

  • summ72
    summ72 Posts: 246 Member
    edited November 2016
    I went for an after ddinner walk on the treadmill.... am really liking that we have to stay with in calories it is REALLY helping me.......
  • summ72
    summ72 Posts: 246 Member
    HASWLRS wrote: »
    Mission Enforcer chimed in just in time to read Sherri's comment about her cute bras!
    I love being away from MFP for the day and then coming back to find 9 new messages! @Cheriels82, you're killing these challenges! Awesome job! Good luck @TangledThread getting to the size you want. It's what we're all trying to do! You're just coming at it from a different direction!

    My updates: radio taiso videos 1
    logging and being under calories 2
    sumo squats 0 ... I keep forgetting about this challenge! I think I'll change out
    of my jeans and do some right now!

    It's 6:19 pm right now. I'll come back in a couple hours to say good night to @summ72.
    4:30 am comes early!

    @HASWLRS . So I would stay up later tonight I went for an after dinner walk on treadmill for 45 mins.... so let's see what time I get up tomorrow...
  • BJerzy
    BJerzy Posts: 1,844 Member
    120 squats done! I'm doing them without weights but its the most I can do right now. I'm under calories again today including reducing my calories to try and cut some weight faster, so it was tough but I did it! I bought some Sprees a while ago - I can eat 8 for just 50 calories! Also, now I know 8 Sprees is too many to eat at once hahaha. But it was better than these "mini" chocolates which still pack a big punch. I took a walk today, and did an 10 minute workout for another challenge I'm in. I've decided I'm only running every other day to try and keep my knee as pain free as possible, so I will have to figure out how to get in my numbers on non-run days. The walk might be a frequent companion, but hopefully I can start doing some strength stuff, too.
    HASWLRS Posts: 7,997 Member
    Love, Love, LOVE seeing all the completed diaries under calorie goal on my news feed!

    I did 30 sumo squats tonight. (I didn't even consider doing them with weights!) If I do 30 a day for the next five days I will have my 140.

    It's 9:40 here now. I wonder if she is still up. Just in case, "good night, Melanie!"
  • TangledThread
    TangledThread Posts: 312 Member
    edited November 2016

    I joined MFP to lose weight and I'm a New Years Resolution successes story!!!

    Here is a some theme music to to hum as I build a photo montage.
  • TangledThread
    TangledThread Posts: 312 Member
    I started increasing exercise by walking in 2015. I walked 8 hours a week walking dogs at a local shelter but by January 2016 I had made no change in weight. I decided to kick it up a notch and start C25K.
    I joined MFP after reading on a running site that C25K programs often come with a weight gain because of feeling famished after a run. That scared me and I decided I had better track calories too.

    My goal was to lose 15lbs by a family reunion on July 1st and then to hopefully make my college weight sometime this year.

    My first milestone, reaching my high school graduation weight!
    This is when I met @HASWLRS and @summ72 in the Spring Amazing race.

    Goal reached! MFP really works. College weight is the lowest I've been since puberty but I wasn't really happy. I always wished I could lose a little more back in college. Well, now I can!

    I set several mini 3lb goals along the way and reevaluated at each one and for many varied reasons I kept going. I was thrilled with the 123.8 Lbs I was on July 1st and started maintenance for that family reunion (that it turned out I couldn't attend). I was excited but not excited enough to take photos. lol. I bought a fitbit and started eating the exercise calories it awarded me.

    Day 200 logging
    Even eating exercise calories more weight lost. I liked it and set 120.2 as my new and final goal weight. With my July 1st 123.8 weight as the upper end of the range and 117.0 as the low end of my range.

    As of today I've touched to bottom of my range so it's time to start gaining and get back up to goal or at least stop losing. I never imagined in a million years that I could be this size, or that I could actually pick my size, before this it always was a nice idea but felt out of my hands. I'm wildly excited about the whole thing.

    Now to start building muscle. Yay!

  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @TangledThread --I'm so happy for you that you've had such success, and love the pictures of your progress! I'm still working towards my goal weight, but I know it's doable b/c of people like you here on MFP who inspire me everyday.

    Last night I posted that I was going to do my squats and videos, and then I got caught up in the World Series and completely forgot. Tonight I made sure to complete them while watching the game. Normally exercise relaxes me, but wow is this game stressful!

    Working hard to stay under goal today b/c tomorrow we have parent/teacher conferences so I have less control over dinner (the Boosters provide it for the teachers), plus the faculty always goes out for drinks afterward, so it will be hard to stay under goal. Friday I also have dinner plans, but I still plan to stay under by making good choices throughout the day.

