

  • tinacuso
    tinacuso Posts: 4,256 Member
    Good Morning Team,

    I did my 2 videos yesterday and today. I have 25 squats done and will try to do more later.
    I was under calories (with lots of candy) yesterday. I didn't sleep well with all that sugar in my system. I think that cured me. Have a great day!
  • darcijojo
    darcijojo Posts: 194 Member
    I really like those morning videos. It does loosen me up for the day. I've also started my squats and have 30 done. I'll try and do a few more later today. I didn't know there were medals to be won. I want one!
  • niesjojo3
    niesjojo3 Posts: 45 Member
    Morning videos done and 30 more sumo squats left to do this week. Staying under goal so far. Let's do this!
  • AshleyMFitness16
    AshleyMFitness16 Posts: 545 Member
    Half way finished with those sumos and boy oh boy can I feel them!! I love the morning videos, I workout in the morning. Like an intense workout, st 5am. So I have found that I enjoy doing them after I'm showered and ready for the day, once my muscles have calmed down :)
    Happy Tuesday!!!
  • Scherzie
    Scherzie Posts: 1,190 Member
    Two more videos down and another 100 sumo squats (since it's my day off), 50 to go!
  • lynnbaum
    lynnbaum Posts: 310 Member
    50 squats done and did a big walk after work while it was warm
  • darcijojo
    darcijojo Posts: 194 Member
    @SmashleyM914 After my walk I was feeling a little stiff and did one of those videos and felt great afterwards. I'm also feeling those squats!
  • lynnbaum
    lynnbaum Posts: 310 Member
    edited November 2016
    @darcijojo Did you do #5?? It is the one with the 3 woman where 1 was sitting on the chair. I am working on those squats. I am at 75. Half way. I am really not liking the stretching videos but I am doing them for those 10 points. I have 2 days done. I also logged those calories yesterday. I am feeling good today.
  • niesjojo3
    niesjojo3 Posts: 45 Member
    Whew sumo's are done and I'm feeling it!
  • MissionEnforcer
    MissionEnforcer Posts: 411 Member
    If anyone is still having trouble accessing the spreadsheet, send me your G-Mail address (ex:, and I will add you for direct access. Send it to me via MFP mail, which is found under "MY HOME", at the top of the page.
  • carinamenina
    carinamenina Posts: 105 Member
    I've been MIA! So sorry, just been really busy lately. But I have been doing the rajio taiso videos every morning and am really enjoying them! My son thinks I'm weird but he should be used to that by now. I finally logged my exercise minutes for the week today and realized I had tooootally forgotten the some catching up to do. I slept in this morning instead of going for a run, so I'll do that on my lunch break in about an hour. It'll be warmer then, anyway--it's starting to get super chilly in the mornings around here (35 this morning, another reason I stayed in bed!) but I've got a race I'm training for early next year so I gotta push through it. It's hump day, everyone! Let's do this!
  • lynnbaum
    lynnbaum Posts: 310 Member
    Anyone doing the level 10 rajio taiso with the back-bends on the chair? I was excited to find a shorter one this morning. I better go back to my level.
  • darcijojo
    darcijojo Posts: 194 Member
    @lynnbaum I did that one with my mom. I wanted her to see what it was like and she doesn't move to well. My husband has started trying the different videos with me every day also. Glad you are sticking with them even though you don't like them! I've got 65 squats done now so that shouldn't be a problem to finish by Sunday. I had also started logging my meals about a month ago so I'm doing well at that.
  • niesjojo3
    niesjojo3 Posts: 45 Member
    Hi everyone. We are in last place today. Don't forget to add your minutes! Come on guys we can do this! I did stretching exercises today while watching the videos. What a beautiful place with vibrant beautiful colors. I enjoyed that 20 minutes of exercise:-)
  • tinacuso
    tinacuso Posts: 4,256 Member
    Three days of videos are done. I like the videos. I have 60 sumos done. I can really feel them. Even with all the candy, I have been under calories. I really need to stop eating that stuff. Made a cup of tea to see if that would help.
  • carinamenina
    carinamenina Posts: 105 Member
    Today is my fourth day of doing the rajio taiso and so I thought maybe I should try the one that was labeled as a bit more challenging...oh dear, they totally got me on that one. No way I'm that flexible :P So I backed out and did one of the other ones again. I did 40 squats last night and 20 this morning, trying to catch up without dying. And I started a plank challenge with a Facebook group I'm in--that is HARD! Anybody else plank? Tips? :)

    I'm toying with the idea of signing up for a half marathon that's on Thanksgiving. I'm already signed up for one in March, but I've done 10 miles as my long run the past three weeks and I really feel like I want to do one more race before it gets super cold. A 5K seems too short. Should I or shouldn't I? :\