

  • RaeBeeBaby
    RaeBeeBaby Posts: 4,245 Member
    edited December 2016
    Hey guys - sorry to report that I have the flu. I've been sick since this weekend and it's just gotten worse to the point where I'm running a fever today. I was hoping there was an "opt out" option for AR, but there is not.

    I'll do my very best to get the challenges completed so we'll get those points, but can't count on a ton of minutes/miles. I'll post Challenge #3 later today after I give it a little thought. My head is kind of fuzzy right now. :/

  • b3achy
    b3achy Posts: 2,149 Member
    RaeBeeBaby wrote: »
    Hey guys - sorry to report that I have the flu. I've been sick since this weekend and it's just gotten worse to the point where I'm running a fever today. I was hoping there was an "opt out" option for AR, but there is not.

    I'll do my very best to get the challenges completed so we'll get those points, but can't count on a ton of minutes/miles. I'll post Challenge #3 later today after I give it a little thought. My head is kind of fuzzy right now. :/


    Aw, so sorry to hear you aren't feeling well. Hope you feel better soon!! Do what you can, but most importantly rest up and get better!! Your health is way more important than trying to get minutes or challenge points! ((((hugs)))
  • MiamiSeoul
    MiamiSeoul Posts: 1,809 Member
    RaeBeeBaby wrote: »
    Hey guys - sorry to report that I have the flu. I've been sick since this weekend and it's just gotten worse to the point where I'm running a fever today. I was hoping there was an "opt out" option for AR, but there is not.

    I'll do my very best to get the challenges completed so we'll get those points, but can't count on a ton of minutes/miles. I'll post Challenge #3 later today after I give it a little thought. My head is kind of fuzzy right now. :/


    Feel better.
  • Mrscanmore
    Mrscanmore Posts: 859 Member
    RaeBeeBaby wrote: »
    Mrscanmore wrote: »
    We always have Monday night suppers with another family and take turns cooking. We used to have supper and then do a beach body workout, but we haven't for a long time! So today I brought over my runners and we did chisel after supper! I'm beat!

    What a cool idea! Although I'd probably want to do the workout before dinner, rather than after. Not sure how much I could workout on a full stomach.

    We usually try to make really healthy meals for each other, so then it's not a problem! Last night she made carrot and pumpkin soup with couscous grilled chicken and cabbage salad!
  • My_Butt
    My_Butt Posts: 2,300 Member
    Tuesday: 328 minutes.
  • biketheworld
    biketheworld Posts: 2,275 Member
    @RaeBeeBaby Sorry to hear you're sick. Take care of yourself. Hope you feel better soon.

    I'm not sick but boy have I "fallen off the wagon" the last couple days. Didn't log my food yesterday, didn't exercise, ate junk, not running this morning. Too much stress at work - and of course, the irony of it is that if I ate right and went for a run, I could handle the stress so much better. I like my job, I like my co-workers, but the Board President is a manipulative conniving lying jerk who is causing so much needless stress. I was warned "if his lips are moving, he's lying" and I dismissed that advice as being overly dramatic. Unfortunately, that advice was spot on. He hasn't done anything illegal, but he is pushing the edges and trying to drag me down with him. I refused to sign something yesterday. I'm sure I'll pay a price for that. Sorry for the rant. Maybe I'll go downstairs and workout for 30 minutes. I have time. Just don't have much inclination. Sorry everybody.
  • b3achy
    b3achy Posts: 2,149 Member
    ^^^ What @MiamiSeoul said!!

    @biketheworld - I feel your pain. I had to work for a guy like that at one point in my career and it was so draining. You definitely need a stress release and exercise often works great for it, especially since you can't hit them upside the head with a 2'x4' without getting yourself into trouble. Channel the frustration and energy into your workouts. At my next job where the boss was equally frustrating, just in a different way (just an idiot, not necessarily conniving and malicious), one of my buddies took up marathon running as a way to deal. I think I stress ate and slept a LOT. My buddy definitely took the healthier route for dealing with the stress, and was happier overall for it.
  • rusgolden
    rusgolden Posts: 1,337 Member
    My_Butt wrote: »
    Tuesday: 328 minutes.

    Got it... that was 328 for both Mon and Tues, correct?
  • My_Butt
    My_Butt Posts: 2,300 Member
    rusgolden wrote: »
    My_Butt wrote: »
    Tuesday: 328 minutes.

    Got it... that was 328 for both Mon and Tues, correct?

    Huh.... that's quite odd. But yes, they were both 328.
  • vanessa40
    vanessa40 Posts: 328 Member
    RaeBeeBaby wrote: »
    Hey guys - sorry to report that I have the flu. I've been sick since this weekend and it's just gotten worse to the point where I'm running a fever today. I was hoping there was an "opt out" option for AR, but there is not.