    2/5 days doing 2 videos
    90/140 sumo squats
    2/5 days under calories
  • summ72
    summ72 Posts: 246 Member
    edited November 2016
    @TangledThread I am so so happy for u.... lowing weight is so hard and having all these friends aad challenges to keep it fun really has paid off for u... congrats...
  • summ72
    summ72 Posts: 246 Member
    @HASWLRS to set the record straight I was up at 940pm but not by 10pm haha
    Also I was a little late getting on treadmill today it was 445am
  • enuf2
    enuf2 Posts: 272 Member
    @TangledThread - thanks for sharing your pics! Congratulations on your success!!

    I've been having a tough week - haven't been exercising near as much as I normally do. My food choices leave much to be desired. It's been one of those weeks where life gets in the way, but I know I will get it together.
    I am really noticing what triggers unhealthy habits for me - not enough sleep, and no down time on the weekends/weeknight evenings.
    I think it would be beneficial if I took a day off work just to re-group. Hmm...maybe one day.
  • smile_laughter
    smile_laughter Posts: 3,681 Member
    @TangledThread - thanks for sharing your story. I love success stories (I am a huge fan of weight loss tv programs). It's so inspiring to see people reach their goal. I see so many people quit, so this is very encouraging. ☺
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,418 Member
    Radio Videos - 3/5

    Squats - 90 done

    Eating under calories: 1/5

    BTW there's a ton of the Radio Exercise videos on YouTube. I found a fun one with 5 guys in matching hats, white shirts and blue shorts. Just SO Japanese :)
  • samra338
    samra338 Posts: 2,622 Member

    Videos 2/ 5 ( Have to do them everyday now to complete)
    Under calories 4/ 5
    Sumo squats 140/ 140 Complete!

    Hubby has been in and out of hospital this week as we are trying to figure out his lower abdominal pain. I spent more than 4 hours in the waiting room yesterday, so was walking around in circles and managed to log in 175 points. No other traditional exercise though!

    He says he is better now, so should be able to get back to my routine tmrw.

    Everyone is doing fantastic! Great to read the reports and how you are all pushing yourself. GO TEAM THREE!

  • BJerzy
    BJerzy Posts: 1,844 Member
    I thought it was 240 squats! I just shot up from being only halfway through to only needing 20 more! Sweet!!! That will be done tonight :) I am glad I did that run - it meant I was able to be under my calories again. That's 4/5! Videos I'm on 3/5 so I have two more mornings to do it. @carlsoda I'll have to look up some of those other videos. Sounds fun!
  • Cheriels82
    Cheriels82 Posts: 363 Member
    Hey we've made it!

    No radio videos stretches today for me. Was straight to work and back home. Settling the kids in for sleep and hope to relax a little in a hot bath. Had a power outage a few times today so walked around quite a bit at work to get something in while waiting for power to photocopy, print and compute.

    Tomorrow is a new day and will bust it out! Have a bday party for a two year old on Saturday which is thankfully only at 1pm = morning workout still on. Looks like a good week. Hope you are all having a great time! Under calories again today, looking forward to claiming more bonus points tomorrow.
  • BJerzy
    BJerzy Posts: 1,844 Member
    edited November 2016
    Just saw we made it! Great job, team! We are also currently in 3rd place :) Let's all keep going - I would LOVE to be on the podium for this round!

    I have just two more weeks til our fall play is over, then I'm hoping to be able to get in more minutes. Just in time for Thanksgiving!!
    HASWLRS Posts: 7,997 Member
    I haven't been on the spreadsheet yet tonight....but I hear we made it! That's wonderful news!

    Radio Taiso: 2/5
    Under Calories: 3/5
    Sumo Squats: 60/140
  • glossysweetums
    glossysweetums Posts: 121 Member
    Update for me:
    1. 2/5 days taiso
    2. 108/140 squats
    3. 2/5 days under calories

    Also did over an hour of exercise today so will update that now :)
  • summ72
    summ72 Posts: 246 Member
    Morning from the early riser. So exciting to see we are doing so well. Keep up all the good work.
  • enuf2
    enuf2 Posts: 272 Member
    Yesterday I didn't do any formal exercise, but i spent the afternoon packing, sorting and moving boxes at work. ( I gave myself 60 min for that) I expect to be doing the same today.
    We are getting ready to move back into part of our school! (there was a fire in September) Should be back in by the end of the month. Unfortunately, the section that my library is in won't be ready for months - but it will be great to be back together again!

    Stats - 8/10 videos
    - 120/140 squats