications with salt water, very salty, probably a teaspoon or more of pink salt, and still I get the cramps an hour or two later. It just won't stop. And I'm bloated from the salt.
  • Aquawave
    Aquawave Posts: 260 Member
    Poor circulation? Perhaps it is time to see a doc?