


  • weezieweeks
    weezieweeks Posts: 152 Member
    Suzy - Thanks! I'll be online and will be checking in - part of my plan!!
  • weezieweeks
    weezieweeks Posts: 152 Member
    Hey everyone! We made it to Prescott without any big eating disasters! Today, I wanted too long to walk so only have .6 mile so far. Definitely have to try for more later. It really warmed up fast so I was worried about my dog's feet. I did bring some protein snacks and plan to be mindful and get plenty of water. Have a great day!
  • SuzyQ53015
    SuzyQ53015 Posts: 38 Member
    Hi, All! My first week back on track has been good, but not easy. I'm craving junk food like crazy, but the image of my wide, jiggly backside is still fresh in my mind! :D
    I finally started moving my body - love those Leslie Sansone walk at home DVDs! I'm also doing some elastic band work for my upper body. Any suggestions on good workouts?
    My weight is ALMOST back into the 160s. I will feel less panicked when I'm out of the 70s!

    Hoping everyone has a great day and a healthy week!
  • weezieweeks
    weezieweeks Posts: 152 Member
    Hi everyone! I am grateful that Suzy is posting, and hopeful there are others that will join in. I am back from traveling - I only walked on one day and only a third of my normal - I logged my food and probably missed some, but did better than in the past when I would use any disruption as an excuse to eat. I walked 3 miles today with my dog - we had a dip in the temps, so was able to take him out.

    I am logging today and optimistic about being back on track. My weight is up a bit; my moving average is still good, though, so not going to dwell.

    Talk soon!!
  • SuzyQ53015
    SuzyQ53015 Posts: 38 Member
    Hi, All! Struggling today with fatigue and hunger - but that's normal for me during week 2 of regaining control (yep, I've done this a number of times before :/ ). I ate more carbs today than I would have liked, but I kept things pretty well in control. Did NOT refill the candy bowl when cleaning, though!!

    One thing that irritates me is my lack of energy. After losing 120+ pounds, I thought I would have more energy. Nope! All of my blood work shows normal levels, so it just is what it is, I guess.

    Louise, it sounds as though you stayed on track (with a little wiggle room for fun!). Hubby and I have some travel weeks coming up and I'm hoping to stay on track, too!

    Have a great week, everyone!
  • SuzyQ53015
    SuzyQ53015 Posts: 38 Member
    Crabby mood today! Hubby actually told me to eat a Snickers bar. :D I didn't! I did 30 minutes of cardio instead. Feeling somewhat better. Waiting a few weeks more before I try on those "snug" pants that fit last year. How those darn pounds and inches creep up!!!

    On the plus side, I'm down 4 pounds so far!!! Have a healthy and happy day tomorrow!
  • weezieweeks
    weezieweeks Posts: 152 Member
    Good morning! I went over a bit yesterday due to some late night snacking - I came home from traveling with the crud and last night I think I was trying to find any flavor that would break thru the stuffiness. I know better than doing that today. Today will be a lot of fluids, and rest - not exercising today unless feeling much better.

    It is so easy for me to deviate from plan due to disruptions like traveling, not feeling well, etc. I will mention emotional eating (mad, sad, glad), but have worked hard not to cave in to those feelings - they are the worst!

    Hang in there today!!
  • SuzyQ53015
    SuzyQ53015 Posts: 38 Member
    Good morning! Woo-Hoo! Back in the 160s today. What a relief! From past experience, once the scale starts creeping up, I have always found it difficult to stop it. I would ignore the scale, hoping it would somehow change by itself - which it did, just upward. :s

    My biggest downfall is work-related stress eating. I WISH I were one of those people who stop eating when stressed! Yesterday, the stress started to build and I found myself reaching for the graham crackers. (In the past it would have been chocolate - small victory there!) I indulged in a couple of sheets of crackers, then decided it wasn't what I wanted or needed, so I did a late-evening walking workout. Big victory for me!

