


  • weezieweeks
    weezieweeks Posts: 152 Member
    Hello! I am continuing to show some progress with losing weight! Today is my third day on the Bariatric Eating BOT (Back on Track) plan. I am having protein shakes throughout the day and one meal at night. I am probably not eating exactly what is recommended, but I am getting there! It kills me to throw food away, so if it kind of fits... I will say that last night I took a package of cookies I bought at IKEA to my knitting group so I could get them out of the house. That is progress for sure!!
  • weezieweeks
    weezieweeks Posts: 152 Member
    Hello! Tiny steps to success! I need to go to the gym, but still recovering from illness - not sure if a good idea. I might try to go and just do a mile or two at a slower pace and see how that goes - I am putting it out there in order to convince myself to go and at least try it!!
  • weezieweeks
    weezieweeks Posts: 152 Member
    Continued success on the scale! Yesterday, I had a little tougher time with wanting to eat, but made it through and showed a little loss today! I know not every day, even when super great compliance, will show a loss - I love seeing it though! Yesterday, I think I took too long to drink one of my shakes, so did not get any feeling of satiety - which probably set off the hours of wanting to eat. We did go out to dinner at my favorite pizza place. I only had 3 squares and did not eat the crust on about half. Between my husband and I, we ate maybe 1/3 of the pizza, so both of us for sure eating less. Leftovers for at least two days!
  • weezieweeks
    weezieweeks Posts: 152 Member
    Hello and Happy Monday! I had another loss today - so grateful!! I know it will not last, but will take it! Today, I felt hungrier - once I got home, I realized too long of period of time had passed between my mid-morning shake and lunch, which did not happen. I had another shake at dinner later and then see how it goes.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,381 Member
    You are doing awesome Louise! Not sure if I will come here often but I know your struggle my friend. Keep up the good work!!
  • weezieweeks
    weezieweeks Posts: 152 Member
    Good morning everyone! Welcome to our new member, Molly!! I know I hope you come back often and I know that Suzy will be, too. We have had some others post sometimes, so hopefully we have some people reading that will join us!

    Once again grateful to have a loss again on the scale today! I did better yesterday and may have found some more optimal blending with relation to how much ice to add. I also tried my blender cup yesterday. It seemed to dissolve the powder okay; plan to use it again today.

    Have a great day all! Whatever your plan is, we are all on this journey to conquer our regain!!
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,381 Member
    Good Morning all,

    I just want to introduce myself and tell you all where I am at in my journey. I met Louise from another group and found out we both had RNY. I had my surgery in 2004 and my highest weight was 611. I lost over 300 pounds, kept off about 200 and never reached goal weight of about 220. I would even settle for 250ish. The lowest I got to was 302.

    Now I need knee surgery and they will not even consider it until I get to a 40 BMI. So right now that is my main goal to get to a BMI of 40 sooner than later.

    So to help me get to that, in January I joined Weight Watchers. By May I was just yo-yoing on the same 10 pounds. Never exceeding more than 10 pounds lost. So I visited my doctor and she is a new doctor for me. I chose her because she is a weight loss specialist and a PCP doc. She recommended high protein diet with carbs between 50 and 100. and substituting lunch with a protein drink with 5 carbs and 30 protein. She also recommended a medication called Contrave. and said if that was too expensive and my insurance did not cover it that she had other meds in mind that she wanted me to try. My insurance does not cover any weight loss medications. So I could not afford Contrave.

    Plan B was a pill called Phentermine. So I was still fighting it. so it is now July so on Monday I called Costco and went and picked up Phentermine. Yesterday was day one on it and I could definitely feel a difference in craving food all the time. So now I am just worried about the side affects and which ones will I have if any. So far from my research I have seen that many have constipation and dry mouth.

    So with WW (behavior modification program) and this pill I am going to get to that BMI of 40.
    In January me and my doctor will see where I am at because I am considering another procedure to help me keep off lost weight if my insurance covers it.

    ok that is all, just wanted to give you all a little more info about me. I look forward to getting to know you all better as we strive for maintenance and a healthier us :smile:
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,381 Member
    edited July 2017
    Good morning everyone! Welcome to our new member, Molly!! I know I hope you come back often and I know that Suzy will be, too. We have had some others post sometimes, so hopefully we have some people reading that will join us!

    Once again grateful to have a loss again on the scale today! I did better yesterday and may have found some more optimal blending with relation to how much ice to add. I also tried my blender cup yesterday. It seemed to dissolve the powder okay; plan to use it again today.