    I'll do my very best to get the challenges completed so we'll get those points, but can't count on a ton of minutes/miles. I'll post Challenge #3 later today after I give it a little thought. My head is kind of fuzzy right now. :/


    Please just take care of yourself...hope you feel better soon

  • b3achy
    b3achy Posts: 2,149 Member
    edited December 2016
    Posting for @MissionEnforcer -

    Challenge 2: “A CANUCK’S CHOICE!”
    Sumo Squats - 140

    1. I chose “TRAIN LIKE A SUMO WRESTLER” - 140 Sumo Squats
    2. I did it on Monday (5 sets x 15 = 75 / 5 minutes) and Wednesday (5 sets x 15 = 75 / 5 minutes). Total of 150 squats.
    3. Posted challenge as complete to thread on Wednesday (12/7).
    4. Why? I need to do more squats to improve my abilities for my Paddleboard Racing. Squats are especially helpful since you need a lower squat stance while paddling into the wind.
    5. Points logged on Wednesday (12/7).

    Now to get my butt in gear and get those standing Abs videos done...
  • My_Butt
    My_Butt Posts: 2,300 Member
    Wednesday: 335 minutes
  • MiamiSeoul
    MiamiSeoul Posts: 1,809 Member
    edited December 2016

    6 MIN STANDING ABS x 1 12/7
    12 Min Standing Abs wDumbbells x 1 12/7

    Maybe tomorrow . . .

    Completed 12/5
    Dasher: Log every meal, snack, taste & sip!
    Dancer: Stay under my calorie goal each day
    Prancer: Water, water & more water (minimum 13 cups a day)
    Vixen: I will try a new physical activity at least once a month. I've been trying Tai Chi this week.
    Comet: Try not to stress or become anxious by using breathing & mindfulness techniques
    Cupid: Daily physical activity
    Donner: Meal & snack prep
    Blitzen: Enjoy the cake (and Champagne and chocolate and wine, etc.) and know/be grateful that this is a lifestyle & not just about the number I see once a week.

    Rudolph: Once a week, I plan to try a new healthy recipe with a new food. I also plan to begin taking my youngest son (who also has cholesterol issues) to the park for some activity at least three times a week. We did this three years ago & were successful; hopefully we will make progress again!
    Tonight's healthy recipe was a Bahamian chicken soup. No afternoon park yet this week & tomorrow is my son's Christmas program . . . grrr.

    5 Dec. 170 minutes
    6 Dec. 90 minutes
    7 Dec. 170 minutes (115 minutes walking + 35 minutes day 6, December 30 Day challenges + 2 - 1 minute planks + 6 MINUTE STANDING ABS + 12 MINUTE STANDING ABS WITH DUMBBELL WORKOUT)

  • biketheworld
    biketheworld Posts: 2,275 Member
    Challenge 2 - Finding Nemo

    2.) DO IT- DONE
    4.) STATE WHY YOU CHOSE THE ONE YOU DID! - because I've realized how little upper body strength I have and how flappy my arms are!
  • Mrscanmore
    Mrscanmore Posts: 859 Member
    I finished my 4 miles walking tonight. It had been super cold, so this has been an extra challenge for me!
  • 2016summerfun
    2016summerfun Posts: 284 Member
    Good Morning Team 5 . I say Team because Rus and Myself have sent out a few reminders this week to the people who are yet to fill in the daily exercise minutes .

    PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE Can you do this it doesn't matter how small a Number they all add up .if you have not managed any can you please put a 0 zero in the box .

    The three challenges are easy this week so hope you all get them done .. ( no pressure lol . well just a bit lol ). :p

    Its the last week of the challenge and we want to win .... Don't we

    Hope you get well soon to those who are ill this week .

  • 2016summerfun
    2016summerfun Posts: 284 Member
    Challenge 1. Lets Mush. Done.
    standing abs x2 & standing abs with dumbells x 2.

    Challenge 2. CanucksChoice. Done.
    Train like a sumo wrestler 140 Squats Challenge.

    Challenge 3. Donner on Dancer. Done.
    1. continue to exercise daily.
    2. stay active.
    3. never give up. no matter what.
    4. buy a new food diary.
    5. stay on mfp site.
    6. no snacking between meals.
    7. drink water.
    8.get to my taret weight.
    9. lifestyle choice to add is start jogging outside in the spring.
  • geminiswede
    geminiswede Posts: 903 Member
    Somehow I always have trouble putting these things into words or making sure they're separate things.

    8 lifestyle choices:
    1. continue to weigh all of my food
    2. continue to have some sort of activity every day, even if it's just flexibility or strength or a walk
    3. keep drinking plenty of water
    4. continue being honest in my logging
    5. Don't deprive, whether this be calorie allotment or something I'm craving. Having a little and staying close to goal is better than depriving and then going over by a ton
    6. cook anything that takes a longish time on Sunday or Monday for the week so that I won't use the "I'm too tired" excuse
    7. Park far away from buildings to walk more (unless it feels dangerous or unsafe to do so)
    8. Stay accountable to someone whether that be being in groups like this, or my husband, or a friend. As long as my choices mean something to someone other than myself.

    9. I'd like to be more adventurous with recipes and try new things. I hate cooking, so when I find things I like and are filling, I tend to stick with them for a while, so I'd like to shake that up a bit.