

  • My_Butt
    My_Butt Posts: 2,300 Member
    Bright smiles coming your way from a member of Team Fab Five:

    As I sit here in my recliner, listening to Nightcore music, sipping my caramel coffee, and reading a My Little Pony Halloween Comicfest book, I look forward to next weekend.
    That weekend is our annual Akron Comic Con. It'll be in its 5th year, and I have gone to every single one. It had to be moved to a bigger venue, and now goes for two days since it's been such a success.

    I was thinking about cosplaying for this one and it got me thinking of all the costumes I have planned. I have so much fun dressing up and escaping into fiction for a day. The people I have met that also cosplay have been so kind when asked about how they made something, or for tips or ideas. This bunch is genuinely happy about their passion.

    If you're a cosplayer, I advise you to enter a contest at a convention. It's fun walking around and having people ask for your photo, but getting the chance to have the spotlight on you, even if you don't win, is the best feeling in the world. You worked hard on your outfit, let everybody see it.

    Smile everyday, laugh with friends, and enjoy life. Forget what you don't have and appreciate what you do.

    Happy Hallows Eve!
    Wishing you all good health and happiness.
  • carinamenina
    carinamenina Posts: 105 Member
    I'm so sorry, team, I failed at challenge #3 this week :( Had a few late nights and gave into the cravings. It's just been an insane week and I've had little downtime, which drives me crazy. My family is waiting for me in the kitchen so we can all carve pumpkins, but I had to finish logging before the spreadsheet locks! I promise to do better next week! Gotta earn all that candy I'm sure to eat, right? :P
  • livvie25
    livvie25 Posts: 62 Member
    So proud of our team!
  • AshleyMFitness16
    AshleyMFitness16 Posts: 545 Member
    HAAALP THE SPREADSHEET ISNT WORKING FOR ME! Can someone add 45 minutes today and yesterday for me?
  • Fitbug92
    Fitbug92 Posts: 53 Member
    HAAALP THE SPREADSHEET ISNT WORKING FOR ME! Can someone add 45 minutes today and yesterday for me?


  • MissionEnforcer
    MissionEnforcer Posts: 411 Member
    As with last week, Week Two was very close.


    1st Place: Team Five - 1730 points
    2nd Place: Team One - 1720 points
    3rd Place: Team Three - 1570 points
    4th Place: Team Three - 1530 points
    5th Place: Team Four - 1510 points
    6th Place: Team Two - 1475 points

    Individual team results may be viewed tomorrow,
    after the new spreadsheet is released,
    under the "Past Weeks" Tab.

    Good luck during Week Three!
  • MissionEnforcer
    MissionEnforcer Posts: 411 Member
    Correction: 3rd Place was Team 3 and 4th Place is Team 6.
  • hawkins410
    hawkins410 Posts: 2,105 Member
    After a Google Sheet crash, the Week Three Destination is up and running!
    Happy Racing & Happy Halloween!

  • lynnbaum
    lynnbaum Posts: 310 Member
    I got a bedroom painted. It is something that has been nagging at me. Including the ceiling. Looks great and I am so happy it is done. Also bonus down .5 pound. I will take that. B)
  • lynnbaum
    lynnbaum Posts: 310 Member
    I am kicking up the workouts this week now that that painting is done. You would not believe how good that feels. I have blogged about cleaning your life plate. This is my 2016 goal. I think it is going to roll into 2017 but that's OK I will keep chipping away on the list.
  • AshleyMFitness16
    AshleyMFitness16 Posts: 545 Member
    Can I just tell you guys how excited I am about this weeks challenges? And not to mention relieved nobody is trying to completely restrict me from eating candy :p
    Staying under my calorie goal should be simple for me, I'm doing a 7 day slim down starting today and it's low in calories to begin with so I'll be able to squeeze in a piece or two of mini sized candy while it's readily available :D
    Happy Halloween!!
  • tarpguys
    tarpguys Posts: 140 Member
    I wish we were supposed to avoid candy! I don't eat sugar. That would be NOOO problem! Calorie restriction I hate!
  • AshleyMFitness16
    AshleyMFitness16 Posts: 545 Member
    I did two of the videos today, the second video I recognized some of the moves from the first one. I did like how my joints and muscles felt when I was done and I think I'll like it even more after I do them a couple times and get the moves down better. Also squeezed in 40 squats, legs and booty are feelin it!
    I had such a busy morning I hardly had time to eat, and my healthy lunch got thrown out the window when I ended up at my moms house after my sons school Halloween party and was starving because I didn't eat enough in the morning. I swear her house is full of junk and when I'm starving I have absolutely no control. So my lunch was crap, but I'm not too worried about it!
    Hope everyone's having a good Monday!!
  • LisaPower123
    LisaPower123 Posts: 1,837 Member
    I have never run home after lifting weights at the gym, before today. Even though heavy lifting, for me right now, is pretty low weight, my legs still felt a little wobbly on the run back. Already, can't wait until the restarting pain goes away, in a few days.
  • niesjojo3
    niesjojo3 Posts: 45 Member
    I did 2 videos and 40 sumo's today:-) Happy Halloween!
  • hawkins410
    hawkins410 Posts: 2,105 Member

    You can find it under the "Weight Track" Tab on the regular spreadsheet.
    Don't worry if you didn't start during Week One, it will still work for you!

  • lynnbaum
    lynnbaum Posts: 310 Member
    I got up this morning and did the 2 stretching. This is going to be really hard for me because I hate mornings. I did solve my computer problem so cross that off the list. It took me 3 days so it was a big problem but now it is done. I did also watch 1 of the movies. This is also really hart for me so I did some hula hooping while I watched it.
    It's going to be a great day.