
SteffiLatta Posts: 31 Member
edited September 2016 in Social Groups
I've noticed my success is directly linked to my involvement on MFP. I think it's time to remind myself what I've been through, and maybe it will help others.

I had RnY in 2006, and went from over 300lbs to 178lbs - that was my lowest. It was REALLY hard to stay there, and I settled around 185/190. That weight felt good. I walked around in public in a bathing suit - go me! Then life started going to hell at work and I gained a few lbs back.

In 2010 I had a pannectomy, and it never seemed to get fix the issues I'd had with extra skin. Sure, the skin was gone, but instead of clothes fitting better, the waistband was tight, and my thighs got thicker. When I asked why the surgeon told me that's just how it is sometimes. Plus he never did anything about my pubic area and now it's this weird fleshy bump that makes me really self-conscious in skirts. Yes, this was the guy my insurance company said I had to use, and I've never been the same mentally. My husband says I need to write to that "Botched" show on E or Bravo and have them fix me :-)

When I started to work as a traveling consultant in 2011 my weight was around 217, and I had access to a fitness center where I could work out daily. I managed to get down to 210 and was feeling much better. Four close family and friends death's later I went up to 225. Bunion surgery and being forced to stay off my feet last year brought me to 235, and now I'm at 239 [when I weighed myself last week].

I feel like I've failed. The weight has gone up and the depression linked to my weight increasing is making me hungry. Right now I'm doing the 5-day reset, and hoping when I step on the scale Friday it'll give me some good news. I'm trying REALLY hard to stick to this, because we're headed to Kauai in November and though I won't be back to where I hoped I'd be, I want to feel better and be able to hike some.

What about you? What's your story?


  • Imagine_if
    Imagine_if Posts: 54 Member
    I've noticed my success is directly linked to my involvement on MFP.

    What about you? What's your story?

    Hi Steffi.

    I am so glad you posted this!!

    Seriously, I am there with you. When I am on MFP daily, my weight falls off. The committment to post my food and exercise are enough to keep me conscious of what I'm eating and how I am moving my body. Reading other folks' posts and learning exercise tips from them, keeps me motivated and stalls the boredom in my own routine. The kind words from health-minded members, the words of advice, and the true inspiration get me through the days when I self-sabotage.

    I first came to MFP this past summer after hearing about it from a professor. He'd used it to track his journey to losing nearly 100 lbs. I downloaded the app and it became my right hand. Then, my fall classes picked up (I'm a college student) and my childrens' classes began (I'm a homeschooling parent) and I got a new cellphone (it doesn't get the MFP app). Those three left me so busy and unable to log immediately (I'd usually only have time to log onto MFP at late night) and given all my other excuses (lazy, using food as an emotional crutch, etc., etc.) I eventually just gave up a bit.

    Now I'm back online daily, trying to check in after each meal. I am searching for a new phone that can use the app. I am determined to stay connected with the MFP community because it is my absolute best support.

    When I am logging my food and exercise, being accountable to myself and on display to the MFP community I feel like I am being a part of something healthy. I like the results that I see and from reading other folks' journeys I know I can reach my goals as well.

    I am glad you're a part of the community. Stay encouraged and please continue to share your story.

  • SteffiLatta
    SteffiLatta Posts: 31 Member
    I'm striving to be more of a part of the community, just because we need to keep encouraging each other.
  • christabas
    christabas Posts: 1 Member
    I've used MFP for awhile, but never joined the community... so I'm new here!

    Has GP 2012, went from 298 to 170 at lowest. Then my 15 year old son died, and for a long time I didn't care. I stopped exercising and didn't care what I ate. So here I am at 223, trying to get back on track. I need help and support, so I am joining in!

    Good to meet you all!
  • Lori4Me2
    Lori4Me2 Posts: 2 Member
    Hello all! I just joined the group today. Had RNY GBP in May 2014, lost 90 lbs. Gained 40, down 20 then stalled since April 2016. So mad at myself because I felt so good when the weight came off. Thank you all for sharing! Good luck to all!
  • weezieweeks
    weezieweeks Posts: 152 Member
    Hi everyone (anyone?),

    I am looking for a group here on MFP - is this group still active or can we revive it? My short story - RNY in April '08 - max lost 130, but mostly stayed at 100 pounds lost for several years. In the past year or two I have steadily gained another 20 pounds. Dropping below that 100 pound loss is scary, just like getting under 200 worked for about 5 minutes! A few years ago my diabetes came back - for the past 2 years, I have been able to stay off the metformin and my A1c decreased in the last year from 6.5 to 5.9! My other consistent success is that I have faithfully exercised for the past 9 months. My doctor is sending me to a dietitian so am logging my foods for the two weeks before the appointment - just that accountability has helped me lose 3 pounds and feel more optimistic and honestly see that I am eating too many sugary snacks.

