


  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,381 Member
    Hello Suzy, Great job on those sweets. I used to love love graham crackers myself. Crackers in general have been a binge food for me. Cold turkey only causes feelings of deprivation. Keep up the good work on weaning yourself off those trigger foods. :smile:
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,381 Member
    edited July 2017
    Started July 4, 2017

    GW 299
    SW 398.6
    CW 391.2

    Total weight lost as of today: 7.4 pounds :)

  • SuzyQ53015
    SuzyQ53015 Posts: 38 Member
    Started July 4, 2017

    GW 299
    SW 398.6
    CW 391.2

    Total weight lost as of today: 7.4 pounds :)

    Awesome, Molly! Your commitment to a healthier life keeps me encouraged!
  • SuzyQ53015
    SuzyQ53015 Posts: 38 Member
    Molly, I can't tell you how many times I reached for those graham crackers today! I just have to remember to reach for a Greek yogurt if I want something dessert-like.

    I agree that total deprivation leads to negative consequences. One trigger food at a time. And I must continue exercising - which I absolutely hate!! My mantra has become "life-long journey".

    Have a great day!!
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,381 Member
    Have you tried cheese sticks with processed turkey or by themselves. A nice protein snack also. I like Trader Joe's brand, the light ones and Sargento has a few good lite ones.

    Coby-Jack Reduced Fat Stick
    Mozzerella light - only 50 calories and 5 to 6 grams of protein. I just do not like the greek yogurts much.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,381 Member
    edited July 2017
    SuzyQ53015 wrote: »
    Started July 4, 2017

    GW 299
    SW 398.6
    CW 391.2

    Total weight lost as of today: 7.4 pounds :)

    Thanks Suzy and you have a great day too!

    Awesome, Molly! Your commitment to a healthier life keeps me encouraged!
    Thanks so much Suzie!! Even with meds not a piece of cake, but I definitely see difference using them. Now key is to keep weight after my Doc takes me off of.
  • SuzyQ53015
    SuzyQ53015 Posts: 38 Member
    Have you tried cheese sticks with processed turkey or by themselves. A nice protein snack also. I like Trader Joe's brand, the light ones and Sargento has a few good lite ones.

    Coby-Jack Reduced Fat Stick
    Mozzerella light - only 50 calories and 5 to 6 grams of protein. I just do not like the greek yogurts much.

    I love cheese, but have found the light ones I've tried to be rather tasteless. (Mostly mozzarella) I WISH we had a Trader Joe's!! I will give the Colby-Jack light cheese a try, though.

    Hubby and I eat so much Greek yogurt because it's so high in protein. Even after five years, I still have a hard time with most meats, unless they're ground, or steak. :) My problem really is too many simple carbs. They go down easy, as my hips will attest! It's all about control, isn't it??
  • weezieweeks
    weezieweeks Posts: 152 Member
    Molly-I need to keep it simple and not overthink things. If I slip-up, back on track!

    Suzy - Love your post! You know even with surgery and with keeping off a good portion of my weight, the bottom line is I, too, am a compulsive over-eater. That did not go away with the surgery. I need to remember this when I am working through my day and to utilize those tools, as well.

    Good morning! We had to make a quick trip to Prescott for our design choices and to work on finding a temporary living situation for after when our house in Vegas sell and our new house is done in February - it is not easy. I took plenty of my own food. I think that alone really helped me to stay close to the back on track. I did not follow plan as well as when I am at home and in my normal routine, but I did a lot better than in the past. With all the stress, it could have been much worse. I also know I did good because I had over one pound loss after last weighing on Sunday!!

    Have a great day!
  • SuzyQ53015
    SuzyQ53015 Posts: 38 Member
    Happy Saturday to all! Louise, way to go, especially with a very stressful situation! Very smart to take your own food.
    Molly, that's a great reminder, especially with the weekend here. Slip ups seem easier on the weekend, for me, anyway. But, we can always get back on track!

    Over the next 10 days I will be making several batches of pizzelles. Hopefully I will be so sick of looking at them that I won't be sampling any!! :#
    Have a wonderful weekend!!
  • weezieweeks
    weezieweeks Posts: 152 Member
    Good morning! I am hoping this week will settle down and I can get back to some sort of routine. I have been doing pretty good with my eating plan. I have noticed that one deviation leads to another and another. Today, I am planning to just do my shakes and one meal. My cousins are still in town and tonight we are taking them to Terry Fator. One good thing is that everyone is doing dinner on their own, so we are only picking them up to take to show. I did notice that my phone recorded a lot more steps that usual, so plus for me!!

    We have been crazy getting our house ready and on the market. Once we got on the MLS, we had a flurry of showings so had to vacate with the dog. We are living pretty much picture perfect so finding our way with not having anything out. Thankfully, we have a neighbor that also dog-sits when we are gone and she is okay with drop in daycare for the dog. It is sooo hot, that it is not like we could go for a walk or even go to the park. The temp is supposed to come down a little (maybe hang at 100...), so hoping that gives us showings that will get us an offer or two!