    Have a great day all! Whatever your plan is, we are all on this journey to conquer our regain!!
    Thanks Louise!! Congrats on weight loss too!! Keep up the good work! o:)
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,381 Member
    edited July 2017
    Started July 4, 2017

    GW 299
    SW 398.6
    CW 395.2

    Total weight lost as of today: 3.4 pounds :)
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,381 Member
    Started July 4, 2017

    GW 299
    SW 398.6
    CW 393.6

    Total weight lost as of today: 5 pounds :)

  • weezieweeks
    weezieweeks Posts: 152 Member
    Busy busy day! We are putting our house on the market so very busy making it look like we do not live there for picture day! I had my morning coffee and protein then a shake, then a big time period passed, so since DH sleeping, I'm eating dinner. If hungry later, I will have another shake.
  • SuzyQ53015
    SuzyQ53015 Posts: 38 Member
    edited July 2017
    Good morning, All!! Sorry I haven't checked in lately. Returned from vacation late Sunday. Family members paid us a surprise visit on Monday!! They just left, so time to get things back on track.

    Louise - good luck with selling your home! I do not envy you ;) Any suggestions for a good chocolate protein shake?? I'm thinking I need to get back to basics for awhile.

    Welcome, Molly! So glad you have joined our little group. You have done an awesome job so far towards a healthier life. I'm sure we can all support one another on this life journey! :)

    Hubby and I are planning a fitness program together! We have a year to drop some extra pounds and tighten up the wiggly, jiggly everything. The reward is a really nice vacation!! Talk about motivation!

    Have a great day, dear friends!!

  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,381 Member
    Thanks Suzy!! I am drinking Premier Protein Chocolate. I have strawberry also but it is not as good as the chocolate ones. I drink them very cold. 30 grams of protein and 5g carbs. They are cheapest at Costco's and Sams Club
  • SuzyQ53015
    SuzyQ53015 Posts: 38 Member
    Thanks Suzy!! I am drinking Premier Protein Chocolate. I have strawberry also but it is not as good as the chocolate ones. I drink them very cold. 30 grams of protein and 5g carbs. They are cheapest at Costco's and Sams Club

    Thank you, Molly!!
  • weezieweeks
    weezieweeks Posts: 152 Member
    Suzy - I just finished my Premier chocolate - I buzzed it in my bullet with ice - thick and creamy!! I have some chocolate from Syntrax Nectar that is pretty good - I ordered variety packs from - it comes with 15 flavors - you can also buy 12 packs of single flavors. The single packs with them is the best price I have found. I also ordered some protein from and from I can let you know when I have tried the chocolate. I ended up getting some chili and some chicken soup from those other sites, just to have something different.
  • weezieweeks
    weezieweeks Posts: 152 Member
    I bounce around buying protein from and, plus I just tried the 3 sites shown above. I cannot buy bars online right now due to the blazing heat here in Las Vegas. I also sometimes find a deal on Amazon. I am transitioning back to 100% whey isolate - it is the best absorbed.
  • weezieweeks
    weezieweeks Posts: 152 Member
    Good morning all! Finally, after bouncing up a little bit, I finally had a nice drop after a few days! I knew it would happen because I am continuing to log and am doing good with my eating plan. So now, I am over the 15# loss and can see it in my clothes and feel better about myself mentally. We are going to Arizona for a few days, so taking some info with me as well as some of my own food. We are going to be running errands, etc, so will have to be on guard not to lose track. I plan to check in and give a status! Talk soon!!
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,381 Member
    edited July 2017
    I went up 1.6 pounds over weekend - back on track today

    Started July 4, 2017

    GW 299
    SW 398.6
    CW 393.0

    Total weight lost as of today: 5.6 pounds :)

  • SuzyQ53015
    SuzyQ53015 Posts: 38 Member
    So sorry I haven't been posting lately! Family, family, family!! (Said with a whiney tone!) keep up the great work ladies - you ROCK!!!
  • SuzyQ53015
    SuzyQ53015 Posts: 38 Member
    edited July 2017
    It has been about six weeks since I last ate chocolate candy - my go-to stress food. It feels great being able to walk past the candy dish and not grab a handful of minis. My other favorite stress food, ice cream, was eliminated a long time ago - can't take credit for that because I can't tolerate ice cream since my surgery.

    Next item to remove is cinnamon graham crackers. While they aren't heavy in calories per serving, I find myself replacing my candy urge with these crackers and eating too many of the little buggers. They are wasted calories for me because they lack the nutritional value my body needs. (No offense intended - graham crackers are great - just not for me.)

    I recognize that I am still a compulsive over-eater. Cutting out trigger foods one by one is much easier for me than going "cold turkey". Not having trigger foods in the house also helps! ;)
    My goal is to stop reaching for food when a stressful situation occurs. Hmmmmm.... Sounds like I should take up yoga!

    Wishing everyone here a happy and healthy Wednesday!