    I'm hoping to make some connections here so will watch for responses!

  • weezieweeks
    weezieweeks Posts: 152 Member
    I am still here hoping for some group members. Logging my food and exercising!
  • weezieweeks
    weezieweeks Posts: 152 Member
    I have logged 10 straight days! That is a success and a real eye-opener, too. I am able to print these out for my dietician appt this week; I also get to see it for myself. Honestly, I kind of hate myself right now even though I am happy that I could log everything I am eating. I am eating way too much and way way too many snacks/desserts. I do appreciate that I get some credit for exercising - it is not an excuse to eat more!! Beginning today, I hope to make a couple of positive changes as well as get my intake down while hanging on to my nutrition.
  • weezieweeks
    weezieweeks Posts: 152 Member
    I am still here and hoping for some members!! Right now, I am active at another group but am hoping that this group will get going.

    Today, I went to the dietitian - I had some initial hesitation due to someone at my knitting group telling me she went to the same clinic and had an awful experience. She told me they showed her a video and told her to eat like a diabetic, which she is not. Neither of those things happened to me, I'm happy to report. She seemed very knowledgeable on needs for post weight-loss surgery and gave me lots of tips on improving what I am eating, as well as eating less. She knew alot about the protein and other nutrient needs and helped me set some short and long term goals. I'm going back in 5-6 weeks for a progress check and I feel optimistic about making more changes.

    I did make an decrease in my calories on MFP and hope to decrease it over time rather than a drastic slashing. I'm not sure I will eat my exercise calories; they sure do provide more motivation to have room for a snack. I do struggle with the late night eating, especially once I get into bed. I told my dietitian, my husband and now this group that I am not going to hang out in bed before sleeping - I am going to try just going to bed and see if this helps me to not eat right before going to sleep.
  • weezieweeks
    weezieweeks Posts: 152 Member
    Yep still here - waiting patiently.

    I have reduced my goal from whatever MFP set, to 1800 and now to 1500, based on my dietitian recommendation. She actually suggested 1000-1200, but I will have to see how that goes. I am thinking that with the exercise it might be okay, but I'm going to see what 1500 does for me for now. I did search the internet for post WLS requirements and the suggestions I found were the same as dietitian - no wonder I have been gaining weight!
  • weezieweeks
    weezieweeks Posts: 152 Member
    Hello, I feel like I am doing better on 1500 calories than I was on the higher amounts. I have been working on utilizing protein snacks first - seems to help me feel fuller and longer as well as cutting the craving for more. I am consistently exercising and like seeing that extra buffer for calories.

    I have make it three nights without eating in bed!! Major success, as well as huge help with the calorie intake. Last night I did read in bed, and did not feel the need to go get some snacks.

    After 16 days of logging, I am finally getting some traction on seeming some weight loss! I know it will not be every day but sure feel more optimistic about this journey.
  • weezieweeks
    weezieweeks Posts: 152 Member
    Hello group! I stayed under my allotment yesterday and had no exercise calories, either! I had a lot of mental cravings and the committee telling me to eat, but I made it. Since I have been logging for the past 16+ days, I now can see that I have really been eating way too much and this logging is really helping me to plan some meals and snacks as well as really looking at portions. I do find I am increasing my protein and working on making choices that help me stretch those calories to feel like I have room for treats, even in that treat is some fruit.
  • weezieweeks
    weezieweeks Posts: 152 Member
    Hello, I made it yesterday without going over - although I did consume most of my exercise calories. After I got home from the gym, I worked in the yard for 30 minutes trimming bushes with the lopper and think I depleted my reserves due to the heat and exertion. I drank alot yesterday. I also went to bed and took no food in there with me - major success!
  • SuzyQ53015
    SuzyQ53015 Posts: 38 Member
    edited June 2017
    Hi, All! Thank you so much for sharing your stories.

    I just restarted MFP after too much time away. I had RNY gastric bypass surgery in 2012. I went from 294 to 145 lbs in nine months. (I'm 5'8") Since then I have gradually gained and now I'm up to 172! Ugh! I hate myself for it!! My bariatric dietitian told me that I would only be able to eat 1200 calories a day. Guess what - she was right! So, I am now on the journey to weight loss, again! I absolutely hate to exercise, but it seems like a necessary evil for me! I just have to stop making excuses and get my body moving.