    I hope everyone has a victory today, big or small!!
  • weezieweeks
    weezieweeks Posts: 152 Member
    Awesome revelations!
  • weezieweeks
    weezieweeks Posts: 152 Member
    Good morning! We are out of town again and it is so easy to let the new habits slide! I am doing much better on my eating this weekend and continuing to log my food - 30 day streak!. I am hoping this is a sign of progress in getting used to eating less in general. We are going home later today so will be glad to get to the gym tomorrow!
  • weezieweeks
    weezieweeks Posts: 152 Member
    Good morning! I faithfully post here every day - finally get another person and I fade away - so sorry!! I am hanging in there, just under the weather. Today or tomorrow, I will need to decide whether to return to the doctor after a week, or if I am getting better. The worst is the coughing jags in the night. I see some other posts in the general area, so will be doing some reading. My weight loss is continuing!! I am logging!! I have not been to the gym due to being sick.
  • SuzyQ53015
    SuzyQ53015 Posts: 38 Member
    Good morning! I faithfully post here every day - finally get another person and I fade away - so sorry!! I am hanging in there, just under the weather. Today or tomorrow, I will need to decide whether to return to the doctor after a week, or if I am getting better. The worst is the coughing jags in the night. I see some other posts in the general area, so will be doing some reading. My weight loss is continuing!! I am logging!! I have not been to the gym due to being sick.

    Hope you feel better soon, Louise! Please take care of yourself.

    One of the benefits I have experienced with WLS is improved health overall. I rarely have to take a sick day from work ( high school teacher) - knock on wood. But, back in post-surgery year 2, I was sick allllllll the time! I couldn't walk past a sneeze without picking up a cold, ... After year 2, though, my health improved by leaps and bounds. Even my arthritic knees have shown improvement! :)
  • weezieweeks
    weezieweeks Posts: 152 Member
    Thank you!!
  • weezieweeks
    weezieweeks Posts: 152 Member
    My doc confirmed I am worse so good thing I went. Got a chest X-ray and waiting to get a zpak so hopefully things will calm down. It's been a long time since I had one of those but I think they work pretty quick
  • SuzyQ53015
    SuzyQ53015 Posts: 38 Member
    Louise, so glad you went to see the dr! Hopefully the Z-pack won't bother your tummy. Take care!!
  • weezieweeks
    weezieweeks Posts: 152 Member
    Good morning and Happy Friday! So happy that I am continuing to see a loss! The reduced calories are much better to manage and am planning to keep making positive changes. I have been unable to go to the gym due to this respiratory crud. I just do not want to be the "coughing lady" on the treadmill. I will say that right now my brain is telling me to walk in the pool (there are always some lanes for that, so I am going to give that some thought and consideration. The meds are really drying out my mouth and throat, so getting in the water has gotten easy!! Talk soon!!
  • SuzyQ53015
    SuzyQ53015 Posts: 38 Member
    Louise, that's great news!

    We're going on vacation for the next ten days. My apologies now if I don't get a chance to check in. Will do lots of playing with the grandkids, so no problem getting in exercise! Will watch calorie intake, though!!

    I haven't lost any pounds this week (week 3 of being back on track), but I look and feel less "puffy".

    Have a great weekend!!
  • weezieweeks
    weezieweeks Posts: 152 Member
    Suzy, Have a great vacation!!
  • weezieweeks
    weezieweeks Posts: 152 Member
    Good morning! I am on the mend, but slower than anticipated. Felt better on Friday so ran some errands and seemed to have had a setback. Definitely took it easier yesterday and will do so today. I am planning on going to the gym on Monday, so gotta be better!
  • weezieweeks
    weezieweeks Posts: 152 Member
    Good morning! My weight ticked up a little. In all honesty, the last couple days it was up; I just did not want to record it! So back down a bit yesterday and a bit more today. Hmmm, direct correlation to eating better - I am sure there are some items I forgot to log in those couple days too! Here is to a better Monday!!