    Suzy- how did the cookie making go? Those cookies would be hard to resist; I'm with you, once you get going, its just a job!!

    Molly- hope all is well with you - looks like you are making progress losing!!

    Talk soon!!
  • SuzyQ53015
    SuzyQ53015 Posts: 38 Member
    Oi! Up two pounds!?!? Scream! Okay, I wouldn't be as psycho about it except that I have a dr appointment on Tuesday and I HATE getting the look and the question "Why have you gained?" It makes me not want to go, but it's my orthopedic dr and I need my cortisone injections in my knees. I have been staying on track and exercising like crazy. It's probably just fluid (so hot and humid), but that doesn't matter to the dr, does it? Well, I guess it's back to fat-free Greek yogurt and high-protein cottage cheese all day, with a salad and protein for dinner.

    Rant over! Have a great Wednesday, friends!!
  • weezieweeks
    weezieweeks Posts: 152 Member
    edited July 2017
    Suzy- I feel your pain!! It is so easy for me to get off plan when I am out of my routine!

    Today, I do not have any outside appointments and nobody is visiting. I am eating on plan today!!
  • weezieweeks
    weezieweeks Posts: 152 Member
    Good morning!

    I am happy to report that I ate on plan yesterday! I waited way to long for dinner and took it out on my husband for sure. Lesson learned on that one is to just move on and not let that happen again. Yesterday was a bit of a struggle after straying - every time I kept wanting to eat I drank some water and I stayed very cognizant of eating on time (until late) and having water between.

    I am eating on plan today, too!

    Have a great day!

  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,381 Member
    Hello Louise and Suzy,

    Vacation was ok. Could have been better. My Dad went into the hospital same day I went on vacation. So it kinda spoiled the vacation. But I did not come home until planned. My sister had it under control. He is still in hospital.

    Anyhow, despite all of the challenges, I only gained 1.6 pounds while away. It could have been much worse and hopefully some of that is sodium. We will see tomorrow.

    Suzy, - I know what you mean regarding doctor visits. You hate to be up, no matter who the doctor is. I have a doctors appt this Saturday and I know I am down some, just not sure how much. But the nice thing is you have a few days to lose those 2 pounds. :) Not sure how it works for you but for me it is so easy to gain but harder to re-lose....yuck!! But we can do this!

    Louise, - Good job on staying on track! I know not easy.....Keep up the good work!
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,381 Member
    Started July 4, 2017

    GW 299
    SW 398.6
    CW 391.4

    Total weight lost as of today: 7.2 pounds :)

  • SuzyQ53015
    SuzyQ53015 Posts: 38 Member
    Hello, Louise and Molly! Molly, sorry to hear about your Dad. Hope everything turns out okay!
    Louise, great job staying on track!!

    Aggravated my sciatica this morning - can't move! Heating pad and pain meds. With any luck, tomorrow will be a better day!

    Have a great weekend!
  • weezieweeks
    weezieweeks Posts: 152 Member
    Molly-Welcome back from vacation! I know that we can gain back really fast and then back on track helps us get back in line. I wish I could weigh less often because I know it will even out. I have been using the Happy Scale app - it shows the rolling loss average, which I like to see.

    Suzy - get better fast! Does stretching help at all? It will get better now quicker now that you have less weight on it.

    I did good yesterday until going to bed - then had a salty snack that threw me over my plan. For a month or so, I was committed to not eating in bed - I am going back to that today.

    Today, I am eating on plan and no snack in bed tonight!!

    Talk soon!

  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,381 Member
    Hello Ladies!! Thanks you both. I think I tried Happy Scale before and it was only for iPhone, but I will check it again. I have an app that I use to do my daily weigh ins.

    Tomorrow is Doc day!

    I hope you are feeling better today Suzy! Sounds very painful indeed.

    Good plan Louise!

    Have a great weekend!! :) and lets try to stay on plan :)
  • SuzyQ53015
    SuzyQ53015 Posts: 38 Member
    edited July 2017
    Louise, way to go! I think I need to get back to daily weigh-ins. Too easy to let things slide otherwise.
    Molly, good luck at the Drs! You're doing great!
    Thank you both for the well-wishes. Not a good start to the day pain-wise. Never had a bout of sciatica this bad before. Overdid it on carbs yesterday, stress-eating. Back on track today.
    Have a great weekend, friends!!
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,381 Member
    Hello Warriors!! How did your weekend go!?

    Suzy, I have strayed from daily weigh ins and every time I do I get waylaid or too lacked so now I just do it and I find it does help me get back on it when I start to slide in the wrong direction and it is very educational because now I know exactly what makes me gain and what makes me lose. I have learned my body tolerances, etc.

    Doctors visit was good, I was down 9 pounds from my last 5 pound in a month. Not fast enough for her but I will take it. I am going to try to hit it harder this next 4 to 5 weeks. She added a 2nd medication. This med is used for BED (Binge Eating Disorder) I knew I had heard of it before but did not know where.

    Despite all of the drama with my Dad this week I managed to still lose a pound. I will take it!!