    Please keep posting - I really appreciate your honesty about the journey!
  • weezieweeks
    weezieweeks Posts: 152 Member
    SuzyQ53015 wrote: »
    Hi, All! Thank you so much for sharing your stories.

    I just restarted MFP after too much time away. I had RNY gastric bypass surgery in 2012. I went from 294 to 145 lbs in nine months. (I'm 5'8") Since then I have gradually gained and now I'm up to 172! Ugh! I hate myself for it!! My bariatric dietitian told me that I would only be able to eat 1200 calories a day. Guess what - she was right! So, I am now on the journey to weight loss, again! I absolutely hate to exercise, but it seems like a necessary evil for me! I just have to stop making excuses and get my body moving.

    Please keep posting - I really appreciate your honesty about the journey!

    Welcome back! I'm so glad you are here! I logged for two weeks before going to the dietician and was between 1800-2100 and I managed to lose a couple pounds. My dietitian also said I would need to be in the 1200 range, which I did I verify. The logging the first couple weeks sure has helped me come to terms with why I have been gaining. After I saw the dietitian, I told myself I was going to wean myself down to a lower intake starting with being "stricter" at 1800. When I log my exercise, MFP gives an extra 400 calories, so I made the decision to drop to 1500 and see how that goes until my follow up appt in mid-July. So far, so good! I have not routinely eaten the exercise calories, but may keep that in mind if and when I drop to 1200. Right now, I am losing, so taking it one day at a time. I am exercising regularly and have been for over 9 months.

    Talk soon!
  • weezieweeks
    weezieweeks Posts: 152 Member
    So grateful the scale is showing a loss! I am doing good with the logging and staying within my limits, too.

    One NSV (non scale victory), is that I notice I have to go faster on the treadmill in order to keep my heart rate up! I like to keep it at 115 or so, with some bursts for cardio. This is a definite direct result of exercising!
  • SuzyQ53015
    SuzyQ53015 Posts: 38 Member
    edited June 2017
    Same here, Louise. I know I'm eating too many simple carbs. My bariatric surgeon had told me to eat "all the lean protein" I want. He warned me about carbs. Again, he was right. Stress-eating is one of the things that put me at 294 - why would I want to restart that nasty habit?? No more excuses, just HONEST logging.

    Next step - movement - any kind (I am queen of the couch potatoes!).

    We can do this!! One day at a time, one meal at a time.

  • weezieweeks
    weezieweeks Posts: 152 Member
    SuzyQ - I was already working out but I do also track on the worksheets for Leslie Sansone Walk at Home. I think the premise is to get a mile in everyday; I really like just writing down something in the block. Sometimes, my husband and I walk the dog in the evening (not so much now with the heat) and it is nice to see a little extra or for my husband to move a bit.

    I started out slow and increased time and frequency from there.

  • SuzyQ53015
    SuzyQ53015 Posts: 38 Member
    SuzyQ - I was already working out but I do also track on the worksheets for Leslie Sansone Walk at Home. I think the premise is to get a mile in everyday; I really like just writing down something in the block. Sometimes, my husband and I walk the dog in the evening (not so much now with the heat) and it is nice to see a little extra or for my husband to move a bit.

    I started out slow and increased time and frequency from there.


    I have a bunch of Leslie Sansone DVDs! Was faithful for a year or so. Must dust them off and start using them again! The hubby keeps saying he's going to join me, but... :/

    I don't eat my exercise calories just because I'm afraid to. Not sure if it would be more beneficial to eat them or not.
  • weezieweeks
    weezieweeks Posts: 152 Member

    Ugh, the scale weighed me up a pound! I know it's not a gain because I am staying within my limits. I am going to be diligent the next few days as we are going out of town. I will not be weighing, which is probably a good thing!

    I am taking my gym clothes with him and intend to get in my walking!

    Here is to a great rest of the day and looking forward to seeing some posts!

  • SuzyQ53015
    SuzyQ53015 Posts: 38 Member
    Hi, All! Feeling pretty good today with staying under 1300 calories. I do love my carbs, but I'm being more selective (since watching calories!). Chocolate is a trigger food, so I am refraining from it for now. So far, so good - although it has been less than a week since getting back on track.

    Louise, great that you are taking your work-out clothes! Hope you enjoy your time away!!

    Wishing everyone a happy and healthy weekend!
